《Royal Punishment》Chapter 12: Dinner is Served


The banquet table is covered in delicious meals. Each prepared with great care and finesse. Freshly caught fish was served, along with some bread and cheeses. My stomach aches in desire for the arrangement presented before me. The voyage did not have food this appetizing, and I have been craving something with more flavor and substance.

“There is no time to waste, let us dig in!” Prince Galleren’s enthusiasm blended with the wonderful smells that filled the hall. With haste, all of us took our seats. The Prince took the head of the table and motioned me to sit by his side. Mira then took her place next to me, and Sir Esteve sat in the seat adjacent to me. It was the last seat that was open closest to the Prince. The metal bang of his armor shattered the silence. As always, he was covered in head to toe steal. Even during dinner, he is on duty. Looking at his armor closer a thought occurred to me; how can he eat with his helmet on? Is this the moment I finally get to see his face? Trying to hide my excitement, I casually offer the basket of bread to the masked knight.

“Would you care for some bread, Sir Esteve?” I asked eagerly. Nodding softly, he took a piece from the basket and tore a bite-sized amount above his plate. Before reaching his mouth he stopped, almost like he had forgotten his helmet was still on. With his free hand, he lifted the helmet from the base of his neck. But to my disappointment, he only removed the bottom half, only exposing the mouth area.

“Sir Esteve, aren't you uncomfortable?” Mira asked. I think the two of us were both hoping to see his face just now.

Swallowing his bite, the Knight grumbled, “No.”

Prince Galleren let a small laugh escape his lips. “Please don’t mind him, ladies. Sir Esteve is a stubborn fellow. So much so that he has chosen to not enjoy the pleasures of the island’s magic. See that ring? It is to ward off enchantments.”

The bright ruby ring on the Knights’ left hand glowed in the candlelight. I don’t know how I have not seen it before.

Mira’s voice cuts into the conversation. “That makes no sense. Why would you not want to experience the island's unique properties?”

Sir Esteve placed his fork on his plate, leaving the tapping sound of the glass lingering in the temporary silence. “I take my duties very seriously. I am trusted by the Prince and the royal family to keep all of you safe. How can I do that if my mind has been altered with magic? Would you send a drunk warrior off to battle? No. It is the same principle.”


Clearing his throat, the Prince looks to Mira. “What are you most excited about during our holiday?”

Taking a sip of wine Mira smiles widely. “I look forward to tanning on the beach and swimming in the ocean. I never imagined that I would get to experience the Utopia Islands, so I want to enjoy it as much as I can... I also wanted to thank your majesty for having me accompany you on such a special outing. I am truly honored.”

“You are most welcome. I was pleased to bring you with us as I am sure Princess Ariella is.” The Prince’s green eyes gazed to mine.

Taking Mira’s hand I add, “Absolutely. You have become a dear friend to me.”

Mira blushes slightly. “Thank you, my Lady, you are too kind.”

It had been so long since I had a meal with so many others. The simple act of sitting down and enjoying food with others is so simple, yet powerful. Looking back on the many family feasts we had in Theora, I remember the laughter, joy, and of course the sensation of a full belly. It was at this moment that I realized… this is my new family. These are the people I am going to make new memories with, share meals with, and grow old with.

Looking to the Prince with the thoughts of the family running in my mind, there is still so much I don’t know about him. If we are to overthrow his father one day, and I am to potentially bear his children, I will need to know him on a deeper level.

“Prince Galleren-” He stops me before I can continue. “Please, call me Ren. I much prefer it to my full name.” I was happy that he asked me to call him by his nickname. We have been so formal up to this point, and it was getting to be exhausting.

With a grin, I continue. “Alright, Ren. Have you been to the Utopia Islands before?”

“Oh yes, many times. My Mother and I would come here in the summer to this house in fact. We would run across the beach and swim in the ocean. I have many fond memories of our time here…” His voice waned off. His eyes now focused on his plate. Sorrow poured over him like an uncontrollable wave.

Ren clenches his teeth to push out the words. “I apologize. Please excuse me.”

Quickly the Prince rises from his seat walking out os sight, soon followed by Sir Esteve. I can’t help but feel guilty. I didn’t know that such a simple question would cause him such pain.


“Don’t worry my Lady. It is nothing you said. Prince Galleren was very close to his Mother. Even if it has been years since her death, it is still a wound he has not yet healed from.” Mira’s response calmed my guilt into submission. She said exactly what I needed to hear.

“Mira… do you know how the Queen… his Mother… died?” She shakes her head low moving the crumbs on her plate with her spoon. “I don’t. It is one of the biggest secrets of the Xosta royal family. Some say she died from an illness, and others say that she killed herself.”

“What do you believe?” I could tell that my question was hard on Mira. She took a few moments before her answer.

“I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that she was taken before her time, and that kind of loss is hard to come to terms with.”

Mira’s tone told me she was speaking from experience. Soon after my arrival, Mira had opened up to me about the loss of her mother.

“It is getting late. Let us retire for the evening.” Mira nods in agreement.

“I have already prepared your bed-chamber. I shall take you there.” Together the two of us walked through the house. The narrow halls and dusty stone floors told me that this place was built long before I was born, perhaps even before the Xosta palace was built. Its old charm was warm and inviting, it is humbling being with walls of so much history.

My bedroom was a quant room, equipped with a fireplace and a beautiful oak bureau. The crackles of the fire ignited the faint light in the room. The bed was dressed with fresh linen sheets and fluffed pillows. I must have subconsciously been tired, for as soon as I saw the bed a yawn stretched from my mouth.

Seeing the partition I walk behind and begin to disrobe with privacy. Mira had hung a soft cloth nightdress for me. My skin itched to be freed of these clothes as I gazed upon the light blue fabric. One by one, I took each layer of clothing off and placed it on top of the partition. As I was just about to place the nightgown over my head, there was a knock at the door, soon followed by the creaking sound of the hinges moving.

“Your Highness! What do we owe your presence.” Mira was just as surprised as I was. I didn’t think I would see him again for the rest of the night after he left dinner so abruptly.

“It is my honeymoon. I have come to visit my wife’s bed-chamber.” His voice was steady and matter of fact. It shouldn’t be a shock to me that we would sleep in the same bed during our honeymoon, so why am I so befuddled.

“Ah yes of course! Princess Ariella is just changing into her nightclothes. I bid both of you goodnight.”

“Goodnight Mira.” the Prince replied.

When I heard the door shut, so did my throat. I have dreaded this moment for so long, and now it is here.

“Everything alright back there?” Ren asked.

Clearing any nerves from my throat, I primp my hair quickly and pinch my cheeks for good measure. “Yes, one moment.”

With a deep breath, I walk away from the changing partition and see the Prince already lying in bed waiting for me.

Raising his eyebrow Ren’s smooth voice brushes my ears. “I don’t bite.” with his left hand, he clears the covers for me to lay next to him. Graceful and slightly anxious, I take my place next to him and pull the covers over my waist. With a heavy of my chest, I slowly untie the bodice in between my breasts. I close my eyes, not being able to bare looking into his.

Ren’s quick and warm touch pried my eyes wide open. Taking my hand he placed it at my side. “There is no need for that.”

Frustrated and hurt from rejection I turn to my side and speak to him plainly. “ We must! Why do you refuse me? I-” My words were caught; taken by his soft unexpected lips.

As he pulled away he whispered. “Do not worry. Mira will surely report to him when we return that we had spent the night in the same bed-chamber. This will be proof enough for my father. Goodnight Princess.”

Ren’s care and thoughtful actions moved me. “Arie… you can call me Arie.”

With a sleepy satisfied smile, the Prince Closed his eyes before muttering the words. “Goodnight Arie.”

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