《Royal Punishment》Chapter 6: The Bride to be


I woke up on my wedding day with mixed emotions. This is the day I have been waiting for my whole life. Part of a Princesses duty is to marry and unite their Kingdom with another. However, I never imagined that I would be married to the Prince of our enemy Kingdom. For all, I know the wedding is actually an execution. The Monarchy in Xosta is known for its cruelty, and lack of empathy. They represent the exact opposite of the morals that Theora teaches. It would be no shock to me if King Thybaut proceeded through with the marriage and then killed me just out of spite. However, there is a chance that this alliance is, in fact, genuine, and that their armies combined with Theora’s would be enough to save my Kingdom from the Orcs. If I am to die today, I know I will die for the chance to save my family and my people.

Mira brought me breakfast in bed, presenting me with a beautiful array of fruits and cheese accompanied by a loaf of bread. A steaming hot cup of chamomile tea rested on my side table to quench my thirst. While the food and drink that was in front of me looked amazing, my throat was parched for something else.

“In my red case are some bottles of wine. If you will, please pour me a glass.” Mira does as she is told and takes out a goblet with my desired red nectar. Popping the cork, she pours me a small glass.

“Here you are, my Lady.” Accepting the cup I take a moment to enjoy the smell. Theora wine has such a sweet, yet earthy scent; it is intoxicating. With ease, I swallow the red wine in just a few sips, leaving not even a drop behind. Holding out the empty glass, I order her for more. Taking the bottle again, Mira pours wine into the goblet till it is full.

“Are you nervous for today your Highness?” Mira asks. I nod as I drink more wine. “May I suggest some bread before more drink. I would hate for you to fall ill.” A knock at the door steals Mira’s attention. Carefully she places the bottle on a nearby table and attends to our visitor.

Taking Mira’s advice I begin to pick at my breakfast little by little. The bread was baked just right. The outside has the perfect crunch while still keeping a soft and warm center. Next, I try the berries. I am so excited to see strawberries on my plate that the wedding jitters disappeared for a moment. As I savor the first bite of my favorite fruit, Mira and a few servants bring in a giant ball gown covered in back lace.

“What is that?” I ask. Mira straightens out the shirt as the other servants hang the dress from the partition. “It is your wedding dress, your highness.”

My wedding dress was completely different than what I imagined. Almost the entirety of the gown was black with a few red rubies were accented at the bust and waist. What caught my eye was the off the shoulder sleeves, and low neckline. I have never worn something showing that much skin in my life. Think of walking down the aisle in that dress makes my head want to spin.

“The King insisted you wear this, my Lady. Apparently he had it made just for you...” Mira’s tone said it all. She knows exactly what I do. That this dress is a mockery of my Kingdom. He deliberately chose the dress to be in Xosta colors which goes against the white wedding gown tradition. On top of which exposes an extreme amount of skin that disgraces our practices of respecting one’s body.


Gripping my sheets I send daggers with my eyes at the dress, hoping if I think hard enough they will reach the King.

Making sure I have enough to eat I take a few more bites of food, then wash it down with wine. With the liquid courage flowing in my blood, I have the strength to rise from bed and begin to get ready.

The other servants brought in a few other things that peeked my curiosity. Everything a bride could hope for on her wedding day was right in front of me. Necklaces, earrings, flowers of every color and shape I could imagine. All of this wealth in front of me was overwhelming. I have never seen so much jewelry in my life.

“Do you see anything you like Princess?” Mira’s voice brings me out of my gemstone trance.

“Actually, there is only one piece of jewelry I wish to wear today.” On a mission, I scour through my bags and look for the one I packed myself. Lifting one of the suitcases, I find what I am looking for. It was hidden underneath some heavier cases and seemed to be flattened by the weight. I hope everything inside is okay.

Taking out the bag from its hiding place, I open up the pouch to find my broach shaped in Theora’s sacred earth symbol. Unfortunately, the brass item was damaged during travel. The pin in the back used to cling to clothes had completely broken off, leaving it useless. Is this a sign from the earth? Is the marriage doomed before it even began? I should have been more careful...

Like a child, I start to cry as if my favorite toy was taken away from me. “My Lady, what is the matter?” Mira approaches seeing the broken broach in my hands.

“It’s broken… the only piece of jewelry I wanted to wear today. I can’t believe I allowed this to happen.” I am shaking with frustration, the only person I can blame is myself. I should have kept it with me the whole trip. I should have forced my way past Sir Esteve on the ship and retrieved it before we set sail; or better yet kept it with me from the beginning.

“Please don’t cry, Princess. Everything will be alright. I may have a way to salvage your broach.” Wiping my tears, I watch Mira with a glimmer of hope in my eye. She takes a quick glance at the necklaces that were brought in earlier and picks up a sapphire pendant. Mira opens the clasp and slides the pendant off from its chain, placing it back with the other jewels.

Approaching me again she extends her hand, “May I?” With the promise of saving the last physical piece of Theora I have left, I hand the broach to Mira.

With a few small motions, my handy handmaid changed my broach into a necklace. “I know it is not the same, but-”

“It's beautiful!” I am so happy I could cry. That broach was meant to be a necklace. It is simple, but it embodies everything that I am. “Will you put it on me?” Mira agrees to my request. Lifting my hair from my neck my handmaid extends her arms around the neckline, clasping my new favorite necklace together. Holding the pendant in my hand brings me a warm comfort to my soul. Even though my family is not here with me, It feels as though they are here in spirit.

“Your Highness, Have you thought about hair and makeup?” Hair and makeup is about the last thing I have been worrying about.


I shake my head, “I can't say I have.”

“Well, you are in luck! We recently received a new item from the palace Mage that I think you will find quite useful.” Mira’s excitement gives me joy, even in this difficult moment. My wedding day should be filled with joy, but with no family here and the war looming overhead it is challenging to find the light amongst the darkness.

Following Mira’s lead, she brings me to the vanity. On the table is a decorative box, along with three combs. Each comb was made of different wood and marking on the handle. Looking at my hair in the looking glass, I see it is still clean from my bath, but the dry air has left it frizzy and untamed. Glancing at the combs once more, I don’t know how they are going to fix this mess.

With a confident smile, Mira takes the pale birch comb with a single line graved into the handle. “Let me style your hair, as you would normally, then we can go from there.”

Grabbing the first strand of dry hair, she slowly ruins the comb through in one smooth stroke. I was waiting for the inevitable pain that usually follows trying to unknot my golden locks, but to my surprise, there was no pain resonating from my scalp. Amazed I watched in the mirror as the comb straightens my hair with ease in just one effortless motion.

“Where has this been all my life?” I joke.

Mira giggles and nods in agreement. “I agree, my Lady. They are wonderful. I was thrilled when I found out they were completed in time for the wedding. I am not so talented with hair, so these will come quite handy during my service with you.”

With just a few more brushes of the magic comb, my hair was brought to its former glory. “Well, your highness. What are your thoughts? Shall we try a different style.” Staring at my image in the mirror I brush my fingers through my hair, still in disbelief.

“There is no need. I am happy just as it is. It feels… like me.” Getting back to business Mira opens the box left by the combs. Inside was a few pieces of makeup such as; powder, rouge, lip stain, and eye shadow. Stopping Mira’s arm as she reaches for the first product, I say. “Please not too much... I don’t normally wear makeup.”

“Of course your Highness.”

Taking my direction Mira lightly dusts my face with powder and rouge. Before she closes the box she insisted on trying something on my lips. I was hesitant at first, but ended up giving in; it is my wedding day after all. Besides, one of the beauties about makeup is you can always wipe it off. Taking a step back Mira looks at her hard work, followed by a few last-minute touch-ups.

“You look absolutely lovely Princess Ariella!” She was right. I look gorgeous. The makeup she did accentuate my natural features rather than masking them. This is exactly how I wanted. “We must hurry now my Lady. The ceremony should be starting shortly.”

Butterflies form in my stomach. In just a few moments I will be marring a complete stranger. Not to mention Prince of our enemy Kingdom. I don’t know which part frightens me more…

I was hoping that after a second glance at the dress, I would feel more comfortable about wearing it; but I was wrong. Hatred swells in my soul for the King and this disgraceful action against my culture. The darkness and bare shoulders are a complete mockery of the bride and my Kingdom. Even though I protest this dress and the King who gave it to me, I have no choice but to wear it. There is no alternative. If I were to go out in anything else, the King would take it as an insult. King Thybaut knows exactly what he is doing…

Channeling the remaining liquid courage, I step behind the room divider, dragging my anger behind me. After successfully disrobing and stepping inside the dark gown I call for Mira’s assistance. While I wish I could dress in this alone, it is far too large for me to handle. The train itself must be a least five feet long, and the corset runs smaller than I am accustomed to.

“Please try to hold still my Lady.” Mira’s corset work is strong, but my waist is weak. Each pull of the string is like a coiled snake around me, squeezing tighter and tighter. I can’t help but squirm.

“Ah!” I yell. “Your Highness are you alright?” Mira’s voice screams concern for my well being. I bite my lip and nod to her. “Keep going,” I say sternly.

I am unsure if the small corset was intentional by the King. If he did, he is crueler than I imagined. All I can feel is the pain screaming from my ribs as I slowly lose breath.

Stepping back my handmaid gives me a chance to take a break before finishing the last section. “Almost there,” she says

With one final pull, Mira tungs the last corset sting in place, firmly closing it in a secure knot. That last motion pushed my breasts to the heavens. It looks as if they wish to get out of the dress as well. I blush, knowing that this much of my bosom will be on display for the ceremony.

Short shallow breaths flow through my chest as I take my first steps in my wedding dress, my bare feet grazing against the carpet beneath me. Thinking ahead Mira takes two pairs of formal shoes out for me to choose from. Naturally, I pick the one with the shortest heel. I am already uncomfortable as it is, so I would like to ability to walk as well as possible. Lifting the many layers of my skirt I raise each foot one at a time as she slips my new shoes onto my feet.

Proud of her achievement my handmaid takes a step back praising at her accomplishment with her gaze. Moving to the looking glass one last time I stare at the bride to be. Long blonde hair, rosy cheeks, large blue eyes, all wrapped in a tight-fitting black dress. My feet run cold when I visibly see how much of my chest is present. I can feel the warm breeze brush up against me bareback, making me aware that I am exposed from behind as well.

My eyes drift to my necklace, grounding me from my insecurities. That is why I am here, that is why I am doing this. Tracing the earth symbol with my fingers, I think of my family, my people, and the thousands of lives I will save if this alliance goes smoothly. It puts all of this discomfort into perspective.

Knock, Knock… Who on Olkyrie could that be?

Mira opens the door on my behalf, and her eyes widen at our visitor. Panicked she bows deep maintaining her stance. “Your Majesty! What a pleasant surprise!”

King Thybaut enters the room proudly without even a glance toward my handmaid, his eye fixated on me. “I came to speak with the bride before the ceremony. Leave us.” He commands

Mira bows again before leaving my bed-chamber. “Yes, your majesty,” she says calmly. Just as she closes the door she looked at me with conviction, as if she were saying, ‘Everything will be alright’... With those unspoken words, the King and I were left alone. His confident stature was just as I remembered. He wore noble gold and black garments, bold and flashy. A top his head was the crown I met him in; large and filled with precious gems.

I bend my neck forward and courtesy with grace. “What do I owe this honor, your Majesty?” Keeping my voice strong, yet tender I face him with all the confidence I can muster.

“I came to see if you enjoyed my gift. I must say, you look ravishing in Xosta’s Kingdom colors. They suit you well.” Watching King Thybauts gaze feels as if he were undressing me with his eyes.

Softly I swallow, concealing my discomfort. ”It is beautiful your Grace. I am honored that you would think of me so.” Small simple pleasantries, is what is going to get me through this. Just stay focused Ariella...

“That pleases me. I must confess I was thinking of you the other night. I couldn’t seem to get you out of my mind…” King Thybaut began to walk in a circle, examining every inch of me. I look down to the floor to not give away my emotions as he continues to taunt me.

“Being a widower has its challenges you know. Sometimes I can’t even remember what my late Queen looked like… felt like… smelled like…” Taking my waist the King pulls me back into his chest. I nearly jump out of my skin as his action frightened me to my core. With my backside to him, I cannot see his face, but I know there is evil in his eyes. Shallow breath escapes my lips as his sinful words hang in the air.

The fear is too much to handle and I start to break. My hands trembling at my sides. I swallow hard as King Thybaut breathes in my ear, “I trust you are a virgin, yes? Princess?”

Unable to speak, I nod in validation. My voice has been stolen. Taken from me by his wicked aura.

“You will make a fine whore for my son yet.” He hisses.

Shivers run down my spine at his vulgar words. I am in shock, I cannot move. Every bone in my body is consumed with fear.

Just as I was about to lose hope, Sir Esteve enters abruptly. “I apologize for the intrusion your Majesty, but the ceremony is about to begin.” The weight of anxiety lifts from my shoulders as King Thybaut releases me from his grip.

“No apologies necessary Sir Esteve. I was just leaving… I will see you down the aisle Princess.” I bow to the King as he exits the room, still shaking in my heels. As I rise, I feel unstable. Between losing feeling in my legs, and the weight of my dress, gravity forces me to collapse.

“Princess Ariella!” Quickly Sir Esteve runs to me catching my fall. I can’t tell if I am unable to breathe from my interaction with the King, or the tight corset around my lungs. Shuffling through one of his pouches, the dark Knight pulls out a small blue vial, popping off the cork.

“Drink.” He holds the liquid to my mouth pushing my lips, but I keep them pressed closed. “It’s not poison! Just drink it!” he yells sternly.

Feeling out of sorts, I allow the contents of the blue vial to enter my body. My tongue taste hints of peppermint, and elderberry, send a soothing sensation through my system. In a matter of seconds, my anxiety disappears, clearing the path for my lungs. I take in a deep breath like I was just drowning in an ocean.

“What… What did you give me?” I manage to speak, but the volume is not much to be proud of. However, I was happy to hear my voice again after feeling so silenced by King Thybaut.

“I dabble in... potions,” he says sounding regrettable. This is the first time I have ever heard Sir Esteve speak of himself.

Cracking a smile, I reply “You dabble? In potions?” Standing up the Knight holds my arm carrying me with him.

“Everyone needs a hobby… Now, follow me before you are late for your own wedding.”

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