《Royal Punishment》Chapter 5: Last Night Alone


“Princess Ariella, are you alright? You look like you saw a ghost.” Mira’s voice woke me from my daze. I am uncertain how much time has past since Sir Esteve left me with that threat. The knight’s words continue to ring in my ear. I’ll kill you… I’ll kill you…

The lump in my throat continues to swell with fear as my new handmaiden guides me to the hot bath she has prepared. The cooper bathtub is large and deep. I feel my body being drawn to the steaming water the closer we approach. Part of me feels like I am already in water; drowning in my worries.

Slowly I disrobe, handing my clothes to Mira one by one. Strategically I try to cover as much of my body as I can as I hand her my garments. Getting down to the last layer, I ask. “Would you mind… turning around for a moment?” Mira nods and smiles politely. “Yes, my Lady.” and turns to the wall away from me.

Once my undergarments are freed from my body I quickly place one of my legs in the warm water. The hot temperature sends a tingling sensation through my limb. Closing my eyes I embrace the scolding bathwater and submerge myself. “You may turn around now.” I can’t help but sound like a bashful little girl. However, since I am so relaxed I find that I am not as self-conscious about my body as I normally am. Every muscle in my being is soothed. As the steam reaches my face I feel an unfamiliar herb.

“What is that smell?” I ask. Mira reaches into one of the cupboards and pulls out a few towels and a sponge. “It is chamomile, my lady. Is it to your liking?”

Taking in the sweet scent again, I feel each inhalation calming the tension through all the bones in my body. “It is lovely,” I reply.

Mira smiles softly as she takes the sponge and sinks it into the warm water. While the relaxing bath is helping me keep my mind off things, I need a bigger distraction.

“Tell me a little about yourself, Mira. How long have you been in the castle?” One of the many wise things my Father taught me was the art of conversation. When in doubt, always ask people about themselves. There is not a person in the world who does not like to talk about themselves.

“There is not much to tell I am afraid. I was born and raised in Xosta. My father is the palace butcher, and my mother was a candle maker. She died just a few years ago. After that, I came to work in the castle. I have been here for about three years now.”

Hearing that she lost her Mother breaks my heart. I can’t imagine the heartbreak I would endure if my Mother had passed away. There is a special bond that daughters have with their Mothers; it is unlike any other. “I am sorry for your loss. That must have been hard for you and your father. How did she die?”

Gently, Mira continued to wipe down my body with her sponge. “It was an illness, my Lady,” she said quietly. Looking at her hands I could see the wear from all the hard work she must have been doing. Dirt and grime surround her cuts and callouses from as much as I could see.

“Mira, would you like a bath as well?” her eyes widened in surprise. “There is a lake by the castle that the servants of the palace bathe in. I will be washing up there later this evening. I apologize if I am not presentable for your Ladyship.”


Stopping her, I take the sponge from her hand and look Mira in the eyes. “Nonsense. There is so much bathwater here and I am practically clean already. I would hate for this hot water to go to waste. Do you have spare clean clothes?”

Mira nods her head. “Yes my Lady, forgive me, but we are not permitted to bathe in the palace. King Thybaut’s orders are final.”

This tyrant King has too much control. The rebel in me is excited to know that I will be breaking his rules. “You are my handmaid. If I say you can bathe here, then you shall. Go fetch your clothes. I will finish up here. When I am done you will have your turn.”

My handmaid bows to me, practically touching the floor. “Thank you, your highness! You are too kind!” I could hear the excitement in her voice. I can’t imagine the last time she must have had a hot bath.

“Well don’t just stand there. Go and get your things.” With a joyful grin, Mira skips off.


As the day soon came to a close, Mira prepared a fire to warm the room. The desert lands of Xosta get quite cold in the night, we will most likely be lighting the fireplace regularly. My little brother Edom always enjoyed time next to the hearth. He would insist on gathering every piece of kindling himself. In the winter, we would often have picnics by the fire, and read our favorite stories. How I miss him… It has been over a week now since I have left Theora. Edom must be devastated without me there. I hate that I did not get to say goodbye to him. He is such a big part of my heart, it pains me being away from him. Maybe I can write to him.

Moving to my desk I see everything is prepared for writing a proper letter. The inkwell was full, and there was a stack of newly pressed parchment ready for the taking. Sitting down, I take the quill and think about what to write. I don’t know how much my parents have told him. Does he even know I am in Xosta?

I can’t worry about that. If there is a chance I never see my brother again I want him to know the truth. He deserves that much. Softly I dip the quill into the inkwell and begin my letter.

Dearest Brother,

I miss you terribly. The journey to Xosta was long, but I have arrived here safely. I feel dreadful that we couldn’t say goodbye before I left. Everything happened so quickly, I am still in shock about it.

Tomorrow I am to be married to Prince Galleren, the Prince of Xosta. I am nervous, but also proud to take this honor for my Kingdom. I have hope that this alliance will give us a fighting chance against the Orc army. It saddens me that you and the rest of our family will not be there on this most special occasion. I am scared of doing this alone. Thankful I have made a friend to help me get through this. My new handmaid Mira is kind and thoughtful. She has been taking very good care of me since I arrived.

Someday I hope you and Mother and Father can visit. The palace is beautiful, with too many rooms to count. I have already picked out a few great places for ‘hide and seek’.

I am counting on you to be strong Edom. You are going to make a wise and noble King someday; with or without me. Give my love to Mother and Father as well. Respect and care for them always.


With Love,


Carefully I place the completed letter aside to dry. If I fold the parchment too soon, the ink will bleed.

“Would you like to prepare for bed Princess?” Mira asks. I smile looking at her clean skin and shiny hair. It truly amazes me how much different a hot bath can make.

“Excellent idea,” I reply. Walking away from my desk I see Mira shuffling through one of the cases of clothing I had packed. From the bottom of the pile, she pulls out a long white nightgown and shakes out the wrinkles and dust from its confinement.

I face my back to her, signaling help with my corset. Taking my cue, Mira begins to untie the tight strings holding my waist. With each notch that was undone, a wave of relief floods my torso. My lungs regain full mobility once the cage around my ribs falls to the floor.

I know what comes next, but there is no bathwater to hide me now. I have always been shy when it came to stripping down, even with my handmaidens at home. Taking in a quick breath, Mira starts to pull the left shoulder of my dress when I see an alternative standing in front of me.

“Wait just a moment. May I use a partition?” Mira stops immediately. “Of course your highness. I will leave your nightgown draped over top.”

I exhale the breath I had been unconsciously holding. How am I going to get through the wedding night if I can’t even undress in front of Mira? Feeling slightly disappointed in myself, I walk behind the partition and undress. As the nightgown flows over my head, it feels like a sea of comfort surrounding me. Being a Princess has its advantages, but the tight dresses are certainly not one of them.

After dressing, I walk around the barrier between Mira and I, and see that she is patiently waiting with a comb in her hand. Taking a seat by the fire, Mira combs through my long blonde hair, taking out every knot and tangle with her gentle hands. The soft feeling of the comb causes me to close my eyes in relaxation. As she continues her good work, the sparks of the fire call out to me in my ears. Each sizzle and pop of the bonfire like a symphony to my senses.

“Would you like me to send out that letter for you Princess?” Mira is very observant. That is a great trait to have as a handmaid.

“Yes, please… Mira, do you have any siblings?” With family on the brain, I am curious to know more about her’s.

Before she speaks, Mira pauses for a moment as if she was uncomfortable. “No, I don’t my lady. It is the law here that no family may have more than one child.”

I feel so insensitive. How could I have forgotten? “Oh… yes, that is right.” I don’t want to offend her if I talk about my brother. Who knows what she has witnessed on the streets. The terror of seeing children being ripped from their homes must be devastating.

“You have a little brother don’t you, your highness? Is that who your letter is for?” Her voice is steady. I can’t sense any discomfort, perhaps she is okay talking about it after all.

“That’s right. His name is Edom, after my father and my great grandfather. He will be turning seven this year.” Placing the comb down, Mira takes a strand of cloth and begins to braid my hair. “Are you two close?” she asks.

“Very much. I love him with all my heart. I wasn’t allowed to say goodbye to him before I left. Sir Esteve said that Prince Galleren gave him orders to keep me separate from them once I was told of the marriage. Is the Prince always that controlling?”

Taking a moment, Mira pauses like she is choosing her words wisely. “The Prince is very… particular.”

In other words, he is stubborn. Not to mention superficial. I still am furious that he would even consider not marrying me just on my appearance. I need to be careful about how I speak of the Prince. While I feel I can trust Mira, there is still a chance that she could be reporting back to the King.

“I see,” I say neutrally.

When I feel the finished hairstyle, I can tell there are no flyaways, and that everything is smooth and tight. An excellent braid. Standing from the warm seat by the fire, I move

to my bed to retire for the evening.

“Is there anything else I can do for you, my Lady?” Mira stands up straight waiting for her next task.

Shaking my head I say. “No, that will be all.”

Mira moves to my desk and folds my letter, carefully placing it in her pocket. “I will send this first thing in the morning. Goodnight your Highness.” With a quick bow, she takes her leave.

Now I am left here for my last night alone. I am going to savor every last moment. Slipping under the covers I gather each sheet and pull them over my body. The quality of the fabric is divine, I feel as if I am laying on a cloud in the heavens.

Before I have the chance to close my eyes, I hear the sound of iron footsteps in front of my bed-chamber door. Who could that be at this hour? My heart races fearing the worst. Could this be someone sent here to kill me before the wedding? Or perhaps they wish to take advantage of me before my wedding night? The lump in my throat returns thinking of all the terrible possibilities.

Quietly I sprint out of bed, grabbing the letter opener from my writing desk. Careful I step toward the door ready for anything. I am sure I won't stand a chance of whoever is there, but I am not going down without a fight.

The footsteps seemed to have stopped just outside the wooden door. Taking in a deep breath of bravery, I open the door holding my dull weapon forward, my hands shaking with nerves.

Two Xosta guard soldiers stand in front of me, carrying large wooden spears. Unlike Sir Esteve, their helmets were open so that their faces were fully visible. Both of the men looked at me confused, which is when I realize that they are not here to harm me. They are here to protect me. “Is something the matter Princess?” One of the guards inquired.

“No, nothing! Carry on!” Completely mortified I slam the door shut. I am frozen with embarrassment as I look down at my letter opener. Leaning against the door for support I hear soft laughter coming from the halls. I am sure the guards will be entertained for days about this. Now that I am utterly humiliated, I think I am ready to be done with this day. Full of shame I place the knife back on my desk, hide under the covers, and toss and turn till I drift off to sleep.

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