《Royal Punishment》Chapter 4: The Princess's Arrival


When we docked in Xosta I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a wasteland. No grass, or flowers, just dry cracking desert. Stepping on the shores for the first time was bizarre. There was no sand as I was accustomed too, but small pebbles that lined the beach. The air was hot and thick with the blazing sun above us. The ground seemed to trap the heat; each step toward town resonated warmth under the skirt of my dress.

Waiting just off the shores was another yet another carriage. The exterior was a sandy beige with gold, red, and black details through each piece of timber. Every detail was painted to perfection. It must have taken months to decorate the carriage like this. When our driver came to meet us at the door, my appreciation for the art disappeared. The man's clothes were run ragged and covered in dirt and grime. As we approached closer I could see that he had not bathed for some time and that he was very tan from being in the sun. Looking down to the ground, I see that his sandals are worn so much that they could fall apart at any moment.

As the workmen from the ship began to load my things I noticed a clear difference in the servants from my lands compared to here. The poverty in Xosta is just as I and my mother had said. My heart breaks for the hopelessness that they bear. These are soon to be my people, my responsibility. I don’t want to let them down.

Thinking quick on my feet, I glance over the various bags looking for anything of value. I was hoping to find the dowry chest, but I settled for the next best thing.

“Stop! Please hold one moment.” The servant I called comes to a stop. He is carrying a case that I recognize. I hope what I am looking for is in there. Before Sir Esteve has time to stop me I run over to the servant and rummage through the case. A smile spreads across my face when I find what I was looking for; a pair of riding boots that I had barely used. These are perfect.

“Thank you, carry on.” I nod to the servant thankful that he took the time to stop for me. Rushing back to the carriage I see Sir Esteve waiting impatiently by the open door. I didn’t care what he thought of me. This is my chance to do something that could make a difference, even if it is just one person. With grace, I hand the boots over to the bone-weary driver.

“I want you to have these,” I say kindly. He looks at me with shock and confusion. The driver’s glance then travels to Sir Esteve as if looking for permission to accept my present.

“Don’t mind him. This is my gift to you. I would be humbled if you wore them.” The man took the boots and traced the edges of the fine leather with his calloused fingers. Tears swelled in his eyes as he stared at the pristine footwear now in his possession.

“Th-Thank you, Princess.” My heart filled with happiness knowing that I was able to help this man. But in true Xostan fashion, my joy was cut short. Forcefully Sir Esteve pushes our driver to the ground without warning. The poor man cried out in pain as if anticipating what comes next.

“Stop that!” I screamed. But Sir Esteve did not listen. Taking his armored boot he gave the man three strong and sharp kicks in the stomach. Each hit into the man’s body felt like a dagger in my chest. I couldn’t look away from what was happening right in front of me. I have never witnessed such violence. The driver cried out in pain for every strike of Sir Esteve’s boot. After the third strike, the Knight decided he was finished with doling out his punishment. Pointing to the carriage he says to me. “Get in.”


Before following his order, I see that the coachman is still moving and I sigh with slight relief. Once I take my place inside Sir Esteve soon follows. He sits in front of me as if nothing happened. His smugness and disregard for others angers me to my core.

“Why did you do that to him? He did nothing wrong!” I can’t help but raise my voice. His actions are unacceptable. “You are a Knight, have you no honor?”

The black knight bows his head as if he is reliving his head from the weight of his helmet. “Servants are not permitted to speak to nobility, even when spoken too. You are the one that has no honor.”

I am speechless. How do they care for their people if they don’t converse with them? Just that interaction I had with the coachman is deemed disgraceful in their eyes. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing that all these people in poverty can’t speak for themselves. Not wishing to speak with Sir Esteve any longer, I bite my lip the rest of the journey to the castle. I don’t wish to say anything I will regret.


I couldn’t stop thinking about our driver the entire way to the palace. As we drove through Xosta I saw hundreds of people just like our coachman; poor, hungry, and weak. Children so thin you can see the ribs protruding out of their chest. Each person we passed I kept imagining them taking the same punishment that Sir Esteve gave just moments ago. My heart aches for these people. I want to help them. Am I the only one who sees the anguish before me? If I am not killed first, I will make it my life’s work to improve the lives of the Xostan civilians.

When the carriage comes to a halt, I grip the seat beneath me for stability. My chest is pounding loudly with anxiety. Staring out the window I see a tall and regal man, dressed in fine silk clothing. His large crown was heavy with jewels that shined brightly with every movement he made. Two exhausted servants with large palm fans stood at his sides pushing cool air in his direction. Undoubtingly, this must be King Thybaut.

I swallow hard, mentally preparing myself to make a good first impression. I can’t afford to be on the King’s bad side. I need to be the height of decorum in order for this alliance between our two Kingdoms to work. The smallest mistake could be my undoing.

I have heard horror stories of King Thybaut’s vulgar regard for women. To this day, no one knows what became of his Queen. Shortly after the birth of Prince Galleren, she disappeared. Some speculate that she died in childbirth. Others say that the King killed her as soon as she produced a male heir, just to be rid of her. My mouth goes dry at the thought of his cruelty. Will Prince Galleren kill me once I produce a male heir too? Taking a deep breath in and out I toss away my racing thoughts. I must have a clear and focused mind when I meet the King.

When I step out of the carriage with Sir Esteve I get the first good look at my new home. It is by far the largest castle I have ever seen. It must be at least twice as large as the palace in Theora. The limestone fortress is truly a sight to behold. Every frame of door and window was traced with small delicate details. Taking closer notice, I see there is a variety of flower and vine-like carvings throughout the stone walls. It reminds me of the painting on the carriage that brought us here. I am in awe.


When I approach the King at the top of the palace stairs, Sir Esteve speaks. “Your Majesty, may I present Princess Ariella of Theora.”

I lower my head and bow to the powerful King before me. I make sure to hold for just a moment, signifying my respect for him. “It is an honor to meet you, your Majesty.” My voice is strong and graceful, just as I wanted. When I raise my head King Thybaut’s gaze is directly on me. With a malevolent smile, he says, “Welcome Princess. you are as beautiful as they say. I am very pleased.”

While I feel there are some negative connotations to his words, I must acknowledge his compliment. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The mighty King claps his hands loudly signaling more servants forward. “See too Princess Ariella’s things.” He orders. “Mira! Come forth!”

A slender servant girl rushes forward to the King’s side. Her brunette hair long and mangled over her shoulders. Her clothing is worn and torn in several places. From the looks of it, she is wearing a male tunic that is clearly oversized on her tiny frame. When Mira and I make eye contact she quickly bows. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance my lady,” she says in a raspy tone. She sounds like she has not had a drink of water all day. With this heat, she must be parched.

After Mira rises from her bow, King Thybaut continues. “Mira will be your handmaid from this point forward. Sir Esteve, please return to Prince Galleren immediately. He requires you in his study.” The dark Knight obeys the King instantly, walking swiftly in the castle without even the smallest farewell. Which I expected seeing as Sir Esteve and I did not seem to mesh very well on our journey.

“Please follow me, your highness. I will show you to your chambers.” Mira signals with her hand guiding me in the right direction. I keep my head high walking past King Thybaut. I don’t want to show him any signs of weakness. I must remain strong if I am going to get through this alive and save Theora from an Orcish invasion.

“Just this way my lady.” Mira’s sweet raspy voice echoes in the large palace halls. I was surprised to see that almost every wall was decorated in art. Mostly tapestries and paintings, but each were unique in their own way. I was most amazed by the large tapestries we would pass by; each more intricate than the last. Some told the stories of Xosta History, the majority of which were depicting War. One tapestry caught my eye that was different than all the others I had seen. Xosta was shown as a lush, vibrant, green land. In the center of the fabric was the castle, standing tall among many flowers and full trees. I could not help but stop in my tracks to admire its beauty. It looks like… Theora.

Mira noticed that I had fallen behind. Retracing her steps she calls out for me. “Everything okay Miss?”

I nod. “What is this tapestry, Mira? Is this supposed to be the Xosta palace?” Mira looks to the piece of art, examining the woven picture illustrated in thread.

“Yes, Princess. This is when the castle was first built.” It looked so different from what it is now. It is hard to believe that they are one in the same. “It looks so… different.”

Mira shakes her head up and down. “I agree. A few short years after the castle was built the Kingdom experienced a terrible drought. Without rain, all the plants and flowers could not survive. To this day we have still not experienced enough rain to sustain our own crops.”

It is no wonder their people are suffering. With the Kingdom unable to grow their own crops they rely on traders which must cost a fortune.

“Speaking of water, would you like me to draw you a hot bath? You must be exhausted from your journey.” As Mira said the word ‘bath’ I did a quick body scan and realized how filthy I was. Being on the ship for the past few days must have dulled my senses. My skin crawls as I now feel every piece of dirt that I picked up on my travels. While I haven’t looked into a mirror, I know that my hair must be a greasy mess. Turning back to Mira I smile.

“A bath sounds wonderful.”

“Very well then miss. Your bed-chamber is just this way. I will prepare your bath right away.” Mira leads me down to the end of the hall where a closed large door stood. The panels were decorated similarly to what I saw outside the palace. When they built this castle they took great care in every detail. I was struck with a bright light as my new handmaiden opened my bed-chamber door.

Large windows surrounded most of the exposed walls. The room’s color scape was a combination of red, purple, and dark blue. The colors were beautiful and vibrant in the sunlight that peered through the large windows. The ceilings were raised high with drapes of multi-colored fabrics. In the corner of the room was a large double bed, with a canopy draped over top. Gold paint was lined on the floor and ceiling molding, which echoed the other pieces of gold throughout the room. It was absolutely stunning.

“Prince Galleren picked this room just for you my lady. I believe he said he wanted you to have the best room in the palace before your big day tomorrow.”

Tomorrow? It took me a moment, but I pieced the puzzle in my head. The wedding is tomorrow… thinking about walking down the aisle makes my face go numb with nerves. I didn’t realize it would be this soon. How can I do this? I have no one to be there with me. I have to do this alone. My face must have given away my emotions. Mira places her hand on my shoulder grounding my fear.

“The wedding is tomorrow Miss, did no one tell you?” I shake my head, biting my lip to conceal it trembling. “It is okay to be nervous my Lady. It is the biggest day of your life. I will be with you all the way.”

Mira has such a kind voice. When she speaks I feel calm and collected. I am happy to hear that I will have someone to lean on.

“Thank you, Mira. I think I am ready for that bath now.” Mira jumps back and takes a small bow. “Yes my Lady, right away.”

She had a pep in her step that I couldn’t tell if it was excitement or nerves. Perhaps we are both nervous about our new roles to play. As I waited for Mira to return I took a moment to look around my new bed-chamber. It was much larger than I was used to.

As I explore about the room a small incense burner catches my eye. I never used one before, but I have heard they contain oils and perfumes that can help alter your mood. Shuffling through the drawers I find a variety of incense sticks, each a different color and marked as per their contents. The first is a dark pink marked as ‘Rose’. The second was frankincense in a chestnut brown coating. The third was a purple stick scented with lavender. Lavender sounds like exactly what I need, perfect for calming anxiety.

Taking the small lilac stick, I delicately place it in the incense holder. I come to a halt when I realize that I can’t find anything to light it. There was no tinder box insight.

“Have you never used a fire rock before?” I jump out of my skin with shock. Who on earth could that be? I turned to find Sir Esteve had entered my bed chambers.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, catching my breath. The Knight sighs under his breath as he approaches me. “Apparently I am here to help you use a fire rock.”

Moving toward the incense he picks up a small decorative rock from the table. Watching him closely I raise my brow. “What is that supposed to do?”

Taking the smooth rock in one hand he grips it tightly while flicking the tip with his fingers. To my surprise after a few small strokes, sparks began to fly from the rock. This must be another enchanted item, like the amulet of light around Sir Esteve’s neck.

When the incense begins to burn, Sir Esteve proudly places the rock back from whence it came. “There.” he says roughly.

While I am grateful for the help, I can’t help but wonder why he is here. “Why are you here Sir Esteve? I thought you would be with Prince Galleren?”

The dark Knight nods. “Yes, I was. He wished for me to pass along a message. The Prince sends you his regards, and that he will not be seeing you tonight as he was happy with my report.”

Confused, I ask, “Happy with your report?”

Fixing his posture Sir Esteve looks to me in reply. “I gave him a full report of your appearance, and he has deemed your beauty worthy enough for the marriage to move forward.”

He deems my appearance worthy? If I were hideous would he have called off the alliance? What kind of game is he playing at? I could feel the rage rush to my cheeks at the Prince’s selfishness.

Sarcastically I ask the Knight. “And what if I don’t deem his appearance worthy?”

My last question stops Sir Esteve from finishing our conversation. I could tell he wanted to leave, but I wasn’t done with him just yet.

“Then it’s simple… I’ll kill you.” and with those simple chilling words, he left.

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