《I Am Nothing More Than A Mere God, Who Met a Human Woman While Searching For Peaceful Place》Trouble At the School? Let's Run Away!
It's been two days since that incident, Ayushi is back to her normal self though this could be a side-effect from the child in her, As I said before- Gods holds titles, Those Titles represent Their Power as Well as themselves! My title was God of Nothing and with this title, I was able to control -Empty space around me. these titles grants holder a certain power/skill, manipulating that skill (Related to Title), How he uses it, depends on the god who is holding the title.
God of Fire - Being able to manipulate fire ( fire)
God of Water - Being able to manipulate water ( water )
God of War - Being able to manipulate wars ( With strategies -wars and stuff )
and so on.
But These titles will always have some sort of side effect on the Holder- God of fire, Vaporize Water- God of Water, vanquish Fire. God of War- He loves wars, Resulting in the Sorrow/grief of others. Thus if Ayushi is carrying a son who holds Title related to fire, it could endanger Ayushi's life. Ayushi wouldn't be able to--
At The School Gate ( Morning )
" Well, Let's not think about too much. " ( Aoi )
The Classroom ( 3-A )
I walked inside the classroom casually, like every time - All The student stood up from their bench and greeted me
Ayushi is already here, Ayushi came to school before me.
" Good Morning Aoi-Sensei "
" Good Morning Ev--v-e---r----yon... Reo Mitsu? That's a surprise! " ( Aoi )
Everyone sat down excluding Reo-
Reo Mitsu, He is Guardian of Earth.
" Yes, Aoi-Sensei! " ( Reo )
" I-I-i am glad to know that you are coming back to the school. You can sit down" ( Aoi )
Like hell I am! I seriously don't want him in my class, He knows my true identity. He could interfere in my peaceful life!
" Well Everyone, Today we will be practicing, talking in English- For you guys to gain some confidence is very important. In Japan, we don't get many chances outside of the school to talk to someone in a foreign language and because of lack of conversation, you guys have zero confidence in yourself. So first, { Reo Mitsu, please stand up} "
Reo Mitsu is a guardian, Guardians can speak any language just like Gods, It is a useful ability for Guardians since they have to stay in contact with local mortals, They speak thousands of different languages.
I am gonna use Reo Mitsu's Ability, to let other students gain some experience and build confidence
" { Tch, Yes Teacher } " ( Reo In English )
" Wow, Reo is talking in English? " ( Other students )
Other Students, they never had a chance to talk to someone in English, nor they had any chance to see other students talking in a foreign language. They are surprised to see Reo talking in English since they didn't even know he could speak English! for them, he could've been a guy who is a poorly educated person since he always skipped classes.
And Reo, You don't have to show your hatred towards me in front of the class, You are supposed to be a guardian who remains calms in any sort situation!
" { Now, Seeya Haruto Please Stand up } " (Aoi)
Seeya Haruto, He is a bright student. He is also class representative,
" Yes, Sensei " ( Haruto )
" { Haruto, Please answer in English.} " ( Aoi )
This guy stands out too much, The reason he was chosen to be Representative was that of his academic. He is good at everything he does, Sports, Studies are all alike!
" { As you say, Aoi-Sensei } " ( Haruto )
" As you can see everyone, Having a conversation in English is easy. All you have to take the lead. From now on, Haruto and Reo, Both of you will talk to each other In English, at least In my class. " ( Aoi )
" { Hmm-Yes } " ( Haruto )
With this, When everyone in class sees them. At first, others might laugh but with time, It will become some sort of custom and Other students might try to engage conversation with them.
After The Class, In Hallway- Walking to the facility
Reo, He kept looking at me the whole time while we were in the class. At first, I thought that he will be against the idea of following my words but surprisingly He did what I told him and In the end, I made both of them talk to each other about the day, stuff. thankfully Other students seemed interested. Building their confidence first is my top priority in the class.
But when I thought, I am done my job for today--- Diana, By Telepathy
Diana - Master, someone is calling for you.
-Calling for me? Who that could be?
Diana - Guardian of Earth - Reo Mitsu. He is currently trying to summon you directly but since I am interfering with summoning. He is failing constantly
-I don't understand why he trying to summon me when he can just come to m--- Aha I think I know why is he trying to summon me instead of coming. Does he still think that I am some sort of demon?
Diana -..... What I should do? Should I allow this summon?
-Oi, Of course, don't allow that kid to summon! Just tell me where he is right now.
Diana - At the rooftop.
Rooftop? Isn't that guy just lazy!
And Careless.
Starts Walking towards Rooftop
Summoning - It is a spell, used to summon lesser beings, To form a contract with them(Familiars). Mostly used by Humans to summon demonic beings to grant their wish in an equal return from their life But this spell is not just limited to that, it has multiple uses. Depending on the user, one of them is -to turn those lesser beings into familiar.
Gods use it to summons their servant And This spell, It cannot summon a god against their will, unlike demonic beings Gods are protected by the system from this sort of summoning. But for fallen Gods like me, This spell can be used against our wills since we do not possess Protection from The System. though I am exceptional
Reo Mitsu, He is trying to summon me! Instead of calling me directly, He is using summoning and it could only mean one thing-And That is-!! He might still believe that I am a demonic being-
Even if he has doubts- Isn't this dangerous? Gods, Guardian, Angels-- All of them are forbidden from summoning any demonic beings! Then, Does this mean he believed that I am a fallen god? If he believed my words then what is need of summoning me?
Diana - Master, Possibly for Interrogation? ( VIa Telepathy )
-Interrogation? Does He intend to ask if I am going to endanger this world (Earth)?
Diana - That is a possibility but I don't think that's the case. Master has already been here on this world for while- If A Guardian had seen you as a threat, He would have already put you on threat list but as far as I can check- Your name doe not exist in that list
-Ummm, Strange. Well, We should ask him directly.
Diana - Master, It is dangerous for you to approach this guardian in your current state.
- Don't worry, I am well aware of the danger But I can't ignore this matter. I need to know what is going through his mind
Diana - As you wish, Master. I will be on standby
-Yea, you do that.
If Diana stays on standby, She would be able to react quickly to the situation
Diana - By the way Master, That Guardian is not "He", The Guardian of Earth is "She"
"---Silence----, I Forgot-- " - I forgot! (Aoi)
At The Konoha High School's Rooftop
When I went to the rooftop and opened the door- There he was, floating in the air, above Summoning Circle.
He is still trying to summon me?
" Reo Mitsu? What are you doing here? Skipping classes? " ( Aoi )
I called him out to get his attention since he was actually, seemed to be focused on his summoning. Unfortunately for him no matter what he does, how focused he is, He will never be able to summon me. -Learn it already kiddo!
He looked at me when I called him, The way he looked at me was different from earlier- In the classroom, he simply kept gazing at me But right now, Expression on his face, They sure show How a True Guardian should act.
" Fallen God, Aoi Kichiro- Why I was not able to summon a lesser spiritual being like you? " ( Reo )
" Instead of trying to summon me, tell me why you skipped your classes? " ( Aoi )
" Thee, Fallen God- I am standing before you as a Guardian, Not Reo Mitsu. Answer my question carefully or I will have to eliminate you " ( Reo )
I see I see, So This person is that kind of guy? no that kind of lady? *Confusing-Confusing* Well Anyway, This lady seems to be kind of person who would have as much fun as they want in their free time but when it comes to their duty- They become serious af
Though This is a good thing, Only if I was not his target! I mean her target----
" I tried to check your origin in the history of gods But I was not able to find anything about you- There was none Who was Titled as God of Nothing or Known as Aoi Kichiro. But you still possess knowledge about Gods and About their ranks which is highly classified- " ( Reo )
Of course, Those sort of information is highly classified- After all, Titles represent Skills- Declassifying your title to your enemies is equal to telling them about the origin of your power
" I would've overlooked this, Knowing Gods has many secrets. There was a possibility that you are among one of those secrets that Gods Hold but, I cannot possibly ignore the action that you have taken in this world- In the world of my Master! You have killed 67 Humans, Took 8 of them to torture in a different world! You, Aoi Kichiro even went as far as breaking the law of nature "
"......" (Aoi)
Diana - Master, I don't know How the Guardian found out. I had erased every record of those mortals--
" Aoi Kichiro, You look surprised. Did you think that we, guardians wouldn't be able to know what you did? " (Reo)
Diana - Are you okay master? Can you hear me? MASTER! Answer me!
"*deep breath* *sigh* I, I am fine, Diana. And yea, I am just surprised beyond words. Reo Mitsu, Tell me How did you learn all of this? " (Aoi)
-What I am even asking, Of course, he would find out about it- He is a guardian after all. And I, who lost all of my power so it would've been child's play for him. He was already suspicious of me--
" You don't need to worry about that. What you should be worried about is your life- Aoi Kichiro, Fallen God. You are now a threat to this world thus with my duty of a guardian, I am here to eliminate you. Before I processed, Do you have anything that you want to say for yourself? " (Reo)
Diana - Master, Guardian formed a barrier in 10m of the radius to prevent you from running away
" Will you let me go if I say they deserved what I did to them? " ( Aoi )
-The Barrier that the Guardian put up is new to me- I don't think I understand its structure, Boundary of the barrier is invisible. I can't even tell if there is actually a barrier around but well that's to be expected, I am not a god anymore.
" No humans deserve this kind of punishment and even if they do- Who are you to punish them, fallen god? " ( Reo )
-Woah, He sure wants to kill me, I mean she. Her Killing intent is ominous- She is currently floating in the air surrounded by her aura filled with her killing intent. But, Why do I feel as if she hesitating? I mean she could have attacked 10 times by now but yet she keeps on talking? Maybe I can----
" But do you intend to fight with me while we are on the rooftop of the school? Wouldn't this endanger the lives of many students? " ( Aoi )
" There is a barrier around us, it will keep destruction within- " (Reo)
-Oho, That's good to know but it's not like I was worried about it in the first place- I don't intend to fight her, Why? well, I will lose without a doubt! I am just waiting for her to look away from me for a second! that's all I need to run away
I was focused on myself too much, I didn't realize something really important- The reason behind her not attacking me
" I know, I know I am weak compared to you fallen god! you might think that if I underestimate you, you will get a chance of a surprise attack! But I've realized that you are strong. "
The reason behind not attacking me first was simple- She was overestimating me and was buying time for reinforcement
" EH? " ( Aoi )
" Being able to travel between worlds, something that we, EVEN Guardians are not able to do- I am not stupid, I have already informed The King of Angels about your existence " (Aoi)
But at that time I still was not able to understand why she was telling me all of this!
" King of Angels?? You gotta be kidding me! " ( Aoi )
Diana - Master, I Detected----
The reason why she told me what she was doing- Was because there was no reason to hide it anymore. He is here.
" Aoi Kich--- Former God of Nothing, 4th Personality of Master- Emotion. What have you done? "
Mikhail, King of Angel Fallen Angels. Someone who serves directly under True God. He was the most powerful being after me in the past.
Guardian, Reo Mitsu Decent to the rooftop from her flight- Bowed down before Mikhail
" I Apologizes for my incompetence but I cannot grasp the strength of this fallen god " (Reo, Bowing down )
-So she went to the king of angels, Mikhail for help? Scared if something bad happens then your master (God who suppose to oversee this world) might come to dislike you? are you retarded!?
-Mikhail! He is not someone to go for help, Even though I am hi-- Mikhail, This guy hate me!
Mikhail was wearing a black suit, Like always. He looked at the guardian, who was bowing down before him with a disgusted face and then towards me with a more disgusting face!! as if he was looking at poop
" H--Hey! Mikhail, Long time no see? " (Aoi)
" You! Don't dare speak my name, True God let you live your life peacefully but you betrayed-- Who is this girl stands beside you? " ( Mikhail )
Reo looked towards me when she heard about the girl
" Ayushi? How did she enter the barrier?" (Reo)
When I looked beside myself, There she was, I could read on her face saying " Confused-Confused! What the heck is going on? "
" Aoi-Sensei? " ( Ayushi )
-What the heck is she doing--- Wait this is my chance! Diana!
I was waiting for a chance like this When these guys are distracted and divert their eyes from me! Diana, This is the chance! ( Granted us by Ayushi )
Diana - Teleporting!
" Thankfully, *Sigh* we were able to teleport! " -Though it thanks to Ayushi or I would've been a dead meat
There was no need for me to ask Diana, Without asking She also included Ayushi while using teleportation to teleport us far away, Really far away from those two- Mikhail and Reo
" Aoi-Sensei! Where we are? " ( Ayushi, Confused )
-Mikhail, He is seriously a piece of bad news for me
" Sensei! " ( Ayushi )
" Oh Yea, Ayushi are you okay? " (Aoi)
" Yes I am but where are we? and what was happening there!? " (Ayushi)
" No, you tell me first! What the heck you were doing at that rooftop? Why did you come to the rooftop? " (Aoi)
" Umm-- It because I heard strange sounds coming from the rooftop, I also heard sensei talking to someone so, I was curious an--- " (Ayushi)
" And you ended up there? " (Aoi)
-But wasn't there a barrier? He did she cross through that? Even I might have had a hard time doing anything to that barrier if it wasn't for Diana.
"Yea, Sort of " (Ayushi)
" Hmm- Ayushi, tell me something- Is there anything that you want from this (Earth) world? " (Aoi)
" O.o What do you mean sensei? " (Ayushi)
To be honest, What I was planing at the rooftop was to leave the school for the good- I granted Ayushi my protection so, I could've protected her from a distance but- Everything is changed now. Maybe the future I saw of her on the moon, it was caused by me. Because now that Mikhail knows that she is someone who stood beside me and entered barrier just like that- He must've have found out that she is not a normal person. For Reo, He could've overlooked this kind of matter, thinking of it as an error or something like that but Mikhail, It's different- He will never let it slide.
" What I mean is, Do you mind staying with me for while? Alone. Just two of us " ( Aoi ) -Well, There is Diana but
When I asked her that. She looked at me as if she was expecting something from me? Then while She started walking forward slowly. She answered me with this
" Umm, Well- It's not like anyone is waiting for me, So I think it's okay if it is for only a while " (Ayushi)
-Eh? No-no-no. I didn't mean just for a while! I mean Mikhail, He won't stop searching for me just because he couldn't find me for a few days! It might take a thousand years or so----- Thousand? Do humans even have that sort of lifespan? *Sigh* I think I would've to deal with it as quickly as I can or Ayushi, She might have to live her life in a different world
Diana - Teleportation to the world, A#1 - Em'oregin, Sucess
I just hope that Mikhail will have a hard time finding us.
" Sensei, Why are you sighing so much? Is there something bothering you ?" (Ayushi)
-Well, Yeah- There is a king of angels pursuing me and a guardian who wants to get rid of me!
" No, there is nothing to worry about it- Anyway, Do you realize this a is a different world? "
When I said that she didn't pay any attention to me instead she was gazing towards the sky, looking at a dragon, who was flying across
" S--Se--Sensei!!!!! AA DRAGGOONN? " (Ayushi)
" Well, Yeah- as I said, we are in a different world " ( Aoi )
Well, Whatever, I think this is gonna be a bother.
I just wish I had my powers at a time like this to protect my peaceful life. I guess, My peaceful life ends here!
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