《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 52: The Shield of Obedience


Chapter 52: The Shield of Obedience.

"But we can now confirm that whatever kills them, Is something that can easily kill a powerful person at the rank of Intermediate knight and this would mean that every one of us inside this room is in danger if that thing is still here." Father gravely said as every one of us suddenly went quiet.

So another problem is added to our list, and we still have plenty to solve, but we haven't even made any progress to our previous concern and now here is another one.

I'm not even sure if my father could still keep his sanity at this point. Even his training and cultivation have been disturbed by the recent activity going on in our territory.

My father spent most of his time, now managing the territory as countless problems have arisen after our territory got trapped inside of this thick fog.

It's just a good thing that we were able to solve the small concern in our territory, but not the main concern of many people. Like the problem with the magic beast, the mysterious fog, and now this new creature who managed to slay an entire team of powerful people from church.

We haven't even got any news about Gaspar's situation as the wall made out of thorns stopped us from exploring the enchanted forest and the fog have also made it harder for us to move in our territory as we can only spend limited time inside of it.

"The question that we should all be asking, Is where is that creature that killed them?." Solemnly said by Hugo as he approached the broken cylindrical glass tank.

"I tried this earlier but I think you all should see this." Sir Hugo said as he suddenly pulls out his long heavy sword from its scabbard on his back.

With a bright glare from its blade Hugo immediately slash his heavy sword toward the remaining glass on the tank and even he, only managed to make a very small cut, out of it.

You also need to keep in mind that a powerful person such as Hugo can easily slice a 12-inch thick steel and yet even with the help of his aura the glass only suffers some small scratches.

"Look, did you see that...also this is just my basic attack but only a few people can stop it, and yet, I only managed to make a tiny scratch from this glass." Sir Hugo said as he take another sword stance.

With the release of his breath, he strongly swings his heavy sword towards the glass tank and even his sword blade have become golden due to the aura that covers it.

And yet he only managed to create a crack from it, Proving the strong durability of this glass tank.

"And that is with me using 50% of my strength towards that attack, and look at what kind of damage did I inflict to it." Sir Hugo said as he put back his swords on its scabbard.

Even with Hugo using 50% of his strength on that attack the only thing he did to it, is making a medium crack on its surface not even enough to break it.

I also notice that this glass is 2 inches thick and has 2 different layers, and all the damage that sir Hugo has made is only on the first layer of the glass.

The crack's didn't even penetrate the entire first layer as it only stays a few centimeters below its surface.

"The durability of this glass can already be considered as a treasure for us and yet in this place they only used it as a prison to keep all this unknown creatures lock inside of it." Kiel said as touched the glass with amazement.


"But I'm still baffled as to what is the church doing in this place? and how did they even know about this?" I said as I step forward and removed the armor that the templar of knight was wearing.

"What are you doing Lucas?" asked by my father.

"Father, I'm just checking if I could find something underneath their armor that might help us identify to what and how did they get here. They should have a letter or something of some sort underneath this." I said as I continued to undress them of their armor.

Don't worry they are still wearing their clothes underneath so there's nothing to see at all, besides they already look like a dried-up bark of a tree.

"Wait a minute." I suddenly said out loud without thinking.

"Aren't this armors?" I said with a dumb face.

And they all just look at me with a weird gaze before confirming it.

"Ah, yeah." A plain reply from sir Hugo.

"It is master Lucas." confirmed by sir Kiel.

"And what about it?" Father said.

That is what they said to me after I ask them that questions.

"These are the armors from the church of Agatha each one of these is a precious treasure and they're all in a good condition. We can still use them." I excitedly said as I hurriedly removed their armor. I guess a few washes is enough to clean it.

"Although what you said is true, but Master Lucas I just want to remind you, that we can't use them outside. Once the church saw that we are using their armor they would definitely retaliate against us." Hugo said with dismayed.

"Who said that we're going to wear them as it is. Well going to use this armor as a material for forging our own armor. We will melt them all. Although we might lose half of them in the process, it's still made out of Ignium ore. Even a full-frontal attack from you sir Hugo would not be enough to destroy it in one move." I said excitedly as I also saw their complexion brighten up by my idea.

"I never thought of doing that, all I wanted to do is to hide this evidence from the church since I'm sure that they also have an idea about this place." Hugo said as he excitedly joined me in removing the Ignium armor from their body.

Ignium ore is also known as one the hardest material known to man it would take an immense amount of heat just to melt this ore into a sludge.

At the same time, this Ignium ore is a good conductor of aura and very popular in the knight profession.

An armor made from it can increase the defense of a knight by several times as Ignium becomes stronger once it was exposed to the aura of a knight.

It's like there was a special forcefield created on its surface every time a knight uses his aura that acts as an added protection to any attack from other knights aura or a wizard's mana. Ignium ore has the capability to repel any energy attacks.

While physical attacks work best on destroying this armor. It would still take someone a long time, before he can make any damage to it, or if someone is already at the pinnacle of Intermediate rank or even more powerful person can damage it.

Although it is true that Ignium ore repelled any energy attack It's still a mortal material after all. It still has it's own limits.


It can only repel and ignore any attack below the Intermediate rank, once the power of that attack surpassed this strength then the force field it generates around it's wearer would fail and it would receive damage from it.

Though what's good about using this unique material is about its durability, because even the force field it generates fails. Then the armor alone is enough to protect its wearer as it could still absorb half of the force from that attack lessening the damage that its wearer would get.

"It's just a shame that more than half of this armor would not survive the reforging process and would eventually end up as a junk material." Kiel said suddenly with a regretful tone as we finished collecting the 30 Armors made out of Ignium.

"We all know that, but this is the safest way to keep all of this and besides we just didn't gain this armor alone we also found this fantastic place." I said to him as we put all the armor on one side of the room.

And even after we collect all the armor we haven't found anything that could help us or give us a clue about what are these people doing in this place.

"Yeah it's indeed a fantastic place master Lucas, but have you forgotten that they also died in this room because of an unknown creature." Sir Anton said as he carefully inspect our surroundings.

"Besides we don't even know if that creature is still here we can't just ignore the reason for their deaths." He added as he takes a closer look on the remains of the people from the church of Agatha.

"Or we would end up just like them." sir Anton said in a whisper as all of us quickly change our expressions.

"Anton is right Lucas, we can't be assured as long as we haven't found the creature that killed them, then this place is still too dangerous for us to explore." Father said suddenly as he broke the atmosphere around us.

"Your right father, I shouldn't be impulsive about my decision but why is this the only glass that broke off and the other didn't?" I said to him as I stares at the other glass tank in the room.

Overall there is 12 glass tank in this room and each tank contains a different creature some have wings while others don't some have claws and even have tentacles.

All of them are inside of this glass tanks full of unknown liquid but none of them shows any activity or damage to their tank.

Only this one specific tank is broken for an unknown reason and even if all the 30 people attack this tank at the same time there should be some damage on the other part of the glass but no its only on one part that has a huge hole.

"It might be because of this." Father said as he pulled out a huge and thick shield behind a fallen table.

"A shield?" Kiel said in perplex.

"Father, how could a shield damage that glass?" I ask with amusement.

"Wait, that looks familiar." suddenly said by sir Hugo.

"It-It can't be is that really"it"?" Sir Anton asks with bewilderment.

"The shield of obedience!" Hugo said suddenly in surprise.

"How is that thing here?" Hugo asks my father in shock.

"The shield of obedience the sacred treasure of the church of Agatha?" Said by sir Kiel with a crazy look on his face.

"The shield of obedience?" asked by both Michael and me as we looked at each other with a puzzled gaze.

"Both of you probably haven't heard about this, but this shield is not just an ordinary shield as it was cast a long long time ago and it was considered as one of the sacred treasures of the church of Agatha." Father explained to us as he saw our puzzled gaze.

"Even the three biggest empires on our continent coveted this sacred treasure for its value is immense." He said as he explain to us the importance of this huge ass shield. 🛡️

"But I thought that thing was lost by the church a long time ago?" Hugo said as he immediately touches it with great care.

"I also don't know but it seems like the church has lied to us all just to stop the 3 empires from coveting this treasure." Father said to him with a grave voice.

"But how could it be possible?" Exclaimed by sir Hugo as he stopped touching the shield and seriously look at my father.

" They even have a great story on how they lost this sacred treasure and they even lost a lot of their templar knights in that venture." Hugo added as he said it unbelievably.

"You mean their story about the lost shield?" Michael suddenly ask out of nowhere.

"The story of the lost shield is that it?" I said while trying to remember that story that I have read in the books of propaganda of the church.

It tells the story of how the church has sacrificed it's huge force to calm down the anger of an unknown creature that suddenly shows up on the southern continent after the fall of the kingdom of Aqua.

It even narrates that it was the perpetrator of the riot of the magic beast that causes the downfall of the kingdom of Aqua and in order for them to defeat it the church have no other choice but to seal this creature using their holy powers but the sealing ritual have failed.

They have no other choice to defeat this creature but to send their army together with the strongest weapon they have that includes a shield that can defend from any attack.

Yes, you all heard it right it's an OP shield capable to defend from any attack no matter how strong the power behind that attack is.

But the only problem they encounter is that the unknown creature has found out that it cannot defeat them by any means so it decided to flee to the sea.

But before it fleas towards the sea it decided to attack one last time by taking the human who holds the shield hostage onto its mouth.

Although it is true that it cannot kill the human, the unknown creature thought that once it drop the guy holding the shield in the far sea then it won't have any problem anymore.

But what everyone didn't know is that the shield is also not just capable to defend it can also release a devastating attack by using a huge amount of mana that only a mana crystal can provide.

The knight that holds that shield have activated this attack mid-air and it managed to kill this unknown creature but everything is already too late as they are already in the middle of the sea when it happens.

So the people only saw a bright white light that lit up the dark night for several moments before everything goes back to its calm.

After that night only pieces of the huge carcass of the unknown creature were found and the knight and its shield were forever lost in the depts of the sea.

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