《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 44: A Sudden Crisis


Chapter 44: A Sudden Crisis.

3rd Person's Pov.

Because of the sudden appearance of the black beast Lord Hubert have immediately recalled all the soldiers that was assigned to guard the giant wall of thorns to retreat back into the city.

All of us immediately packed our belongings to leave the place as soon as possible but suddenly the thick white fogs envelops everything on our surroundings and you can't even see anything 2 meters ahead.

It would be much easier to describe it as a thick smoke instead of fog at this point though it doesn't have any distinct smell.

We barely managed to get away from that place before everything got eaten by that fog.

When the fog started to spread throughout the land outside the wall of thorns it causes an initial panic towards a lot of people.

Although being exposed to the fog won't bring us any danger to anyone but the sickening feeling it would cause to our body is something that we liked to avoid.

We saw how terrible the effects of those fogs are to people who got exposed to it and even a strong knight arent safe as they suffers from the same fate.

They all shows symptoms of severe fever and vomiting. They also mentioned the muscled ache they feel everytime they tried to move and dizziness that won't stop.

Although it differs from person to person one thing we found out is that the longer the exposure to this fog is the longer the suffering is. And even our knights that are known for there strong body and fast recovery wasn't safe from this phenomenon.

Although they do recover much faster than normal people like us they too won't like to suffer from it the second time.

But what truly worries me is that the city of Florentine would be covered by this cursed fog. A lot of people would definitely affected by it and might caused severe damaged to our foundation.

"Lord Hubert it seems like the fog has also covered our only way out of the city." said by sir Hugo as he reported the situation to our lord after we came back into the city.

He is talking about the only passageway we have that connects our city to the Turox kingdom as a small segment of it needs to cross a narrow road that was surrounded by the enchanted forest.

"I'm afraid that we are now trapped in this city and every communication we have with the outside world has been cut off by now." Sir Hugo added as he reported the situation with a grim look on his face.

"How's the situation with our people then?" Hubert ask worriedly as he look at the window overlooking the entire city that is now surrounded by a thick fog.


It's been a day since the fog have started to expand its proximity and by now the entire area around the city was already covered in this sickening fog.

For an unknown reason the fog didn't really invaded the city because of its walls as they all remained outside as if they were being repelled by something.

"Although people aren't showing it but I know that even they felt threatened by this situation as this is the first time we have experienced something like this, being trap by a thick fog." Hugo said seriously as he look at Hubert's back.

"Did Lucas suggestions to wear a mask effective in exploring outside the fog?" Said by Hubert as he turn his head towards Hugo.

"Though master Lucas suggestions to wear mask didn't stop the effects of the sickening fog. It did managed to slow down the symptoms of it from showing as we can now explore the outside periphery of the city much longer than yesterday." Hugo reported as he look at his hands holding the pure cotton cloth that lucas have ask to be made into a mask.

"But the expenditure for our expedition outside is getting out of hand It's not very cost efficient to used this cotton cloth as a mask." He said in dismayed as he throw his mask towards the trash can.

Every cotton mask that they have can only be used once, as everytime they venture outside, the surface of the mask would always be covered in thick dark smudges.

They just discovered it yesterday, after they tried the suggestion of Lucas to wear a mask made out of cotton. They notice that the outer surface of the mask was covered in this dark grimes that came out of nowhere.

Sandra even suggest that this might be the reason why people feels sick after staying inside the fog as they unconsciously inhale all of this dirt.

So now every residents of the Florentine city have a piece of this same mask every time they went outside their house.

Although the fog didn't entered the city premises yet, Hubert still strongly insisted to distribute this cotton mask for everyone.

An announcement was also made yesterday afternoon about the fog, that now trapped everyone inside the city.

It is said in the announcement, that the fog have something in the air that cannot be seen by the naked eye that can caused illness to people who will get exposed of it.

Now, everyone that tried to walk inside the city is always wearing a mask made out of pure cotton for fear that they might get infected of the said illness.

The scene inside the city would strongly remind anyone from earth of a medieval era in the middle of an epidemic as everyone wears a mask as they do their business.


Even the stalls that normally sell their product outside decided to conduct their business indoors for the fear that the fog might expand inside the city.

The only good thing is that the water supply of the city is still not contaminated nor affected by it.

And although the thick fog surrounds the city it is still a hundred meter away from its walls.

It means that people still have an access to some parts of their land that would ensure the steady supply of food inside the city.

"Although it is indeed grand to used cotton fabric as a mask but that is the only way we know that can help us explore the fog outside the city. Besides cotton is the only material we know for now that can filter the air inside the fog" Hubert said suddenly as he take his seat while looking at some papers.

"Did you find anything new today?" Ask by Hubert as Hugo just finished his exploration outside the fog.

"There is nothing new outside Lord Hubert, but the sudden decrease of animal activity outside is very noticeable and even insects around the grass can not be seen inside the fog." worriedly said by Hugo.

"What I'm worried about is the situation of Gaspar. We never really know what happen to him." He added as he look at Hubert's face.

"I've checked Gaspar's life mark multiple times in a day and I didn't see any signs of his life being in danger but I truly hope that he can get back to us safely." Hubert said in distress.

"Can't we really do something to it lord Hubert." Hugo said as he took his seat on the nearby sofa.

"Even if I wanted to, there's little chance of us on finding him inside the vast forest besides even I can't defeat a powerful beast like that." Hubert said seriously as he look at Hugo in the eye.

"Though what surprises me the most is the news of Callisto sudden pledge of loyalty to us and even Lucas didn't managed

to decline his offer." Hubert said as he look at his window.

"Don't worry lord Hubert you can fully trust Callisto as the Stratnan family is one of the few remaining family who isn't affected by the kingdoms decay." Hubert said firmly as he tried to convince Hubert.

"Callisto also wanted to come with us to explore outside the city as he was waiting for his family to come but it's nearly impossible for it to happen, especially now that the city is covered in this weird fog." Hugo said grimly.

"He even ask me for several dozens of cotton mask for he wants to go alone and meet them midway but I have forbid him from doing so as it's too dangerous to do that." Hugo said calmly as he look at Hubert's reaction.

"Callisto is also a part of our forced now. We can't just ignore his pledge for nothing, besides that is his own family we're talking about I'm sure that even you would do the same." He said firmly.

"I know but I'm worried for his well being. I can't just let him go out alone and even if I wanted to come with him I can't, as I still have my own duty to do here in the city." Hugo said worriedly.

"But we can't just let his family outside. We all know that some people are still after them and we can only guarantee their safety once they got inside the city premises." Hubert said strictly.

"Then you can send kiel to accompany him we all know that he can handle it as he was great in dealing with that kind of situation." Hubert said suddenly.

"Kiel? Although I'm confident he can do the job but I'm worried about the possible effects of long exposure to the fog we never really have any knowledge about it." Hugo said seriously.

"I already ask Ethan if he could make a potion that could help us he said that it might take him a week to complete but once it became a success then we would have the freedom to explore the fog." Hubert said in a grave tone.

"A potion then can he-" Hugo's words were cut off in the middle when Michael suddenly barge in the room with a worried look on his face.

"Lord Hubert, sir Hugo it's not good." Michael said in a hurry.

"Callisto family have just arrive and some of them are in a critical condition." He added as he look at them with a dark expression.

"What?" shouted by Hubert in surprised.

"What happen?" Hugo ask worriedly.

"I don't know, but the knight that was supposed to guard them also comes with a grave injury on his back he is still unconscious when I left and as for their soldiers most of them are suffering from the illness brought by the fog." Michael said in haste.

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