《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 25: Realization


Chapter 25: Realization

“Good that’s also what I’m thinking even if we revealed this ruins into the world. They won’t be able to get anything from here anyway.” Father said as he check the situation of everyone in the mansion.

“Great seems like everyone is not affected by it.” Father said in relief after seeing that all our staffs are acting normal.

“It’s because Ben have given them some soup that he have made. He said that it would greatly help people to calm down after taking it.” I said to him as I lead him towards the kitchen.

“Ben made something like that. How and where did he learn it? at the same time is it really effective?" Father ask in concerned voice.

“Yes It’s effective I also take a bowl of that soup and it helps me to calm down and Ben said that he learn the recipe of this soup from a potion master.” I said as we both walked in the hallway.

“Then do we still have a lot of it? If it’s really effective as what you say. Then that would help us a lot in restoring the order in the city."

"You will be surprised by what the people are doing right now especially those people who come from outside the city. They are the worst they won’t listen to any of our soldiers."

"That’s why Michael was forced to knock them unconscious. It’s a great thing we arrive on time. It seems like he was having troubles keeping everything under control.” He seriously said to me before we stop and open the door to the kitchen.

“Lord Hubert, Master Lucas” said by Ben and Gaspar in surprise.

“Are you guys done with the preparation of the herbal soup father would like to take it back to the city. The people there are going wild. ” I said to them as I explain the circumstances.

“Yes, of course, Master Lucas the pot of soup is almost done were just going to transfer it to another container.” said by Ben in a relaxed manner.

“Hey, Ben is there something wrong with you? You look kind of weird.” I ask him as something is not right with him.

“Ha? Oh no Master Lucas the potion master told me before that this is one of the side effects of cutting too much of this herbs. The aroma of this herbs can calm our body without us consuming it at all.” Ben Explained.

Oh my isn’t this the same thing that we have on earth a narcotics? I better prohibit the usage of this herbs. I don’t want everybody in Florentine city to become addicted and dependent on it.

“Sure but I think you should tone down the usage of this herb it might cause some side effects that we didn’t know.” I said to him in a calm voice.

“Yes of course Master Lucas, the potion master himself has strictly warned me about the abusive use of this herbs because it can leave someone paralyzed if too much herbs was put into the soup. But don’t worry Master Lucas, I strictly watched Mr. Gaspar in preparing his portion of soup and he followed all the necessary recipe and procedure so there should be nothing wrong with it.” He said in a carefree manner.


“I think it's really effective look at him Lucas.” Father said suddenly as he pointed to the other side of the kitchen.

There we saw the old Gaspar that's familiar to all of us. He is calmly cutting the herbs and stirring the pot quietly without being aggressive unlike before when he becomes obsessed with the use of spices.

“I think this should be enough and it would greatly help our knights and soldiers to restore everything back to normal. I'm sure that even Hugo would not be enough to stop everyone from creating troubles." Father said as he walked towards the exit of the mansion.

“But father there still much more important thing I must say to you about our cook. Gaspar have brought something to us and I can’t disclose that information here there are too many ears listening.” I said to him in a hurry before he exited the house.

“If it’s about Gaspar then that thing could wait. He looks fine to me anyway as long as he didn’t do something wrong then we could discuss this later. For now, it’s much more important to maintain the order in the city.” Father said before he take off towards the city together with the other soldiers and knights.

"Okay, father then I'll wait for your return." I said to him as I watch his back gets smaller.

"Young master it will be better if you immediately went back inside the mansion it's not safe here outside." said by Daniel.

Daniel is also one of the knights who worked for my father he is known as the 3rd strongest knight after Hugo.

My father also left him in charge for the security of the entire mansion since a normal soldier alone would not be enough to deter those smaller nobles who wants to make trouble during this time. It is also thanks to him that no outsiders have managed to step their foot here in the mansion during the chaos. He alone was able to stop all of them from creating a scene.

"Thank you for your concern sir Daniel but can you tell me what happened earlier in the enchanted forest?" I said to him as we both walked back inside the mansion.

"We don't really know what happen back then but when we were about to enter the enchanted forest hundreds of low-rank demonic beasts have suddenly shown up and attacked us. We have no choice but to withdraw in order to defend the city for the possible siege."He said before stopping for a moment relieving the terrible memory he just experienced.

"But that is also the time where we heard the presence of several high-ranking magic beasts. We all thought that it is already our end. Thankfully it didn't attack us and the other weaker magic beasts have also stopped following us when we are far enough from that place." Daniel said solemnly.

"Sir Daniel, Do you have an idea why is this happening? such a huge number of magic beasts gathering at the edge of the enchanted forest is unheard of. Even a number of rank 5 magic beasts are also present on that place." I said to him in a serious voice.


"My apologies young master but even I don't have an idea on what's going on. What's important is they aren't attacking us and on our way back here into the city. A lot of people and businesses man are scampering to walk out of this place. People are now currently leaving the city and it's causing us a lot of trouble."Daniel said in hurry.

"Some of these people are looting other stores before leaving the city while others are stealing some gold coins even several of our industries have been attacked by these mobs but due to the presence of our soldiers we managed to stop them somehow from creating too many damages." He said in anger as he look at the city covered in smoke.

"This is a disaster."He said in a whispered voice.

"I also didn't expect that something this big would happen to us. I thought that everything would go well since our business is starting to grow." I said in dismayed.

"Don't worry young master as long as they don't attack us we don't have to be afraid it's still a little far away from this place." assured by Daniel.

"I also hope so since they have been behaving strangely since the earthquake have happened a few months ago." I unconsciously said and both of us have stopped on our track.

"Do you think this has some kind of connection to it Young master?" Daniel asked me in shock.

"There's a great possibility that it has something to do with that." I said to him seriously.

"But how could it make them act like this that's just an earthquake?." Daniel said.

"But the question is it really just an ordinary earthquake?"I ask to him.

"What do you mean Master Lucas, Do you know something that you aren't telling us?" Daniel said seriously.

"Yes, but I thought it wasn't important at all so I didn't say anything." I said.

"Then what does the earthquake a few months ago have to do with this?" he asks.

"During the earthquake, I notice that the light crystal in our hall have deemed its light for several times and we all know that light crystals don't do this at all." I said while giving him an intense look.

"It's unlikely for the light crystal to suddenly behave like this. There must be other reasons on why it happens."Daniel said while frowning.

"And It seems like it was affected by something we didn't know the same thing that affected the magic beast in the enchanted forest." I said to him seriously.

"That is also the time that magic beast has begun to behave strangely all of it started that day," Daniel exclaimed.

"Yes absolutely, whatever happen that day has changed something and it's causing upheaval in the enchanted forest," I said with certainty.

"Then this should be reported immediately to your father but I can't live the mansion during this time I just hope that the lord comes back immediately," Daniel said quickly.

"It's alright I'll be the one telling him about this and besides I have something more important to report," I said determinedly.

"Then I should go back to my duty Master Lucas, someone might take advantage of this opportunity to infiltrate the mansion," Daniel said as he takes a quick head bow.

"Then just inform my father once he returns that I'll be waiting for him in his office to discuss something important," I said.

"Definitely Master Lucas, I also don't want this problem to prolong we must solve this as soon as possible or find the reason for this disturbance."He said in a grave voice.

"Thank you sir Daniel you may take your leave now. While I'll be staying here thinking of the possible solution for our current situation." I said to him as he gave me a polite nod.

Now that I was left alone in the room it is much more comfortable for me to think about the possible reason and pinpoint where it all begins.

The earthquake hit us 3 months ago and after that, the magic beasts in the enchanted forest have started to show some strange behavior.

At the same time, the Light crystal that is known for its function to continuously emits light have also malfunctioned during that night. Then it is possible that something must have happened behind that earthquake without our knowledge at all.

Whatever it is since it managed to affect the light crystal and magic beast to behave like that then it must be something bad.

Wait, if the Magic beast was affected by this unknown thing. Then what about the demonic creatures behind the northern mountains. I thought of it before taking a careful look towards that direction on the window.

If I think about it. It is also strange that the demonic creatures have suddenly gone inactive for a hundred years. There must also be a reason on why they temporarily stopped attacking the great fortress.

For a long time in the history of mankind since the establishment of the Great Fortress, the Demonic creatures have never stopped their attack. Humans have been protecting that place for thousands of year and nothing have stopped the demonic creatures from besieging it but why did they suddenly stop what's the reason.

Something is not right here I don't know what it is but I have a bad feeling about this.

I knew it. Everyone who has transmigrated would always encounter some problem in their lives and I guess it is also the same for me.

Aside from this kind of sixth sense that I have suddenly gained nothing seems to be useful in my current situation But thank goodness that this body has a good foundation I was able to break through to the limit of a normal human.

But even so, It's still not enough to keep me safe. A lot of more powerful and strange creatures are currently unknown to us and only this continent is the only available land for mankind to live.

Once the demonic creatures breach that giant fortress everything would be over and human activities would be restricted to a few places.

This is what I thought off while waiting for my father I don't even know where to begin explaining all of this.

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