《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 5


Chapter 5

It's been a week since I got transmigrated into this body and I can say that I've almost done adjusting to this world.

So what did I do this past week? Of course, I looked for more information regarding my situation.

I might have all the memories of the original Lucas, but that was not enough.

His awareness regarding the danger of this world is too shallow and I need more information to find out the possible dangers that I might face in the future stock knowledge alone would not suffice.

Besides, in this place I'm still considered a child, I don't have a lot of exposure to the outside world and most of the things I originally knew came from other people.

During these past few days, I compiled most of the information regarding my situation, since I don't want to die again, trust me, it doesn't feel nice at all.

I started writing all the information using the English alphabet so that no one could understand it except me. This is also a sense of security for me if somehow other people manage to find my paper, they won't know what's written on it and can't use it against me.

As I wrote down all the information, I didn't realize that I'd been taking notes for a while and several pages of parchment had been used. I only stopped when I felt the pain in my wrist and fingers. All I can say is, that this is the time that I missed using my phone and the internet they make many things easier.

My adjustment for this past week hasn't been easy.

There are things that I want to find out that a simple search on the internet can solve, but now I need to do it the old way, by looking through books one by one.

This is such a time-consuming activity and these books aren't normal. They're too big and heavy even for this body that is trained to hold big swords.

"How thick are these books?" I said as I tried to measure them with my hands.

"Whoa! My hand isn't even enough to measure it" This is too much, and I know I love reading novels, but this is a different thing.

As I was reading the history of the city of Florentine James our family butler suddenly shows up at the door of the library.

"Young master, here are more of the books and other information you requested for." as James brought a stack of books in a cart.

"All of these books look so worn out and dusty," I said while looking at the covers of the said books.

"Some of these books were written by your ancestors and some of them were passed down to us but most of them was left forgotten in the basement."

I saw some of the titles of the books and most of them are the journals that were made by my predecessors and the others are just books regarding the study of plants and monsters that can be found in the enchanted forest and a few books about aquatic monsters.


"We all have these books and yet we only know little information about this world," I said with a tired expression.

"Young Master Books are rare and expensive. Aside from that, aristocrats and merchants are the only ones who can afford this. No ordinary people would waste their time or money reading all of these books. That's why I admire your dedication to learn this things at such a young age." James said, with a satisfied smile on his old face.

Ah! I almost forgot that the literacy rate in this era is really low. That's why most people are easy to fool and exploit.

People only learn the things that they need to survive in their everyday lives.

I mean, if you look into their situation you'll see that they need to work all day, just to feed themselves and most of the time their earnings are not even enough. So they don't have the time or luxury to waste in learning if they will die from hunger.

"I know that James that's why I'm looking for any information that can help us out, in running the territory," I said as I began reading some of the books.

"What do you mean by that young Master? Is there anything important about the history of the city or the species of plants and monsters that can be found in the territory?" James asks with a frown on his face.

"Well, if you look carefully you will find some useful things like the chicken on our farm. They were once considered monsters due to their size, but when people found out how delicious their meat is, and the delicacy that can be made by using their meat. Nobles started to breed them for the sole purpose of getting their meat. And look how far we come, before we couldn't even hire normal people to take care of them since they were so aggressive, but look at them now, they look tame and I'm thinking that maybe if I look hard enough at these books I could find another monster or plants that we can try to domesticate to become another source of food for our people." I said full of hopes.

"Your intention is good, Master Lucas, but be careful not all monsters and plants are safe to consume. Many people die by eating unknown things in the wild, especially in the enchanted forest." As James said, with a strict face.

"I am aware of that, James you don't need to be worried about me. I don't have the intention to try to consume things out of my curiosity. You can go now, I'll just busy myself with all of these books." I said while looking at a hand-drawn picture of a plant.

When James left my room, I put down the book that I was reading and immediately grabbed the book about Florentine city.

The Florentine city was built on the top of a hill, a location where it was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It was surrounded by a natural barrier. On the north is the mountainous region and at its foot is a big lake that flows through the sea. In the south is the enchanted forest and behind them is the end of the continent, also known as the east sea.


Salt is a cheap commodity, since Florentine city is located beside the sea we have an abundant supply of it.

But based on these books, there was no other known land aside from our continent. Many people thought that there was only one land which is the Vreachland continent.

Only legends of other countries exist, but due to the strong current and the vastness of the sea, no one managed to venture out successfully as this continent is also surrounded by strong aquatic monsters.

Multiple attempts were made to explore the sea, but every time, the ships set sail in the ocean, monsters always stop them from doing so, as you go further you will encounter more monsters, and ships made out of wood won't last even if they are reinforced by magic.

Can you imagine my surprised when I find out that magic actually exists in this world? Yes, the original Lucas is aware of magic but he hasn't seen the actual thing. That's why he never bothers to learn more about them.

What a fool, since I grew up on earth where science is our basis for all things, I am excited to learn more about it.

I even plan to do some research on it. Unfortunately, wizards are rare and most of them work under the backing of a kingdom.

The only idea Lucas had in mind about wizards, is that they use spells and sticks to fight. Yes, it's a magic staff and Lucas only regards it as a mere stick. He still thinks that knights are more powerful.

I mean he's not wrong, though when it comes to physical attributes, knights would surely win, but you can't compare them to wizards who entirely rely on their spells and magic to fight.

Though wizards are more powerful, it doesn't mean that knights aren't good. They can conjure a blade of wind or light coming out of their swords to fight and they have incredible strength, but they are only good for short-distance fights. We can't rely on them for long distances when wizards are capable of unleashing a barrage of spells against them.

I also found out that the founder of the Beaufort house was a great knight. That's why Lucas is so obsessed with them.

It's a good thing that there's also a book here about wizards and magic, though it's really old. And upon reading it, I found out that magic has existed for a long time but only a very small part of the population is capable of harnessing this power.

It also mentions that to become a wizard a huge amount of resources is needed. At the same time, it also requires an affinity to magic which most people don't have.

Magic also gives birth to Magic Beasts, but not all magic beasts have a magic core in their bodies. This passage confuses me but it was written so.

Only a powerful magic beast has magic cores in its body and they have a huge difference from beasts that don't have cores.

Magic cores can be used to cultivate the power of wizards. They are also a good ingredient for alchemy, while the meat of Magic beasts can be used to cultivate knights as they are a great tonic. It has a great effect on the growth of their strength and power.

Basically, magic beasts are just the same as ordinary animals at first, but as they come in contact with magic they mutate into something and become more powerful as they gain more abilities and strength.

Knights are the general occupation of the populace since the criteria are simple and only require having high mental strength and body, but it also takes hard work and luck to become an official knight, as many people are stuck at the apprentice level.

In regards to religion, the most popular and common is the God of Light, Agatha. By being a follower of a god, they can have permission to borrow the power of God, which most of the priests used and abused to amass mortal wealth.

In addition, Agatha is known for blessing and healing. That's why it's very popular for people to become a believer in the god of light. Since they are known as healers and they played the role of doctors of this era.

Though that was the information in the book, I still have my doubts, like what if the God that they worshipped is just a very powerful Wizard who has transcended the limits of mortal and proclaimed himself as a god.

I mean the church of Agatha was formed by the wizards after all, I don't even know why they created this god of light.

Anyway, books like this are very rare since critical information regarding the church is forbidden to be spread. Every time someone from church found a book like this, they would burn this book and accuse the owner of something bad. This got me thinking that this might be one of the reasons why it was hidden in our basement.

I have read a lot of fantasy novels to come up with this idea and, besides, with this kind of setting where magic exists, everything is possible.

I'm just an ordinary man who transmigrated to this world. I might not have a cheat-like power or magic on my hands, but I have the knowledge of science and I believe that I can use this to my advantage, as every world has its own laws of physics. They all follow the same rules. Everything in this world is almost the same except for the existence of magic, which changes some things.

"It seems like I have a lot of things to do before I can proceed with my plans," I said as I looked outside the window.

"Well, that's it for today. I need to digest all of this information first before I continue reading all these books." I said as a closed the book that I was reading and looked at the remaining books, which is still a lot.

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