《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 4


Chapter 4

All of those things happened in a matter of seconds.

I even forgot that I'm now in the dining room together with my father as I felt like I'd spent a long time in that place trying to calm down the raging will of Lucas.

Thankfully, I managed to settle everything in the fastest time possible, or else it would make me look suspicious if I remain unresponsive for a long time.

"I ordered our cook to add some roasted chicken to our dish for tonight, in order to assist you with your recovery. Since you've been asleep for the entire day, I know that you must be hungry." my father said suddenly as he sliced a piece of bread and stuffed some blue cheese inside of it.

Roasted chicken is one of Lucas favorite food, since this is a dish that was only used for rare occasions. The meat diet is quite expensive in this period, since most supplies of meat comes from hunting, and aside from that, the cooks always take special care when they cook something expensive such as meat so its just normal that it was more flavorful than the other dishes.

That's why, out of all the dishes that I have tried, this roasted chicken meat is by far the tastiest, as most of the dishes that were prepared during this time are always bland or salty.

The use of spices and herbs is still not popular as crops that have a larger yield are more popular to the farmer, since they can feed more people. Despite that, due to the poor conditions of the farm, they weren't able to maximize the harvest of every plot of land.

To be honest the taste of this meat is quite surprising, as a person who came from the modern earth and has witnessed the propagation of different dishes and cuisines.

I can say that the meat alone has surpassed the taste of meat on earth. Overall, this is a tasty dish, but it lacks some little things.

As part of the noble class, we have our advantages in having our own farm. Even so, we can't still afford to eat meat every day, as the cost of raising livestock is too heavy for our treasury.

Feeds that are specially made for animals and birds aren't even around here yet. As most of the nobles rely on their massive land to let their animals roam free and fend for themselves.

Most of the food produced on the farm is used for human consumption, since there's always a deficit of food supply in this era, no sane human would use it to feed their livestock, and since we are located at the edge of the enchanted forest, we can't let our chicken and other animals roam free.

Since there are still some predators that prey around them, that makes it harder for us to raise our chickens on a farm, since all the feeds that they need to consume are provided by us.

"Roasted chicken is truly a delicious dish, unfortunately we can't eat them every day." I said without thinking. Dammit, Lucas, your personality is truly overwhelming.

Father has suddenly stopped eating as he looked at me in the eye, and said "I would also love to have chicken in our meals every night, but you know that we can't afford it because they consume too much food. Aside from that, our coppers are running dry, we can't afford to spend it all." Uttered by him with a hint of disappointment and sadness in his tone.


I can immediately tell that his disappointment didn't come from not having enough meat to eat every night, but it was due to his inability as a father to provide the thing that his child wanted.

"Don't worry father, I'll find a way to make sure that we will be able to serve meat on our dish every day to the point that we would get sick of it," I said with enthusiasm to try and lightened the mood.

Father looked at me in distress evident in his eyes and said "Then I will keep that promise of yours in my mind." He said it with a forced smile.

I know that my father is worried about my illness. He knows that there's only a small chance for me to survive, but since the day I transmigrated I felt like everything in my body has changed, it became much better and stronger. So I think I would be okay, and besides, I grew up on the earth where everything is explainable by science, I believe I could find a way to solve this problem.

In a peculiar way, it's actually not just a simple transmigration, but more like a fusion between two entities, the me from earth and Lucas from this world. It's just that, the ego of the original Lucas has lose against mine.

In exchange, I gain all of his memory and emotions.

After I finished my dinner with my father, I immediately went back to my room and started to think and organize all of my thoughts.

As I lay down on my bed, I tried to remember all my missing memories of my past life on earth. Just to find out that my life now in this new world, is much better than before, since I now have my own family where I belong.

Back on earth, I grew up without the proper guidance of my biological parents.

They died when I was young.

Thankfully, my grandparents are there to take care of me.

Unfortunately, they too passed away 4 years before I finished school.

I can't even remember the last time I had fun and enjoyed my life, because even as a kid back then, I didn't have the time for play and leisure.

I always take my studies as my first priority because my grandparents taught me that by studying, I could be a winner in life and yet, they didn't tell me how lonely adult life is.

It was already too late when I realized it, as I had a lot of expectations for my future, but everything did not go as I planned.

There are a lot of thoughts playing on my mind, after all I lived there for more than 2 decades.

My perception of life has been shaped by modern earth, and there are a lot of things here in this new world that can be considered as conservative and controversial, such as the use of healing prayer, is the most sought after by sick people, as this era's living standards are very poor, resulting in a lot of people getting ill.

At the same time, religion is one of the most powerful organizations that cover the entire continent except for the three empires. They have their own army and intelligence units. They used the people's beliefs to empower themselves, but as the power of religion began to rise, the noble's household became wary of them.

We can say that religion on modern earth is still powerful. However, we still haven't achieved the so-called separation of church and government.


A lot of laws have been barred from being implemented because they go against religion, but it doesn't mean that religion is a bad thing, because it balances the nature of a man from being good and evil.

With religion, we can set up the standard of what is ethical and not. It creates peace in the modern world, but for humanity to progress at some point in our time, we must go against the teaching of the church and stop our reliance on religion, because that alone can not save us from extinction.

That is just one of the views of the earth that I am used to, and I must say that there are a lot of things that I could use to improve to fasten the progress of this civilization in this new world.

Thinking back on when I was little, there are a lot of things that I want to achieve in my life.

I wanted to become a great scientist, a doctor, and an inventor, but as I grew older, I found out the harsh reality that our society sets a limit on how far we can go. Without a head start of being rich or powerful or the support of people around us, there's always a limit to how far we can achieve in life.

If we dream too high, people will doubt us, but if we dream too low, people spit on us as they wouldn't be contented, they would say a lot of things about us. Until we reach a point in our life where we say the things that they wanted to hear from us, the things that they knew were possible to achieve.

They don't want to hear something great coming from us, because they knew that it was impossible or there was only a little chance to achieve it, because they themselves know that they cannot do it. But it doesn't mean that we can and how are we going to progress as a society if, even at a young age, they were conditioning our minds that our dreams would stay as dreams.

Technology has indeed become a powerful tool on modern earth but it also creates a lot of people who wouldn't use it for good.

This is just one of the reasons why I don't have a lot of good memories on earth.

My perception of life has changed several times from childhood to adulthood.

When I was little, everything was colorful and bright. My happiness is really simple at this stage. It might be a gift, a toy, or just having a new friend to play with.

When did it change? And what is the cause of the change?

Do I even need to answer this? I know for a fact that we all have our own reason for the changes that happen to us at the different stages of our lives, but for me, it's because our sociological society has become stagnant, despite the advancement of our technology. Everything in our life becomes a cycle that never ends. But in order for us to progress we must break this cycle but the question is how and that my friend is a thing that I can't answer as even me doesn't have an Idea on how to do it.

Actually, as an earthling, I have a lot of depressive thoughts in my mind. I can tell that at some point in my life, I deem it as worthless. In a situation where I don't feel anything is important in life anymore and I lose interest in the things that I loved to do.

And then I found it.

The reason for me to continue living, started in a simple story and I didn't even know that a new door would open for me, a world where everything is possible in the world of literature.

It has become my hobby to read it started from simple stories to novels. Other people might think that it seems naïve, but there are a lot of moral lessons hidden in every story. Lessons that we could learn from.

It might not be an academic lesson, but it might achieve a philosophical or an inner peace within us since most of the lesson that we could learn is related to life.

I don't need to be someone who is great at everything. At some point in my life, Inner peace is the only thing I wanted to obtain. As no amount of wealth could ever compete with it, but there are drawbacks, because if everyone on earth achieved the so-called inner peace, our society would crumble as it stagnated every progress we made in our society. Every one of us would be contented with what we have in life. No one would have any more great aspirations in life to achieve something great.

People who achieve inner peace are often people who experience the lowest point of their life that instead of ending everything by suicide, they just accepted everything and decide to find peace within themselves.

Novels have brought excitement to my life and the adventure into different worlds has once again given me the joy and resolve to move forward.

Every time that the main characters in the novels encounter difficulties in their lives, I always wonder if I were in their situation, what kind of decision should I make?

Would there be a different ending or would I be able to finish the story with a happy ending? No one really knows the answer, but one thing is for sure, I would do everything to achieve what I want.

I mean that is already a second chance and I would have the advantage of having the wisdom from earth. There's no reason for me to continue living an ordinary life.

If there's only one thing that I noticed why most of the protagonists have difficulties with living in their world, it's because they associate themselves with women.

No matter what kind of adventure they do, they would encounter a damsel in distress or a powerful lady who bosses everyone else and, like magic, the man who thinks before doing anything would fall in love or, if not, gradually fall in love.

Even if they don't have the intention of associating themselves with them, a special occasion would always occur and it would force them to be together and, in the end, enemies would appear one after another.

With this lesson in mind, I swear upon my grave that if I die and I was given a second chance to live in another world, I would avoid women as much as possible, especially during my puberty or childhood. A female child is always the worst.

Going back to the story of my life I did everything to survive on earth, and live my life ordinarily, but then an accident happened that brought me into this world.

I work for a big corporation as one of their ordinary office workers. I don't have a lot of friends, but I have my own small circle of people who all have share the same interests though we don't interact much.

Then one day a new employee pops up. This is normal, to begin with, but all of my co-workers are talking about the newbie.

The new hire is a female and a complete bombshell, even my friend, who doesn't have any interest in real human females is also fascinated and talks about her all the time which surprises me.

I know that I have my own principle in life and that is to avoid associating with women, mostly beautiful women who would suddenly show up in your life if I don't want trouble to look for me, especially women like her. we're not on the same level at all.

I was supposed to take the elevator that day, but due to unknown circumstances, all of them are under maintenance and can't be used for an hour, so I have no choice but to use the stairs.

It was already past an hour after work and I always stay late at the company for an hour or so to use the free amenities on the 8th floor, so I didn't expect to encounter anyone especially the new hire on the stairs.

While walking down the stairs, I heard a loud voice of a woman who seemed to be arguing with someone.

As I continuously took the stairs, I saw the newbie with a man who looked like they were fighting, so I decided to pass by them and ignore everything since it didn't seem to be serious enough for me to intervene, but this newbie dares to approach me on her own.

And have the guts to use me as a shield against this man who looks eager to fight someone.

"Senior, please help me my ex-boyfriend is harassing me." She said, with tears swelling up from her eyes.

I just want to go home and enjoy my free time and I want this to be quick and over so I decided to help her just this time and become a good Samaritan.

"Hey listen, if you want to speak with her, do it properly. Don't force yourself on her, you look pathetic." I said while looking at him with eyes full of pity.

My communication skills are okay, but it doesn't mean that I'm good at dealing with this kind of problem. Besides, I'm not afraid of him, because why not? I can run and call the security in the building if I need to.

However, I didn't expect that he would immediately resolve it with a fist. I didn't even hear any sound from him aside from a grunt of anger.

And out of reflex, I managed to evade all of his punches but the newbie decided to mediate between us to try and stop the fight even if she knew that she could be hurt by doing it.

As far as I know, no woman has managed to stop a fight between two men without harming the other, especially if the other one thinks that his pride and ego are on the line, which is obviously not me.

She spread her arms and pushed both of us away from each other and due to my heightened alertness against the other men. I failed to notice that I'm now literally at the edge of my death.

One step back, and that's all it took for me to lose my life as I fell from the stairs. I felt that my body had become light. Thoughts of being able to fly due to watching and reading too much fantasy have come from my mind and, just like that, I crashed into the hard floor. I can even hear my bones breaking like twigs from the impact. With one last piece of thought left in my mind that women are truly the source of disaster.

When I remembered the reason for my death on earth, I lost all the will to reminisce about my past and decided to think about the steps that I need to take for me to adjust to my new lifestyle.

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