《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 3



Bright warm light has suddenly shine on my face waking me up from my slumber and I almost even got myself into a panic thinking that I was kidnap when I saw the unfamiliar room upon opening my eyes, but then, I remembered that I'm not on Earth anymore.

"So last night was not a dream? I really transmigrated into a new world." - I thought off as my mind became sober.

Then reality hits me.

I mean it's weird. This is not something that I would expect to happen in my everyday life. I mean no normal person would expect to be transmigrated when they die right?

It's strange to think that I can accept everything calmly without going crazy, but... I don't feel any loss at all, though I'm sure that I would miss the internet but when I think about it, there's more things that I can discover on this world, that I would never found on the internet.

Trying to sound positive, as I convinced myself to adjust to my new life. I meant, it's more convenient to live on the modern earth than in this medieval era, but it doesn't mean that this world has nothing to offer. In fact, this world has a lot of potential based on my memory.

I was about to continue my inner monologue to see if I could find something more interesting or important stuff that I should remember, when the door suddenly opened and James, our family butler, appeared.

"Young Master, you're awake! You've been sleeping for a whole day, sire decided not to disturb your rest, but it's night now and sire is worried about your condition" said James with a surprised expression on his face.

"I've been asleep for the whole day?" I asked with a bewildered face. I mean I only felt exhausted upon waking up yesterday, but I didn't expect that it would take me an entire day to recover.

"Yes sir" James briefly confirmed it with a nod.

Is that the reason why I feel so refreshed? All the previous fatigues and pains in my body are gone. I know for a fact that this body has a remarkable recovery, but this is too fast. Even for the original Lucas, this is astonishing.

Every time that Lucas has experienced the illness he would still feel some sequelae after the "Creeping Death" illness showed up, but he doesn't want to show any weakness to other people. That's why he pretends to be okay although he is not fully recovered yet.

Did something change in this body? Is it because I now possess this body? or is there another reason for the great change in my new body? My thoughts were interrupted when James opened up the curtains in my room and that's where I noticed the two bright moons in my window.

"By the way, Young Master, sire is waiting for you in the dining hall," James said while I was still staring at the two bright moons.


Even if I have the original memory of Lucas, I am still surprised to see the actual thing.

For Lucas, everything here is normal, and nothing is out of place. While things or phenomena that I might consider as bizarre might be normal for him.

That's why, till now, I'm still not able to perfectly adjust to this world, but one thing is for sure. The moon on this planet is dangerously close to my liking. It is too big. Yes, they might be fascinating to look at, but I'm worried about a planetary collision.

But it seems like it is pretty normal for everyone. I even tried to remember if I have any related knowledge about this two moons but everything that I remember has no use at all. One thing is for sure though, one of these moons might be capable of nurturing life. The surface of this moon is covered with greenish-brown and blue colors. It is very similar to how our planet looks, while the smaller moon is covered in a purple-green haze.

"What an amazing sight" I unconsciously uttered those words while looking at the night sky. Everything is so detailed.

"Fascinating isn't, especially if the sky was clear," James said while pulling the curtains.

"People must love gazing at them every night."

"Yes we do, especially for kids, but as you grow older it just becomes a normal sight and eventually everyone will just ignore it," James said as he arranged the flower vase on the table.

"But doesn't anyone have any question if there might be life or other people living on those moons besides us?"

"A lot of stories and legends told us that there were elves on the Faramis (the bigger moon). It tells us the legend of the home planet of the elves, and how they decided to venture out from their cradle. But most of the human story consisting of elves has a tragic ending and no one has ever seen an actual elf on this land." James said seriously while gazing at it.

"And yet, stories about them still exist. It means that they are real, and besides, those legends wouldn't exist without any basis. Maybe something had happened back then. I mean who knows, how long our history is. Only time can tell." Lucas said as he stands up from his bed.

"It would be wonderful to talk and listen to you, young master, but your father is still waiting for your presence in the dining hall" James cut me off as he proceeded to guide me outside.

As I walked outside of my room, what awaits me is a dark and spacious hallway with only a little light coming up from a few candles hanging on the wall. This scene strongly reminds me of a horror house from an old movie.

While I was on my way to the dining hall, I saw the different statues, paintings, and arts that were passed down to us by our ancestors, proving the rich history of this house. The walls are carved with rich and vibrant designs of plants and animals. And every corner of the house is decorated with a suit of armor.


The house of Beaufort has a short history but has a glorious past.

My ancestors are one of the five founding members of this kingdom.

Because of this, our house was originally granted with the duke's position but all of that is now in the past. We even consider ourselves lucky to keep our rank of viscount.

I don't have a lot of information about my ancestors, since most of the recorded books we have were burnt down by my great grandfather, for unknown reasons.

The founder of our family is a respected and dignified man, but the following generation has greatly disappointed him as they only bring shame to our name.

They are also the reason why the Beaufort family was kicked out of the capital, as they brought us nothing but trouble and enemies.

Thankfully, during those times, our family was still powerful and the king has pardoned us, but we can no longer live in the capital. That's why Florentine City existed. It was created far from the capital and far from our enemies.

A city that was hard to invade but easy to defend on.

My Ancestors built a city located at the corner of the kingdom and far from other foreign territories, a city built by our own hands on the edges of the enchanted forest.

We are not clear about the things that happened in the past, but the royal family has already forgiven us. However, they also make sure that we would not be able to restore our rank.

Other people said that some family members had betrayed the kingdom, which was the reason why we were kicked out of the capital. However, since my ancestor is part of the founding fathers, the royal family has forgiven us and let us live, but I think it might have something to do with our family's power and influence during those times, as our ancestor was still alive when it happened.

By the way, the mansion that was built at that time, is still standing and no changes have been made since then. It has a U design from above and has 2 floors with a basement area. Even so, this is huge. It even has a grand staircase and a banquet hall.

In order for me to reach the dining hall, I need to go down the grand staircase and as I approached that place a bright light shined upon me.

There I saw the biggest crystal chandelier in my life, as it brilliantly illuminates every corner of this place. A huge contrast to our hallway which is dimly lit, I think that this was the brightest place in our house. Even from the outside, people would easily notice this place, since it has a lot of glass windows.

The crystal chandelier is one of the products of this world. It is also known as a light crystal, a natural illuminating crystal that surpasses even our modern lights. It is also an expensive commodity, that only the rich and nobles can seek after.

While I was on my way to the dining hall, I quickly noticed that I only saw a few maids and servants along my way, which is unproportional to the size of this house.

When I reached the dining room, I saw that it only had an elongated table and a few cabinets, and alongside was a row of chairs. One of the chairs was occupied by my father. The room also has a smaller version of the light crystal chandelier, huge paintings, and portraits of the first founder.

"Do you feel better now?" asked my father with a stern expression.

"Yes, I feel much better now" I answered with a smile.

The stern face of my father was immediately broken with this smile and a flash of astonishment has appeared on his face.

This is obviously not what he expected to receive from me.

The original Lucas always wanted to show his strong side to his father.

That's why he doesn't show a lot of emotion or expression to other people, much less to his own father.

The original Lucas is like a kid who is drowning in sorrow. Even if he wants to ask for help from other people, he doesn't know who should he ask, and as a result, he learned to stand for himself and pretends to be a strong, independent man to avoid showing his weakness to others.

And in addition, the only thing he hopes for in his entire life is to receive his father's approval and to make him proud. That's why he does everything perfectly. But now, he is gone from this world.

As I think of this, I felt that something inside me is burning. Like a string that is constantly fighting to control some of my emotions.

I know for a fact that there is still something inside me that originally belong to the original Lucas and that is his strong will. That's why a promise has been formed in my heart and mind. That I will fulfill everything he wished for in exchange for a complete surrender of the control of this body.

As that promise was formed, I immediately felt the burning desire in my mind start to calm down and all those distracting forces inside me had died down.

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