《Blood Limit》Ch 24


I walked the ground beside the waters as I studied what I summoned, the life here is far to grand!

I get the feeling if I touch it wrong it will shatter and much like glass does it becomes a fitting blade.

I saw a large tree as tall as thee other stabbing into the sky most definitely larger than anything earth has seen in years if any time ever.

I put a hand on the tree because of a feeling. Thats what led me to encounter another form of energy it felt nothing like chakra and something told me it was certainly not Nature energy.

Hm... Should I test it?

"Whistle whistle, recognizable word, whistle whistle whistle!" I heard something that sounded like a group of birds so I cranned my neck upward to see a female hopping down and in pursuit was an old man.

Long ears, white healthy flesh, green clothes - no shoes and her weaponry seemed to be crafted from the surrounding material which seemed just like plants and other oversized greenery to me. This of course was the female whose ears had been more perfected in a way, they seemed more natural. That original roundness perfectly coming in to a point.

The old man.. Normal ears, dark clothes, short white hair reached his nose and dirty brown boots. All he revealed was his arms head and face, equipped was a sword of...

"Is that ebony?" I asked curiously with sight on his sword.

Instead of approaching me she acted as though I weren't there and dramatically dove into the water behind my back with the old man hot on her trail. Upon reaching the lake instead of jumping in the old man sneered with his face wrinkling, on the top of his sword ignited a flame and he held that over the lake as though torching oil.

He moved, plunging the flame into the lake but before he could contact the lake with his attack I rose my sword to his neck.

As though he already knew this He stiffened when the blade was in sight before he stopped his sword.

Great, I stopped him but what do I do now?

That's when something phenomenal happened.

The girl shot out of the lake, rather four tentacle broke the waters surface and stabbed into the air as the girl hung from a tentacles by a hand.

Rose a monstrosity from out of the waters with a height of 500ft, its apparel was the head of a dragon mouth glowing green, its arms were actually humanoid, fingers, claws, its claws excelled in sharpness as did the length. Like horns on its head extended smaller trees, its body was well.. Just like.. The smooth skin was tree bark so it wore this look and a horrifying maw with tens of thousands of teeth in rows resembling a megladon.

Its murky eyes narrowed at us in a glare with a threatening aura the black tentacle which lapped over entangling its body turned out not to be tangled at all and twenty shot toward us.


My right arm was batted by the old man in my distraction as he grinned and moved forward.

"Hey, you're gonna die." I spoke caution to him.

Ignoring me he jumped at vanishing speed and appeared again on the knee of the humanoid-dragon monster. Jumping again he dodged while cutting down tentacle aimed at him while using branches or trees or whatever he met on his way up the monsters body, using obstacle to go even higher.

Hey hey I am no genius but this guy seems not to be a push over in battle so what will these two do next?

I looked over to the elf girl, she was now running along the tentacle at breakneck speed leading back to the head of this mythical creature.

This is when my eyes widened you would need so much focus to run along something so small so effortlessly and she made it look natural. I wondered if I could do it for that moment but that was put on hold as the old man almost reached the top.

The elf girl decided against running and shot out her arm open palm aimed at the head of the monster, small vines protruded from the small slender hand and wrapped around a tree. She gripped and tugged at the vines before being pulled along at blinding speed.

Upon reaching the head the vines immediately loosed their hold on to the tree and shot back into their owners arm before she turned to frown at the man who had just reached the top.

The mans blade was being lifted above his head and had erupted in fire on point, with an evil smile he swung down in an arc his large sword. It was normal in length for a sword but was great in width.

Upon seeing the sword light up in flames the elf girl eyes widened before frowning, she blurred towards the old man meeting his sword with a kick.

I cringed thinking she would be burned but instead as if it hit some strong material it stopped and the fire which I'd expected to burn flesh and the wooden bangle on her ankle had certainly not been burned.

"Heh." His lips tugged into an evil smile, but before he could take action he was flying into the air above from a snap kick from the girl.

The man groaned then growled before lifting his sword and throwing it down with all of his power.

Before he even knew what was going to happen the girl's palm opened again with the vines shooting forth once again they wrapped around his head and pulled him down before the sword even left his hands he was slammed onto the monster's head with extreme force.

The vines slowly loosed his head and took their time slithering back into her hand as she lifted her small foot to the man who was at her feet, she stomped his head in with force finally doing damage to the monster's hard bark like skin.


Rather that's its armor isn't it?

She's really strong so she won't be needing my help.

I had been taking my time cutting down each tentacle from the monster as they came while observing the situation with the girl and the oldman. But now that was unnecessary so I cut them all down in a blink finishing them up.

Phew! This power really is amazing!

I looked at my hand which was covered in a dense chakra I found out this aura was really just my raw chakra with a little thought.

Putting my sword back on my belt I turned and walked off casually planning to enter deeper into the swamp.

But the corner of my peripheral caught something interesting halting my steps I look back at the twitching arm attached to the monstrosity which rose and as if it had an itch its claws raked across its head where the girl and old man were. The girl jumped back and the old disoriented old man remained while his head no longer had been attached to his body and had been severed by a large claw.

As if it knew something was still there it roared loudly as the tentacles which wrapped its body soon covered its head. Or it tried to but ended up hissing at the burning sword.

The girl seen the problem and looked like she wanted to help but seemed hesitant for some reason. The fire on the sword reflected in her eyes instilling hesitation.

Hm that's interesting... So the problem is the flames huh?

I guess I'll help..

I used shift, disappearing before I reappeared in front of the elf girl who looked at me with shock in her eyes. I hefted the flaming sword which was light as a feather off the bark which had somehow resisted getting burns making me lift an eye brow.

The monster gave a deep growl before it raked claws across its head again.

Seeing the oversized claws move I shifted again, appearing below. I looked back in time to see the girl narrow her eyes on me and as she jumped down before approaching with her eyes on the blade.

Moments later the tentacles moved again, leaving nothing behind.

"Thaw lliw uoy od?" She said in an elegant voice.

Huh? So this person has her own language.

Does this mean we won't be able to talk to each other.

"I will put this blade down once its extinguished. I dont really care for it you see?" I told her although I suspected she wouldn't understand.

She nodded before she retrieved a leaf from the ground. Staring at it as it sat upon the palm of her hand she murmered some words before I felt breeze and the leaf fluttered in her hand before she handed it to me.

I lifted an eyebrow.

What is this should I whisper to the leaf too?

I took the leaf and felt a change not knowing anything I decided to ask forgetting she wouldn't understand me.

"What is this suppose to do?" I asked curiously.

"Nature has power. I have requested that it allows you to comprehend my words and make your language sound as mine." She said speaking in Japanese.

Rather there was still a notable difference to her words and mine now so I suppose that this is just us both speaking her language while mine is gone?

I think its like this as long as I'm holding the leaf..

Lets hold it for now.

"So as I was saying.." I said with closed as before summarizing what I had said before. "I will extinguish this blade and don't particularly care for it so you can take it after."

She nodded. "I will be grateful mortal."

Mortal? What does that mean? Are elfs not mortal because of their longevity now?

I looked away in annoyance and set my sight on the blade which I held in the air nonchalantly. My chakra covered the blade before my chakra nature froze the sword extinguishing the flames. Narrowing my eyes the ice cracked like glass before falling in pieces.

I handed the elf with slightly widened eyes the hilt of the blade which she took.

Nodding gratefully she took the sword before looking back at monster, her eyes widened I terror.

What's wrong now?

I looked back to the creature but my eyes widened at the sight.

Tens of thousands of the sharpest wooden tendrils were shooting out of the colossal creatures mouth, coursing green with a venomous substance dripping from the tip.

That's all I seen before I spazed out.

A change of scenery washed over me each millisecond not even allowing me to perceive the changes. Before I knew it I reached the mouth of the monster and thats when its black tongue snaked out grabbing me before pulling me in and chomping down it slammed its mouth shut before devouring me whole.

The tongue and the green substance seemed to be an acidic poisonous liquid. I felt my self melting and healing all over again.

So I'm expected to be easy food for this thing and I'm also expected to just let myself be devoured constantly?


I disappeared from the dark intestines and appeared outside before the elf girl who had some how dodged that attack.

I looked around at the surrounding which were pierced by the wood tendrils which were now gone, back in its mouth I assume.

My gaze went over to the elf girl whose eyes had widened slightly.

I felt my eye lids growing heavy following a mysterious scent which went into my nostrils.

I had nothing to do so I fell to the ground and fast asleep I was when my face contacted the ground.

That venom had a sedative affect? Awe man..

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