《Blood Limit》Ch 23


~~Sasu Pov


I shifted, leaving behind Lidya. Where I appeared now was in a open field of grass. No trees, no buildings nor constructs.

Where is this place? Have I left japan?

I had been looking at the endless plain of grass layed out before me, it was a nice sight when seen rarely but also one of those sights which were to plain to keep looking at.

I lifted a hand, looking at it with inspecting eyes. The glowing was still there of course and radiant as ever seeming like it wouldn't leave no time soon.

Hm lets see what this is all about..

I remain standing and closed my eyes then I waited.


You have any questions?

My eye brows lifted slightly because of this new kink to the blue screens.

I guess this is the goddess? No this screen has a mechanical feel. I wonder if it will help me figure out something about this aura.

"Yea what is this aura?" I asked curiously.

Figure it out.

Then after reading that one of the weirdest things happened, the blue screen disappeared as my eyes were forced open. It felt absolutely unatural, so unnatural in fact I dont want to do it again.

Still if I am to figure this out alone then... Its best to take things from where it all began, that is..

Did this happen with that update I got from using chakra gathering? But there had been no mention of this aura at all. Still they must be connected...

Only one way to find out! I deactivate the auto chakra gathering and I wasn't disappointed.

The aura of chakra went up in wisp and extinguished.

"So they are connected!" I said as I had gotten somewhere.

Heh might not need that blue screen to tell me everything after all! But ...again.. This has only lead to more question. Now I need to know what it does.


'Alright!' I thought before cutting Chakra Gathering back on, the aura appeared as large and as dense as before and its movements akin to the flow of reacting to swiping winds which blew at me like a breeze.

Well this is some power! I looked around at the grass it was either flattened or being blowing in the wind.

"This is amazing! I feel I can do anything, my power has the feel of being limitless also." I said excitedly.

I wonder what this does too... The surge of power is notable but that can't be all right?

"Ahh... That's right." I said aloud. I had remembered when I pulsed my chakra by instinct pushing back the helicopter, the people were unable to identify me as well.


So wait.. What all this skill does is pulse and concealment? Isn't that worthless as a skill? In Naruto those ninja are the most forward ninja... They fight upfront as contradicting as it sounds..


I guess you really shouldn't question plot sometimes..

"Well I'm grateful, three skills in one." I said but I believe I had failed in sounding excited, it was also said in a laid back manner.

But who cares right? By the way I guess I didn't need two days at all, I barely took an hour. Should I head back?

"I suppose I don't have a reason to stay out here... But I guess I will anyway. I mean whats the fun in going right back home right?" I said in thought.

Since I should be training and I have chakra expanding in all directions like this is the best time to play with the entity summon ability.

Hmm what do I summon first..

Looking at the plains before me it was decided I would change the enviorment first.

First I have to destroy the grass a bit, I summon a couple of nukes which appeared in the air in a position from my head then they fell at my feet.


All one could hear through the explosion of two nukes were my cries of anguish if they were actually someone in the abandoned area.

"AHHH! - HUH? Eh, is it over?" I said it without and indication of just being in the center of the blast.

"They appear then blow up in my face?" I said in anger.

That's when I summoned a lot of nukes spaced out in the air all over the place then I cut my instant regeneration up to max before I did the horse hand seal on one hand and made my sword in the other hand.

When I did a hundred clones appeared for the sake of 1000 bombs and we disappeared.

I reappeared on the surface one of the falling bombs and stabbed in my sword while getting some satisfaction from plunging my sword into the stupid bomb I vanished, unable to stay long or it'll blow.

I appeared on some other bomb while immediately plunging my blade into it and repeated this process as the clones were don't the same.

This all took 10 seconds before an explosion went off wreaking havoc all through the area.


"Thank you everyone! Good work out there!" I said proud of the clones hard work and dedication.

"Bye!" They shouted while some waved happily. Clapping my hands I dispelled the clones before breathing tired and setting regeneration to normal.

Ok ok.. So cats out of the bag, allow me to explain.

My regeneration is normally something I activate consciously.. Unless! There are cases of emergency like the time Naruto had almost killed me. This time specifically I took advantage of my ability to change between the two of them. Normally I consciously regenerate but I couldn't bother this time so I left my body to regeneration to do its work automatically.

I regenerate on my own alot of the time for mental practice and its very good practice you should try it if you reach this point one day. (Complete bullshit need mental capacity increase rather than chakra capacity increase I mean wtf!)

Well my wrath has been placated a bit..

Well lets get to work! I have to change this sorry enviorment, cause otherwise it'll keep stagnating looking like 'who the hell did it!?'

I look at the land utterly torn asunder, lets bring nature back whose with me?

Activating my summon ability I summoned an air of cleansing and preparation the ability again activated meeting my demands and the area cleaned, cleared it self like magic before I dispelled that and brought back nature but not before spreading these arms dramatically.

"BEHOLD!!! FOR I HERALD THE NATURE ONCE FORGOTTEN... KNEEL BEFORE MY POWER!!" I yelled dramatically and summoned a brilliant multi-colored light which immediately consumed the entire area.

"BEAR WITNESS!!-" I spoke grandly and there a swamp of fantasy gradually appeared amidst the fading light and for added effect I summoned a great wind that blew throughout the swamp sending the leaves of great trees fluttering and other wild plant life all great in size shook.

I summoned tremors great enough to shake the ground though causing no visible damage and as though I woke it up monsters surfaced from the fantasy marsh the most unusual sights and unknown monsters to even me appeared out of all places of the the swamp.

Well I can't have our visitors going off on their own right? What if they get lost? Who agrees?

"Suspension.." I said with an expression of mild interest as I swaggered into the swamp of fantasy with my sword on my belt.

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