《Blood Limit》Ch 22


Something precious is something you will protect is it not?

I disappeared from the house of Lydia and myself just to reappear at the very top of Tokyo tower, my home country...

This tower is 332.9 metres, approximately but as I am in the air above it by a few meters, on the point out of sight... Hopefully, I am above even that height.

Looking down on all of Japan I take it all in as if it was the city of lights..

Its broad day light, I'm sighting the borders but not so much as I am feeling them. Though I had been in Naruto for a while the techniques of chakra light enhancing eyes were still unknown to me so that left me to spread out my senses.

Lets see... Using Chakra Gauge I can see that my chakra is full at its meter of 1000/1000.

"So spreading out 1 point of my chakra... A mere 1 meter out huh.." I expand my chakra sense a bit more and it is indeed 1 point per meter of chakra.

Hm.. This is suffering I can't even sense all of Japan like this. How do I summon an army for all of Japan when I can't sense that far!?

"Fuck.." I cursed.

I need to build chakra.. But how do I do it? My brows furrowed.

I need a skill! I need chakra! But how!? I grit my teeth before I ran through my memory for all of the skills I obtained so far.

No... No No nah... Ah-ha! Found it! I can build my chakra capacity with this skill.

"Chakra gathering ~ allows host to gain chakra. Can be used to increase user's compacity. (Skill obtained Ch 9)"

Perfect! I can actually increase my capacity naturally like this. But will it work on earth I wonder? Energy concepts are rather intangible... Very difficult stuff here.

I decided to forget my worries for a moment it won't help i'll just end up wasting time right? I shut my eyes and sat down on the spot mid-air with my shift skill and started my attempt to gain chakra.


There! ...in less than a minute I felt something happening to my chakra, I checked my gauge. 1024/1024 was my new chakra count in I say lets do 30 seconds. So in estimate I gain 25 chakra points every 30 seconds using this skill of mine.

I guess there's around 604800 seconds in a week right so... I guess my chakra will right by 24192 each week? Hm? Maybe...

Whatever I'll just look at my gauge by the end of the week. For now building chakra is the first step..



~Pov Random

"Hey mommy what's that?" A child said as he pointed out the window of a restaurant at Tokyo's Tower.

"Stop pointing thats ru- ... Um, I don't believe I can answer that son?" The mom said as she let her fork fall onto the plate with a 'clater' like noise drawing the attention of a few people which became more.

What the kid had pointed at a fine silhouette of a figure with a light so bright it seemed like the sun.

The figure seemed human enough apparently sitting down just above the point of the Tower but... That was of course impossible.

"Hey, she's not gonna believe this!" Some guy said whipping out his phone from his pocket.

"Its buddha haha and it seems that guy's lost some weight!" Some guy said as he started recording the figure.

"I wonder what this means though.. This is obviously an unnatural feat." Some lady said.

"Who cares there hasn't been anything like this in ages! If this is real... Oh boy!" Said some guy enthusiastically recording.

"Yea this is certainly more than a sight for sore eyes.." Said some guy coolly in a laid back manner.

The mom was finding her, and her son more and more surrounded by onlookers and their phones as recorders for ah video.

"Scuse' me.. Hey I said excuse me!" The lady said but she was being ignored.

Or maybe not...

"Hey guys lets move this table! Who wants better footage!" Some guy said lowering his phone a bit and looking annoyed at the table.

"Yea lets increase our quality!" Someone else shouted.

"Move the table! Lets do it!!" Some guy said getting pumped.

Back to the mother 'these heathens!' She thought.

She looked at her son then took a glance at their unfinished meal before silently apologizing to her son, grabbing his arm she held on tight and pulled him along. "Come on! Everybody let us through!" She screamed.

Still no one listened but she forced her way from the table before they moved it.

Holding tightly to her son's arm she began swimming through the wave of people that surged from no where. "Just what the hell is all this- ahh!" She was forced to fix her grip but found someone had also held her arm firmly. Looking at the arm that held her and who she held...

"Wheres my son!?" She yelled to the top her lungs.


~Lidya Pov

Well what's this?

I pulled my phone from my skirt pocket before checking its notifications, apparently it rang because of this sight atop Tokyo's Tower.


Hold on...

I went to an image sent to me by one of my yankii buddies and zoomed in on the silhouette.

"That's.. Brother? What is he doing up there." I said aloud and looked at it a moment before coming out of it and preparing to call his phone.


I heard his phone go off somewhere near me so I followed it, upstairs? Nope.. I took my foot off the step and glanced towards the desk on the first floor.


I approached the desk and picked up the phone which had been charging near the laptop.

"This idiot.." I said with frustration.

That's when I felt a surge of force nearly knock me off my feet but some ghastly figure appeared and steadied me with a hand before fading out again leaving no trace of having been even existent in the first place.

I could hardly even make it out it went and gone as quickly as it'd come.

"The fuck is going on!!" I yelled before running out the door with my bag.

I still have to meet up with them..


~Sasu Pov

I pulsed my chakra a single time before I stood up.

It turns out that that skill was upgradable as well, after some time passed I received another pop-up from the blue screen so now I gain around 100 Chakra every 23 seconds.

That was very exciting but better was yet to come as I received another pop up telling me I could increase my chakra capacity unceremoniously.

"Just what is even getting stronger anymore?" I pulsed my chakra once more to get a feel of my surroundings and to show off like they did in novels and anime.

What can I say it seemed pretty cool right? Those characters are amazing.

"Wait what's she doing all the way over there?" I said as the image of Lidya was put in my mind. Information came and apparently she left the house and went off on her on..

Still... Moreover..

I directed my sight down at the people in the resaurants below. "What?" I said curiously.

They had their phone camera directed up here. Toward me?

I looked around at myself and noted I had been shining rather brightly, "Rather.. Just what is this aura?"

Around me had been an aura going all around my body very thickly, I doubted those people down there would be able to see me through this. The color of this aura is blue like chakra but... Its different?


A helicopter had chose to come stop by and was quickly closing the distance with a person hanging out holding a camera.

"Hey its not that big a deal!" I said and waved in annoyance.

"Just what is that!?" Said the guy hanging out the helicopter.

"I don't know but keep recording!" Said someone else from the seat of the helicopter which had gotten to close for comfort.

"Back up.." I said and instinctively my chakra had pulses making the helicopter rear back with its nose turned up.

"What the hell is happening!?" Said the person piloting.

"It didn't even touch us! A-amazing!!" The guy with the camera said. "Hey get closer!" He told the pilot enthusiastically.

"Fuck." Well I have no choice..

I looked directly at the helicopter an its people, "Hey guys guess what?" I said before I disappeared.


I reappeared in front of a stunned Lidya before she stopped being stunned and asked me curiously, "Brother is that you in there?"

She may not even see me.. This dense thing is rather annoying, this aura.

Hm.. Instead of trying to answer I did my best to manifest an ice version manifestation of myself before I had it to nod its head for me.

It was the best I could come up with to answer at this moment don't complain.

"You.. You idiot why did you leave without your phone!" She shouted but I could pay no mind to that right now.

I made a ice stone tablet with a written choice of words I'd use to get what I intended to say across before I had the ice manifestion hold the tablet for her to read.

"I don't understand any of this.. I need to go and find out what this is and it may be some time because I think this could be useful in a long run?" She read disbelieving.

I made the tablet refresh it self before it seeming etched on words which she read again, "Give me two days.." She took a breath before she spoke her own thoughts.

"Very well," she put her hands to her hips. "But come back on time you just died here remember?" She said.

I refreshed the tablet once more before it read "Thank you!" And I disappeared with the ice manifestion nodding at me before it fell apart and just became ice on the ground on a sunny day.

"Great.." Said Lidya afterwards.

Then she walked off in an in a random direction.

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