《Blood Limit》Ch 21


~~Sasu Pov


I used my demonic walker skill to leave that room which my friend has started changing in. First I realized when I think of using this skill that name is uselessly long so I will just call it 'shift'.

I wonder if I can do that?

"Well I should start getting ready for bed myself." I said aloud to no one specifically.

I walked the upstairs corridor from where I shifted out of Lydia's room, leaving from outside of her door I walked towards my room before opening the door.

The window was slightly opened as a breeze came cool breeze came through blowing the curtains. I looked in a corner to my right when walking in, there was my bed.

"I forgot what a bed was like.. Is that what a week from home feels like?" I said aloud again to no one special. I approached my bed and just collapsed on top of the sheets.

"Ahh" the breeze hit me coming in from the window as the bed comforted my body which was still had adjusting to do in the other world still it had improved immensely compared to my old body.

I do doubt I would be done in by a flying truck anytime soon.

Slowly I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep and just when I almost lost consciousness I received a new pop-up with closed eyes.

Demonic Walker has been updated!

This skill can level up by doing unexpected actions. By fulfilling the criteria the skill be upgraded according to the how it is used by the user.

Lv. 3 Demonic Walker (Unlocked) ~ You may now use this once while in mid-air. Description: Upon using in mid-air an invisible surface which can only be noticed by you will appear when used aerially.


Notice! The user has tried to rename Demonic Walker! Granting request.. Updating Name... Nickname: (Shift) is now realized! Skill Available!

Hm... I don't get it really but apparently I can officially use it under the name 'shift'.

Are these skills I gain upgradable? Or just this one. Well no matter. Either way level 3 of shifting is really good! This means I don't have to struggle finding a proper surface and I do believe my genius did this?

Teleporting mid-air while using the sword as a surface before I finished off that skeleton was with out a doubt the right move!

Still... Is this pop-up random or is the goddess aware of my presence here? Appearing here automatically would certainly be a first for the blue screens.

Haa.. No use thinking about it.

Now should I make it disappear same as before? I can't sleep with this on my conscious.

I wave a hand and wait, but as expected it disappears and my conscious is left with a peace of mind.

Wonder what an apocalyptic modern world would be like for someone with shinobi like ability.. I don't know.

I fall asleep.


I wake up and turn over, I sit up in my bed, I glance around and notice the sun has begun its rise in the sky.

I hear a pair of feet against the floor as they approach my room, I know its Lydia as she's the only one in the house and a break in is least expected. Nevertheless her foot falls were a dead give away so I'm not surprised when she swings the door open.

"Rise and shine brother!" Lydia shouted as she marched in.

"I'm awake Lydia." I said expressionlessly. "Are you leaving to school yet?"

"Still lazy in the morning I see... I guess somethings remain the same." She spoke like it was something she was experienced with.


She was already in school uniform and carrying her bag in a hand as she wore her normal excited expression.

I looked back at the sun just to note it was pretty high in the sky. "You are pretty late again aren't I right?" I said still looking at the sun.

"I don't even get how you find thing out just by looking at the sun. ...and no I'm not I'm on schedule!" Lydia said fully believing what she said.

Convincing yourself a lie is truth is dangerous I should reprimand her..

"Which schedule, the late one? To be honest I already knew you would be late, still just because you do it all the time doesn't make it a great habit." I said as I looked back to her.

"I'll just stay home! In three weeks school won't mean jack shit right? Japan will-" she said drawing some pretty great points.

I cut her off, "I was thinking about this.. I want to take my time so Japan won't be feeling the full affect of the apocalypse in three weeks." I said wearing plain look.

She seemed a bit thrown back by my words. "What will you do?" She asked.

I had expected this question. Still that doesn't mean I will answer straight away, "You will see." I got up from my bed and moved past her before stopping. "I have a gift for you too.. I have planning to take care of so you guys do what you want for these last two weeks but can I keep you for the third week?"

I glanced and saw her slightly uncertain aura but she told me 'yes' while nodding. "But where will you go?"

"I have to map out Japan before it becomes obliterated." I said before using shift to disappear from there but not before summoning a guard for Lydia. She won't see it.

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