《Blood Limit》Arc 1 (end) Chapter 19


~~Sasu Pov


I felt with my new power - using body refinement I could put down these attackers with ease. Once I cut them down I would ask where they came from and I would find out who sent them. Collecting the clue and putting the pieces together.. I'd hate to make this a chore so I will end this quick.

"I know we have just met." With an unfortunate helpless look he spoke. "But we will have to hurry this along." I cocked my head as I looked down to the elf. "Fine by me." Spoke the blond elf after the silver haired let's prompt.

"Oh? What a coincidence.. I was thinking the exact same thing." I spoke before I disappeared from the tree - appearing before the blond already swiping him with large claws - Clash*

My claws were stopped by his dagger his blade had been turned so that the side had caught a few of the claws on my right paw. "Well that's a surprise, a bear is normally 990lbs to 1000lbs but I should be well around 1400lbs and with a height of 5'6ft regular and-" I had to avoid an incoming cut that was aimed to cut diagonally into chest. I blurred and appeared behind the silver haired woman near us and kicked her down with my one of my hind legs as I stood tall - the female elf was quick to react an made the motion as if she was drawing a sword from some sheath but the was none. Instead a pitch black hole appeared appearing like a disk, when the sword was out she blocked kick with the blade that cut into the flesh of my bear foot. I continued my speech as she was sent back leaving track on the ground from her feet gripping the ground to stop herself. "I stand on these hindquaters at over 14ft tall ya know? Scrawny elfs like yourself standing against that power is already unusual." I spoke

"Even more unusual is a talking bear though.." Said a new voice from behind. When I glanced behind I saw the black haired elf as he approached me. "We shall collect!" Screamed the stupid blond elf. "Mother's!" At the edge my peripheral he had blurred in my direction.

"Stop!" Spoke a voice - it was domineering it was no the voice of a man without wisdom, this person did not demand respect but it was simply his. This voice was great as a king. Certaintly not a human one, not this powerful, this is out of your regular humans capabilities.

"アーカイブ愚かな子にとどまる" the dark haired elf said as he flickered to a position in front of the blonde elf. Before anyone could make out what was transpiring the blonde combusted completely and blood was left to fly but before it could it turned to some form of small light and vanished into thin air in no time. His back was no longer towards me as he appeared facing me. His hair was actually as dark as mine I realized - his eyes were constantly changing reflecting stars, war, betrayal between friends, apocalyptic worlds all before changing into a more 'normal' pair of red crimson eyes with slit pupils. He wore a dignified clothing, 'no its just the air around him' I thought. He wore a simple royal black shirt and black pants. Something like you might expect from royals within a medieval time. He also had a young appearance of maybe someone in around 20 in age.


I knew right now I was probably dealing with someone important - the other three elfs wore some kind of armor for protection they also could not properly fight with me. The green haired female elf seemed almost too passive for this mission. Her clothing was simple A Plunge Lantern Sleeve Pleated Slit Evening Dress exposing beautiful flesh from her thighs.

'I reckon these two hold some kind of status here..' I thought. 'But her..' I thought of the female elf with silver hair. 'She must be a regular soldier like that stupid blond who I just fought.'

Characters like that annoyed Sasu because he had been loud for 'no reason' how he thought of it was something he couldn't understand.

"Sasu." The dark haired elf standing before him called out.

'Shit, another one knows my name.' Why do all of these people just call me by my name like I told it to them? I only told a few since I've come to this world and now all the universes know?

"Girls stand back for a moment." I spoke. The girls climbed down from my back before I reverted back to my original form after coming to this world.

"Wow hes even better in person isn't he babe." He spoke while the green elf came beside him and linked arms as passionate as lovers. "Still you are better." She spoke. He smiled bitterly to the compliment "Come on, babe give him credit." She pouted and looked me over. "Hes a handsome man." He gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry, she can be a bit.. stubborn."

"Her compliment was enough, she's fine." As I did receive compliments in my past life I was used to it. Yet to receive a compliment from a beauty of this level I was left unsure how to react.

"Any questions my friend?" Spoke the man with a kind look.

Well who doesn't? I have been here no span long already an in this time I have been brought more clues granting me questions, questions granted vague answers, answers only begging for more question.

"I have plenty. Who is this mother that elf spoke of?" I inquired.

His eyes narrowed slightly. "Oh that blond thing.. Mother is all powerful entity. It is what you properly know as the Void, where everything begins as it ends and in reverse." The elf in black hair spoke.

That answers alot for srarters. I now know the 'it' which the blue screen Goddess spoke of. The mother may be that which sent those undead after me but I still need to know why. Why is this thing after me?

"But why..?" I spoke.

The male elf parted from the green haired female, she pouted and watched him approach me from the corner of her eyes. "Why does she desire you" he made it sound like this was a mystery to even himself. "I have known her all of my years as a friend. This particular day she asked my to come along to see you off." He said. The green haired girl seemed be getting irritated. "Dear.." He said with a cold look. "Sorry." She immediately acquiesced an apology without sounding sorry.


These two get along well don't they?

"See me off?" I spoke questioningly.

"Well.. Apparently you will be returning to your original world."

What? I just got here though.

"I'm not convinced." I said stubbornly.

"Please go easy on me will you?" He spoke in a friendly manner. I remained stubborn. His eyes lit up like he gained an idea "how about I compensate you. I say this informational will certainly tickle your fancy."

I was doubtful but still he had me curious with this. Also this guy was certainly kind and from the way this girl did not seem to fear him he definitely did not abuse her. So I might add he was a gentleman. Also I am not certain of this person. He's a complete mystery to me now so I may as well entertain him. "Well what is it?" I spoke unable to hide the curious tone.

He seemed happy I expressed interest in his proposal. "Aha! ..so its like this... In three maybe four weeks time your original world will be overun with zombies." He spoke. "Eh!! ....what is that bullshit?" I was certainly surprised but I never really cared much for life on earth, that miserable planet.

"You may not care but is it not interesting? Going back to that world with all of your abilities. I reckon it should be quite fun seeing this would be your first experience in your regular world as the singular abnormality."

That may actually be quite interesting. I would be able to play God in this case, I get a few weeks rest as well, I see no harm in it.

"One last question." I spoke.


"What are you called?"

"Oh, will you go once you have your answer?" He spoke questioningly lifting an eyebrow. I nodded.

"I am the first born Dragon of the archives. Refered to by many as 'the devoured of stars', 'devourer of man and women of all race', 'devourer of the young of all races', 'God of death', but that became the 'devourer of death' in no time and in the most literal sense. These are simply mere categories, when broken into more specific items these names will be countless." He spoke in a carefree manner as if those words meant nothing. 'What the hell are archives!? Does he mean the void maybe?..

His hand slowly came as his the palm of his pale hand became opposite of me, pointedly my chest. His hand began to glow faintly as a magic sigil appeared centimeters in the air from his palm glowing brightly.

"Wait , you said archives at least twice now. Do you mean the Void?" I inquired.

"Ah I did didn't I?" The bright glow of the sigil became feint but hummed with potential energy. "Hey, how would you like a secret? Can you keep one?" He spoke. I nodded. "Good, I trust you will. The Void is a completely separate entity.. Actually not entirely. The archives are even older than the Void and an utter powerhouse I say. Documents of all time periods, existences and more are the archive's to own, the oldest of all things too - If it wanted it could erase us all in a mere instant. Or what time it documents is fastest... Ya know. When it comes down to it the Void doesn't stand a chance. None of us. In front of many I am certainly powerful but not even all of my power could pose the slightest threat haha!" He spoke to my astonishment. I thought the Void all this time not God or some other pseudo-religion. Everything starts with the Void as it all Ends ...and vice-versa so what the-

"It's time we part my friend." He spoke with a slight grin.

"Shall we meet again?" I spoke courteously.

He put his fingers go his chin in thought for a moment. "If I'm not busy?" I nodded with a smile. "Farewell." He spoke, his voice solemn.

"Just a second.." I said. "Huh?" He raised his eyebrows before his eyes narrowed and he grinned at me mischievously. Through our eyes we exchanged an understanding. "Well goodbye." I spoke with a slight grin.

"Yea." He spoke and the magic sigil at his hand grew brightly and the surrounding of my peripheral lit up in a multi-colored glow likened as the sigil at his hand.

I caught a last glimpse of Kakashi's tent with 'ZZZZzzzz's' floating from it and slightly behind me were the girls and oddly enough she wasn't crying. Much rather they were expecting this.

Lastly I was met with the waving hand of the first dragon and the glare of the green haired lady elf. "We should also take our leave." He said and the couple disappeared along with the silver haired female which was forgotten by me.

'Wait were they not planning to take these two?' I thought and just like that he appeared again. "Oops can't forget both of thee, M'lady." He bowed and like an escort he held out hand to them but instead of waiting for them to meet his hand the three disappeared.

"Yawn* ...Now prey tell where will I be?" I spoke as I finally disappeared from the world of Naruto - Appearing back on my home planet.

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