《Blood Limit》Ch 18


~~Sasu Pov


His fast attack was absolutely cutting it close, seeing as this elf in blond hair would be cutting us down in now time I countered with one of the only attack jutsu I learned so far.

"Fire ball." I spoke as a huge fireball left my maw at incredible speed. "Guh!" The blond reacted to the pain caused by my fireball attack.

'Why isn't it flying back?' I thought because my fire ball seemed stuck in place. Widening in shock as I realized my fire ball was being cut apart from the opposition my eyes narrowed.

"Enai! Wake up kiriya, prepare yourselves to move!" I told them. My fireball was losing power I was now able to see through the fire I saw that the blond was powering his way through.

Shit! What the hell can I do? If I move the girls will get attacked, if I don't do anything I'll be fine but.. "Ah" I can test out....

"Body refinement: refined chakra 100%." I spoke and immediately felt a change. I felt stronger, the world seemed to have slowed down even if just slightly.

Distorted sound*

"argh! ....eh?" The elf broke through the flames and was now staring at where I had been just seconds ago. I was hanging on to a tree branch by a single arm, before me now was group of stupified elfs, the girls were on my back with a now woke kiriya grabbing me by my fur.

The blond turned his head in my direction as he was about to speak his absurd bullshit. But was cut off by the appearance of the silver haired elf at his side.

"We are tasked with bringing you to M'lady." She turned to her comrade. "If we waste to much time time with Mlady's request you know what will happen." The blonds eyes were narrowed. "I know."

"I know we have just met." With an unfortunate helpless look he spoke. "But we will have to hurry this along." I cocked my head as I looked down to the elf. "Fine by me."

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