《Blood Limit》Ch 16


~~Sasu Pov


We traversed the trees with the unchanging scenery being leaves and branches of trees.

"Alright we'll here for the night." Kakashi said.

We were standing in the trees with the view of a lake in front of us, on the other side there were mountains from the mountains one would be unlikely to miss the grand view of the setting sun making it a beautiful sight.

Kakashi jumped down first and landed on the ground ensuing us three jumping down next.

"Camp? Kakashi-sensei where do we sleep? Rather I forgot to bring the camping gear required for this trip." I said to kakashi.

Kakashi seemingly was finding a relatively great place to park for the night indicating for us to follow. "Sasu do you know of the transformation technique? Widely known as henge?" He asked.

Henge? Its pretty useless to me without knowing the shadow clone jutsu but if I recall correctly the user can completely change their appearance while gaining the features of what ever they become. But the technique is dispelled in death or when the user loses all of their chakra.

Wait does this mean I can become a dragon? Actually who wants to be a dragon when they can become a demon! right? Actually could I not try both when I learn the henge jutsu? Lets learn it and find out!

So I shook my head in response.

"What about the shadow clone jutsu?" Kakashi asked.

I REALLY want that one!

"Kakashi-sensei, he only has just learned chakra without any one to learn from he only knows what I showed him." Kiriya turned towards me. "The fire ball jutsu then those weapons he made from ice from before right?" She said and I nodded.

"Well today you will be learning both. For plenty of reasons and in worst case scenarios if you bother using them correctly they might save your life." Kakashi informs. "Sasu you will learn both techniques from these two and I've heard of what a fast learner you are so once you figure it out you can do this!" Kakashi looked at a spot somewhere between the forest and the lake as he made a hand sign and appeared four small dust clouds which disappeared revealing four clones of Kakashi. One of the shadow clones weaved a hand sign before it was a good sized tent. The second clone entered that one before it weaved a hand sign, with the dust cloud that came from using henge it became bedding for a futon. The next clone entered the tent and became a simple white pillow. The last one remained, weaving a hand sign it became a blanket which kakashi snatched up and put around him self he looked at his work. "The tent I expect would collapse from natural causes as a clone-"


"Wow!! Thats clever Sensei!" Kiriya said in acclamation of his deed.

"Pretty amazing Sensei!" Enai applauded.

That was actually pretty clever! I still might sleep in a tree though.. Then suddenly Kakashi dropped a bomb.

"You two train him well.. I believe he might have need of it in the future." Kakashi stated.

"Why? What could I need it for? Is something happening?" I asked.

He looked at me seriously and saying, "Just a hunch." Then turned heading into his tent to before laying down.

'Now I should begin learning these jutsu. I will carelessly shrug off what kakashi said and learn these jutsu.' I thought and turned to both of my Sensei's.

Enai wore a smile as she inquired me, "Ready?" While getting into a battle stance.

I guess this means we will learn it while in battle with this one.

"I'll be teaching you the clone part of the lesson." Enai said.

We fought for a solid 30 minutes making clones through-out the fight I watched and learned the shadow clone jutsu from her as we fought.

I more or less held back at the start but in she discovered that I was and told me not to although I did not recommend it I obliged her and got some hits in but I noted her reaction time improved and her kawarimi surprisingly decreased in signs so she was weaving only two now.

Still i had been wondering a while now why 2 genin had come on a mission before graduating the academy but I decided I would ask them later.

Again, different from Enai's teaching Kiriya came up to me and helped my hands make the signs. I asked why she did this but she answered stubbornly. "Because I wouldn't feel like a teacher if you learned it all on your own! Here.. The hand sign is like this... No.. Ya. Okay ill run through this a few more times here and then you will show me you got it."


Then after I felt I knew how to do it I transformed into a bear.. Before I transformed I remembered the white huge bear I killed before and tranformed into that.

The girls gave astonished faces and admired me. We played around a bit as I acted like a bear a nice one and roared at them.. It was another really.. pleasant evening.

Until they became visibly tired. I acted tired and collapsed on my stomach and inevitably the ground shook. I lay there with an innocent look.. While being laughed at by Enai kiriya gradually came out breaking into a fit of laughter.


'They act like kids..' I thought. Before I knew it they fell asleep against my bear coat. I had been enjoying the breeze in that usually came at this time while they sat down next to me but before long I felt their bodies against my fur, glancing at them I saw two cute girls sleeping with warmth from my belly most likely making things more comfortable in this situation.

"You truly are a fast learner huh?" I heard Kakashi.

Turning my head I saw a few leaves falling in spiral. 'Body flicker is pretty useful isn't it? Still I doubt it would beat my new skill!' I thought referring to my fast movement technique. 'Actually it really isn't fast movement.. But it is not the space-time teleportation the main characters (Mc) would describe in novels and manga. Just what technique did I come across then?'

"Hey Kakashi." I said.

"I see they fell asleep?" He replied.

I did what I thought was lifting an eyebrow and steered this conversation in a direction I was curious about. "What is this reconnaissance mission?"

Kakashi looked at my eyes before he turned around. "It's nothing." And headed to his tent.

"Is this request from you or the hokage!" I asked him.

He stopped in his tracks and glancing back He told me "Thank you for coming along to help me out on my mission.." Thanking me, he continued walking and disappeared his tent.

'I suppose this is his mission. Well met Tsunade.. Ill assist Kakashi for free but I guess I'm fine with that.' I thought as I gazed into the falling sun. With the evening gone, what ensued was darkness.

Getting into the position that was comfortable for bears I ended up falling asleep. I still can't believe how real this technique is. There was a weird feeling that came with being able to talk as a bear. Requiring that I henge my throat into what it needed to be for conducting human conversation.

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