《Blood Limit》Ch 14


Appearing somewhere deep in a forest was Sasu. He gazed at the familiar scenery which never seem to change yet it still never got old in his eyes.

Sasu looked into the trees above where the sunlight shone through the gap between the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees. Closing his eyes for a moment as he walked he relished in the breeze that brush his skin while the sunlight warmed him.

'I can actually train my chakra sense with this.' Sasu thought and turned on his chakra sense as he maneuvered forward through the forest.

"Not using my eyes is certainly fresh to me. As this is the first time I've attempted it although it's a bit different I think if I spend enough time with it I could use it regularly." Sasu said aloud with a smile.

Soon the trees began to lessen this meant that there was a clearing up ahead. Seeing the lack of trees up ahead Sasu started thinking of what he would try to do first with his new abilities.

Reaching the clearing up ahead he already used the creator's phone skill to contact the Goddess who granted him this new life.



"Sasu?" The voice came from the phone a bit surprised and the response came as if the call from him was unexpected.

"How are you? Are you doing alright after I left?" Sasu inquired.

"Sasu..I'm fine - I'm fine. Just... Thank you for calling." She said with relief in her voice.

"Yes it does my heart good to knowing that.." Sasu said with a smile.

"Sasu.." She called thought his mind via the creator phone skill.

"Hm?" Sasu asked while lifting an eyebrow.

"What were you doing out in the middle of the forest?"

'Oh..' Sasu thought before he said "I'm here to test out my new abilities. I'm quite interested in trying the elemental summoning but I don't know how to use it."

"Oh, Sorry I forgot to tell you how it was used.. But wait how could you call me if you had not received my instruction on using the skill?" She said Sounding apologetic then dumbfoundly asked.

Sasu shrugged and said "I don't know.. Maybe I just really need to talk with you." His word drawing silence from the other end of the phone before he heard an embarrassed scream. ' was that her voice? Hm?' He wondered. After the scream the sound from her end was cut and Sasu frowned.

Sasu was ready to immediately hang up and call her again but stopped when he realized she's actually a Goddess and the embarrassed scream let him know she likely wasn't in any danger. Maybe..

Hearing something rustle in the bushes across from him he saw a injured shinobi limp toward him. When it came closer he realized the various cuts and bruises on the shinobi and dull eyes with bones jutting out from its flesh.

"A zombie eh?" Sasu smirked watching the approaching undead before five more joined and left the brush behind the first zombie and approach Sasu.

'The undead shinobi were already intriguing but a few more should make for good melee practice!' With that Sasu took advantage of the adrenaline that rushed through his veins and charged the first zombie.

Meeting the first zombie head on Sasu grabbed its head and pulled it to himself as he slammed his knee into its skull before back handing a zombie that was closing in on his left sending them both back before they raced at him.


'Good start but umm... I just remembered.. I'm not a martial artist.... ..tehe' Sasu thought as he faced the zombies running really fast toward him. Catching him off guard a zombie appeared on his left and with no time to defend the zombie tore into him. With its claws it shredded his left shoulder before taking the time to stand still and admire Sasu - dropped to the ground performing a leg sweep. Grabbing the zombie leg mid-air he swung the zombie like a bat sending his zombie assailants flying as they groaned.

Sasu made chakra claws by pumping his chakra through his fingers which soon covering them in a blue light. Swinging his arm he flung off at his target as they flew the claws changed into ice turning to ice - when piercing their target the zombies instantly slowed down and gradually became covered in a thin coat of ice.

Leaving one zombie whom politely ignored all of that and ran at Sasu with a fierce hunger to it. When it was in range it drew a kunai from its pouch to Sasu's surprise and wielding the the kunai in its right hand it thrust its kunai at his face. Just when the kunai got close Sasu shifted his head to the right avoiding the attack before he grabbed the zombie's face with his left hand sending his chakra into it he combined it with his chakra nature freeze the last zombie.

Taking a step back Sasu admired his work.

One was frozen in mid-air from being thrown but fell to the ground mid-flight, three of them were frozen while they were sprinting, one apparently saw it coming and covered its face with both hands in defense but was impaled it being pierced through its left eye. And finally the last one with some level of intelligence was frozen in place while stabbing empty air with a kunai.

'What was that?' During the fight Sasu temporarily forgot how to fight and defend as he remembered being a human of earth who had street fights before but still not a martial artist. 'That.. I can only hope it doesn't affect me in battle' Sasu thought.

"Anyway what should I do with these guys?" Sasu said refering to the ice sculptures.


When he heard a tone as the connection within his mind was back hearing the silence from the other end.



"Is every thing okay?" Sasu asked with a bit of concern.

"Yes.. I am fine." Came her response through the creator's phone connection.

"That's a relief." He muttered.

Hearing his reaction she said "Were you worried about me?"

Caught off-guard by the question he said "No..yes I was actually." Answering honestly.

She gave a shocked 'oh' and said "So, Sasu does have a heart."

Sasu furrowed his brows as he studied a cut wound that ran down over his eyes and cut diagonally across his face to his jaw. There was a vicious stab wound in its clavicle but it hindered the zombie none as it still managed to act lively when attacking. "What do you mean by that? You think that I'm a monster?"

"No.. Just heartless." She said.

"How am I heartless?" He said.

"Sasu you remember that time you were on your way to school and you forgot you left the range on leaving home. You ran back but on the way encountered a street where an incident took place with the woman being hit by a truck. You saw the situation and you detoured running an extra three miles home instead of choosing to watch the woman get taken away like the rest of the crowd."


"But the brownies and cinnamon roles could have burned." He said with a fearful look.

"You're sick." She said with fake contempt.

"If sick is refusing to watch some dead woman be carried off somewhere then I'm fine with being sick." Sasu said.

"That's not what I meant."

"The pastries were burning.."

"That's not it!" She screamed furiously.

He shrugged as he let out a breath. "I have better things to do than trying to concern my self with a situation that doesn't involve me. Rather than staring I could be doing something more meaningful."

"And what's that?" She said more delighted with his honest response.

"A blissful evening in recline" he admitted while shrugging at the prying goddess. 'How did she know that.. Ah wait in the novels they usually know everything' narrowing his eyes as he recalled a fact from his previous life.

"Anyway I would like to know how to use that new summoning ability"

She gave an 'ah' and began teaching him his new ability. "Right I took into account plenty when I crafted this skill. You only have to know what you want to summon in mind, its position as in where you will summon it, and don't forget to add chakra." She explained.

"Wait, when I read it, it stated not all summons require chakra." He said a bit confused.

"Everything requires something. Your energy will be used to initiate the spell and not only show the summon you are master but so that it knows your signature. Otherwise if you are not with the summon; it finding you will be a problem."

"I see.." Sasu put a hand to his chin and went into thought. "Well, the area is too damn small for a dragon so it will have to be the skeletons."

"Hey.. Sasu what are those things in ice?" The goddess asked curiously.

"Oh you see them? Finally. These are zombies. They showed up when you cut the line - while you were gone I fought them in melee but with a new skill I created I froze five of them in ice." He told her what she missed out on while she was gone.

'But there are six..' She noted as she gazed at the field of frozen undead. "Then what happened to the last one?"

"Oh. That one." Lifting his hand he pointed to the zombie that still aimed its dagger thrusting it at open air. "That one equipped a kunai when it sprinted at me - in my surprised I shifted my head and avoided it at the last second before I put my hand on its head and froze it with a mix of my chakra manipulation and chakra nature."

"Tch" he heard her click her tongue. "I thought I had more time." She said in frustration.

"What?" Sasu heard her weird reaction causing him to respond instinctively.

"This can only mean Sasu.. You've been found by it." She said

"What? Found by whom?" Sasu spoke calmly.

"Not whom. Or who for that matter. Its an it Sasu-kun" she said vaguely.

'This doesn't answer the question..' Sasu thought before saying "Is this the thing that actually has you worried Goddess-sama?"

"Sasu... No. There is something that calls me. I must see to it." She said urgently.

Sasu found himself getting angry but sadness overwhelmed him and heart crept into his throat. "So this is bye again?"

"Yes.." Sadness could be heard in her voice.

"How long will you take?" Sasu asked

"I don't know. I've been fighting it for years. At times I drive it back enough to do things like now. That is how I am able to speak with you like this." She said. "For now.. Please live. Don't be overwhelmed by it's spawn.." She said and the call ended. When the connection cut Sasu looked miserable, he wanted to help but he knew he just wasn't ready to help the one who had given him life - a life worth living. Before he had nothing he wanted to put effort into in his past. But now he could do anything he wanted should he apply the necessary effort.

Looking up at the sun in the sky Sasu noted that it was some time around noon as the sun was high the sky. 'Its twelve o' clock, I should should take care and train my self until she returns.' He said as he closed he eyes and cut on chakra sense. Just when he was starting to expand his chakra sense he received a pleasant surprise.

New skills / abilities hand picked by the blue screen Goddess~

+ Demonic walker ~ Walk on using any of your limbs on any surface. Remember those horror movies where the demon or possesed would walk on walls or the ceilings while hanging upside down? Quit standing in awe because now doing it your self is as easy as breathing. By using your will you can activate this technique and even walking on water is a possibility.

+ Demonic walker (Lv 2) ~ Appear anywhere on any surface with just a thought. This one is like teleporting isn't? Sounds fun right, ENJOY!~~

Note: (Lv 2) of the demon walker skill uses refined chakra as a requirement.

+ Body refinement (enhancement) ~ A technique that uses refined chakra to strengthen the user's body. This is done by storing refined chakra into the users body, this heightens defense and strength of the user. With this technique the user can decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike and the Defense can make even the most greatest of blacksmith weapons useless.

Sasu thanked the goddess with great exhaultation as he read it twice in his mind where the screen floated in darkness. With wonder the dark haired reincarnator thought "Still, alot of this requires refined chakra. How on earth.. How in the shinobi world do I refine chakra?"

Then he received another pop-up or two..

New skills / abilities Crafted by the blue screen Goddess~

+ refinement of chakra ~ instantly refine chakra (passive)

+ gauge your chakra ~ in your mind the a numerical value will appear to reveal how much chakra you possess

'Wow, she really knows my thoughts" the dark haired shinobi smirked. "Most impressive." Just as he went to open his eyes but he received was halted upon receiving another Blue screen.

Please wave your hands otherwise the worse catastrophic even in all history will occur.

Note: Bye Sasu! ..please Train and dont forget to enjoy yourself!~~ :3

Raising his arms Sasu waved his arms in front of him and waited before opening his eyes. After a moment the dark haired nin opened his eyes upon receiving the same feeling from before that told he successfully avoided an impending doom.

'Right I had almost forgotten that.'

Looking up at the sun he found a setting sun as the gentle breeze past him kissing his skin. This was his favorite time of day - evening.

Getting his head out of the clouds he looked forward.




I was really happy that I spoke with her today; I am glad that she answered. Among all things I'm grateful for the abilities she been endowing me With. When I finished checking the time using the sky I decided to check my chakra gauge ability.

When I thought of the skill I was confused on how to use it but then after testing a theory I added a bit of will and it activated.

Appearing in my head was a percentage of 1000 chakra and next to it was the gauge for my amount of refined chakra which was 0 percent as of now. 'Hm.. Maybe I have to do it manually?' With will I told the ability to refine 500 chakra.

I waited a moment but felt no difference and decided to check the guage - I now possessed 500%/500% refined chakra. My normal chakra was 500%/1000% chakra but instantly refilled it self becoming 1000%/1000% chakra again.

"Now lets hope this works-.." I said and disappeared without any indication I was there. Disappearing before I reappeared inside of a familiar classroom.

'Great! It works~' I grinned and headed to the back of the classroom to my designated spot. Sliding in to a seat near to the window with the evening sun I opened the window for the gentle breeze to come in. I slouched in my seat enjoying the breeze that kissed my skin and put my feet up on the table in front of me.

And while basking in the evening ambiance I fell asleep.

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