《Blood Limit》Ch 13


~~~Pov Sasu


I don't comprehend this situation - putting the situation into perspective naruto is going to kill Enai, while we have sakura holding reinforcements... All of this as a jonin sits near by reading porn and still hasn't put the damn book away!

I felt anger bubbling inside of me, the leaf would never allow kids to be killed in front of them and much less killing a kid like some pig. Naruto is the hero here right? Why is he holding a child at gun point. Seeing naruto about to let loose a giant rasengan upon the girl Sasu couldn't fathom this - gritting my teeth I lifted my chin and looked at the enemy. One more chance..

"Naruto.. What say you let go of my sensei?" I asked kindly.

Naruto glanced over but kept his target in his peripheral. "Why are you making demands in your position?"

"Listen Naruto.. If you let her go I promise you, you will be doing the village a favor." If I am honest with my self I still like the leaf village but albeit not my favorite but it was put in a good light plenty enough times for it to have a good name in my book. Although.. Novels uncovered scheme after time and time again from the leaf that wasn't only concocted by Danzo but by hokage previous hokage. These schemes either involved Naruto being the black sheep and dying under harsh treatment.. To birthdays at a young age where he spent his time with a nose at his neck as he was beat, cut, and brutally tortured. The cases were too inhumane.

Naruto gazed into my eyes with light query behind his eyes. "You.. What is she to you? Tell me if I'm wrong but you have been in this village barely even a day now." He pointed at her leaf head band. "And is she not a leaf shinobi? I have seen her around once or twice and this tells me that you should have no prior connection with this girl." Naruto glanced over to Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded "That's right naruto."

There was an undeniable truth.. Someone who just met how could they have any feelings for one another? Yes they beat her and this was before my very eyes while I was sleep. This caused my frustration but that's normal no one would be happy if they had this image before them. If asked do I like her I would certainly respond 'dont ask me questions that I don't have answers to'

"I will definitely save her. As she has nothing to do with this it was wrong of me to involve her. What's more.."

"You didn't involve her she took it upon her self to get involved to save your ass and took down sakura while she came to your defense!" Naruto's responded in anger.

"She took down sakura? ...." I looked at the pink haired ninja. 'This same ninja who was the very same one who played a great role in the war to come against madara uchiha and obito uchiha. That very same sakura was taken down by a genin? ...no that's wrong.' I shook my head. 'The sakura haruno now isn't on the same level as that sakura. Also the battle with pain hasn't even begun yet.' I look back to Naruto. "Naruto you do know that's just a kid right?" This is ridiculous.

"Sakura is not your run of the mill ninja. This girl made work of Sakura with ease and has the potential to take on a chunin ranked shinobi." Kakashi said walking toward my direction.


'Oh that's right she is a chunin.' I glanced at Enai again. 'So that's where her confidence stem from.. Only a genin ranked shinobi and already at a level where she can challenge chunin.' Looking at all the wounds on her again anger took hold of me once more. "Let her go.."

Kakashi stopped in his steps while looking down to where I am. 'Man, being looked down on is so annoying.' "I am Kakashi hatake, the teacher of these fine shinobi. Unfortunately the girl will be taken custody of. We really lack control over you and as such we need to take extensive measures until you are finished in aiding our village Enai and Kiriya will be held by the leaf officially for obsidatus purposes." Looking over to Naruto her said. "Get rid of it."

Naruto grinded his as this went against his own intentions. "Kakashi.. Your argument is understandable.. However, I find it unfortunate because this girl has buried herself under folly on her own. Her deed is inexcusable rendering you're request implausible." Naruto said as he casted the rasengan down.

Enai was eyeing me with an unsure look and kiriya was crying out every last tear drop.

In this case the unsure look was certainly out of the normal but with just a split second to react I did what I could before a light erupted from the impact- tremors shook the ground as a small aftershock shook everyone off balance or would have should they have missed the chance of using chakra to stabablize their footing- the house was more or less in ruin as the small dust cloud began to clear.

"Cough*" with that the dust cleared it self completely as I was more or less alive in the middle of a crater. Every one stared on in surprise then I told them my major ass-pull-shit-eating skill with a grin. "You guys must be wondering how this became...this. It is simple." I stole a glance at a mystified Enai redirecting my sight at everyone. "I used the substitution jutsu and my chakra nature."

I was given looks of disbelief as sakura glared and Kakashi shook his head. "There's nothing here for you to use the substitution jutsu. And there's no way you preped this area before this happened." Kakashi said in disbelief.

"Ya, you did not get attacked at all who do you think you're trying to fool!" Sakura retorted.

'Talk about an exaggerated response Haruno..' I kept a smile. "The substitution jutsu is a technique that is used when attacked Haruno, that is correct but what do you all think of concept; how do you perceive the meaning of the kawarimi?.." This drew odd looks on the faces of everyone while naruto became stoic.

"Y-you..Impossible." Kakashi muttered.

"You used the damage you were receiving from the rubble as a substitute for a real time attack.." Sakura deducted.

"Brilliant Haruno." Giving her a kind smile I applauded her. "That's correct. I substituted real time damage with those rocks. By perceiving the rocks as an attack I used the substitution jutsu." I said in response to Haruno.

"But explain to me why you ended up at the centre of Naruto's rasengan." Said Sakura.

"As I said already Haruno, that's because I used my chakra nature." I said.

"And what's your chakra nature exactly?"

"Exactly..?" I narrowed my eyes before lifting my left hand and looked at it. Looking back to Haruno my inquisitor. "I can't answer that."


"What?" Asked Haruno.

"Because I don't know.." I said to everyone's surprise giving our listeners a shock. 'These people have great reactions... Or is it just because I am in anime now..' With a grin- again I addressed the crowd while looking directly at Haruno. "My affinities lie not only in one element but in anything to do with the cold." Not to naively give out information about my self for I very well aware but for effect I made my sword out of ice and frost again. Again the entire sword from the point on to its hilt was made out of ice whilst the guard was made out of ice but covered in snow. The handle I held in my right hand was a grip covered with snow as well.

"Ah" Haruno responded with surprise and fascination of my sword before Naruto glared and Kakashi's eyes narrowed.

"This sword is made of ice and snow... A product of my chakra nature. My affinities? Anything cold in nature is my guess." I said with a light smile.

"Y-your chakra lessons.. began just a few hours ago." Enai said her breath short and ragged as she sat down leaning her back against a the wall near the stairs. The front door of the house was just across from the stairs and to the back of the house assumed to be the living room prior to was where Haruno came through a wall I assume she obliterated with a punch. Kakashi came from the kitchen and has recently chose to join us all in the living room where we now have all gathered with Naruto standing near kakashi.

Kakashi eye upper lids followed his eye brows upward at the revelation. "Sorry but you learned chakra in just a few hours? How could you expect anyone to believe it?"

'Ah.. Something else has been revealed.. Nothing I can do for it now. Once I leave then I'll go in to studying my abilities. As for real training I won't. I wish to take my time and live a slow life.' I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. 'I'll ask once more..' - "Kakashi." I said drawing his attention. "Please reconsider. Me and the village head have already established a contract. There's no need to involve the girls in this and genin are not qualified for this. Is this not official business?"

Kakashi gave me bit of a surprised look and said "you knew?"

"Indeed I'd be a fool if I didn't realize I was being put under a contract when it was just in front of my eyes." I retorted.

His widened again before he said. "..Your name is Sasu, right?" Kakashi asked me.


"Unfortunately I can't. I cannot honor that request.." Kakash said and brought a change to the atmosphere.

I closed my eyes as Sakura returned to the conversation. "Why not Kakashi? He has been humble and his words aren't lies." She said.

"I could not understand before but we need his ability for our village. With him we may stand a chance against the Akatsuki." Kakashi responded understanding.

"Kakashi are you so low, that low a shinobi to act like orochimaru? We are not bandits kakashi we don't bring people into our dissension and force them to fight for us! This is not their fight!" Naruto bellowed indignantly at kakashi.

"Naruto I have my orders to follow now I'm going to give you yours. Capture him now and bring Enai with us. We are going to the hokage and we will find out what she says is our next step." Kakashi gave Naruto an order.

"No way.. This is not my ninja way! This is insane. All of this to protect the village? And you and the hokage are willing to drag in two innocents to the fold!?" Naruto shouted angrily.

"Naruto these two are part of our village, by helping they would be doing a service to their home. Its natural to be willful when in regards to the protection of those you love just as you desire to protect the leaf it's all the same let these two become hostages to protect the leaf now go ahead and capture them." Kakashi said.

"Kakashi maybe you hit your head and you need to lie down now. Did I not tell you no just then?" Naruto spared Kakashi with a jocular remark.

"Kakashi-sensei Naruto is right maybe its because of you reading too much." Sakura chimed in humorously.

"Yea Kakashi maybe you should stop reading so much of that ero-senin all of the time hasn't gone to the right place eh? or maybe that erotic stuff keeps you up all night is that it?" Naruto added.

"Erotic?!" Sakura squeeked out in embarressment.

I opened my eyes to see personally Sakura act embarrassed and beyond all expectation it was certainly cute as expected. -In my past life a wish such as - experiencing the life of anime or being the character from a show certainly wasn't unusual.' I watched team seven excluding sasuke bicker like that for a while before Kakashi finally submitted.

"So let them go kakashi." Said Sakura.

Kakashi looked liked he'd given up on capturing us and using the two girls as hostage as he finally gave in. "Fine." He gave a winded sigh. "Lady tsunade won't be happy you two." He told them but it was a bit late for it as they were already happily celebrating with a high-five.


Sakura left naruto with Kakashi and went to check up on Enai. Kiriya who was released some time while naruto and sakura were mauling kakashi which in the end successfully worked. They will not have to go trying to capture these two Or thats how it is for now.

Feeling an unexpected wave of relief I watched Sakura heal up our little saviour Enai. That feeling hit me pretty hard as next thing I knew I was on the ground. I sat there a bit stupified as I felt no exhaustion but still I know fatigue and what I was sensing is similar but as far as I know there's nothing to it. 'Its maybe just the remaining parts of me that were a human born on earth. We tire pretty easily ya' know? Mentally I am really underequipped for things like this not mentioning the earthly trained immaterial me.' With that I'm sitting on my ass with a stupid look and laughing. 'Understandable, I guess retraining my self will be fun will it not. Perhaps I could take my self on a changed path in lieu of this old earthly one.'

With each passing thought time went by before Naruto came to stand in front of me. With a sheepish look he scratched his head. "Sasu.." Snapping my head up I looked up to see Naruto "I apologize...blowing you up earlier was rather.. Well..." Naruto attempted an apology.

I blinked at the apologetic Naruto, I hadn't really been expecting an apology with jiraiya dead a reaction like his was appropriate when more of his important people were in danger. His power at that time was beyond my expectations I knew people in Naruto were holding back their strength most of the time other wise the rasengan that can splinter a tree wouldn't just send a shinobi flying although methods to protect against such attacks aren't unheard of.

'Ōnoki... When I first talked to the goddess I knew there were some people who I couldn't just over power with just a wish for instant regeneration. There are people in Naruto I expected could destroy me in seconds hence I made more adjustments to my instant regeneration ability among them a wish for high resistance to pain which was a given. When asked why not just wish for invincibility or something along those lines I retorted with "I'm not trying to live forever thank you." Not a complete argument I am aware but there are some things in life that keeps things live. More fun than just going around invincibly challenging opponents.

So healing from a rasengan was natural after all. "Naruto don't worry about it. Your reaction is understandable anyway. If someone important to me was in danger I can't say my reaction would be doing nothing." I told Naruto.

Naruto's hand curled in to fist as tension flowed again. "I really thought you would kill Guy....I .. I can't lose anyone else. I have to be strong enough to protect everyone important to me!" A resolved Naruto spoke before me.

Honestly how could anyone not be glad to have a friend like this?

"Your strength is definitely good but you need more." I told him. I was thinking of the fight that are to come which everyone lives are at stake.

"You're right."

"Naruto and!..." Sakura came over and joined us as Enai and kiriya stayed behind where they were.

"Sasu." I offered.

"Sasu, Enai is all healed up and kiriya is alright to." She said.

"Thank you Haruno. I really appreciate your medical ninjutsu." I gave her an appreciating smile. She blushed slightly "Its nothing. But what will you do now? after this living in the leaf I don't think things will remain quiet for you much longer."

I guess I will speak honestly.. Nothing will happen anyway. "I plan on leaving the leaf."

"W-what? But tsunade made a contract with you right?" She said to me.

Scracthing my cheek I gave an answer before glancing over at Kakashi to see the surprised jonin dramatic expression. "Yea, the contract.. The sentence is refusing to cooperate with the leaf I will feel pain after one week. And something terrible will happen a mere five days later?" I said. And stopped for effect allowing the suspense to give more feeling to it.

"What." They asked simultaneously.

"Five days later I might bleed to death. Approximately twelve days after failing to cooperate with the leaf." I said honestly.

"What!?" They were exasperated and the girls look at me with looks of despair, fear, surprise. And Kakashi said "How did you know!?" With raised eyebrows.

"I simply stood at the door listened. There was an anbu but he didn't leave through the door so I can only deduce he left via body flicker or the window." I said with a grin as Kakashi looked at me with full surprise on his face.

"Kakashi what is this!" Naruto yelled with rising anger.

"Stop Naruto." I told him.


"Your fight is not amongst your selves but with someone else right?" I said stopping him in his tracks.

"He's right!" Sakura exclaimed.

Naruto released clenched fist and acquiesced.

"It's alright-" Kiriya cut me off. "ITS NOT ALRIGHT YOU WILL DIE DYING IS BAD!" She said in fear with new tears in her eyes. 'Where the hell are all of these tears coming from did you not cry already!'

"Its alright, I have-" I attempted but was cut off when she cried "ITS NOT ALRIGHT-" she was abruptly cut short when Enai covered her mouth and asked me to continue.

"Its alright, I'm not planning on betraying the leaf. Even without the contract I planned to help you guys out.. For a time." I said honestly as I slowly closed my eyes.

"Why?" Enai said in confusion. 'I guess she assumed I dislike the leaf.' I looked at her.

"I have people here in the leaf that I wish to protect." I said.

"But you haven't even been inside of the village a day yet you don't know anybody yet. Although me and her introduced our selves at the academy its not like the leaf stood up and walked in to introduce them selves to you."

"Wait, that right how do you know us? You've been saying my name since the beginning and narutos, Even Kakashi you knew correct." Sakura called out finally noticing something wrong.

"Hey, thats right how do you know all of us?" Said Naruto curiously.

'I knew that this time would come.. But I have already prepared for this!'

"You all have met me before but got amnesia somehow." I said with a bit of sadness. I hoped it seemed sad enough because I was suddenly attacked with my indolence.

"Eh?" Enai responded with everyone having a similar expression on their countenance.

"Hey, do you know what Kakashi-sensei face looks like under the mask then?" Naruto asked me humorously.

"Yup." I beckoned them closer. Sakura leaned in and Naruto took a small step forward before turning his ear to hear me. "Kakashi really has huge red lips and monstrous teeth big enough to chomp a on trees. Tearing even big ones asunder."

"Really?" Sakura eyes narrowed in surprise.

"Naruto sent a fist into the air over his head and celebrated. "Yea, I knew it! See I was right Sakura?!"

Sakura turned on Naruto. "Cut that out you idiot!" She screamed at Naruto. "I was right!" She said proudly stealing the credit.

I chuckled at these two and smiled as the sun shone the the hole in the roof. 'Its setting already is it? The evening sun..' Closing my eyes I took pleasure in the evening breeze that licked my skin. 'Ha. This time is actually best.' This time is something I will remember..


Slowly opening my eyes I looked up at faintly familiar ceiling. Memories of the previous day were called to mind as I recalled the long winding fight from yesterday and how it ended. Naruto is actually pretty powerful also team seven has people with a good heart - maybe it was the influence of the setting but Sakura and Naruto are heart warming people - after we finished talking I freed Guy from my ability but activated it in another fashion rendering him unable to attack me or watch me. No matter how hard he tries he couldn't find me even if he looked at me directly. Any attacks phase through me as if I wasnt there to begin with so I'm satisfied.

After everything Naruto and his clones began handling the destruction began handling the destruction and construction of the house as the actual construction workers stood back at a safe distance providing Naruto with instruction standing back in case one of Naruto clones poofed due to an accident.

Me and Kakashi went to have a talk with Tsunade - Naruto and Sakura offered to come along but I declined and told them it was fine and thanked them for their kindness.

The talk with Tsunade went smoothly and it seems I indeed have not breeched the contract. She said I was free to join team seven if I wished to but I refused. I prefer my freedom rather than extra work but if they needed help I wasn't too unwilling if I was not busy already.

Enai and kiriya simply went home after we wrapped things up although Enai insisted on coming to see the hokage with us I declined the offer and kiriya asked to come, I was a bit surprised but told her it was unnecessary.

After thanking everyone we parted. Naruto walked with me and Kakashi for a while - when it came time for us to part Naruto extended my the offer of sleeping over at his place. I thought about and told him I'd stop by if I decided to. He pointed in the direction of where he stay and took off.

~Recount finished

This morning I planned to enter the forest and view the training grounds with my own eyes with Naruto and Sakura showing me around. after a few hours that was done. Naruto left to go help with the construction and make more clones when they poofed or were short handed. Sakura returned to her training. I had my own objective.

"Now what was it again?" I said as I left the Hidden Leaf Village. "My two new abilities were Creator's phone and Elemental entity summon right? Lets test it out." I said vanishing deep into the forest.

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