《Blood Limit》Ch 12


~~~Kakashi Pov


I arrived here just in time to see a figure clad in black garbs and one of the most magnificent fox mask I ever lay eyes on. The mask was tied to his belt instead of on his face but before I could make clear ends he was sent flying on a crash course to some persons home.

I glanced at Naruto only to find him in shambles, mentally he was really torn after the hokage announced the death of one of the greatest sannin who had ever lived in this world. Naruto really was shookin' up quite a bit by the news I mean not really having family as he grew up in a village... Not so kind to the little jinchuriki. Those two really enjoyed one another's company.. Naruto must have seen jiraiya as a father no maybe even an uncle if not close family he was definitely someone Naruto wouldn't want to lose.

There was still two buildings distance between us and the battle with naruto and the mysterious man. Guy said this was a kid though.. Still I cant waste time here.

I hopped the two roof tops just as Naruto had descended in pursuit of his target. There was a hole in the roof and I landed on the roof looking in as I jumped down I found Naruto slowly approach his target holding a kunai with an explosive tag off to his side. The target prone against the ground out cold and unconscious as his damaged body already healed. as the girl he had in his arms was on the floor in front of him. Short on breath she gradually lifted her self from the floor and got into her battle stance and faced naruto.

Naruto stopped before he looked at the genin standing in his way and said "Please stand down, you are not involved as far as I can tell. As a kid you should return to your family, I'm sure they're worried about you."

The girl shook her head. "You don't understand, it is the jonin back there who was out of line.. Sasu did nothing wrong!" She shouted in defense of the mysterious boy.

"Oh yea? And just what did Guy do wrong huh?!" Naruto shouted.

"Sasu has not even been here a full day yet and he already has Jonin at his back! He hasn't even been allowed to rest properly without that buffoon the leaf calls a jonin breathing down his back!" She shouted in anger. I did find her point but..

"Then you won't mind if I ask a question?" I entered the scene with friendly eyes drawing surprised looks from both faces. I approached naruto and stood near him before questioning the little girl. "Then please explain why he was aiming to kill you with some unknown jutsu." I tossed her a scroll I received from Guy he sent me via a messenger bird prior to all this.

She eyes me carefully and I sent her a harmless smile. Upon opening the scroll the shock on her face became increasingly apparent, hands falling loosely to either side as she held the scroll in one.

"So, would you explain that please? Or was Guy mistaken.. Perhaps my eyes are bad. What say you?"


"This is false information." The girl rolled up the scroll before throwing it back, I caught it and gave an 'oh?'

Drawing a kunai from her weapon pouch she said "Well first I am sure you heard the boy here has extreme regeneration.." I nodded as she continued. "In the practice match between the two of us I used a cheap shot and stabbed my kunai into his neck and that's when he made a sword but only then and not before! So this is none of his fault!" She ran at us with the speed of an experienced chunin. This was surprising but more surprising was sakura appearing through a wall to our right.

"So if I'm understanding all of this then he is pardoned for coming at you with the intent to kill? If Guy had not shown up when he did you would be in the after life instead of here kiddo." Sakura said as she made her own entrance stepping from past the broken wall. Sakura dusted herself off then narrowed her eyes at the kid who stood confounded at the appearance of her.

"Leave now, you are not in any trouble so go, leave here and return home now. You did the right thing now leave the rest up too us."

"You.. Its people like you." The girl walked up to sakura then past her before cutting into Sakura's rib from her unprotected side. "Its people like you that annoy me the most!" Pressing the attack she kicked sakura's now wounded abdomen_knocking her a few back feet to where she previously fragmented the wall with a fist_ and adding salt to injury she sent a barrage of fist into Sakura's wounded abdomen. This knocked the already ill-balanced Sakura too the ground and slammed into the wall, because of the size of the person impacting it more debris fell. The girl shouted again in anger "I tried to talk.. No. I'm done talking. From here on I will make you feel pain good pain Through this pain I will acertain a clear understanding between us." She said with finality and pointed her kunai at Sakura while using her free hand she drew another kunai, putting her arm behind her back.

"Don't do this.." Sakura begged as her gaze gradually loss will in the face of the girl.

The girl said nothing as she relaxed her guard and turned her back on Sakura before Sakura let out a relieved sigh. Turning back with great speed the girl let loose with a kick already nailing her face. putting Sakura into the wall again.

The ceiling shook as more of it caved in until the boy named Sasu was almost completely baried under the rubble.

The girl lifted her foot above sakura's gental area before stamping down with a chakra enhanced kick sending her into the ground. Not before the quiet sakura finally release a despairing yell of angst and fear.

"Aummmmm!" Sakura screamed.

"Wait what the hell are you doing to Sakura!" Naruto was stupefied as was I at the whole thing the entire time. 'Lady Tsunade will certainly not be pleased when she hears this.' The girl looked at Naruto before he ran at her while performing the necessary hand sign five clones poofed into existence. Seeing she was being rushed from one side and was likely to be cornered from the outside she opted for a jutsu.


The girl performed the necessary hand signs and sent a fireball at Sakura.

"AHHHHHHH!!" Sakura was shouting in pain as she was now being burned to a crisp with a fire jutsu.

Naruto after dropping to his knees he slowly stood up with a broken look reminiscent of the one he wore minutes earlier. His clones at his back needed no instruction as they began forming a rasengan in naruto's hands. Two Naruto clones flanked the girl and the last two clones ran with kunai drawn keeping pace with the original. One of the clones reached the girl first in a reverse grips they clashed before the girl deflected one of the clones attacks and countered by getting in close and stomping Cnaruto's toes and stabbing him viciously in the chest before he poofed.

When faced with five different but life-like naruto's an uncertainty reflected in her eyes but with renewed confidence she faced them again.

"Oh god!" I shouted but I was to late to do anything as the girl turned to see what I was looking at which was Naruto with a tragic expression appear through the hole in the wall with two more clones in tow. Seeing the rasengan he held, appearing suddenly put the inexperienced genin in shock and before anyone could grasp what was happening the two tragic looking naruto clones apprehended The girl as the one with the rasengan thrust his arm forward having the rasengan explode on impact against the girl, she she went flying.

"I... Apologise but... Your allegment is besides the point. I will be crystal clear here..your mistakes are inexcusable. Are you prepared for the repercussions." Naruto stepped on to the scene with steps most present began to dread. Tragic naruto moved through the large hole in the wall before glancing back at a clone who took the hint and began to helping out Sakura. After a few seconds a green light shun from Sakura as she started her healing process. Tragic naruto looked around before walking up to the girl who was suffering from serious injuries and wounds from a rasengan. The tragic naruto gazed at all the narutos present drawing their attention as he stopped in front of the girl who was now frowning at him with a pained expression as sweat dropped from her face. Taking a head motion from the tragic naruto as the signal the four clones approached the girl with a mix of listlessness and some stoic expressions. Those four clones beat the girl senseless before she lie there weak with ragged breath. Coughing up blood she glared at the tragic naruto.

'So it seems the one with that pitiful and gloomy look is the original' I concluded. I've never seen naruto like this so for right now watching and then interfering when things get out of hand seems to be a wonderful choice.. I pulled my porno book out to read while observing how my student took care of things.

Tragic Naruto turned to Sakura before checking her condition. "Sakura.."

"Y-yes I-I'm fwine naruto." Sakura was indeed showing a strange expression on her face as her eyes were glassy she was back in good condition but she was sitting on her hunches instead of standing. Her face had a naughty expression with a light blush in her cheeks. Sakura's hands folded between her legs.

"Okay.." Tragic naruto looked her over once more before turning to face the girl and his clone platoon once more.

"Hold her.." Naruto said apatheticly. Each of the little girls limbs were soon restricted by each individual naruto clone. Glaring at the cruel blond headed shinobi as she looked up to him she said "What will you do?"

"You will be punished.." He looked at her with cold eyes.

"Why?" She said with out thinking and regretted it but was surprised by his dejected answer.

"You harmed.. My Sakura."

"W-Wha" The girl seemed to go into thought a brief moment before saying.. "We were just playing. I meant no harm to her"

"Oh..." Naruto said before he nodded to the clones beside him as he reached his hand out.

The two clones went to Naruto's out stretched hand before using their wind chakra nature to form a rasengan in his hand.

"I hate liars." His tone was cold as if on cue the rasengan expanded into the familiar giant of before.

In resignation the girl shut her eyes before opening them, giving the tragic naruto one last glare.

"Do it.."

That's when a kid sprinted in.. "ENAI!!!"

'Oh shit' I thought... "Sakura grab her. Quickly!"

As the kid brushed past Sakura, she leapt up and caught the kid before she was out of reach. Struggling to get free of sakura the kid stamped Sakura's toes crazy and shook, twisting her body trying to work free.

"Mhn!" Sakura moaned

"Stop I caught you already." Sakura said as she bite her lips with an eye closed holding back a cry.

"Kiriya!!" The girl naruto apprehended called stopping the new girls' struggle but the one who seemed to be called Enai began struggling with all she had against the four naruto clones.

The girl called kiriya looked around before an understanding reached her eyes as she put an end to her futile struggle, her arms falling limply to her side. Tears welled up in her eyes before they fell and she began to cry.

I looked at everyone and thought carefully about how we got to this point. When looking at it all I believe I am a good sensei with what do you say... Amazing students with bright futures ahead huh? I smiled kindly.

Then against all expectations the boy spoke.

"What is this before my eyes right now.. You people dare?" The boy spoke menacingly offering malevolence in his very waking.

I looked at everyone.. Very much surprised to his awakening _ My students occupied I close my eyes and made chidori in my right hand_ I will protect my students.

~~~Kakashi Pov End


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