《Blood Limit》Ch 11 part 2


The huge rasengan was cast down on the two nin by none other than the jinchuriki naruto himself. The blue, huge rotating ball of energy devoured both Sasu and co.

Sasu's vision was filled with blue before that blue suddenly was overcome by a familiar darkness.

'Ahh.. Is it over already?' Sasu said as he noted the familiar surroundings he was here previously and has not even been gone from this place a full week yet.

"So what happens now?" Sasu inquired to no one in particular.



I lay in the void drifting in darkness to no where nor do I come from anywhere. Its all the same; I feel no matter how far I drift I won't get far nor does it matter the time, that's just a feeling.

Suddenly the memory of my few recent; small battles and short lived victories came to surface in mind. They situated them selves before me as screens; they resembled the films of an old theater. One of the films shown my efforts to subdue a white bear while from an outsiders perspective I would seem maybe a bit overbearing..

*Screens shows clip of severing the bear's head from its neck with minimal effort; blood covers everything as the severed neck spews blood dirtying a mysterious persons face*

'Okay maybe I did over do it.. But just a little..' Sasu twitched as he was forced to change his choice words before the evidence shown by the screen.

As if saying 'just a little?' The screen changed once again it shown the time when Sasu ducked an incoming blow from the great white 'monstrosity' before sending it lumberjacking via headbutts in fresh flight, Outright up rooting any nature its way during the flight_All this via driving a heel into its gut.

"Ok." Sasu exasperated. "I admit I did that but what about those other ones did I really looks so.."

In a second the screen was switched now displaying the time when I confronted Enai-sensei. Blood dripped down my neck and was ruining my shirt new black shirt and before long the same arrogant look I wore killing the bear was upon me once more. Perhaps even more sinister than the last..

It showed me give my sensei a sinister grin as I shit talked her then favoring a domineering smile I mocked her until I was upon her again_also forming a blade of frost and ice I taunted her with a few test swings but I was responded to with fear and surprise. In the recording I practically relished in her fear. Her eyes shook in complete.. Utter terror and I stoked this trepidation. Then at the height of it all I swung my sword..

"Haaa I look like one of those mad nobleman. I could perhaps even be mistaken as one of the guys in those wuxia worlds.. This arrogance.." I looked on in compteplation as it played the scene of me scaring my sensei shit-less.

Okay the thing is even as mentally fucked as arrogant as I may seem, truthfully I don't take well to scaring her to this degree. I mean she did stab me.. But she knew of my regeneration. My regeneration that Guy practically told everyone about.

Sitting up to watch the screens my arms were propped up on my legs in a comfortable posture to more comfortable view the screens that had appeared before me. Finally I clench my fist as I recall everything involving the unreasonable treatment from the jonin in the village_ First of all exposing my passive ability. Then he proceeds to observe.. No rather he STALKS me as go around the village. Not even peacefully allowing me to learn from this villages shinobi! ..... ..further more.. what was he doing watching me in the academy? I was sleep..._


Knowing very well efficient ninja must first gather valid information on a target I might understand but why could it not have been Enai? Or Hinata even would have been more fair!

"Even Hinata the 'SSS' class legendary stalker would definitely be a decent choice but why the hell was Guy and of all things a guy doing it?!" A tick mark broad on my face as my hand curled into a fist.

"Where's my respawn button!? I call for a second chance!" I yelled into the void in anger.

~"Laughs* Would I be right in saying this bile is directed at one of the bushy brows of the leaf? Much more specifically Might Guy maybe? Am I right?"

There came a voice all too sudden from everywhere around, I knew it wasn't near me because I was already twisting, looking in all directions for where this voice may have came from.

"Here Sasu." the voice came from just just in front of me. In front of me is the girl same as before there was an elegant girl with a head of long white flowing hair. White..pale skin which beautiful fit her well. She looked healthy, her garbs were exotic black she wore a suspenion belt and a beautiful mini kimono of the darkest black exposed to the human eye.

"Wow wow are we blushing?" The cute loli mused sitting in the the air across from me.

"W-what! No I'm just angry-" I say. I sought to cover my abashment with this but it was a lie.

"You are so cold Sasuu~" She said pouting as her cheeks went a slight tint in red.

"You.. Who are you?" I said in a slightly annoyed manner.

"Just call me goddess." She said smugly and waved me off in an offhanded manner only for a blue screen to suddenly pop-up in my face.


"Blue screen! ...I assumed you were... I merely required confirmation." I said with kindness and familiarity. Closing my eyes I breath in the oxygen(?) From my surrounding. Opening them again only to see a beautiful head of perfect white hair crash into my solar plexus knocking the wind out of me.

Weightlessness is what I felt as I flew threw the air almost half a mile before I landed on the ground(?) The feeling of laying against the ground was present and more so present than that was the goddess on my chest. She beat my chest with small hands as tears fell from her eyes. "W-what? What is this?" Shock was first.

Furrowing my eye brows, I couldn't understand what all this was about. "If this is a joke then I suggest that you stop." I said feigning anger.

"You were scary Sasu." The goddess cried.

As for me I was exasperated. "What?" I said. Indicating her head to rise, looking in my face through her mess of tears she began to collect her self enough to speak to me.

"Y-your face!" She yelled making tears go many places. 'Boy, its a relief there's no mucus.' Wait what does she mean by my face?


"You looked like a monster!" She exclaimed.

Does she mean when i was fighting Enai? I shook. As she looked like a kid. As some loli's do. And while crying the looks became increasingly apparent. In response to this bodacious beauty I rubbed her head with a hand to calm her and look her in the eyes to show sincerity. "Sorry. I did not mean to alarm you. Please dont cry." I told her sincerely and gave her my kind smile while showing my concern.


"Thank you." The goddess said only for a few seconds later my vision to be completely spammed with blue screens having wink and faces with their tongue out.

"You tricked me!" I screamed in anger, sitting up caused her to slide her bottom from my abdomen to my pants. It wasn't until after my stuttering an apology that I realize she stood up and started talking to me with her back turned. "Sasu.. There's actually a reason why I have beckoned you here.."

"..." My response..

"Sasu I brought you here because I forgot to give you two more skills. Also I'm sure you may wonder why about 8 of the skill received were a repeat of the abilities and skills I have supposedly bestown upon you once you were last here."

"..." I gulped as I nodded to confirm she was correct.

She did not face me but she took a breath before she glanced back at me. "I gave you those skills and abilities to help familiarize your self with the ability your blood limit has already. Am I heard?" She elaborated on her actions.

"Huh?" My response..

She raised an eye brow. "Well the original agreement is seven skills upon one attempted, If you look here." She snapped her fingers before my skill/ability list appeared. "Your wish is still being upheld as you will see if you would kindly take a look at your status screen."

I stood up finally with a 'hmm' and analyzed my status screen before nodding. "Yes I see but why are a few skills violet?" I asked with eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

With the blink of an eyes she faced me and began to explain the skills highlighted in another color.

She gave an 'ahh' and said "The skills colored violet are the skills you received of the seven you initially will receive."

With hope in my eyes I told her "Please, might I be able to select my own skills?" But she crushed this hope.

"No, the skills can be chosen by me but are actually completely randomised. If you don get what you wish for from random selection please take your argument to 'Luck'.

'Luck'? Could that be another being of power here in the universes? I wonder...


+ Chakra gathering ~ allows host to gain chakra. Can be used to increase user's compacity.

+ Chakra manipulation ~ control your chakra. Pretty easy right?

+ Freeze sense ~ all senses are heightened within your element, etc

+ Freeze manipulation ~ control and manifest your element, again pretty easy right?

+ suspension ~ control this thing! (Goddess of the blue screen Notes: I really am not sure how you use this so just control the thing! sticks out tongue*)

+ protection and immunity ~ you won't be affected by your own moves no matter what so shoot your abilities without shilly-shally! You can hit your self on purpose though. I don't understand why you said you wanted too. But to each their own!

+ Love for the cold ~ you can feel it! And you love it! Its home! This elemental won't hinder you whatsoever! So fear it no longer! Xb

+ Perfect signs ~ signing is easy. Sign with greater experience than that of any ninja. I have nothing left to teach you.

(Survival skills. Note: I recommend only using these in the worst case scenarios.)

+ Frozen Realm ~ make your own hell! Uses your chakra to freeze everything! Normally this creates a frozen area with a circumference of 120 miles. By pumping more chakra into the skill power and size will increase.

So then this means that only one of the several skills has been selected.. I looked at my skill list in thought before Goddess-sama returned my attention to her.

"The last skill is something I created which will give you a hand should you encounter trouble beyond your capabilities."

"Then what are the two skills you mentioned you would give me before?"

The goddess gave an 'oh, right' sort of response before she snapped her fingers and a new blue screen appeared.

+ Creator's phone ~ talk with the goddess anytime now without the overrated blue screens their overused and are actually lame~ Just kidding! Blue screens are not invisible to people of the world so are dangerous to use.

(Blue screens are actually those~ that incredible thing that everybody wishes for! =3)

[Ps: don't ask about the dangers!]

+ Elemental entity summon ~ okay brat, here's how this works. You can summon anything you can think of with ALL of its traits and abilities~ but there's a catch. Just as [Frozen Realm] does this also requires chakra. You will be charged chakra to summon and.... ..To maintain your summon Sasu!

First of all the price to summon goes according to your chance of defeating your summons which are of course all very loyal to you! (Ok maybe not the strong willed with a clear conscious..but mad summons are now loyal hence you can summon undead.)

Example: If you summon a skeleton Goddess-sama believes 100% you will emerge victorious, thus it takes 0% chakra to summon which leaves you to maintain it with merely a thought. Yet still these can become stronger like a skeleton peladin for example. This more depends upon its blessing but lets say you have 95% chance to defeat one meaning 5% chakra to maintain it.

Second is really this skill goes according to individual battles so you don't need to worry about spam summoning. If you can kill a demon lord in a solo battle then you can summon it, this however doesn't affect summoning two demon lords as long as you can subdue a demonlord in one verse one battles.

Third is the element of your summons is your own element. If a Queen with an assassins class has lightning and fire then those are both eliminated and replaced with your element upon summoning. As experienced as she would have been with fire she is with your element now.


"That's one hell of an explanation Goddess-sama!" I read that and blinked a few times in disbelief. Does she know what she's doing by giving me this? What's going on in my Goddessess mind~ Haha~

"Thank you I intended for it to be reasonable. I hope I'm not making you into a weak other worlder?" she said with a wryly.

"Weak?" I was shaking. If this is weak then what is strong?! What the hell does a goddess see as a strong ability!

"Giggle* If it isn't then let me know. Prove it to me and this is a good time to do it. Because guess what!"

Hmm well if I'm not reading to much into things then.. "Well goddess-sama.." I gave a wry smile.

She took a withering breath before she smiled and said. "Correct. Its time we part once more."

Apprehension.. No.. Why is she hesitant? Looking her eyes I noted from the start they seems to appropriate for each case between us. When we met she had the eyes of seeing a friend after a long time. Which came to mirror my own feelings. I felt like its been to long since I saw her last. Then it came time for business and she perfectly acted out that role. Her eyes still had something behind them yet in this moment... It became even more apparent. "Goddess-sama are you alright here?"

"I'm... Fine. Thank you Sasu." She said responding to my question absently.. Some thing is off here with the Goddess. I know it..


Something seemed to happen in her mind and as if the gears switched again... "It's time I send you back." She snapped her fingers and light erupted beneath my feet.


At the last moment her eyes softened and with one of the most sad smiles to ever happen on my goddesses visage she told me.. "Please keep in touch.."

"Goddess-Sama!!!" And with a flash I vanished from her void awakening in anguish.. Woe.. ..... In moments the scenery changed. I was lying on the ground prone underneath rubble and debris.. Feeling constantly permeated in my legs only to vanish as quickly as it had come in one endless loop.

Looking to my left..a broken wall. To my right was... Stairs inside a home which some lady screamed in terror at me before escaping upwards via those steps. And in front of me...

"What is this before my eyes right now? You people dare.." I said menacingly as my eyes brows lifted in surprise before I frowned.

The ninja present within the room look down at me. Kakashi had just made a chidori, naruto and his clones restricted Enai holding each four seriously hurt limbs to the ground as she looked at me in shock but just moments before she was struggling to get free at full strength. With the clones distracted she broke from her shock trying again to free herself before they refocused on her applying more force to keep her in place as three narutos stood before her and the supposed main one with his tragic expression unchanging readied another rasengan as his clones made the same oversized one as before in the main naruto's hands. Sakura had somehow caught kiriya and was holding back both of her arms. Kiriya cried as she gave up a futile struggle.

'The hell.. Did I come back to?'

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