《Blood Limit》Ch 11 (part 1)


~~~Pov Sasu


Sasu felt more pain then he ever felt before. When the attack hit everything seemed to slow down as the spinning ball of chakra sliced apart his chakra covered hand like paper before it all so slowly destroyed his skin, his flesh, and bones. It was a slow process to Sasu but he managed to hold in his anguish.

While recovering he merely winced but he believe he hid that well when he adjusted Enai in his arms.

He was worried about this girl but as they were still in the midst of battle he could not just simply put his sensei down and very well check her for injury so he could only hope she was okay.

After regaining the use of two limbs he looked to the new comer who was a blond shinobi in a simple shirt and and pants. On his face were a set of whiskers situated on his cheeks under blue eyes. He seemed to have just stop crying some time ago.

"You.." Sasu said. Sasu has been thinking about this for a while but.. First the hokage is tsunade. Then we have the genin naruto here in his teens, also he appeared to have just been crying not so long ago. It didn't take Einstein to put it together to find out where he was and what time he was sent to. 'So apparently I've been transported to the time where jiraiya has recently been killed by pain.' Maybe this would explain why everyone seems so tense. Or not 'but I can't say Might Guy knew jiraiya on such a level. The anime had nothing on a relationship between the two. Maybe Guy is just weird?' As awesome as Guy was in the anime on earth Sasu couldn't disagree with the fact the jonin was overly weird.


Of course he wasn't ignoring the scenario that guy simply was upset an important family member to the leaf died and he did nothing. His reaction could be his intent to prevent this from happening again to anymore of the leaf. As they were his family this was a potential reason.

He watched as Naruto took out kunai with an explosive tag on the end and and made six shadow clones each were in position with two clones behind the middle shadow clone As their hands were held out they began shaping A rasengan. Once they were finish the two clones behind grabbed the Naruto clone in front of them and like a slingshot they were catapulted at Sasu.

Sasu quickly sifted through options before summoning his ice dagger. Failing to make another with out any real training for this techniqueb this was merely something he thought up on the spur of the moment before. In no time two rasengan naruto clones were upon him. Using his mind he made the dagger slash at them horizontally.

"This!" Sasu shouted at the force of the rasengan. And understandably so his weapon was showing signs of breaking as cracks spread through it.

He held for a few seconds before the sword broke. Sasu frowned at the two assailants as the rasengans pushed forth to impact him and Enai. With no time to think he could only hope his attempt to deflect the technique works.

Sasu raised his left leg and kicked the clone's right arm that held a rasengan into the clone next to him. The clones having been hit dispersed leaving behind smoke.

Sasu took a moment to recover his breath when he tried he noticed a disturbance in the air above him drawing his attention upward to the blond who appeared in a position in the air above. Naruto couldn't seem more like a tragic hero as he lifted, single handedly a giant rasengan over his head and swung down taking Sasu by surprise he watched the rasengan consume him with wide eyes.


Naruto in his melancholy said "Sorry, I can't say I'm sure what happened exactly but... I cant allow you to kill my friends when I can do something about it."



Sorry but uhhh.. Question to the readers~

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