《Blood Limit》Ch 11


Pov Enai~~


She was surprised. She was indeed shaking yes. But she would never say more than that, she was far to proud. Though underneath all that, she knew it was true she was afraid, never in her lifetime had she been caught like this. All she could do was move her head. Everything else? 'What the he'll is this?!' She thought with grim fear bubbling inside. 'What did he do? I can't move at all!' she couldnt even move.

In her peripheral she saw a spider web of cracks spread on the ground before it cratered. On the center was the Jonin beast of the leaf and some mysterious boy under calumny of treachorous action against the leaf.

She honestly found them ridiculous. 'I mean hitting someone's hand with a ball? Seriously? Did the person involve even complain?' It could have been just passing the ball is what it sounds like. And is stealing coinage from the hokage even possible with all the anbu around? I mean she's a power house and can easily dispatch over a thousand nin in minutes.' Enai didn't believe it for a second.

Her termporary apprentice and an advanced jonin cratered the ground with kicks. Guy appeared before Sasu with a snap kick, Sasu countered with his own kick causinging the ground beneath to sink a few inches under their bridge made with their legs. The force caused a ring to expand outward as a result of the force. It expanded from the center of impact where their legs met.

She watched Sasu twist his body, swaggering his leg into Guys gut. Guy keeled over and Sasu pressed the attack and send his open hand to the jonin's head which guy avoided by shifting to the side. Sasu sent out a small barrage of sword hands which were easily avoided by Guy by simply shifting. Guy countered this barrage with a round house kick sending Sasu flying. Or so one would assume.

Sasu disappeared in smoke before being replaced with a log. 'Where' both of them asked and checked there surroundings before Guy felt heat from above. Enai saw Guy suddenly look up and followed his eyes finding Sasu launching a uselessly huge fireball. Around 30 meters wide and if it hit she would be caught int the blast too.

'What is this!?' Enai was looking grim. She didnt know what to do shd couldn't move yet as Sasu had yet to release her from his weird jutsu.

"Enai!!" Kiriya cried out to her.

Enai turned her head to find kiriya running at her. What the hell? She should be running away!

"Get out of here kiriya!" Enai ordered out of concern for her long time friend.

"But you-" kiriya persisted.

"Don't worry about me! Ill come back to you so get out of here!" Kiriya began tearing up again and tears dripped down her face.

"You are lying and you know it! This blast will kill you! If you died then what will I do? Are you going to just leave me all over again?" Kiriya looked extremely torn. Her cheeks swollen as hot tears streaked her face.

Enai's heart pounded as her heart leapt in her throat, she felt the weight of those words as flashbacks of their past played over in her mind. Cruel sacrifices, uselessness, regret. It was happening all over again. She bite back tears as they fought to surface from her eyes.


"Must I really say it again. I'm all to aware of our lives in the past. And just like in the life before you will really have me repeat those cruel words? Do you remember them? What I said to you before I died. Please." Enai was begging. Hoping kiriya would just run. 'Dont you stand here and die before me. I don't know what I would do if you died. I would be really sad. Please dont break me!' And then as if answering her prayers.

Kiriya bite her tongue till it bled before she said. "I understand." Kiriya turned and left with meaningful words to her friend. "Lets meet again. And next time. I won't have you die alone. I promise!" Indeed Enai wishes were granted as kiriya ran away. Enai turned to face the blast with apprehension. 'In my last life I steeled my self in front of death. This time.. I dont deserve..'




"Hey teach! Sorry I'm late." She heard a familiar voice from her side causing her head to turn at break neck speed.

"I'm sorry I did indeed go overboard but.. Ahh~ there's no excuse." He said. She found a nin in dark black clothing with hair as black/dark as the void. She saw Sasu at her side. She felt several emotions at once upon seeing him. Fear, apprehension, wonder, and maybe most of all question.

"Please forgive me~" Sasu begged her forgiveness. She could feel the sincerity in his voice. The regret in his apology. She gazed into his eyes realizing they were once more, soft.

'Why?' She shook her head. She knew why so she decided to change the question. She wanted to ask why he fought her but she knew. So she would ask "Why have you come back?" She lost eyes contact as her head drooped. "I saw your eyes, you were mad. You have no reason to save me-"

Sasu put a finger to his lips and mouthed quietly "Shhh." He gave her a kind smile when he said "We must move quickly. Actually now." He picked her up in a princess carry an as soon as she was in his arms their scenery blurred before it changed to some place further from the academy to some roof tops in the village.

'Haa? Why are we here?' Although the fast movement and did leave her a bit.. Discombobulated..recovering wasn't so hard. She had experience.

In one direction was the hokage tower, a short distance away from them. And behind her was Sasu. "Why haven't you let me down yet?" She said.

"Oh, its just that I was under the impression you wanted to live. Did you not want to see kiriya again? Or sensei do you want to wait for the after life." Inquired Sasu raising an eyebrow.

"How?" Enai inquiried.

"Look down." Sasu said.

Looking down Enai gave a pitched 'yeep' before she heard a laugh. She turned on Sasu fixing him with a glare. He took it a responded "Sorry I just couldn't contain my self." She glared into his eyes before he decided to change the topic. "He's still alive." Sasu said descending to a roof top.


"Huh" Enai responded in surprise.

"I didnt kill him. Though I am sure I could one way or another I didn't." Sasu told her.

"Why?" Enai asked him she wouldn't question the killing a jonin part. Her tolerance for surprise was nearing its limit. Though she may look like a kid and is a genin she's lived to long for this life of surprise to come now.

"If I kill a jonin in the leaf what do you think will happen as a new comer?" Sasu asked her.

Enai didn't take long to think before she said "Oh!... But why is he targeting you like that? And all that stuff he said before.." Enai asked intrigued. What could this boy have done to get on the wrong side of a jonin?

Sasu rolled his eyes upward before he looked at the hokage tower in the distance. "Why does he have bushy brows? Why does his student have bushy brows?" Sasu asked his sensei.

Her face gave a look of disgust before she said "I don't know."

Sasu chuckled while watching her expression and gave her a knowing look. Sasu felt a new energy approach and looked across from them. On the other end of the roof he saw Guy land from a front flip.

Enai followed his sight and saw a slightly burned jonin with singed bushy brows.

"Might Guy." With those words a tense atmosphere was once again realized. Enai looked at her protectors eyes to see they were not arrogant but they were firm. Sasu now wore a dignified air with promise. Sasu said "I suggest you stand down before you make a mistake. If you insist on fighting, attacking me as I have my sensei I'll have to stop you with force."

Enai watched Sasu checking for any sign of the monster from before but all she found was his honest desire to protect her. To not involve her.

"Are you stupid son? Look I am after you. You are under arrest. Put the girl down. This is my warning. I suggest you obey because.." Might Guy's hair blew in the wind as he said "From here I'll no longer treat you with the consideration of a child. But this will be reshaped into a mission. Of the highest rank." Guy warned with his serious countenance changing to deathly. Promising death.

'Huh' he had to be kidding. Why is he getting serious with a child? Furthermore isn't this too much? From many views guy was over exaggerating things. His reaction is over the top. He said this would be his mission. Are jonin allowed to do that?

Wind blew through as the three stared one another down. Blood was boiling for the jonin and Enai held her breath as these two beared down on each other with malevolence.

She watched this before suddenly Sasu closed his eyes and moments later they opened. There she found his eyes as resolute as ever. Being so close to Sasu she felt admiration for him. She began to feel as if she could also take on this monster.

"Stop." Sasu faced her. Without her realizing before her hands began to move as she was steadily rising from his hold. She stopped her unconscious movement and resting back against him once again.

"Guy. If this is the sort of tact you have as a leaf shinobi I will lose all respect for you. I have warned you already. I won't repeat my self." Sasu turned and started to walk away from Guy but before he could take a full step.

"Gate of limit.." Guy muttered which caused Sasu to turn when he did, Guy said. "Fifth Gate: The Gate Of Closing OPEN!!!" Enai watched Guy energy explode out of him. Guy screamed his technique to the top of his lungs and that's when she heard a sigh.

"Foolish." Sasu said listlessly. He watched as Guy vanished from where he stood on the roof tops before appearing few inches from his face, drawing ever nearer and letting loose with a punch.




However he never close the distance between them. Guy was now stuck in place unmoving. Walking around Guy Sasu stopped when he faced his back. At guys back particles as transparent as water gathered before forming the same Godly dagger from before. With out a free hand to use Sasu was left with his skill to manipulate his chakra and his element to use to control the weapon.

"Sasu." Enai called silently

Figuring she was referring to the act of killing the crazed jonin. "I know.." Sasu said. As he made the blade go forth.

But suddenly from the corner of his peripheral he saw a blue ball of energy come his way. With a split second to react all he could do was raise his hand and coat it with all the chakra he could gather. Which was fortunately alot.

Quite unfortunate though Sasu was still sent flying.

Enai felt her heart pound in that time. Causing her to shout his name but that was cut short as she felt herself jerk against him as he maneuvered in the air attempting to right himself. She almost fell when he adjusted his hold on her.


she jumped in surprise as her concern shown on her visage.

Sasu seemed to not feel it but with her experience she knew he was in a world of pain his entire right arm was gone as so his ribs were torn open and broken. You could see his organs in just a blink all of that disappeared. New flesh and back were his clothes that were mostly destroyed from the blow. And in entirely brand new condition as if they seen no grim, dust, sweat you would expect to find in battle. Even blood was gone from the clothing. 'This is regeneration.. Impossible.' Enai eyes went upward to her carrier as his eyes locked onto a blond haired ninja.

The blonds anger was apparent and he said with a face that seemed to have previously been stricken with tears he said.

"how dare you."

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