《Blood Limit》Ch 10


Silence washed over the two both remained unmoving as they stay stared down one another.

Only a minute prior kiriya had participated in the hand sealing lessons so that Sasu could have both perspective and while having an energetic battle freak as teacher is good. Having someone take the time to calmly explain was also good.

The lessons from the two only lasted an hour with small examples, explanations on combos and the use of hands signs. Enai also added her own experiences while explaining how to sign and possibilities of it.

Taking in this knowledge was no real challenge to Sasu. He took in all they had to teach him in one hour. Now he was ready to put it to the test.

Enai also asked Sasu to perform the fireball jutsu she used on him. He had no trouble at all and even managed to drop it to just a few hand signs. Causing doubtful ambiance to become one of shock. Kiriya and Enai almost fainted hearing his next sentence.

"Fufufu I feel like I can do it with a single seal now. My power will soon reach over the boundary of 9000."

Enai had almost asked him to train her but had stopped her self. She still had yet to finish confirming her student fully understood her lessons. Which brings them to where they are now.

A tense atmosphere began to run over the area as Enai took a few steps back. She lifted her hands removing her band from her hair letting locks fall free. Shaking her head she used a hand to straighten her hair which was now free of its bindings, but now all over her head. then her attention went back too Sasu, he never felt it truly leave though.

"I will be honest with you don't expect me to go down easy. I have alot more experience than my looks would tell. Take my current form with a grain of salt." Enai warned Sasu as the air around her changed to something serious. Wind blew through this atmosphere.

Looking at his teacher now serious, he noted she dropped the child's mask she wore and now seemed more of a woman chalk full of wisdom with experience.

"I suggest you come at me with all that you have or so help you, ill put you in so many pieces I will have the puzzle gods working centuries to put you back together." Her tone was now different as well. Shivers went down Sasu's spine before he crouched to a battle stance and took out the shuriken he took from the bandit.


"it's seems you have composed your self." Enai looked at him and closed her eyes. "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready-" Sasu intended to say this but found a blade in his throat. Looking in the direction of the arm that held it he only to realize the distance between him and Enai shrank to nothing. Her Kunai pierced his neck before she lifted her leg. He was sent back with a kick some meters away leaving them at another small distance from each other.

"Heh!" Sasu grinned and stood proudly. He look back at his teacher as he watched her pull a projectile from her shoe before putting her foot to the ground again. With a few test stamps of her shoe she confirmed it would be no hindrance.

Looking in her pupil's eyes she could see along with the atmosphere he had before of a reckless fool his soft, not harsh nor heroic. Less kind maybe yet still kind. Gone was all that. It was slowly disappearing as arrogance crept on his face.

"I suspect you would like to try something like that again no?" Sasu grinned as if he had just successfully cornered his prey.

"That was some stunt you pulled attacking me when I had not expected it." He cocked his head to the side as he said. "Nice try but that certainly was that final time." He softly mutter the name of his new ability full of his intent.

He slowly closed the distance on his target with conviction. His steps almost seemed to have the ability to part sea.

With a mocking glare he stopped a few steps from his target. Although no struggle was apparent he could tell Enai was trying to fight. Fight and unstoppable force which kept her under strict control.

"Speak." Sasu said simply, In his mocking arrogant tone.

Enai's eyes flashed questioningly before she stuttered "uhh." She was fighting to move since the time she noticed the arrogance creeping on his face. This all gave her a bad feeling. She glanced over at her long time best friend. With urgency, fear, regret all in her eyes she said a single. Meaningful word. "Run."

Kiriya stood in place torn. She couldn't decide whether to aid friend in battle or run for her life. However in the end she couldnt abandon her. Yet still she knew resistance was useless hence there she dropped to her knee sitting in tears.


Sasu didn't so much glance her direction. His attention was wholly on the sole target in front of him.

Sasu cracked his neck arrogantly looking down at his opponent. "Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me. It never happens again. Do you know why?"

"Please-" Enai attempted to reason but was interrupted as Sasu held out his hand in front of her. In her face the temperature dropped as particles so transparent they appeared as water gather in his hand forming an elegant grandly adorned dagger of ice and frost. Both lined the blade as snow was abundant at the handle. Sasu gripped his new sword before flexing his grip. With a few test swings he nodded.

Sasu studied his weapon a bit more before looking at her and with mocking intent he said. "Hey. What was that?"

Before she could answer his blade followed his arms as he swung horizontally. Just before the blade could remove her head a figure appeared.

Blocking the dagger with his ankle weights using his raised leg. It was guy the Green beast of the village hidden in the leafs. Guy narrowed his eyes with an expression of 'I knew I was right all along about this stupid kid'

Sasu's heart pounded as this jonin seemingly appeared out of thin air. 'Fuck, he exposed one of my trump cards now this piece of shit is getting in my way!' Honestly Sasu had not planned to reveal his regeneration ability in the leaf but as it went this green clown already told the head of the village! From the lack of surprise of the genin here he concluded word of his regerative was already out. 'Fuck it. This clown can die.'

Sasu reassumed the his grip on his blade before he looked at guy with a stupified expression warranted by the jonins last sentence.

"I suggest you come quietly. I have watched you all this time. Attempted murder on a leaf citizen. Betrayal of the leaf, breach of contract, disrespect to your temporal sensei, attacking your sensei, mutiny, stolen clothes, stolen shuriken, stolen mask, stolen money straight from the hokage! Further more you infiltrated the academy, you attacked a student at the academy, you threaten the life of young shinobi full of potential, you restricted your sensei's movements, you are a molester!!! Rapist, attempted rape." Pointing a finger at the crying, wet Kiriya he began anew. "You burned a student at our fine academy, you potentially could have burned others in the village." Shock washed over Might Guy as he seemed to recall something. "You hit the student hands with a ball!!"

Sasu could've sworn he felt like he would die before this guy decided to shut up. His patience withered as guy spouted more and more nonsense. Sasu caught the silhouette of a persons leg snap at him from the corned of his eyes.

At the last minute Sasu sword arm blurred as it flew to hack off guys leg. But it was a feint. Guy twisted his body before his kick could connect withdrawing that attack an kicking out again with his other leg. With his free hand Sasu perform the boar hand seal. He immediately vanished in a smoke screen before it cleared revealing a log. The log splintered as Might Guy missed his original target. Turning as if some monster from an rpg guy faced Sasu again.


Sasu mentally rolled his eyes. This fool was killing the mood. He didn't know whether to laugh at this ridiculous jonin or cry that he may have gone overboard. 'Well until I can make up my mind about this situation.' Sasu hand lifted as guy appeared before him.

"Kawarimi." With a hand seal Sasu vanished in a cloud of smoke.

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