《Blood Limit》Ch 7


Walking the road to the academy was a boy hair so dark it was likened to the void. Wearing all black his gear was a black shirt, some black joggers tied to his pants was a dark demon fox mask with a black string. And black flip flops. This was Sasu.

Approaching the academy were kids on the path to become nin. These kids on the level of genin already knew hand sign and and even fewer knew jutsu nor had enough experience in chakra control.

Entering the academy Sasu went to the class appointed to him by the hokage.



"I understand! You may enter my academy!" Said the hokage while slamming he palms on her desk as she stood.

"S-sir are you sure? This isnt our normal protocol!" An anbu said appearing from no where off to the side before the desk of tsunade.

"He's right. We should find out more about this boy! We know NOTHING!" Guy remarked making a tick mark appear on tsunade.

"I said he will attend my academy! The students are ignorant and I shall speak of my will to a teacher at the academy on my own!"

Scratching his cheek Sasu spoke. "Uhm.. I don't necessarily need to join the academy do I? My own teacher will be fine."

Sasu did not want to spend years at the academy. Considering his skills he can increase his strength in no time. He had no intention on wasting his time when he could learn Justus in months. Wow maybe less considering how amiable the blue screen had acted. She fullfilled most of his request whilst ameliorating others. Seemingly stoking a flame and tossing in fuel when it needed to be hotter.

Looking into her eyes tsunade broke her gaze with a sigh and agreed. "I will allow you to get help from any of the jonin on within the village. But.. I have a request."


"Hm?" Sasu could see how serious she was as she spoke he looked at the hokage as the seriousness was suffused in her voice.

"You will be givin 3 A-S rank mission in addition to this deal. Once they are completed you may completely leave the village." Said tsunade. This deal made Sasu an ally of sorts to the leaf village.

"To be sure you do not betray this village this seal will be placed on you. Please lift your shirt" tsunade spoke as she pulled a piece of paper from the desk.

"Hmm I understand." Sasu mesmerized the writing on the seal in case he got around to learning seals later. Lifting his shirt he saw the softening gaze of tsunade before she blinked an quickly checked herself assuming the air of leader again. Her hand went forth as she touched his chest. The seal lay between his chest and her fingers before it lit up a blue color and vanished. She stood and went backed into her desk, leaning on it.

"Thank you." Sasu thanked her and turned to leave. Wondering who would be a good jonin would be to teach him how to work with the elements he walked out of the office in thought. He would go to team 7 first. He wanted to meet a certain unpredictable ninja. He smiled mischievously.

Now alone guy glared at the anbu left in the room. Turning to the anbu nin tsunade nodded and said. "Leave us."

In a whirlwind of leafs the anbu vanished.

Raising a bushy brow at tsunade, she said. "I let him go because he seemed harmless. That seal I put on him is something made by jiraiya" Guy eyes went wide and he was going to argue his confusion but she cut him off. "Its just a prototype, not all ends were explored yet. He gave it to me long before he even died. But, he told me its intent. The seal will wrack his body with pain before causing him to deteriorate, bleeding from all the holes in his body, Killing him. This is for a traitor of the leaf village!"


Guy nodded before turning. "If you don't mind I still would like to keep my eye on him."

Tsunade laughed and said tiredly. "Go ahead. You are dismissed." Guy gave a reverse wave and left closing the door behind him.

Tsunade slowly placed a hand on her chest. Panting she blushed slightly before.

"Reporting my lady!" Giving tsunade a jump scare the anbu snickered behind his mask 'must be bcause of the new comer. She likes em young huh?'

"R-report!" Tsunade quickly took on her role as the leader again.

Flashback End~


So what is Sasu doing at the academy? Checking out the new comers of course. Fillers like npc's and such caught his curiosity. Teachers as well besides the old ones but most importantly he felt something in the air. As if waiting to happen.

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