《Blood Limit》Ch 6


Guy eyes widened a slight margin before he said.

"I am most likely wrong but you don't mean directly do you?" As he quirked an eyebrow. After thinking Guy already settled upon taking him to see the hokage where he would be on stand by if needed.

Sasu nodded.

"Well its a good thing you found me otherwise there would have been trouble. Ya see we have chunin guard at the gates and anbu who would be on you in seconds. Higher level ninja, jonin are also on that list." Guy waved the shuriken while giving his nice guy grin. Then guy said "I will take you to see the hokage my self. This way there won't be any trouble right?"

Guy moved past Sasu and towards the village and gestured for him to follow.

No longer able to gaze at the scenery which was cospicuous to his eye before; no longer catching his interest he allowed silence to wash over them.

Until Guy rolled his neck looking over his shoulder, speaking, before tossing the shuriken back "I can't say I'm sure of what you would be capable of but since that is the case if you are my enemy do not expect me too hold back"

Sasu nodded. Though he knew Guy wasn't stupid he appreciated how things were going so far but those lucid words of warning left a slight tension with him; knowing he was being watched. With one wrong move he would make the entire village his enemy.

But as he remembered 'The leaf' was pretty easy going so it should be ok right?

With that they quietly continued to the village at a moderate pace.

Entering the village Sasu soaked in the scenery before him while thinking about how he would confront the head of the village. His name, his age, where the hell he came from? These would all be inquires of the hokage. He could answer all of them except the latter. Where did he come from? Training in the forest with a master? One of the Legendary Sanin? Was he from another village? Maybe a prestigious hidden family will do. His ability should well cover that. But that would also blow one of his trump cards.


As Sasu was formulating a plan a ball hit his leg pulling him from his thoughts. 'Hm?'

Looking at the ball then from where it came he saw children running straight toward him. Of the group one stepped forward still meters away.

"Hey mister, could you pass that back to us?" The kid opened his arms ready for a pass.

Glancing back Sasu noted Guy hadn't stopped his stride and was still walking slowly. Too suspicious! Not something Sasu would fall for though. Picking up the ball Sasu casually tossed it back and turned to catch up with Guy.

"Uhm ah- thankyou mister!"

Smilling, Sasu responded with a reverse wave.

Soon Sasu found him self at the desk of the village head with the hokage in her seat.

"So you mean to tell me you found a kid wandering outside our village borders. He almost killed a bandit. Before you jumped on the set and he asked to meet the hokage. Then you just bought him here!?" Tsunade couldn't make heads or tails of this nonsense. What if she died?

"Um I figure with our power we could take him but I've watched him until now and that's not all. Regarding his physic even though he looks slim he doesn't seem at all exhausted. Then.."

Silence permeates the air a few seconds before tsunade shouts. "What what!? Out with it!" Sasu brought his gaze from her figure to her lips.

"Well he was fighting a wild bear before the bandit and when the bear sent him flying but there he recovered almost instantly! Walking from the wreckage he sprinted at the bear dealing a blow sending it through several stray trees. Pursuing his target at low-jonin rank speed, he swiftly fininshed it off with a single blow." Tsunade eyes widened as she turned to the young man ogling her. Her very slight twitch went unnoticed as a "OoOoOoO" could be heard from from the window.


A tick mark appeared on tsunade visage before a shoe came from her sending a silver haired nin with an eye patch flying from the tower window. Still fueming at the tacit of the flying nin she turned her attention back to the matter at hand. Seeing the hearts in the boy's eyes she called him after another unnoticed twitch.


"Hm?" The boy shook his head snapping out of his stupor. 'oops was my signature response to disrespectful?' He glanced at the shocked look the hokage gave him. He smirked and adjusted his orientation. Favoring his weight on one leg as one was put behind shifting to just his toes. And scratched his cheek looking embarrased.

That wasnt it though she was merely shocked about him coming back to focus so quickly.


Seeing as this was going nowhere guy came in. "Ahem!" He frowned at Tsunade.

"Right. Guy how did he finish?"

"The great bear, white was killed via decapitation. A bare handed technique sir." Wide eyes and ogling eyes flashed, meeting once more between the mysterious black haired male and blond village leader.

Well moments later we jump into it~

Looking at the mysterious young man Tsunade looked like a chicken having had someone pluck its feather by surprise. One question was on the mind of everyone present.

Guy looked at Sasu and said. "Young man."

Tsunade said "Who are you?"

Stepping forward in confidence he now had regained his arrogant air but the laziness could still be felt from him. He said. "You may call me Sasu. I am a youngster and as for where I've come from... You don't need too worry about that."

Hearing this Guy began hollerin' nonsense and Tsunade raised her voice for no reason. Cleaning his ear with his little finger he furrowed his brows 'well this has certainly gone on long enough' before demanding silence. "Oh my, shut up! acting like a fly won't due for someone of your prestige will it? Now I can guarantee this village's while protection so long as I'm here but in exchange I have a request."

Seeing the surprised faces Sasu took advantage of their silence and told them what he had in mind.

"I am mostly civilian rank maybe chunin but that's on my strength alone. I've done a strict training regimen and my strength increased facing enemies beyond my strength which is the power Might Guy spoke of before. I can't stop here. I have yet to learn how to use what makes ninja well a ninja. Shinobi are more known for the those born into chakra or talented people that awaken to it. I can't use mine at all. This is where you come in. I want to learn signing, chakra manipulation, and Justus.

Saying such things in rapid fire the rapt attention of those present became more like an audience with monkeys and birds. Guy scratched and Tsunade looked around before she caught the gleam in her eye that said she found prey fish. As her eyes landed upon Jon.

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