《Blood Limit》Ch 5


Sasu has be sprinting non stop for a while now the unchanging scenery not so interesting as it was when first laid eyes upon. While running he ran past monsters and the usual bears dodging and evading sudden attacks to the best of his ability. Still fresh in the world and new to the concept of power it isn't unusual he gets smacked around a bit but he gradually begin taking less an less hits. By the next morning he found himself able to avoid all attacks from the bear but by a hair. It wasn't perfect. Not yet.

The unchanging scenery changed slightly from before. Something more distinct about this area. Sasu noted that there's been lack of monsters attacking him whilst just animals went about their day. After some time the attacks stopped completely.

Slowing down Sasu stopped his sprint and walked up to a tree. 'Maybe I should check my location' raising a hand he slapped the tree and began his ascent to the top.

At the top a black hair male could be seen taking in his surroundings. The male's eyes widened when his mouth dropped open he muttered curses. He had already arrived at the leaf. Just as he was making to climb down he repositioned himself. 'Rather isn't tree hopping a basic to all shinobi? Lets test it out'

A stupid grin appeared on the black hair male's face before he pushed of the branch with all his strength. The stupid grin widened as he saw his next branch coming closer. 'Hm?' It was noted by Sasu the branch was increasing in altitude as his own decreased.


Before he could react Sasu's chin hit the branch which was preordained designated landing spot.

Rubbing his previously bruised chin he said

"Well that didn't happen now did it?"


Looking around he made sure no one was in sight to witness his fall. Finding no one he proceeded to march toward where he saw the village hidden in the leaves. 'Phew'

He reassured his arrogant aura, looking straight ahead. If anyone saw him now they would no doubt think he was of a prestigious. Honorable background. He made it several steps before a voice in the trees erupted in laughter.

"HAHA Haha that was terrible! How could someone be so bad tree hopping! Hehe"

Sasu eyes went wide in shock before turning to face the source of the voice.

Coming out from behind a tree was a man figure covered in all black. He walked forward stopping a some distance from Sasu. Frowning at the unusual appearance of a person. Something which had not appeared at all on coming here.

"Did you see?"

"And what if I did?" The ninja responded drawing a shuriken from his bag before throwing it. Zipping past Sasu the shuriken embedded it self in the tree behind him.

"You have made my day now as such you have my gratitude. This gratitude of mine prevents you from being forced to turn over all of your belongings to me." Turning he begin walking in the opposite direction. "Honestly I tell you kids haha! Cya boy"

Sasu countenance darkened as he also turned. Walking some distance he retrieved the metal projectile the ninja left behind. Looking at the distance growing between them Sasu steeled him self and took aim. 'foolish' he thought and threw the projectile which blurred towards the man.



'1' ... "DYNAMIC ENTRY!" to fast for the eyes all Sasu knew is that the man in black disappeared and a man in a green jumpsuit and jonin vest and some bushy brows appeared instead catching the shuriken he threw with a grin.



trees fell as a dust kicked up somewhere in the distance. Looking over Sasu saw the now unconscious body of the man he intend to cut down earlier. Most likely bones broken. Battered and bruised from fighting so many trees.

"Now." Lowering his leg the big green mantis made its way over.

"Who are you and what are you doing so near to the leaf?"

This was the beast of the leaf village. Goofy but very sharp. Sasu couldn't afford to have it blown here. He had to get into the leaf. His face melted into a serious expression before he spoke.

"I need to meet with the hokage."

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