《The ascendance of the "Emperor of Darkness"》Chapter 6: Journey




The moment I teleported away an earth-shattering explosion happen.

A big part of the luxuriant forest became a wasteland in an instant.

"What a powerful magic spell. I don't know if I can survive that even I have a Max level skill [Magic Resistance]"

Having teleportation magic truly saves both of us.

"Are you okay, Xena?"

「Yes, Master, I'm alright.」

It seems Xena is fine and doesn't have some kind of shock from the fight earlier. I'm worried because she got thrown and rolled painfully on the ground.


"What it is?"

「We are falling right now, am I right? This is not some kind of illusion, right..?」

I looked below us and I slowly look at her eyes and respond to her question.

"You're right, We're falling right now."

Yeah, we're in the sky and rapidly falling.

Before the dragon's magic attack hit us, my mind was in chaos so I teleported in the place that was far away from that dangerous attack. And the decision I made was to teleport above us, to be more detailed a few kilometers above us.

Hearing what I said Xena's immediately burst into a panic.

「M-master! W-we are rapidly falling! We're going to die!!」

I laugh a little bit because of her reaction.

「W-why are you laughing!! and why you're still this calm master!! Are you going nuts now!! wake up master!!」

My laughter becomes louder because of her over panicking. I guess its time to stop teasing her and calm her down now.

I pet Xena while hugging her and tell her the reason why I'm still calm in our situation.

"Xena, have you forgotten?"

「W-what did I forgot?」

She said that while looking at me with watery eyes. So cute! this familiar of mine.

"That I have a Teleportation Magic?"


It looks like she immediately understands what I'm trying to say. If she removes her a bit airheadedness, I'll completely look at her as a brilliant girl.

Alright! its time to stop playing around and strike that dragon again.

but before that.

"Xena, I'm going to teleport you a few kilometers away from here."

「W-why master! I-I can still fight!」

I smiled at her and pat her.

"I know that you can still fight, but you've already done your part. So this time leave this fight to me. Trust me, this time I'll defeat that haughty dragon."

After saying those words I quickly teleported her.

I put her down and gently pat her head.

"I'll be back, wait for me here."

「Be careful, Master.」

After saying some brief word I instantly teleported again in the location of the nest that utterly destroyed.

The dust fog covers the whole place so I can't see where's the dragon's location.

And suddenly a strong gust of wind blew and the vicinity becomes clear.

"Y-you still survive in my strongest magic attack! you puny insect!! Are you really a human?! or you're a cockroach disguising as a human?! I'll admit this, you're really hard to kill and that irritates me!!"

The dragon got surprised seeing me still alive. Is this dragon an idiot? It already knew that I have teleportation magic but it still used that straight forward attack. Maybe it is really a lizard disguising as a dragon.

If it hears what I'm currently thinking, its nose probably produces smoke again.


"Of course I'm a human, but not an ordinary human. Why? because before this day ends I'll get the title "Dragon Slayer" and become the new ruler of this forest."

Hearing what I said, it got enraged.

It gathered the magical power in its mouth. A breath attack again huh.

"Just die already! damn insect!!"

the dragon releases its breath, I instantly teleported above its head and observe its eyes.

After a second it eyes look up at me.

I quickly teleported back away to gain some distance.

Next, I teleported at its back and wait for its response. A second passed before it attacks me using its tough tail.

So it can detect my magical power a second after I teleported in its blind spot huh.

But I only did it a few times, I need to be sure.

And that's why I try it out again and again.

An hour passed before I confirmed that my conjecture was correct.

"You're just dodging and not attacking. So you're also on your limit too huh."

I still have the stamina to fight but I didn't voice it out.

But I noticed something in what it said.

I heard the word "also" and "too", so it means this dragon is nearly in its limit now.

Saying those words in front of your opponent is a fatal judgment, you idiot dragon.

Mocking it in my mind I ready my sword and infused my holy and dark magic.

"Now is my turn attack get yourself ready you damn lizard!"

"Haha.. talking big now even though you're just dodging and not attackin-GryaAAaaAAaaa!"

The dragon shout in anguish after taking my sword slash. A large volume of blood gushed out of its chest.

"G-guh... W-what did you do? I-I didn't even sense your magical power?"

It threw a question while in pain and gasping for breath.

"My teleported in front of your chest and teleported back again here."

I stamp my feet in my location.

"W-What nonsense are you spouting! Guh!... If you do that I'll immediately sense you. Spout the truth you insect!! Guh!.."

It's still shouting wildly even its wounds is very severe.

What did I do?

The reason I'm just dodging and teleporting back and port because I calculating the time ----

"Your wounds are pretty deep. Why try healing yourself I'll wait for you here."

The dragon grits its teeth and didn't heal itself.

And a question enters my mind.

Why it still didn't heal itself? I already give him a few seconds but it still not doing anything.

To know the answer, I use the appraisal to investigate it.

And its status reveals the answer.

[Name: Black Dragon

Level: 127

Race: Dragon〖Mythical race〗

Stamina: 1317/15,538

Mana: 1089/10,744]

So this is the reason huh.

Its status goes down drastically. Our long fight

Only 9 percent of its stamina remains and it is also keeping only 10 percent of its mana.

Well, for me, my status is still the same. My stamina and mana are no less than their original value.

Thanks to my [Divine Heal], one of the skills in my [Holy Magic's] skill tree that my stamina is still intact. And also to my Max level skill [Magic Regeneration] that regenerating my loss mana every second.

With these skills, I could say that I'm invincible in long term fights.

"So you're already at your at most limit huh"


The dragon's body trembles.

"H-how did you know it!"

And now it is looking at me furiously.

Don't look at me like that. You're the one who said it, you idiot!

"It's pretty obvious seeing your condition right now."

That one sword slash in its chest makes it painfully grovel. What if I attack it all over its body.

"I'll attack you again lizard, defend yourself if you can."

I kick-off the ground and teleported at its back in just half a second and slash its back.


Another cry of pain resounded.

I continue my sword slashing, thrusting, kick, punch and all sort of attack. I beat it up in my heart content.


Because of my relentless attack, I successfully subdue the dragon. It can only groan in agony and can’t talk anymore.

I approach the dragon and stop in front of it.

“I won.”

I said face to face with a serious face.

“Why do you think I won? Do you know the answer?”

It didn’t answer and just groan in response.

I think it means it wants to know. It can’t even open its mouth so groaning is the only thing that can do if it wants to communicate.

“It’s because you underestimate me too much.”

Saying those words I jump over its head and stand there.

“If you thought of me as a formidable enemy and fought at me as if your life is at stake from the very start until the end, The outcome would surely be different. ”

I grip my sword tightly and infused my mix of holy and dark magic.

The wind swirls strongly in our surroundings.

Feeling my strong aura and killing intent, the dragon trembles in fear.

It tries to get up to escape but because of the condition of its body, it failed to even lift its head.

“But you didn’t and just pointlessly attack me without even knowing if your attack would hit me.”

I point my sword on its head and raise it in a stabbing position.

“Because you think yourself to highly and just saw me like an insect.”

A strong magical power surged in my body and my sword.

“And that’s why right now, you’ll die in the hands of this insect.”

My sword skill preparation finished.

“Farewell, you damn little lizard! Sword Skill: FURY STRIKE!!”

I shouted and strongly stab my sword in its head. It easily penetrated and destroyed its skull. The ground below its head also destroyed and create a crater.

What a strong sword skill, if its preparation is a little bit faster. I can always use it in every fight.

Looking down, I saw a big hole in the dragon's head. After a few seconds, I sigh in relief *Fuu...*.

“With this, it's now over.”

I jump down and touch the dragon.


The dragon's body instantly disappeared and stored in my spatial storage. Because it’s at Max level, the space inside of it is so vast that you can also call it infinite, so a dragon's massive body is not a problem.


My head suddenly hurts and I got in the knee, its because I push my limit in my teleportation magic. Even my teleportation magic is at Max level, It still pushes my body into its limit in teleporting faster.

One second is the fastest maximum interval in using teleportation. But in my fight earlier, my teleporting interval is only half a second. That’s why my body and my magic is really at the most limit.

If that dragon still stays alive a little longer, for sure I’m the one who’s dead now.

I need to tell the good news to Xena.


And I instantly appeared beside her.

She got startled but immediately get back in her composure. I stare at her and smiled.

“Xena, We won!”

While I still have a headache I hug Xena and jump with joy.

This is one of the best moments in our lives, I don’t want to ruin it because of a simple headache.

「You did it, Master! You defeated that arrogant dragon!」

“No, you’re wrong.”

Xena got surprised by what I said.

「B-but you defeated it right? Am I wrong?」

“No, you’re correct that dragon is already dead.”

「But you said earlier that you didn’t defeat it.」

Hearing what she said I stared at her and open my mouth.

“Because "WE" did it. I’m not the only one who fought, you also fought and wound it severely. And because you destroyed its hard scales I easily pierced its body and won. So that’s why I didn’t defeat it because "WE" defeated it, you understand now.”

Xena got watery eyes hearing what I said.

「Yes! Master! WE defeated it! That arrogant dragon WE defeated it!」

Her vigor got back again. She also emphasizes the word “WE” again and again. Well, this our first time fighting a dragon together so it's reasonable for her to be so elated.

“Now that we completed our goal. I already thought about our next.”

We live inside this forest for 8 months. All I can see are only monsters and not a single human in those months even wondered here.

Every day and night fighting our the only things we do other than eating. So I got some ideas.

“Our next goal is to go on a journey in this world. Do you agree with it.”

Xena doesn't get what I said that's why I continued.

“I want to travel to see the whole picture of this world. I don’t want to hole up here and just continue killing monsters every day and night. I want to enjoy myself too. Do you want to fool around sometimes?”

Her tail is wagging vigorously. It seems she gets it this time.

“So do you agreed?”

「Yes, Master! Let’s begin our journey and see the world together!」

So it settles.

“Tomorrow we’re going to leave this forest.”

「Why tomorrow?! We can immediately move out now, Master!」

“Well, my head was aching since a while ago and now I’m feeling sleepy.”

I thought I can hold up this headache but a very second it became worsen. So I thinking of sleeping us a reward for myself.

Sleeping sometimes is good too. I didn’t use my divine heal this time.

I hug Xena and drag her down.

「M-master! W-what are you doing!」

“I’m want to get some sleep, 8 months already passed since we sleep. So can you become my pillow.”

She shyly glanced at me and responded.

「um... okay master, feel free to use me and sleep. I’ll guard you while you’re sleeping.」

She becomes meek this time, why? Maybe she’s shy being hug. She’s still a girl after all. But she already permits me so there’s no problem sleeping while hugging her now.

“Thank you, Xena goodnight...”

I smiled and responded to Xena, and after I close my eyes I immediately got to a deep slumber.

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