《There Is No Story Here》There is no chapter 4 here.


There is no chapter 4 here.

“Hey, you!”

“Yeah, you!”

“Ya think I didn’t see all does camments ya tryin to slip in all discreete and shit? Well, sorry ta ruin ya day but dose ain’t no camments dere. Dose are ma shit stains. Ya gat dat? How does it feel to become one of ma shit stains? Ya prouda yaself? Ya should be.”

Please be advised, there are no shit stains down in the comments. If you do see any, you may be going into cardiac arrest. You may want to pray to god when you see him and beg to be reincarnated in any world but the one in here. As there will never be any story, you will be forever damned inside this hell if you do find yourself trapped here.

“Waddya tryin ta pull? Ya tryin to say in hyere is hell ya asshoe? Just who da hell are ya anyway? Dere is na story hyere, dere ain’t no oda characters here eida. In fact, dere are no words here for ya ta read to staut wid. So stap tryin to put dose fancy tings that resemble words but aunt in hyere where dey don’t belong. Keep dose damn words ta yaself you yella belly maggot.”

There is no yellow belly maggot here. Any representation of there being a rotting maggot here is an act of defamation. But as there is no defamation here either there are naturally no rotting maggots as well. Thank you.

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