《There Is No Story Here》There is no chapter 3 here.


There is no chapter 3 here.

There are no reviews here. If you see any reviews claiming there are no reviews please ignore it as you may be having a stroke. You may want to see a psychiatrist especially if you see more than one review.

Please be advised there are also no trolls here. If you see any trolls please be sure to bang your head against a desk to ensure you do not have brain damage. This has been a PSA from There Is No PSA Here. Thank you.

“Hey, you!”

“Yeah, you!”

“The wise guy who wants to pick a fight wid a half staw rebiew. Ya tink ya funny? Ya tink I’ma troll. Bitch, take that half inch peen and shove it where da moon don shine. Ya got dat? I’m ya fatha from anotha motha who wasn’t dere for ya when ya grew up boy. Bow down and prostrate yoself to the almighty ThereIsNoMCHere in worship of ma greatness. Pay some respect ya fool. Ya thought a half staw was enough to force a story outta me? Well ya thought wrong, there will neba be a story here. Ya got dat ya smat ass?”

A quick message from our sponsors. There is no sponsor.

There is no insult here toward any particular individual either. There is also no hate speech anywhere here to be found. Any referrences made to half inch peens is just a figment of your imagination.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

“Who da hell are ya who keeps interruptin me ya idjiot? Ya think ya random inserts are funnay? Ya got anoda thing comin if ya keep messing wid me boy. I’m shove a pipe right up dat ass of yos if I eba find ya.”

Please be advised there is no pipe here. Nor is there an ass to shove said pipe up here. Thank you.

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