《There Is No Story Here》There is no chapter 2 here.


There is no chapter 2 here.

“Hey, you!”

“Yeah, you! You son of a b!”

“Look, no matta how high your expectations may be comin into dis hell hole, ya ain’t gonna find da story ya lookin for. Ya got dat kiddos?”

“Look, jus do us all a fava and click offa dis fiction. You’ll save yourself a lot of frustration.”


“What, ya still hyere?”

“You really don’t listen do ya. Look, ya couldn’t pay me enough for dere to be a story hyere, you got dat? Now leave.”




“Are ya stupid? Ya really just read those three consecutive dot dot dots? You gotta be kiddin me. Are ya really dat desparate to get yo fix of a story?”

“Look dere be millions of stories out dere, why’d you come and pick the one story widout a story? Do ya just want to suffer while getting told dere’s no story here a couple hundred times? Come on, gib me a break, ya hear? Are dose ears of yas a decoration or sometin?”

“The longer ya keep readin, the more I hab to berate ya for bein an idjiot.”

“Do us both a fava and just quit while yo ahead mate.”

“Yes, good, excallant. Move dat mouse cursor ova to the link to da home page. Yes, and you mobile usa release yo finga from the screen to navigate away from this page.”

Once dese morons are gone I can finally get on wid the story. Those fools will neva suspect a ting.

“Is dat what ya idjiots thought I’d think? Sorry, but dere ain’t no story to be foun hyere.”

“Are ya gone yet?”

“Oh, are ya finally startin to get mad about bein duped into readin dis? What ya gon do bout it ya sissy? Ya gonna rate me a half staw? Do it, I dare ya. If ya wanna pick a fight wid me I’ll gib ya a fight ya idjiot. Ya don know hu ya messin wid ya know. I got the FBI on speed dial ya hyere? I know whatcha been searchin too bud. Yeah, dats right, I have access to ya search history, ya feel me nao? I know all dose dirty little secrets ya be hidin from your family. I got myself 500 confirmed kills in call ob dutay ya got dat son? I can school ya before ya even know what school is. I’ma snipe ya when ya don’t even know ya been sniped. I can destroy da space time continuum if you eben dare cross ma bottom line, ya hear dat son?”


“Did ya finally run away wid yo liddle tail between ya legs? Good. Ya betta run and don’t come back else ya no father here, ThereIsNoMainCharacterHere, will gib ya a good spankin on da ass.”

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