《Omega A Legacy Reborn》Chapter 52: Vraie Liberté
It's been three days since he lost his left arm. He has lost...he has lost to the project he confidently thought he had control of it. He was wrong. The M.I.S.T...it was just waiting for the right time for his anger to blind him and exceed the time limit. If it wasn’t for Commander Knight there wouldn’t have been anything left of him.
(‘We’re M.I.S.T.’) SHIT!!
“BLEH!!” Puking on the floor the blue-haired male felt weaker. Not only did he felt weaker physically but mentally as well. He looks at his real arm and saw it trembling.
“Fuck.” He was afraid...afraid of even taping to the M.I.S.T. the next time he does...he might lose it like that soldier he saw the first time he got here.
He looked at his necklace glowing. This thing...it was glowing when he was using the M.I.S.T. it was...it was as if the necklace was telling him...warning him not to use this mist.
The sliding door opened to someone carrying some food. The carrier was not the same nurse that has been carrying the duty of sending him his breakfast, lunch, & dinner. He also saw the girl’s ornament...it was glowing. After a few minutes, both of their pieces stopped glowing.
“So this is the result of someone who loses the mental battle against the M.I.S.T.” Said the orange-haired 8-year-old girl.
The blue-haired soldier looked toward Kula before looking at his mechanical arm.
Kula put the tray down and look at the puke on the floor.
“Want me to call the cleanup team?” Nothing...no response.
“I’ll go look for them.” The orange-haired left the tray on the table on his right before heading to the door. However, Kula stops almost close to said door before telling him…
“I am taking the M.I.S.T. test tomorrow.” That got a slight reaction from him.
“I have been thinking. This project...It is the only thing that is keeping my dad and me from having true freedom. Maybe if I do this and manage to control this M.I.S.T. then father’s research could be hastened to a point that it will only take a few weeks instead of months and even years.” This girl….
“It is the least I can do...father has helped me through the years and in exchange, I have helped him solve the language on the tablet that got him and his team to create The E.D.E.N. Now, I want my father to obtain true freedom and the only way to do that...I must take this M.I.S.T. and together find true freedom!” It seems that all she wanted her whole life...was to have a normal life with her father. But as long as Project M.I.S.T. is not complete...she will be unable to do so.
“Don’t get tempted.” Kula turned around when Rusher said those words.
“Is the only advice I can give you. This thing...it wants you to use its power. Once you do he will make you use it more. Ultimate power, humans want to seek it but they don’t know the cost of it. This mist...he gave me the answers to the cost for ultimate power. So if he tells you to use his power to archive true freedom...don’t.”
“...I’ll keep it in mind...Thanks for the advice.” That made Rusher feel a little bit better. He had a feeling that he will not be able to convince her to back off from the M.I.S.T. project. Once she is indulged in something, it is impossible to convince her to not follow through with it. Although, it is true that entity...it talks to you. Finds a way to get to your head and tells you that the only way to achieve what you desire you must use it more. Rusher looked at the tray before the door opened once more.
“Mr. Rusher I came here to clean up!” So she called the cleanup team...seriously, that girl, she…
“Humph, Yeah, it seems like the last thing I ate gave me food poisoning.” Said the blue-haired male P.E.P.A. soldier.
“Oh, are you not feeling well?! Maybe you shouldn’t,” He stop the female concierge from taking the tray filled with his food.
“Nah, don’t bother I’m 100% fine now.” He took a piece of the drum chicken and ate it. His confidence was coming back to him. Maybe he needed that...talking with Kula seems to always make him feel more confident to move forward with things. That time he talked to her during the time he was supposed to escort her to the observation room, it gave him the confidence to go through the testings. He was getting impatient at that time, he wasn’t showing it but he was getting a bit impatient. That could’ve been a factor of this thing not getting him for a few months until three days ago. If Commander Knight was like a father to him, he can say Kula was like a little step-sister...A smart little step-sister. Huh? Does that make Rowan his step-father? Hmm...so much to think for the next 16 hours. Maybe he’ll learn a thing or two from the orange-haired girl on how to control this thing. He is aware that the girl has a strong mental will, but he has to be there to make sure nothing happens, he is the first successful soldier to live on the M.I.S.T. influence after all.
“Mr. Rusher where are you going?!”
“Outside, I’m tired of staying in this room. Besides, I need fresh air after smelling my vomit.” The blue-haired male just walked to the door. He will find a way to control this M.I.S.T. even if he has to get help from the smartest girl in the world.
So Kula and Rusher have always been there for each other. Like brother & sister each having their backs and trusting each other with their very own problems.
Aeris reacts quickly dodging something that caught the book and sliced it in half making hundreds of pages fly to the high skies of S.K.Y.H.I.G.H. City. One of the pages was stabbed by one of Kula’s extended claws before it retracted back to her.
“I see...so not only does it look at the history of your past, you can now look at the past of others.” Said the orange-haired mature teen reading one of the torn pages. She wipes the blood from her right eyebrow before the cut began to regenerate. This page…
“So you volunteer yourself to take the M.I.S.T. just so you can have a normal life with your father.” Kula was silent for a few seconds before she took the page she had stabbed and shredded it to a million pieces with her long nails.
“Not a normal life, true freedom. No matter what a person do they are lock into a cage. Once we are free from one we enter another. It can also apply to the mazes that my legendary piece creates, you can leave one but another one will be created. No room for error or you will have to start all over. However, what if we find an alternative, a route we never try before. Maybe, if we do we can find the answers that we seek. Thus true freedom. Aeris Russo, you should know about how it feels to be in a cage, always being behind others. In your current condition do you think you will stand a chance against Rusher or even one of these days...Alice Hishikawa?” Alice? What does she mean by that?
“What does Alice has to do with you guys?”
“She gave us the answer to our freedom and opened the door to our true freedom. She also the owner of the sphere of rage, so long as she has that legendary piece...you’ll never reach true freedom.”
A sea of flames, flat soil, grass instantly incinerated. The very high temperatures of the blue flames were taking over the training field. It was like hell, nothing but the heating flames that if approached will burn your skin in an instant and even turn you into charcoal. Unlike his opponent’s Salamander is unaffected by said flames. Was it the armor he was wearing? Or was it because he was a Salamander himself? A Mythical creature with the affinity of the elemental flames told in folklore. The Prince sometimes compared him to the said creature, not because of his name but because he does things without harming the city. Everything that burns, does not mean it will be consumed by the flames.
“Hmm?” Seeing the incoming X Salamander deflected the attack easily before jumping back when he felt the air around him rise from his feet. As he did he saw a sandstorm tornado before he got sucked by it. While in the air even with low visibility he could tell arrows were coming his way. Rising the temperature around him he expected for those arrows to turn into ashes like last time. To the M.I.S.T. user’s surprise they didn’t so he had to dodge out of the way of them. His senses kicked in before turning around and seeing the arrows curving back.
(‘Heatseekers?!’) Using his claw sword, Salamander slashed through them before he slightly moved out of the way of another lighting X that was coming his way. Salamander rose the temperature once again around him before the sandstorm tornado became a firestorm tornado.
After a while, he felt the air that was keeping him floating slowly disappear this gave the man time to move out of the tornado and into the solid soil below with a loud crash. Although, it seems there is no break for the worry.
“What?!” small particle spikes were all around him.
“Symphony 5: Fate!” Genre hearing said symphony close her right hand before the particles from all directions charged at Salamander.
“Genre?” She tries to sense Salamander’s Rhythm. As she thought he was still alive but, like before his Rhythm was slow meaning she must’ve done some damage.
After a large smoke that was caused by the attack cleared Salamander’s armor showed cracks. This, however, was short-lived as the M.I.S.T. entered the armor and restored the injuries.
“You’re kidding,” Frederick said in disbelief. No matter how much they hurt him this time their enemy can easily heal it up no problems.
“I will admit that was a good attack.” The former Prince bodyguard told the three teens before he now used his speed not giving anyone time to react before Salamander managed to force palm the blonde-haired girl.
The blow was so strong that the girl coughs blood and then flew ten miles at high speed.
“Genre!” Frederick got stabbed by Salamander’s sword. He could feel the burn going through his body...It hurt like hell!! Even if it was a few seconds the damage was severe also the follow-up kick didn’t help the case.
“Humph, that just leaves you Harry Kishima.” He once again looked at the boy who had lighting surrounding him.
“Don’t think because you showed your full power and took those two losers easily that I am intimidated by you. No, far from it,” Harry had a smile on his face. He thought that this mission would not be challenging at all. But now...Now that a strong opponent is in front of him...he can show all of his power without ever holding back. Richard Kurosagi is not the only one who found a way to evolve.
“I can finally have a reason to show that I am stronger than my very own moronic Rival!!”
Again! Is he catching a cold today?! This isn’t the time for that!! Especially…when he has to dodge on reaction every time that he feels like time is slowing down.
Once more time slows-down only this time he has to dodge a small pellet size bullet that turns out to be a laser bullet coming from the mechanical hand of Rusher himself.
“That’s awesome.” He will give the blue-haired male that! That is one awesome mechanical arm he got there. Too bad that he is using it to kill him!! But very cool nonetheless.
Sidestepping left & right, jumping and dive ducking at a fast pace where the movement that the brown-haired boy was performing to dodge each, and every high-speed bullet that was coming after him. However, he didn’t expect the next attack to go after his childhood friend.
“Alice!” Using his scouter speed he went where the girl was who had closed her eyes out of fear that a bullet was coming her way. It didn’t arrive toward her because the brown-haired boy got there in time and deflected the bullet. However, this didn’t stop Rusher from unleashing his next attack!
“Cheetah Cannon Level 1!” The blue blast escaped from his arm cannon and went at high-speed toward the two teens. Richard blocked the blast as it split into 2 while he struggles to shield himself and Alice from the said blast. There was no time for him to shift into his wall form which would've been the better choice to block this type of attack.
“Are you okay?!” Asked the concerned red-haired childhood friend of the brown-haired boy.
“I’m...I’m fine. Is just a scratch.” Just a scratch? He had burn marks on his knuckles and was slightly bleeding from his hands.
“You’re bleeding.”
“Don’t worry it’ll heal...I hope.” Unlike his opponent, he doesn’t have regeneration unless he goes into his Dragonite Aura form. That will be bad because it means that he will have to fight in Omega otherwise, he will be putting Alice and everyone else in here in danger. Although there is the next problem...Rusher will no longer have to be concerned about holding back. He can feel it...no he can see it...His Capacity Power...it wasn’t at its max capacity.
“It seems it will take more than my Cheetah Cannon Level 1 to defeat you Richard Kurosagi,” Rusher said as he was already aiming at the brown-haired boy.
Richard Kurosagi looked at his opponent...It looks like this fight is going to be in an environment he is not used to...not the fact that is Omega, far from it...is the fact that is a place that is still not implemented in the game. His father did mention one time and Leos did show it last year as one of the few stages that might be coming for this season. He just hopes D.O.B.I. has it otherwise, he will look ridiculous shouting a stage that does not exist yet in the game.
“Alice whatever you do…” Richard pause. It will be unwise to keep Alice here. He doesn’t know what but he feels that she has to be teleported to where this fight is going if she ever was going to be safe.
“No...never mind.” The red-haired looked at him confused.
“Richard?” Richard rose the hand that held D.O.B.I. and close his eyes before taking a deep breath. The brown-haired boy was getting ready...for a fight that will determine their fate.
“D.O.B.I. Initialize Obelisk, Players: Richard Kurosagi, Rusher LeGrace...& Alice Hishikawa!!”
'Name of the players confirmed, Initializing, Dimensional Omega Bracelet Initiator.'
“What is this…?” All three of them were teleported on a Desert this one with a lot of Hieroglyphic Obelisks each having different symbols on top point. One had a sun, another a crescent moon. There were some with stars and others with gold eyes and different kinds of birds. They all glowed whenever the clouds didn’t cover the sun that was in the sky. They were five pyramids surrounding the center where there was a hole. What was beyond that hole? A city that created a sun with an eye in the center that was colored blue meaning that there was water only in that area. There were also some cylinder platforms in the sky in fact...the two teens were in one of them.
“Where…?” Alice realized one thing...she no longer was in the clothes that LeGrace wore. She was…
“Why do I have these?!” In her very own priestess clothes that she wears in Omega.
“Pretty neat huh?! We can now have our attires at will whenever we are inside or outside of Omega! The President made some modifications to our D.O.B.I. that’s how we all looked like we are in our game!” Richard explained to his childhood friend.
“We came all the way here because we wanted to. Dad and The president could’ve gone here himself to get you...but we wanted to do this. Alice we’re a team, we cannot abandon one of ours...it doesn’t seem like the right thing to do. Besides, you created the name for our team, the least we can do is save the life of the one who got us in the world tournament, to begin with.” He said.
“This is your world, huh?” The two teens looked at the blue-haired male who was on another platform.
“Alice, stay here...I will not stop you from helping...but is for the best that you don’t,” Richard told his red-haired childhood friend before activating his Omega Eyes. Alice could only nod to his request. Even thou she wanted to help she felt that it would just make matters worse. Besides, without her Legendary Piece, she is just a sluggish powerhouse. Fighting someone who can slow down time temporally and with a speed that can match her childhood friend’s current form would be a foolish move for her to try and help the brown-haired boy. She will just be a distraction. It still didn’t make her feel better. She felt useless. Even with her D.O.B.I. she is still just a damsel in distress the only exception is that she can fight although it is pointless when the enemy is 10 times faster and stronger than you.
“Alright.” Without hesitation, Richard Kurosagi vanished before appearing in front of Rusher and trying to slash him. It would've succeeded if Rusher was a normal human being. Unfortunately, he is not. Time slows down again before it turns back to normal. Richard vanished before intercepting Rusher who went after the red-haired girl.
“I’m your opponent.” Said the brown-haired teen before using his Kris dagger and making a White Dragon Strike Fang sending Rusher to the floor below creating an explosion upon impact.
The brown-haired knew that a single White Dragon Strike Fang would not cut it. He was right, Rusher from the crater emerged with a small cut across his chest before it started to regenerate.
“It seems aiming at Hishikawa will not work.”
“This fight is between you and me Rusher.”
“You are correct. We do have unfinished businesses.” He said as the M.I.S.T. healed his wound. That was one hell of a slash thought the blue-haired male. He will have to be careful of not getting hit with multiple slashes as potent as that one. He can regenerate is true but his regeneration can only heal so much before the wounds overcome it. Slowing down time seemed to not work as potentially was a few minutes ago. His speed...is beyond anything he ever experienced. Maybe he will have to go to that level if this fight goes further but for now.
“I have been underestimating you for a while but now…” Rusher’s M.I.S.T. surrounded him until he had the ears and tail of a leopard. With high-speed, the blue-haired leader of LeGrace vanished before appearing behind the brown-haired boy.
(‘He’s faster than before!’) Richard Kurosagi thought before Rusher shot a laser from his arm cannon. The laser continued to move until it hit one of the obelisks destroying the upper part of the said obelisk.
“Hmm...you have increased your speed to be able to barely dodge it. However, the damage from my attack seemed to have been quite effective on you.” Rusher saw the boy holding his left shoulder.
Richard winced a bit. It was close but his shoulder must have gotten grazed by the laser. Looking at his arm that was holding the wound he saw blood on it before seeing that he had a deep burning cut from the attack on his left shoulder. He can’t be making any more mistakes, if he is going to make it out of here alive with Alice...he will have to use one of his chances and rely on the strength of not only his legendary piece but the Legendary Dragon Omega-Lo.
Chainsaw sounds, sword sound clashing with said chainsaw sounds creating a distorted sound. Feathers flying down from the sky. Some pink others black. Two blurry figures dancing in the sky, blood flying from sequential clashes. Something big landed on the streets of S.K.Y.H.I.G.H. City with a loud crash lifting the concrete and creating a huge crater in the middle of said streets. This huge thing was a wing...a wing that was looked like a chainsaw.
As the two blurs came to a stop on opposite sides, Kula and Aeris locked eyes once more. Kula was in worse shape than the pink-haired teen. Although, that was not very telling considering the wounds were almost identical to both girls. Cuts on their arms, cheeks and even lips. Their clothes had cuts everywhere but somehow they managed to keep themselves from being topless or without any clothes on the lower body. The only difference between the two was that one was missing a wing and this time...it seems it was not growing back. This battle has taken long enough.
(‘I don’t think I can take any more damage as it is.’) was the thought of the orange-haired girl as she touches where her wing was and looking at her now covered bloody hand.
Aeris wiped the blood that was blinding her left eye out of visibility. She has been thinking of a strategy on how to defeat Kula before her transformation expires. If she goes beyond the time limit it will hurt her physically and the wounds that she got will be nothing like the excruciating pain that her mother warned her when she went into this form.
“Do not, I repeat, do not go beyond 15 minutes in this form. If you do...the pain will be so big that you will wish that death will come quickly.” that is what her mother told her when she shows her how to use Svoboda. She will finish this in one Ochistka, she cannot afford to use multiple of them this time.
“I, See...why now?” Aeris was confused by Kula talking to herself before someone spoke to her mentally.
(‘Ah so she finally managed to fully awake her legendary piece for real this time.’) Said Rubik, hmm, if she is talking to her right now...it means that she knows that there is a possibility that their opponent might not make it.
(‘You do realize that you are not the only person with a sentient legendary artifact, no?’) So, other legendary pieces can communicate with their owners. She wonders if all of them do.
(‘All of them do.’)
“Sometimes I wish you wouldn’t read my thoughts.”
(‘Well, tough luck.’)
While the pink-haired teen and her legendary piece were having a conversation, another one was taking place.
(‘There might not be a next time to talk with you.’) Said a female voice.
“...Since when?”
(‘I have always been there...it just that you closed yourself to me. I had to get out of thousands of mazes in order to reach you. I have finally done so.’)
“...Did the M.I.S.T. interfered as well?”
(‘...Yes, if you didn’t volunteer to be the next test, we would’ve met sooner.’)
“I see...If that is the case…” Kula looked at her palm opening and closing it before a red orb appeared upon the crackling sound from the red static that was slowly appearing. This final attack...this will decide this fight. But meeting sooner...if she delayed herself from taking the Project, she would’ve met her legendary piece and spoke to it. Maybe things would’ve gone easier...maybe thing would’ve gone a different route.
[December 12th, 2032 9:15:53 A.M.]
The orange-haired girl was inside a room. This room...it was different than the one that Rusher entered. She wonders if this is part of the protocol with Project M.I.S.T.
“Kula.” She heard her father talk through the intercom.
“We will commence the test in a few minutes.”
“Understood Father.”
“...You can still turn back, I will not be upset nor disappointed if you do.” Dr. Rowan not going to lie was feeling different than when he was instructing Rusher during the protocol Test. It must be because it is his daughter in there and not another soldier of the battlefield. She is the only thing that is left of the family that they once had. If he loses her because of this Project...then it will be on his hand...at least that is his thought process. He was hoping that his daughter would re-think this...back off, and find an alternative way she could help with the project...but…
“Father, I understand your concern. But, A Rowan never turns back on a project...No matter how deadly the project becomes. Until the end...Until freedom is achieved.” She is a Rowan until the end.
“...Very Well...Hmm?” Rowan looked behind him to see the blue-haired soldier walking with Commander Knight.
“Is she in there?” Asked the blue-haired male which Rowan nods in response.
“Can I speak to her for a few minutes?”
“...Sure.” Rowan stepped out of the microphone and allowed Rusher to go toward it to speak.
“Hey, kid.”
“There is no convincing you, is there?”
“...No...There isn’t.”
“Humph.” With a smile, he told the orange-haired teen…
“Knock it dead kid.” before sitting on one of the chairs awaiting the results of this test. He looks at his necklace which was glowing. Her ornament was glowing too. Hmm, could it be that it is saying to him that everything will be fine? Pfft, yeah right, talking necklaces and ornaments what a stupid thing to imagine.
Listo Rowan felt the connection between his daughter and Rusher. It felt like a connection of siblings...like an older brother and his sister. If his daughter successfully controls the M.I.S.T. then Rusher could be the perfect partner for his daughter to learn from and vice-versa. This feeling...Is this the feeling of accomplishment…? The feeling of True Freedom?
“Alright, we will commence the test. Do not be afraid of the M.I.S.T. Kula and let it enter you.”
As the door opens a blue fog went in. So this is the M.I.S.T.
Upon close inspection, the orange-haired girl looked at it before it lashed on her.
“Ah.” It was difficult to breathe...This must’ve been what Rusher felt the first time it enter him. She has to relax, being stiffed and slightly afraid does not help the situation.
(‘You...you are different.’) Kula heard a voice. This must be the M.I.S.T. Rusher did mention to not let it influence her.
(‘I will find true freedom. For myself and Father.’)
(‘I can give it to you.’)
(‘No...I will find it on my own. You stay put and let me and father examine you.’)
(‘...You’re defiantly different. However, you will need me if you ever want to find it.’)
(‘No...I don’t think I will.’) The argument went for a few more minutes until eventually, Kula won it.
“Kula.” She was getting tired thou. Her body can only take so much and not being able to breathe for a full minute did not help the cause.
“I’m...fine father. Just a little tired.” She replied.
She did it...she was successful. Unlike Rusher who uses his power to tame it, Kula used her will and intelligence to tame the M.I.S.T.
“Good Job kid.”
“My name...is Kula.”
“Right, right. You did well...Kula.” that put her at ease for some reason. It must be because of the brother-sister relationship they have developed. All was going well...but this was the last day of Project M.I.S.T. and the day that Rusher and Kula’s life change.
“What the?!”
“You know, looking for this cramping place was a pain.” Said a young male adult dressed in a black suit, pants, shoes, and white shirt. He had medium brown hair and blue eyes. Carrying on his left hand was a huge white rifle with a green square scope. The shape of the riffle grip was oval-shaped with a single line bar in the center.
“…” The silver-haired woman beside him had infrared goggles on her and was looking around.
(‘Scanning...Scanning...target threat found.’) Two of them, huh? And it looks like the M.I.S.T. is still roaming inside that room. It seems they are the only ones, it is for the best thou. Having dozens of failed projects would be a mess to clean up.
“There are only two targets with the M.I.S.T. here.”
“Which one Silvett?” Marik asked his silver-haired cold serious partner before she signals to Rusher and the room where Kula was in.
“...I see...I hate small rooms...you take care of that girl inside, I’ll talk with them.” Understanding the silver-haired woman walked toward the room before she was intercepted.
“Did you come here because of him?”
“We were instructed to get rid of Project M.I.S.T. and any trace of it. Commander Knight, if you interfere you will be branded as a traitor and we will have the option of arresting you or killing you, whatever choice comes first.” So he did command them to do this. He knew that one day that man will make his move. He has a suspicion of what the motivation must be for him to declare the project “dangerous” and to scrap the project completely. That corporation...His owner finally found a way to get his claws on M-12.
“I see...Well, it seems that my days are numbered then.”
“...So be it.”
“Rusher, this is my final order to you...take Kula and find somewhere safe. Lay low for a few months. In the meantime, master the M.I.S.T. and find an alternate way to stop the effects of it.” Rusher understood...His commander was giving him and Kula a chance to escape with their lives in exchange for his. Even at the very end...his commander was a step-father.
“...Alright...It was an honor serving with you.”
“Rusher, take care of my daughter. I am sure that you and my daughter will find the answers...to True Freedom.” True Freedom...Ah, so he too…
Kula couldn’t hear anything and she was getting even more tired. It was too much that she lost consciousness after a few minutes.
When the orange-haired came through she was somewhere. A room...it looked like it was from a ship from the way she sees the environment.
“Rusher...Where is my father?” The blue-haired said nothing.
“I have found a place in France that we can lay low for a while. It looks like we are on our own now.” He opens the door before looking toward her. His eyes...they were different than the ones she used to see every day. These were more serious, more focused.
“Your father gave me a mission...no a request, I as now a former soldier of P.E.P.A. will fulfill it. We will find a way to find out how this M.I.S.T. works on our own, and find true freedom. That is what your father would’ve liked you to have.” Her father...So that meant. The creaking sound of the hatch door was heard before it closed. So this is how it feels to lose someone. Is this the exact feeling her father felt when her mother died? It hurts...It hurts a lot.
Hearing the orange-haired girl cry behind the door made Rusher a bit frustrated. So much that he punched the wall and left a bending dent in it. He couldn’t do anything to help. If only...he could control this power, maybe he could…
“What the…?!” This thing is glowing again! Just then something happened...the room...it just changed.
“What is this?!”
On the other side, Kula was looking around.
“W-Where…?” Where did she go? And why...She started coughing, was there a leaking gas? Why did she felt…
This fog that surrounded her was the M.I.S.T. it seems it was lurking and because of Kula’s emotion, it was accidentally used by her. The M.I.S.T. Was hungry, but what part should he picked. Her arm, her leg, maybe her eyes. As it started getting closer something back it away.
“SHH!” The M.I.S.T. hissed at someone.
“You will not take any part of her body.” said the female. She had the face of a goddess similar to Izanami’s before her death. Her clothes a huge crown with the shape of a moon. Her silver gown had 7 golden spikes on her back separated 5 centimeters of each other. Her sandals were crystallized blue while her white hair was tied with a hairpin made of chrome. Her eyes were of different colors meaning she had heterochromia eyes: one green, one yellow. On her hand, she had a rapier with the pommel shaped like an x, while the quillon was slightly oval. Both guards were similar in shape as an original rapier while the fuller was thinner. Surrounding her now were three eyes each with infrared detection laser points. All of them were aiming at the blue mist. Her long hair was tied with an ornament similar to Kula.
“You shall retreat yourself and stay inside her until a cure is resolved, otherwise, I will have no choice but to expelled you from her myself.” Said the woman threateningly to the M.I.S.T. after a few seconds of stare-down the M.I.S.T. started to dissipate but not before saying this…
“Very well, I shall retreat for now...but know this...sooner or later...this girl...will be my next meal.” Observing it until it dissipated completely, the woman sighed before looking to the orange-haired girl.
“I understand your sadness...but know that I will always be here to protect you. I am...the legendary piece of the Rowan family after all.” Said the woman before it became a white orb and entered the ornament tied on Kula’s hair.
“Kula…!” That voice.
“Hmm…” The orange-haired opened her eyes to see Rusher.
“Ru...sher?” She looks around before seeing that she was still in this room.
“That’s what I want to know.” He looks around, no questions on a screen just the door behind him that is opened. Also her ornament, it keeps glowing, just like his. Maybe it is that things doing if so...how was it triggered.
“These things have been glowing for minutes.”
“Huh?” Rusher signals to his legendary piece before he signals to the ornament connected to her hair.
“These.” Kula took her ornament to see it glowing. Is this the source that teleported them here? That means.
“Father…” If she can control this legendary piece...she might be able to solve the mystery of how to reach true freedom. If so...then she will work hard to control this legendary piece. Maybe she can find information about it. And...she looks toward Rusher’s legendary piece.
“What?” She might find how Rusher can use his…
“Nothing...We should get out of this maze as soon as possible.”
“Easier said than done. I got lucky getting in here when I guess a question right.”
“A question?”
“Yeah, something about mathematicians or something.” Mathematician? Oh, so her legendary piece…
“I see...Well leave the solving to me...we will get out of this soon.”
“If you say so...I am counting on you from here on...Kula…”
“Yeah...likewise.” This is how both promise to watch each other's back...the rest of the story afterward...is another story for another day.
(‘Looks like they’re done talking.’)
“…” Aeris has been thinking about how to end this battle once and for all. The only option left is to put all of her Capacity Power into this one final Ochistka. It was slightly different than the previous Ochistka that she has used in the past. The color was cyan instead of the usual pink while around it was golden particles rising from around the orb itself. There was no lighting effect this time just the calm sound of the wind.
(‘Hmm...I guess we’re done talking too...don’t die kid.’) Those were Rubik's final words.
“As much as I like to study this new form of yours more, It is now time to end this fight.” From the hand of the orange-haired mature girl, there was a red spiked orb the size of an average human hand. The aura that surrounded it was black with a smoke effect. This was a pure orb of malice.
(‘If this is farewell, then I was happy to have a partner like you.’) Were the last words of the orange-haired girl’s legendary piece.
“Before you go...What is your name?”
(‘...I am...Warren.’) With that Kula felt the voice leave before she locks eyes with the pink-haired teen. After a few seconds, both girls charged at each other beyond lighting speed movement.
“Orbe Maléfique!”
“Vraire Liberté!”
As both attacks clashed both of the teenage girls were engulfed in a giant orb that gained the color of both attacks before it started to expand like a black hole. The destruction of the attack was taking effect on the sky-scrappers and the ground itself. While the windows were shattering the ground started to collapse and sink the cars that were still not scrapped as the result of this battle. The giant gear itself started to shake and make creaking sounds as the orb was getting closer before it stopped and began retracting back. Some sky-scrapper began to fall as the support beams were consumed by the destructive result of the orb. Out of the orb, someone came out before a hand caught the person by the hand. Once the orb started to dissipate it became clear who won. Aeris was holding Kula with a wound on her shoulder. Kula had a hole on her chest while blood was slowly escaping from her mouth. Both attacks must have hit their targets but Aeris got the best of it. It did not mean something. After Aeris landed on a safe ground where the street hasn’t collapse she gently put down Kula before something happened.
“Gah! Aaah!!” The effects of Svoboda were kicking in. It was worse than she thought, it was as if her body was burning from the inside. She coughs saliva a few times before the next cough was blood and she convulsed on the floor. She can’t give up now! But this pain...is like her mother said; it has given her thoughts of wishing for death instead of this.
“So if I had stalled for a bit longer...the results...would’ve been in my favor…” Kula barely could talk or even move her body. This wound was very deep, she wouldn’t be surprised if she dies here, not even her M.I.S.T. regeneration would cut it. Just a minute or two...if she would've stalled this fight for just a minute or two...she would've won. Now...who knows if this will result in both of them dying.
The pink-haired was crawling, but the pain was so much. The screams of the pink-haired teen echoed on the destroyed S.K.Y.H.I.G.H City. She must bare this...she has to!! Her friends are relying on her to survive this pain!!!
Adel felt something in her chest. What is this? It is as if…
“Adel?” Sexan looked at the short brown-haired teen who was holding her chest. Is she reacting to a late pain by one of the hits that she received during their battle against the twins?!
“Aeris...something must have happened.” Adel closed her eyes. She hopes that it is not the worst outcome. The pink-haired is strong, but these enemies...are not a laughing matter.
Barely getting up and holding the area where her ribs reside, Genre winced in pain but also felt something. It was not the rhythm of her enemy nor her allies that were fighting with her in this fight, no it was...bad vibes.
“Aeris…” Something was telling her that her pink-haired team leader was in danger. But...she must hurry, Frederick was bleeding and at this rate, he will die. The only thing left to do for her is to use that melody to close the wound that the opponent did to the masked elf archer. She can heal her internal wounds later, right now they must end this fight quick and find Aeris quickly...otherwise...who knows what will happen.
“Yuma…” That voice…
“Hey, Yuma!!” Yuma opens her eyes wide, before changing her floating position. Her clothes were lying on the shores of the large river she was on. After getting back to the ninja village, Yuma went toward the river. Haruko has mentioned that the river contained healing minerals that can heal deep wounds and even internal ones. Discarding her clothes the black-haired girl submerged in it before floating and closing her eyes. The healing process although slow was effective and after 20 minutes of being in the river, she was almost 100% healed. The voice she heard was not the ninja siblings but a more familiar one.
“Aeris…” She looks around but she couldn’t find the pink-haired girl anywhere. Was she just imagining things? But...she has this feeling...a feeling that she had before once. She must heal 100% quick...she must find her pink-haired leader as soon as possible. She has a feeling that she must do so and she also has a feeling that the other two girls...must’ve felt this same vibe.
Alice felt something...it was worried some…It wasn’t a feeling similar to Min’s when she felt pain...no it was highly concerned for someone. Wasn’t her childhood friend? Or was it because of Kula?
Still, the battle in front of her was like seeing dots clashing. She can barely if not most of the time impossible to keep up with these two speeding fighters. They were both evenly match the two.
“Aeris...Richard…” She just wants to go home and be with her friends once more. But...she knows that in order to do so...they must defeat every member of LeGrace.
“Papa, where is Mama?”
“Oh! Well, she is working with a friend of ours?”
“Working? What does she do?”
“Hmm, let see, she works as an anti-virus.”
“Anti-virus?” Tilting her head with a question mark on her head the small pink-haired girl was confused by her father’s statement.
“Ah yes, you can say that she goes inside of a world and she must defend it against viruses that invade it.”
“Oh, is it a virtual world.”
“Wow!” Her mother was a superhero inside of a virtual world! That is amazing! She wants to be a hero like her mother too!!
“Papa! Can I be a hero like Mama?!”
“Hoho!! Of course, you can my little genius girl, although you will have to be a teenager most likely 16 be able to be an anti-virus yourself. That also depends too if your mother accepts it too.”
“Then I will grow up fast so I can be a superhero like Mama!!” The bearded genius laughs at his daughter's excited beaming personality. It is good to have a girl with this much energy to brighten his day. Although he will have to work soon too, meaning that in a few weeks it will be Angela’s turn to take care of their beaming daughter. But...eventually, she will be on her own.
“Who is that?”
“That’s the daughter of professor Russo.”
“Oh...I heard they don’t come to visit her anymore.”
“We better not get involved with her. I don’t want to be part of her very own problems.”
“Look at her, flaunting her looks toward people, I bet she uses those cow tits to make sure the male teachers give her good grades.”
“Not only that but the boys in school seem to be all over her, and I heard her parents don’t visit her anymore.”
“Probably they don’t care about her anymore because she must have been a nuisance to them.” Hearing people talked to her like that about her figure and the fact that her parents no longer can come home.
“That’s not true…” whispered the now 14-year-old teen. Her body has developed very fast, especially in her breast cup. She was a B-cup not so long ago and as soon as she hit 14 Boom! she is now a C cup, she will not be surprised if she becomes a C+ or a D cup in a few months. Aeris became popular with the boys of middle school to a point that they started to ask her out. She politely declined them as she was not fully prepared to be in relationships like that. Besides...there was someone she was more interested with but right now that boy who was her childhood friend is in France with her other childhood friend Alice. She wished she could have stayed but her parents needed to move back to Russia in order to work on the Omega of this country. That game has gotten so popular that it gained fans fast but with it, they also gained enemies. Viruses that were created by Black Hat Hackers: A group of hackers that their sole mission was stealing information from other companies to sell it to the online black market The Dark Web. Her mother and father...they were part of a team of anti-viruses and white hat hackers the defenders of Omega itself specialized in stopping these threats. For that reason alone her parents couldn’t visit her anymore, but they don’t know that. The girls, some were afraid of becoming friends with her, others, they looked at her in disdain and disgust. Jealousy is one awful monster. They were three girls that didn’t talk among the other girls thou...one was on the far bottom-right looking toward the window. She seemed like a very calmed person with short brown hair. Two rows to the right second sit from the top was a long black-haired teen. She seemed to be having Japanese features if her face was any indication of it. She seemed to be reading some kind of book, although it is very difficult to say what it is from how far she is from her. The last one was beside her two seats to the bottom. She was blonde-haired and had headphones on her. Her eyes were closed. She must be listening to a piece of relaxing music. This were the girls that one day will become one group...that group was called Team Alpha.
Aeris was remembering everything in her life from her childhood to the first time she met Adel, Yuma, and Genre. Is this what they called a Life Review?! No!! This pain...she must overcome it!! She has come this far!! She can’t give up!!! Struggling to get up and wincing in excruciating pain the pink-haired girl tries her best but the pain jolted her back to the floor. But this didn’t stop her from trying, and time and time again she tried…
(‘This girl…’) Kula was amazed by the resilience of the pink-haired girl. Any human being would've just gave up and accepted death. But the pink-haired girl refused to do so!! Why?! What is making her not give up after screaming for minutes and coughing blood uncontrollably?!
“I...Won’t...Give…” Aeris once again tries to get up this time she had a small success before falling to the floor.
“I will...not Give Up!!!” Once again!!
“HAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Get UP!!!!
(‘Humph.’) different reactions to a result that might be impossible for a normal human being. However, by some miracle, the pink-haired girl managed to stand up and bare the painful after effect of Svoboda over-limit.
It was still painful but Aeris could not give up, she has been through a lot of things and even got hacked by a black hat hacker inside Omega...if she can take all of that, then she can take this pain!!
“Hah...HAH….hah…” Panting and trembling Aeris took small steps successfully before she could walk but barely.
“Fufu…I guess I lost…” Kula said.
“There’s a lot...you want to know, don’t you? I can tell from your face…” So she had a feeling that Aeris would've questioned her.
“...The project…You said you were the daughter...of the creator...What happened? Why are you working with LeDutch instead of helping your father?”
“Fufu…well there’s a slight problem with that. Father…he is dead.” Dead?
“I don’t remember how it happened...but Rusher must’ve witnessed it himself. The legendary piece...Warren, she saved me once the first time I awoke her. The M.I.S.T. in my fear was getting release by me without noticing, but before it could take part in my body as a result of using it even if it was inadvertently she appeared.” The pink-haired looked at the orange-haired adult. Her long nails were starting to disintegrate while her horns were dissolving as well.
(‘She is slowly dying. The wound must be too much for it to be healed by the regeneration.’) Said, Rubik.
Aeris felt something. Pity...she felt a small tint of it. She shouldn’t because the orange-haired girl wanted to cut the hand that had her D.O.B.I. and most likely kill her afterward. But...being alone...with only one person to keep you company...she knows that feeling. Not the loss of parent part but the not having a parent when you feel the need to. Still…
“W-What are you…?!” She can at least do this…!
(‘Hey, IDIOT!! Don’t push yourself!!’) Not everyone can get a second chance but...if one is present that may change a person...at least creating a crack on that window so they can sneak to it, they will be able to get that chance.
The wound that would've eventually kill Kula was slowly closing but using the Miracle of Life technique might be a bit too much for the pink-haired teen as her capacity power was already very low from not only using Svoboda and Vraie Liberté, but also the negative effect of Svoboda itself. The only thing left to do is to use some of her life force.
“Because...You still haven’t found your true freedom yet.” Said Aeris with blood slowly trickling from her lips.
The smile that the pink-haired girl gave Kula...Kula turned back to her normal self but look toward the pink-haired girl. Her wound was closing slowly but all her energy was still empty. She can barely move but...she will not die today.
(‘Kula...The owner of Rubik is giving you a chance to fulfill what your father wanted you to do. Find True Freedom for yourself. The future is strong and cold. However, I am sure that you will find it...I will be by your side...until death due us apart.’) True Freedom...she can find it...there is another alternative...and it might be just one maze away.
“WAHHHHHHH!!!” She wants to reach it!!!
(‘You dumb girl, you could’ve been dead!’)
“Sorry...but...despite all of this...she is still, just a small scared child in the end,” Aeris said. She needs to rest...who knows how long...but...she needs to rest definitely.
“Is all now up to you...Richard.” Everything rest on the brown-haired boy now.
Like a jolt, Richard felt like someone just gave him a push forward.
“Aeris…” He feels it...his childhood friend must have won. Not only that but she has led the rest to him...he can’t fail now! Everything is up to him at this point!
“Is just you and me now Rusher!”
“...I see...It seems that I will have to do this on my own.”
“Is not too late to reconsider.”
“I believe it is too late. Even with Kula being defeated the mission will not change. You and your friends will fall here.”
“So there is no convincing you.” Richard took Rusher’s silence and cannon pointed at him as big no from the blue-haired leader of LeGrace. This is it...the final battle, the final boss, for all the marbles. This will be the battle between The Diamond Dragonite owner and La Estrella Del Leopardo owner, and by the end of this...one will rise and the other...will Die.
“Alright, then. I guess...Here We Go, then...”
- End25 Chapters
Horizon, Bright Moon, Sabre
Fu Hongxue was a cripple, born with a lame leg and subject to epileptic seizures. He was also one of the most powerful, legendary figures of the martial arts world, with a dull black saber that was second to none. His fame made him a frequent target of challengers, but whenever his saber left its sheath, only corpses would remain in its wake. One day, however, Fu Hongxue rescued someone whom he should have killed…and in doing so, set of a chain of events and a conspiracy that would rock the world.
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Nefarious Affairs
He broke free from the shackles that bound him for all these years, let go of the relations he had, and ran away from the responsibility that has become a burden to him. Boian did not have many expectations other than to live peacefully. What a pleasant dream? It's funny how a monster who should be crushing others dreams started to dream about peaceful life. He knew he couldn't live like normal humans. Living to old age with a loving wife and giving birth to a bunch of children was not possible for him anymore. He couldn't live in isolation either due to the food needed to maintain his Heart. The deeply rooted ideology and training he received in food consumption prevented him from doing so. He knew his very own existence did not allow him to live peacefully, yet he tried. But, everything changed when he met a strange girl in his peaceful way of living. A meeting that changed his expectations and pulled him back to the shackles, relations, and responsibility he tried to escape from but this time with no chance of escape. It was because, she gave him the fiercest stimulant that makes or breaks a man, 'Ambition.' He wanted to go back to where he was kicked out with his head high and beat the people who dared to look down on him. Even if it was the DEVIL himself. ***************************** Author half asleep: Simply put. A poor fellow gets messed up real hard by a chick and gets thrown back into the good vs evil cliche war he tried to escape from. Whether the chick be a blessing to him or a burden to him forms the story. Tags: Adventure, Heavy romance [No cliche harem but there are affairs(pun intended)]. Also a lot of action later on. I am a newbie...So be gentle with me plz.. (KiBiBiK's note - I have changed the title and synopsis so apologies to early readers)
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