《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 53 v2 - Temples and Laws


Being there again I observed it all from the bottom to the top, all of it worked seamlessly as it should right now. But one thing seemed to be missing. ` Where is the arch I made for the Link? ` Yet, just as that thought passed it came to me. Looking down where the white stuff representing the Canvas was I saw it. It was standing there at the edge of it. Looking all magnificent as it enjoyed its upgrade. No longer was it just a simple cool looking arch on a pedestal but a magnificent big arch with its position planted on the end of the big base it now was held on.

Being the same width as the base it was placed upon it no longer looked like a simple arch but a big gate, and the illusion that was inside it that reflected the insides of the Dreamscape, only helped that interpretation. Being connected to the Canvas of Dreams it naturally lost its black color design and switched to the white base of it.

Seeing it I needed but a thought to appear on the platform now. Appearing in the middle of it now I finally observed the size change that happened to it. ` Looking closer it truly looked great but it could use more touch from me. Lets see, seeing the theme right now I should probably make this the entrance to the Dreamscape and just make a separate small entrance for the Link later. `

Nodding at that idea I immediately went to work, only in this case I just had to imagine stuff. ` Anyway since this will be the entrance it needs to be more majestic. ` Like that the arch that existed right now rose into the air for about 5 meters. Once it was high enough I left about 2 meters of space in front of it and at the end made stairs that connected to the base platform.

` Good, this way the entrance will seem much more important but let's make the stairs pyramid style. ` Immediately the upper part connecting to the gate got smaller, and each subsequent step was bigger than the last one with the biggest connecting to the base.

` Since I am already going this way, let's make it more temple-like. ` With that I imagined pillars away from the gate platform. Two pairs on each side and in totally six of them. Around them and over them I imagined white marble walls and ceiling. Using some inspiration from Greek architecture made it all look quite good.

Nodding to my first prototype I followed the path now shown by the pillars and left the gate room through the big opening that was similar to a door in design. Once outside I extended the base platform in front of me by quite a lot. Once it was long enough I had it split in three paths. At the end of the three paths I made another three buildings. The two on the sides were smaller than the third one in the middle. Each of the three buildings gained its own design.

` Ok, the left one will deal with the Nebulas, the right one will deal with the Canvas and the center one will be involved with the Stars and Galaxies. ` With that idea I made my way to the left one. Tweaking the outside of it for a bit I was soon inside it.

It was empty ` Hmmm? Ah, I know just the right design for this. ` With an idea I made changes to the building first. From a square ceiling it transformed into a dome. In the middle of it a small platform appeared about 1.5 meters in height. A thought later I was on it and looking around me. Immediately lights appeared and gathered into tiny nebulas. It was a miniaturized version of the real one. Gathering the idea I projected it into the minitatuzerd Nebulas and while no changes for me, they would appear for others as the visual change will depend on them.


Happy with the design I made my way outside. There again I tweaked its look for a bit and went to the second building. This one still had a square roof so I left it like that but what I changed was the back wall. Getting rid of half of it I extended the base a bit and made a veranda and a small platform on it. On the platform I created a tripod and on it a blank canvas. Done with the main goal of this building I tweaked it too for a more pleasing outlook.

Soon I was in front of the third and biggest building. ` Ok, this one will be the hardest to finish. ` Still observing it a bit on the outside I made my first decision. Its outer appearance changed from a building into a Parthenon, or a version of it. With many pillars and no clear wall it looked much better. Making my way inside came the hardest part to decide.

` How to best represent the Stars, the Rivers and the Galaxies? Hmm, this subject is too broad, let's scale it down from the top. Since the Galaxies represent the end of a path that should mean that they have a lot of similarities tied to themselves. Yes, I should first decide on what a Galaxy shall represent. ` With that decision I removed the roof that had been placed beforehand and just shifted the pillars around as I changed the base of this temple into a circle. Leaving the pillars just there I made smaller versions for a second row of them.

Still observing them for a few seconds I scowled at them. ` Seeing all this was truly inspiring but somehow deep down I have this feeling that I may have jinxed myself by declaring how the Stars/Rivers and Galaxies work. `

Scowling again I placed my attention to the Dreamscape at large and observed the processing as it happened. ` I think I may have to tweak this a bit too. Lets see, the Stars are fine and the Rivers should be too, so that leaves me the Galaxies. Hmm, my interpretation of them is that they are the end of a path and the realization of a Dream. I think that part is fine too but the part where they truly end and discharge as Possibilities into the Nebulas has to change. Hmm!!! `

` What if I make it so that the discharge is not the end of a Dream but the reward. Ah, yes why dont I change the fact that when a Dream is realized, it makes room for another to take its place. Eh, no that will sort of happen anyway, so if the discharge is the reward for the Dreamer that means that the discharge will be taken from me. No, I cant have all that potential be taken from me. `

` Wait, potential? Umm, if the Dream one declared is a sort of Potential, then either one will gain it all or lose it along the way and is there not a good version of Power that is good with that scenario. Yes, this is a good idea. During the travels a Dreamer will do, they will accumulate Potential Chaos, so if they fail to achieve it and their Dreams are destroyed I can take all their PC they had so far gathered and if they succeed I can use half of it to fuel the cycle and the other half as the reward for the Dreamer. It kind of sounds scammy, but if I think of it as investment it should be fine. Yes, it should be fine. Let's do this. `


With that ingenious idea I compiled every piece of knowledge I had about Potential Chaos and at the same time I included the very process of how the accumulation and discharge of it would work. When I had done it I projected it to the Dreamscape. “ Chaos. ”

Immediately I felt a slight change happen. Nothing visual I noticed at first, but it happened and when I looked at what happened at the center of the Galaxies I saw it. It was very faint but when I looked at it in detail the discharge from before split and turned from a simple one way flow into a… well, a double helix one.

Noticing that part it was time to decide on the main part of this temple. ` But first I have to designate which Dream belonged to which Galaxy. No, wait first I need to define the laws more so it is much easier to sort them and I know the perfect ones that are vague but still simple. `

Again I went for my memories and compiled them all. These I had found online and they perfectly represented the morality of a Human. It consisted of five categories ; The Good, The Lawful, The Neutral, The Chaotic and the Evil.

It had taken many thinkers to correlate the behavior of Humanity and create this chart. Since it explained a human's moral that meant it was already used, but what I want to do was to have that moral chart be reflected in Reality and make it foolproof so that none could interfere with it.

` Some may find ways to hide it, but at the same time some will explore methods of finding them. Haha, can't wait for the World to realize their true colors. ` Indeed, for that to happen a simple piece of knowledge being told you would not be enough for that. It needs more visual stimulus and for that reason I decided to color scheme it too.

It had taken me some thinking time to decide on them but usually simple was best after all so that was how it was decided. The Good would be gold, The Lawful will be silver and the Neutral would be gray. The Chaotic ones purple as it somehow fit that category for me and the Evil ones would be black. Of course since nobody would fit every category perfectly their colors will mix and produce wonderful visuals for one's standing thoughts into Reality.

Once I had it all complied I projected it too into the Dreamscape. “ Morals. ” Again changes happened but they were subtle, as it would take time and interactions with beings of morals for them to appear on any grander scale.

` Good, this should mean all the preparations are done and I can get to the last part. But if I am honest when I imagined my system at first I thought everything would have been technological. Now it kind of seemed more organic, at least for this part since I will be using tech no spread my system. `

Shaking my head at that thought I went onto the last part. ` Considering the change I made a bit ago I best not make any mistakes here. ` When I first expressed my desire to make a system and for it to have game-like elements one thing will always appear, the class system. It was a simple method of splitting society and the battles one will always find oneself in, into roles like Warrior, Mage, Rouge and so it went on into many variations. They provide lots of dynamics and unique interactions between players but the one thing I hate about them is that in a game-like environment they stifle the player and their progression onto a fixed path. It was that point that convinced me to ultimately change and design a different way but still leave the roles there.

It was a simple solution really. Instead of forcing people into roles I just hand them down as rewards with benefits. When somebody achieved, for example a Warrior status, then they would adjust themselves towards that role even without my input but if it was just that they would still leave their roles at some point. To prevent that, benefits would be needed for one to be encouraged to stay in one's role and there is nothing beating that then a Title with benefits after all.

Done with musing my own thoughts I concentrated on the Galaxies that would serve as the end of a Dream I focused on the biggest ones. There were not that many but I only needed four of them. To best express the interactions and influences of people in the world I sorted every action and reaction into 4 categories, the direct ones, the active ones, the indirect ones and the last one would be the passive ones.

Each one represents a notion of interaction and influence and it could be observed in all facets of Society. Looking at one Galaxy in particular I gathered everything I knew about the topic. Once it was compiled I spoke again. “ Might. ” No visual changes happened but I could feel that that very Galaxy would represent every warrior no matter their form and actions. The concept of Might worked on direct and active interactions. If one did not use those, then one simply was not using Might to progress in the World.

Done with Might I looked at the second Galaxy. This one would represent the indirect and active interactions. “ Mind. ” Into this category everything that had to do with using one's thoughts to influence the World. Into this category would fit philosophers hence the indirect influence but since it was still active it could also be used by those with powers used by the Mind mainly.

The third Galaxy would represent the direct and passive interaction that one would be able to influence the World. Looking at the third Galaxy I spoke to it. “ Authority. ” Here one is able to directly influence the wider world but at the same time they are fixed by the usage of passive techniques to do so and the perfect example would be the Bureaucracy.

The forth one is the eternally indirect and passive interactions of beings. It would always stay that way no matter one's choices. “ Social. ” Here ones very Social actions influence the World at large.

Observing everything that I did for now I could only nod at a job well done to myself. ` The main point is set now it's all about the paths. ` Looking at the rivers that the Stars made as they traveled towards their destinations. Pointing at random I spoke. “ Soldier, Engineer, Disciple, Student, Mage, umm Politician, Craftsmen, Farmer, Spiritualist …. ” Like that my list went on but ultimately I had to stop at some point as I could not cover everything.

Finally done, I observed everything again. Noticing nothing more needed to be fixed for now I returned my attention to the temple again. Back in the 3ed and biggest one now I had a better idea of its look. Keeping everything the same for now I just added more inner pillars to represent the River of Opportunity and finally I placed 4 big ones representing the four Great Dreams. On each of them appeared a miniaturized version of the thing they represented.

Done with it I left it and went back to the center of this complex. Standing at the center I observed the 4 paths each representing one part of the Dreamscape. Pointing at the gate room I named it. “ You will be known as the Gate of Dreams. ” A second later I pointed at the first building. “ You will be known as the Temple of Potential. ” Next came the second building. “ Umm, Temple of Beginning. ” And lastly I looked at the last one. No longer it looked like a Parthenon but since it sounded good it got that name. “ You are The Parthenon of Achievement. ”

Nothing spectacular happened when I named them aside from gaining more of the color spectrum each of the buildings were associated with. “ And all of this will be known as the Sanctuary of Dreams. ” Finally done with naming everything I wanted to gloat at my achievement for half a second but even that half a second wasn't allowed to me as yet another ripple was born in the center of Dreamscape. Just like last time I appeared fast and vanished fast from my Realm.

Being forced again by the fact that I had no manual for what I was doing I made my way outside Dreamscape. Back in the body I was immediately forced to wake it up. It took far longer than it should have as the body was still healing but apparently that was still too long as I noticed a strange feeling overcome me. Not daring to use my SoP due to my body being weak and if it was somebody strong I could probably be noticed, I opened one eye and used the same technique for observing Souls I had invented. All it had shown me so far was the color difference of Angels and Demons but this time it was different.

It was neither of those and it was no person but the picture my eye was receiving started to shift for me. It got all blurry on the side first and soon it started to take on a human shape. Few seconds later it became a man with his back turned to me. All I saw was that he had brown hair and had quite the build if one took the shoulders in consideration. In his right hand he held what I would consider a staff of some sorts made out of wood whose top bound a small jewel. It swirled with many colors around itself.

The man tilted his head right and left and I knew that was my clue. Closing my eye I knew it was either pretend or fight. With a decision I immediately stopped the waking process for the body and withdrew every scrap of Auril into the Dreamscape and shut down all production in the body and had it enter the sleep cycle again. ` Lets try my first damsel in distress scenario. `

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