《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 50 v2 - Persona


Days, weeks, passed as my experiment went on. Having slept with quite a few women during intercourse I had used Auril to scan their bodily reactions. With them as my guide I optimized myself.

It wasn't a perfect procedure, but as I worked and tweaked on the transformation I soon reached 70% similarity to my recordings in terms of bodily pleasure.

It was interesting experiencing what should have been normally impossible. The way a woman's body spasms as she is penetrated and the orgasmic pleasure that spreads to the whole body like a bolt of electricity that hits you from the inside. A man just could not compare to that, still all that is physical pleasure. The other component, the emotional responses that they experiences have not been calibrated.

During my tests I optimized the proportions just right and now my female form was perfection. I had kept my height, but everything else was in just the right proportions. Right now I was strolling through a town and every male and female I passed looked at me. Using my little sister as the base I scaled her appearance to my current age of 30 and created what philosophers would call a country toppling beauty.

My current appearance was of a mature woman with an angular face but with softer curves to appear more feminine. Just like my little sister the hair is black, straight almost to the hips with bangs just slightly above my eyebrows. For the eyes, at first I stuck with the green color we had inherited from my father but ultimately I chose blue for this form.

I compacted my shoulders a bit, to not appear as manly but since I stuck with my current height of almost 1.85m it looked good. As for the chest size, well that was the easiest to decide. With my transformation I could change them anytime so I stuck with what felt comfortable with my size and made them not too big and not too small. Done with that I made my hip structure female and again I went for neither too big or too small. That left me with the waist, which I had to reduce a bit to make it more curvy. The same with the legs and arms, I had to make them more slender to achieve that feminine charm.

Like that my female goddess persona was created and walking through this town I had no choice but to notice the gazes I had been given as I walked by everybody. Most of the gazes were centered either on the face or on my behind and how it juggled left and right. It had taken me a bit to master this gait and get used to the widened hips.

But among all the things about my body that I like, one thing I had taken for granted was the attractiveness. I always knew that a pretty woman would attract the attention of the males but my goodness I never would have thought it would be to this degree. As long as I moved with purpose it was fine as by then it was mostly passing glances from everybody, but the moment I stayed still for a bit the attention spikes to the sky. Not even a few minutes later I am approached by somebody like a beacon and it never stopped. No matter how many times I repeat that experiment it was bound to happen, although my current western features of whiter skin tone that marked me as a foreigner didn't help.

Either way many of those encounters were good natured but I was bound to meet the bad kind at some point. So when I did I usually just surged them off when I was in a crowd but for one experiment I had allowed them to take me out of the crowd. I had just come from that encounter and in that scenario I followed them and we had some fun, well I had. They were left with a few blue eyes and bruises when I had felt they had crossed the line.


They had spiked my drink. Once I had it in my system I noticed it wasn't a heavy drug but it was enough to loosen their prey and make them quite intoxicated. Of course it didn't work on me, but they did not know that. As we drank and spoke, they got more daring and became touchy. I let them do it, as I wanted to experience what it meant to be in a situation like that as a female.

There were three of them, two were at my sides and the third was talking to grab my attention. We were in a high class bar that had private rooms. Thanks to the long stay in India, Mobius had a lot of time to work on their language. I could even speak it if I used it as the proxy to translate for me, after that all I had to do is make the correct sounds.

At first it was fine, I pretended to be slightly intoxicated and my new female persona enjoyed the attention as the only reason I even allowed all this to happen was that their appearance tickled my new persona. The first time I had noticed it was after I had used the new body and explored the social reactions with others. I noticed how my attention was slightly more leaning towards certain types of males and females. When I noticed that fact and after a bit of theorizing I did my best to separate myself from both the male and female personas. Like that I was able to observe how the new female persona grew inside me. To get better results I had encouraged certain thoughts here and there.

Due to the fact my new persona fancied them a bit I followed them and even though I was not intoxicated I allowed their touch. As I pretended more and more they got daring. Soon the first one went for a kiss and I still didn't stop them, in fact I immersed myself even more. Their touch, their little kisses here and there brought forth satisfaction of a new category. I liked how they serviced my new form. Soon they grew even more bold and started touching me on my tits and one of their hands went down to my nether region, and I still let them. Deep down I knew it was me in control and their attention pleased me. When one of them played with my nether region it set off numerous processes in my body on which I had worked to perfect and like a cascade they worked in tandem.

Even when he used his finger to penetrate my wet whole, which was quite tricky to get the right dosage of wetness to work, I didn't stop them. One of them serviced me down there and one of them upstairs with kisses on my chest and lips. Deep down I enjoyed the feeling and with every moment my new persona developed, every second they pleased me felt great and yet it was in that moment that something like cold water washed away all of that in but a few seconds.

When it did I awoke and wondered for a second what it was that interrupted me. Raising my head I looked at the two working hard to please me but the magical feeling was gone. Though my immersion was stopped I didn't stop them as they worked but I did look at the third one. He had whipped out his cock and stroked it with the right hand all while his left one held a phone as he filmed all this happening. But it was not that that broke my immersion. No, it was his smugness and the smirk that he had on his face, like he was the king of this moment that dominated everything. When I saw those eyes I knew that he felt like he was in control but the next moment I looked at him his expression was clouded and confused.


Then I spoke to the boys, made them stop and stood up. I went to the third man and looked at him from above. He still had confusion in his eyes but the next second he thought I would kneel to him, take his cock and suck it, but that was not what happened. In a quick moment I took his phone. He barely realised I had it when I hit his face with my knee. He fell from the chair he was on, once his confusion was over in the next second he stood up, pulled up his pants and wanted to hit me but all he got was more beatings. When the other two wanted to help I beat them too, although I was much gentler with them as they had worked quite pleasingly on me.

Done with them all I checked the phone and the recording. In it I had quite the sensual face, but it was still a bit hard to identify that face with myself as only time could do that. Deleting the recording I looked around the room with my Sphere to check if there were additional cameras available as I had forgotten about that fact. Seeing none I made my way outside.

Walking through the streets I made my way to my hotel room. Once inside I considered everything that happened and came to a conclusion, that as my female persona developed it would come into conflict with the male one. Thinking about it some more it was not hard to find the problem.

` Males strive for dominance and females thrive on subverting that dominance. ` That was what I had said to my little sister, when I had noticed that our relationship would spiral out of control as I was far too dominant of a personality for her still growing persona. After advising her on how to rectify that part, I left soon after and left her to grow up on her own.

` I should follow my own advice too. The question would be how. Umm, since the moment my female persona feels that it's not dominant anymore the male one will interfere. That means I somehow need to remove the male one for the female one to grow up on its own. `

` Guess, that leaves me with only one option, as I certainly won't remove the male one forever. ` That decided I made a construct of my own male body. It was created in as much detail as possible. Once it was done I looked into my own inner thoughts and memories. Recognizing the thought pattern of the male persona I used half of my Will and shoved it all into the Auril body and had it take possession of that.

There were two modes of making an Auril body for myself. The method is having my Will enter the Auril construct. The result of that depends on the amount of Will used to do it. If I transfer all of my Will, the Auril construct becomes my true body and the physical one is left behind to live with minimal brain activity. If I transfer half, then both bodies are mine and I can use them however I like. The last option is the one I separated from this equation as it generated a scenario that was much different.

It's similar to my core creation that I had used to make Mobius and Midnight. If the Auril construct is good enough to emulate the physical body and If I send only a small amount of Will alongside my own memories, what was created was not a body for me to inhibit but a clone of myself. It was a wonderful skill, but it had a few side effects, which include possible rebelliousness alongside possible personality disorder as the construct was of a limited lifespan and imminent death that would follow it.

It would be fine if it died in combat or something similar but if I reabsorbed that clone all of its emulated experience would be sent to me to experience. Due to that I had resolved myself to limit the use of that Auril Cloning Construct skill.

Anyway, as I had sent only half of my Will now I had both bodies under my own control it was time to develop my female persona. First I had observed this state as I had not used it all that much. As I did that I sent my thoughts across the bodies to evaluate my mental processes with two different parameters. Once I did it enough I noticed a few discrepancies but they were very small.

That done, I had the female persona take off all the clothes and what appeared in front of the Auril Construct Body was magnanimous. Those curves and gorgeous appearance I had forged for myself immediately caused a reaction. Following the parameters of a male body the cock went rigid immediately, but it was not that that caused the biggest reaction. No, while the feelings were there it was when I looked at the nether region that spiked the emulated emotions on this construct.

“ Now, I clearly understand it. There is nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis. ” Said my Male ACB, while the female persona felt proud of the body it had. Noticing the emotional information exchange happening and processing of the situation happening I knew that I was on the right track.

Nodding to that thought I went at it. Both bodies started touching each other. While the male body was a construct since I made it with as much detail as possible it could emulate my whole physical body, from touch to everything else. Like that I experienced how it was in both situations and the more it happened the more discrepancies in the personas appeared. Touchy here and there I soon went to the next part, kissing, soon after that I went for more caressing of both bodies and it was in that moment that I noticed the major differences in sex. Of how the persona reflected the body and the body reflected the persona.

Indulging in this was probably wrong on multiple scales but I cared not what others thought. I would have probably done similar experiments even without my desire to experience the female gender. The reason would be simple too, as I would have done it at some point just because I could do it. As that thought came to me both my bodies stopped and considered that thought. ` The question was never about one's morals but about whether one could do it or not. If not then it's fine, if you do it's fine too. `

After contemplating it a decision was made. “ Female me, prepare yourself. Now you will experience the true physical relationship of a man and woman. ” The male ACB grabbed me by the head and pulled me down. Once I was on my knees I looked up at the male version of myself and truly for the first I experienced the female perspective. From looking upwards to all those muscles and his gaze to below where my own version of a cock was just in front of my face.

` Holy shit, it's huge from this perspective. ` Looking at it from all the sides I went and grabbed it. Stroking it, the new experiences came to me as my ACB sent me the emulated feelings this all represented and I sent it my own. Soon I had both my hands on it and stroked it but it was ultimately when I first went and kissed the tip and started to lick and suck that those experiences peeked.

As I sucked this version of my own cock I felt no shame or anything since it was my own body and there was nothing to be ashamed of, but there was one thing that popped to me as I did it. ` It feels similar to a banana, just much thicker and warmer alongside the smooth tip that goes inside my mouth. `

Once thing about today's world that stood true is that at some point in time whether male or female, they had sucked on a banana. Maybe it was due to a joke or something else but it happened to all, well almost all. Anyway, like that I sucked using all the methods I had researched online and at the same time I had calibrated my female body to receive some pleasure as I did that. I had noticed that women did experience pleasure as they gave a blowjob. It wasn't anything big but it was there, although it was easy to ignore it. In my current case it was enough to make my insides wet as that was the plan.

Slowing down I used one hand to stroke it and gave a few kisses all while looking upwards to those muscles. Seeing and touching them with my other hand as I watched the expression my male body had to this pleasure was quite interesting as it definitely stroked the female persona I was trying to develop.

Still the next moment the male ACB and without my explicit intention grabbed my head on both sides and shoved the cock into my mouth. Next moment he was pumping it in and out as if my mouth was a pussy. As he did and as the cock went all the way into the back of my mouth, it kept grating at my throat. The gagging stroked unknown feelings of helplessness for a bit but soon they were gone.

As both feelings exchanged and were processed the male me stopped when he noticed that fact. Once he did he slowly took out the cock out of my mouth and when it was out he used both hands to pull me up, gave me a kiss. Going from one action to the other he pulled at me and soon he shoved me onto the bed. With my back on it, he soon went to lick me all over and soon he went down and licked the clit I had designed all while spreading my legs. There he caressed me and soon his fingers were inside me. Being played on both fronts evoked quite the pleasure inside me. Once he was done playing with me he raised his back and used his right hand to shove his cock inside me. Filing me, spreading my insides with a familiar shape as I had made a dildo version of it to calibrate this body.

But one thing is clearly different. Then I used my own hand to use the dildo but here it kept slamming into me and evoking pleasure of a different magnitude. As it kept hitting me in the right places the fire inside me built up and soon exploded. Like electricity it went from deep inside me and spread to the whole body along the nervous system. It had taken me quite a lot of micromanaging to get this going, as it simply was not possible with a male body.

As I came he slowed down and slowly pushed and pulled but soon the pressure built again and another round of pounding released it again. Male and female bodies just could not compare when it comes to physical pleasure. The only way for me to experience that pleasure was to give up any control I had as all this kept going on. The moment I tried to control it, it was like a basin of cold water was poured over me and it vanished, and that is what I did.

Having no control of the body's functions but still aware of them I noticed the male ACB took out his cock from inside me and flipped my body on the other side. With my stomach facing the bed he started to caress my ass and soon he spanked the right ass cheek repeatedly.

Slap, Slap, Slap.

“ You wanted to experience it all, so how was it to be spanked. Do you like it? ” He asked but while riding the euphoria of the orgasm the only thing that did was to give me the shivers as he did. The spike of pain wasn't exactly pleasure but for some reason it made me shiver.

“ Oh, so it does work. Looks like even if we hadn't worked on that part the hormonal discharges work wonders. Good that means that the body is getting closer to perfection, aside from the children part. ” He said but as an afterthought he gave me a few slaps on the other ass cheek.

Slap, Slap, Slap.

Done with those he got into position and slammed his cock inside me at once again and started to pound me, hard. As he did I felt my butt jiggle with the right consistency as designed and soon I came again. The more I came the more my vision and perception became cloudy. I followed every order that came, from riding him to taking it in the ass. I did everything he asked and in every moment I was dominated.

No idea, about the time passed but when I truly came to myself I was facing the ceiling. Still in euphoria of that experience it took me a while to get rid of it but when I did I felt completely different to how I felt when all this started. I felt more myself.

Staying like that for a while I noticed something like a ping grating at my attention. When I finally did information came and finally I could process everything that I did, the pleasure, the emotional development and finally the integration of the whole body with the female persona of myself. Once all that was done I turned my attention to the male ACB version of myself. He was laying by my side and observing me.

Nodding that I had his attention he placed his hand on my head and spoke. “ While you were in wonderland of pleasure I did some analyzing and thinking. ”

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