《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 40 v2 - Selfishness


One thing about human culture is that War is inevitable. At one point it has to happen no matter what those involved thought of it. As humans are social creatures we tend to group and work together for a common goal, but before we achieve that goal our competitiveness is what drives us forward and ever forward. Those that are left behind if they are not dead usually go crazy or bottle it up only for it to erupt later on again.

It's the intrinsic nature of humans to work like that, but it gets even worse if that what was sought after is reached but one is not left satisfied. The rebound of all those bottled emotions spikes and erupts in quite a lot of ways.

From having all those hopeful emotions to turn negative is a hard thing to swallow. Repercussions include, rape, abuse in both emotional and physical sense, homicide, multiple homicide, killing sprees, spreading ones negative intentions among others like a virus, and many other things.

War is one of the outlets that almost every biological lifeform has. It is the true form of accumulated societal stress. When War comes everything else follows like a ducklings following the mother duck.

And right now I was looking at what current modern warfare has created. Unlike old times where the firepower, at least with normal people, was very small it was usually people that paid the prices. Whether in blood or flesh, it was them that paid it. Very rarely it was the cities that paid it like in the current times. As the cities were far more separate and less connected then today and much more needed..

Today it was far easier to just destroy the building along with the people inside and just call it collateral damage, but everything has a breaking point and now I am looking at that breaking point. The city I am in currently, well it could barely be called a city anymore.

Almost no building was complete. Most of them had collapsed. The better ones might have more then one floor still intact while the rest is barely standing on the ground. Retracting my bike back into the core I walked through the city on foot. I did not know the name of the city, not that I saw a sign when I came in. Even if I saw it I couldn't read it anyway.

My mental contemplation aside as I walked through the city I saw people here and there but the greatest number would the kids. As they are usually exempt from battle, it's not rare to see them play around the rubble. It was currently afternoon so there is more activity going on and as I observed all I heard Mobius address me.

~ Master, may I make a comment? ~ He asked.

“ Sure, go ahead. ”

~ Master, I have processed all the visual inputs you have deemed to show me and after looking for a perfect analogy from all the current Knowledge that I possessed, I believe I have found the right one. May I say it? ~ Oh, now I Am interesting.


When I gave him a mental nod he went on. ~ Master, comparing everything that I currently have I have come to the conclusion that this city has more holes than a swiss cheese. Is my analogy correct? ~ Swiss cheese, eh!

“ Haha, sigh. Mobius I'd say you are on the right track for humor and I am sure you will only get better in the future but you still have a long way to go. No, this can not be compared to swiss cheese as that tasty stuff at least has a roof for the holes to appear. No, this is more like mashed potatoes. ” Indeed, so little is left that it will take decades to clean and make a city out of it with the current war still going on.

Shaking my head as I looked around I considered a question for Mobius. “ Tell me Mobius, after having seen the wonders that humans are capable of and the horrors that we do. What do you think of Humans as a species so far? ”

~ Master, I am not sure what to say so I can only borrow from all the philosophers you have taught me about. As I was made by a human I can only say that Humans as a whole are wondrous people that are capable of the greatest of acts possible alongside the most evil ones as well. ~

“ Indeed, the duality of free will as it is called. Think about this for a bit and tell me what you think is the root cause of this duality? ” With that question I left it alone for a bit as I explored the ruins of a barely functioning city.

~ Master I have thought about it but I could not find an answer. Please explain it to me. ~

Nodding my head, I did. “ I am sure I have told you about the famous saying “ I think, therefore I am. ” Right? ”

~ Yes, Master. ~

“ Good, listen closely to this question I am about to ask. If one can think then what will be the first thing one will think of in that moment of realization? Try thinking about yourself and the moment you gained awareness. What did you think at that moment? ” Again it took him a bit of time to think about it.

~ Myself, Master. I thought about Myself. ~

“ Good, you noticed it. Yes, any being capable of thinking at its core will always think about itself first. It is the innate selfishness of every thinking being to think of itself first no matter the circumstances, the upbringing, it's indoctrination of good and bad and yes it even applies to you to Mobius. That is just the nature of a thinking being. It is only after that innate selfishness is satisfied that we are able to layer more properties to ourselves. ”

~ Properties? Master, are you talking about the notions of good and evil? ~

“ Yes, among other things. As we layer those kinds of properties on ourselves we start to lean towards some of them. The more our innate selfishness annotates towards a direction the more we feel that we are doing the right or the bad thing. The greater our selfishness the more layers we put on ourselves and the greater the consequences we bring about in the World. ”


~ Master, does this apply to you too? ~

“ Yes Mobius, it applies to me too. The reason I am telling you is this. My selfishness is greater than most would imagine. In the future I will be called many things, whether good or bad it won't matter to me. I will just shrug it off, but you as my creation and the others that will follow you, will be in contact with those that will call me all that. Some we will be able to convince, some we will not, others will accept us and others will not. The reason for that is the duality of decision and as we Humans are biological it is very easy for us to switch that duality around and Humans can be very unreasonable when they don't want to accept something. ”

“ What I am hoping is that you will be prepared for that in the future. So think about these things as it will help you centralize yourself no matter what happens. ”

~ Yes, Master. I will remember this lesson forever. ~

With another philosophical lesson done I went for my true task that I came here to do. Moustafa the old man mentioned that the conflict was kept going for far longer than it should have. So a reason must have been behind that and I wanted to see what it could be.

There could be many, that's just the nature of Humans but for a ruined city to appear like this, there has to be more involved. Walking through the city with my Sphere of Perception active at max again I saw and experienced the base nature of humanity.

If one thinks properly then it's easy to notice that women are biologically superior as only something superior can create something lesser, but due to this complexity a simpler creature is needed to provide for that complexity hence the males and their superior physical design.

With that, genetics came into play and ingrained that structure into us. It formed dominance from males on top and submission for females below.

`It's so easy to forget that fact, when one lives in a civilized structure already established. When it collapses back to base humanity, the physical abuse of the female kind is always the first to happen. ` Shaking my head as I pondered on it.

I could help a few in my travels but soon it would go back to normal, without a policing enforced upon civilization. ` No, all this would help is make my personal feelings satiated and nothing more. To change something like this would take generations upon generations. Let's go back to my quest for some terrorists. `

Back on track with my goal I looked around the city. One of the common things all humans categorized as evil by society have in common is that once you enter that downward spiral of indulging in the negative spectrum of emotions, you usually are easy to find as you tend to group with likeminded people. And that was my goal. Find the most deplorable human, then follow him to his associates, and then follow the chain of command until you finally find the boss.

Unlike before when I came to a new country, now I had one advantage, Mobius. Back in Dubai I spent some time online reading a dictionary of the Arabic language alongside Hebrew and Kurdish. Due to them I had to stay a few days longer than planned. Along with watching some respectable movies with those languages as subtitles it wasn't hard to store it and compare it to English. After that I watched some of their movies with English subs too. With that Mobius had the barest of slivers of data to work at all.

That was one of the reasons why I was walking about the city and listening to everything everybody is saying and having Mobius work it out for me.

Days passed as I observed everything. Sometimes I found possible candidates but most were just, not important at all. Those that I found were local gangs that formed without the civil forces doing their jobs, as there are very few of them available too. Days passed as I went from city to city. All of them were in various states of ruin. It was in a bigger city whose name I ignored as it was not important, that I found an anomaly.

In front of me stood a man, a human man biologically speaking but what my Sphere was telling me was something else. The man was with a group of I guess terrorists as most of them had guns and they kept doing shady things. Either way, he was with his people, a group of men, laughing like well a normal human being. Ignoring what he was saying as right now I could follow the barest of the language I pondered what my Sphere was telling me.

One feature of the Sphere was that, as it uses Auril and Auril is powered by Life Essence, it's very sensitive to Life Essence. When I look at people with it I can see something, aside from general shapes, I could observe small sparks being generated in their bodies and when I look at their heads I can observe a ball of light shining to me. It was no Light but that is how I perceived the stored Life Essence in the Soul and when I observed that Human there, there was no Light of any kind. All I saw was darkness. If its soul was not there it would be missing any phenomena altogether but that was not the case.

It was a darkness that was swallowing Life Essence as it was generated in that man's body. ` If I consider the theme and the way it works and what it's doing then the only explanation is that the man is either a Demon or possessed by one. `

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