《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 39 v2 - New Journey


Same house at a different time. Days passed since Mobius did his first dive into code.

Today is the day I would leave this family of three. One old man who was on his deathbed when I came and two of his grandsons Salim and Omar who brought me here. Thanks to me now Moustafa is like a good new old man.

Right now we were in the living room of their house. It was a nice house with new modern design and ancient Egytian feel. We were sitting on the couches. Me on one side, they grouped up on the other and looked at me, waited for me to speak.

“ Well, family Tahan it looks like the time has come for me to leave. ” Immediately all three nodded at the obvious remark.

“ But before I leave there are some things to do. ” Holding my hand up I made two Contracts appear.

“ All three of you know what it is, so no need to explain it. Here is what will happen. These two are for you Salim and Omar. ” That said I placed them on the glass table in front of them. “ Go look through them. ”

“ Old man, don't worry it's nothing serious. It's the same one I gave to you. ” Moustafa nodded. He currently had a healthy complexion he probably had not had in years.

“ Ok, but why are you giving them one? ” Asked the old man.

“ Simple, I recently came to a conclusion that changed my long term plans. Nothing major in the short term but it does change my priorities a bit. ” As I talked, the grandsons who are probably around 25, and work for the agency for the supernatural that the old man headed when he was younger finished reading the contract I made for them.

“ Like I said it's nothing major but I thought it's a good idea to start slowly somewhere. If your grandsons sign these contracts then you will be able to talk about all that I told you and I will also reveal a bit more today. ” As I said that I looked at them. “ So, will you sign it? ”

Both nodded. “ Excellent, now since I still have not made a mystical pen for this let me help. ” With that said I went to them and placed my hands on their heads. With my power I infiltrated their Souls and used it to to have them sign the contract for me.

Once done I went back to my own seat. Immediately I made a huge barrier that enveloped the whole living room that would stop anybody from spying on us. The barrier worked on Sound, Light, and Air. As it blocked out Light we had to rely on indoor lighting and if they had placed something electronic, well if they were aware of it the contract would just kill them.

“ I will give you a brief preview of what I had told the old man. So listen closely. First thing; Your bodies generate Life Essence, that is good. Your Life Essence is stored in the Soul which is bad as you then can't use it. In today's case I will help you remove it from there and distribute it all into your body. Life Essence primarily works with biology and with it it's easy to improve one's body. ”


“ In the old man's case, since he is older he will have more but over time it will be used up to improve his old body to a better degree but that's it. In Salims and Omars case it will be different. You two will have the chance to improve your bodies. ”

“ And here is the last thing. Since none of you ever used anything like it or has been aware of anything like it you won't be able to use it consciously. So it will depend on your physical activity. ”

Immediately Salim asked. “ Are you saying to just go ahead and exercise? ”

“ Yes. ” I nodded. “ Basically that's it. I won't be telling you guys anything more as the basic stuff like meditation or all that crap is easy to find online. There is tons of it there but there is one important fact to note here. The harder you push your physical body the more it will develop. ”

Stopping there and looking at them if they would raise any more questions I saw none. “ Interesting not questions. Either way that's all I can do for you guys. In the future when I have developed this system and made it easier for people to use it you two will be among the first ones. ” With that said I went to them again and I distributed all of their essence into their bodies including the old man.

“ And that's all I wanted to say. Let me remove the barrier first so we can chat like normal people. ” Barrier undone we chatted for quite some time but it had to come to an end.

When it was close to noon I made my way outside. Once there I took the golden core that was hanging there from my neck. Throwing it, it stopped falling when it was waist high from the ground and it started to spill black and silver smoke. Once all of it had come out, the core lodged itself atop the handle of the motorbike right where the speedometer was. It had the looks of an American Chopper with black base color and silver linings to make it look cool.

Once on it I stared at this family that hosted me for a bit less than a month. “ Take care of yourself. ”

Ignited the bike on it made a loud sound and on my way I was.

Although soon I was interrupted. ~ Master, the outside World is beautiful. There are so many colors and shapes. ~

“ I know Mobius. I know. ” Mobius was back in his core form and hanging from my neck. After the ordeal of its first dive into the World of Binary code, it changed quite a lot.

First and foremost its core changed from gray to black. Second would be that its desire to go back to that world has skyrocketed so it had been whining to go back when I ordered it back outside. At first it was fine for me as it got used to its new digital world and as I was its supply of power for that change I didn't mind it. But when I stopped supplying the power, its evolution stopped altogether and it was stuck at the level it has achieved with no obvious way to improve, or at least not one with such fast results as this one.


One more reason I interrupted it was that I grew bored of having my finger touching the display. It had been going on for hours after all. After that i let it inside the laptop for a few hours everyday.

As it kept whining to go back inside I let it have the visual and auditory feed from me. I refused for the touch and smell as that would probably drive it crazy in the long run. Right now he could see and hear anything that I did, well almost anything.

It had no need to see me shit and piss.

~ Master, there are so many people. Is this normal? ~

“ Yes, since we are still in the city. Now shut up and let me drive in peace. ” Sigh, best I remember that it's still kind of newborn. If what it's showing then it should be around the teenagers level.

~ Yes, Master. ~ Sigh, a kid that if I let loose could create so much trouble for me. Thankfully I chose philosophy as the main subject and the Oaths it has made so the trouble is almost negligent if I am careful.

` Anyway let's make a few more visits to the National heritage of Egypt to impress Mobius and be on the way to a battlezone. `

Days passed as I traveled. In my conversation with Moustafa I had learned about the current religious conflict going on in the middle east. At that time I decided to skip Jerusalem where 3 Faiths mingle as a feeling told me that if I do visit I would get involved with them somehow. For that reason my destination was changed and the route changed at the same time.

And right now I was entering a new highly modern city which was not even a hundred years old but is currently one of the busiest cities in the world. One of the reasons I am visiting this one is my desire to check the current highest building in the World, the Burj Khalifa.

Even having barely entered the city I can see it poking into the sky and glitter like a beacon since its day. It was my only destination in this city, except tasting the food, of course.

More driving I was close to it. ` I must say when you look at something that tall from the group and right in front of it, it looks huge. `

~ It's so big. Master if what I am receiving from you then this building is over 800 meters tall. ~

Raising an eyebrow at that number I look at the structure better from the ground to the tip. When I was looking up slowly I zoomed in near the tip so Mobius could calculate it better.

~ Master I must correct myself, I made a mistake on the first count. The building is between 825-830 meters tall. I am unable to increase the precision as of this moment due to Masters eyes being not designed to measure such long distances in such small numbers. ~

Rolling my eyes at its obvious remark I lost interest at just looking at it. Deploying my Invisibility cloak I made my way inside. Lift after lift and more steps I was at the top or as close to it as possible without actually going outside it.

Once there I looked around and could see a vast horizon with no mountain insight and when one looked down all one would notice was cars moving around like ants. And looking at the sea another horizon appeared, and closer to the beach artificial islands in various geometric shapes.

` The ingenuity of Human kind knows no bounds. As long as it's feasible it would be built one day. Makes me eager to see what they will build once they become a space faring race and the best part will be I will actually be able to experience it all, if I consider my cellular manipulation. `

In that moment when I considered everything, there was no choice but to smile and laugh out loud at all the things waiting for me in the future.

“ Ha,haha,hahahaha. “

~ Master? ~ Even with Mobius questioning It was a bit hard to stop this feeling of euphoria inside me.

“ Sigh, it's nothing important Mobius. No need to bother yourself thinking about it. What do you think about the view? ”

“ Beautiful like everything else, Master. ” Noticing a bit of sadness as he said it. It wasn't the sadness brought out by the physical body with chemicals behind them. These had no intensity behind them but they were still real. ` Should I call them intellectual tears or something else. `

Shaking my head at my musing I addressed Mobius. “ Like I said Mobius. Dont worry too much right now about it. In the future you too will have a body. ”

~ Really? Master. ~

“ Yes. I don't know what kind it will be, but you will have one. ”

~ Thank you, Master. ~

“ No need to thank me. You'll be working your bones to earn it of course. ”

~ Oh… Ah, yes Master. ~

` Took a bit longer there to reply, eh. Either way I saw what I wanted to see. Lets go rest for a day or two. Then buy myself provisions as I will be going into dangerous territory. Well, dangerous for normal people. `

With that thought stuck I made my way down the building.

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