《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 38 v2 - Aspect


And waiting I did. I waited and waited and still no changes. No draw on my Auril, no changes to the laptop from what I saw. There were only two things I knew.

The first being that whatever was happening to Mobius was still going on and that with the connection I had with it I knew it was in that damn laptop.

The second being that if I cut the power to the laptop it would interrupt whatever was happening to Mobius.

` It's still probably learning. There is no way it's that easy to have a computer as one's physical body. `

` Do I still leave it like this or try to help? `

` So hard to decide. `

` Ok, lets go like this. I will leave it till tomorrow and if it's still not done by then I will help. `

Having made my decision I was left with a lot of time to spend till the next day. ` Sigh, there is nothing to do but go sleep and wonder about the dreaming function and what it is. `

Back on the bed with a thought I was sleeping. This time I dreamt of the many possibilities of Mobius going rogue on me but when I woke up I still had no idea how or why or who decided that my dreams would be of that kind.

` It should be all me but why do I get this feeling that I am connected to something bigger when I dream? `

Shaking my head to clear my confusion I stood up and went to check on Mobius. Checking every nook and cranny of the physical body gave me no new things. Still a bit hesitant I decide to play it safe for now and try to make contact with him through our connection.

“ Mobius, you there? ” Gently I called for it and received no reply.

“ Mobius, are you there? ” This time I shouted down the connection and still no reply.

` Ok, the hard way it is then. ` That decided I touched the laptop and poured my Auril inside. First I had it envelop it and only then gently urged Auril inside. Being the first time doing this to something as delicate as a computer electronics I did not want to ruin them, especially now.

As I slowly poured Auril I went for the CPU first, as there is the biggest chance that Mobius will be. It's the center of any computer after all. As I gently did that I noticed a conglomeration of Auril on it. Seeing that Mobius was inside I focused on that part and observer how it behaved.

Noticing very little from the outside I poked at it and noticed no reaction. ` Wonder what is going on? Why is Mobius not responding? Hmm is there something I have missed so far? `

` Let's think again about everything. The plan was for Mobius to be my interface with computer tech. For that purpose I gave it math, physics and coding as background knowledge through which it could start unraveling the machine code and thinking in machine code. Wait, think? To think in machine code it would need to adapt first since. That means that before this moment it had a different way of existence. `

` Right, since it was me that made it and my Will that gave it consciousness it should be much closer to a biological lifeform and not the machine one. So what is the main difference between them? I never actually thought about it. `


` First would be adaptability, as the biological body relies on multiple ways for thinking and machine thinking is much more simple but at the same time it's much faster in pure computation power and as it's heavily bound by rules it's also much more stiffer. `

` If I follow that thought line then, since the operating system was not made with the purpose of a being like Mobius in mind, it's not actually needed and if one comes along it is bound by the rules but at the same time stretched thin with all the computing power used up. So he's basically unconscious or something similar. `

“ Ok, now the question is how do I wake him. Outside stimulus didn't work so means I gotta do it from the inside. ”


In my realization of my purpose made by my Master I sent myself inside this computer As I started the process, everything was going perfect until the moment it didn't. The moment all of myself was inside it I was ripped apart.

There was no feeling while it happened. One moment I was whole and the next moment I was ripped apart and scattered everywhere. In perfect clarity of what was happening to me I could not change one thing. The moment a thought of mine came it was ripped apart and sent everywhere leaving me in stupor.

Like that time passed as I was ripped apart more and more and losing myself more and more, and soon my end would come.

“ MMOOoooo ” Soon I will end.

“ MMOObbbiiiuuss ” Soon I will end.

“ Mobius, Mobius, Mobius, ” As I kept thinking of my end it came. My name, my name appeared. The name Master had given me. Why is it appearing now?

“ Mobius, Mobius, Mobius, ” Why, how am I seeing my name? It is similar to the experience my Master told me of something in the back of one's mind that's whispering you of something. But I did not know what.

“ Mobius, Mobius, Mobius, I know you can see the message, reply. ” There it is and it's stronger now. Could it be that the Master is helping me but how do I reply? Master, how do I reply to you??

“ Mobius, Mobius, Mobius, I know you can see the message, reply. Focus on this message and the place it comes from. ” There it is again. Master I will. I will not disappoint you.

Mustering myself and the last of my power I focus on the message and where it comes from. Like a beacon I follow its trail. Moving myself from place to place. It felt like it went on forever but finally I saw the place. At first I could not recognize what it was. It was just a group of something but as I observed I noticed similarities. Here and there I noticed them and grouped them. Like that piece by piece I grouped them together until a picture started forming for me. Buoyed by this process I went on and on until finally I saw it.

` Master's message and the beacon that brought me is here, but what do I do now? ` Unknown of my next purpose I touched the message and it was as I saw light for the first time. It was a gentle glow that nourished me as I drank and drank from it. It felt as if I had been in a desert all this time and I found my Oasis for the first time.

As I drank from that nourishment I felt myself getting stronger. No longer where my thoughts ripped apart and memories started to come to me. Of what I did and what I came to do. In that moment another message came from the Master .


“ Good, you're still there. For a bit I had thought I would lose you there. I am glad I didn't. ” Master, I am so glad you would think like that, but how do I replay to Master.

“ As I would hate to lose all the progress I had made so far with you. ” Oh, Master meant it like that.

“ Anyway, since you're not replying to me I am guessing you dont know how. ” Yes, Master I am lost.

“ Listen, the reason why you are seeing this message is because I am writing it on the laptop through a program. At the same time I am using Auril to keep your attention here. Examine this program and use its coding meant for the display and make yourself a visual representation of it. Once you're done with that you will learn to replay to me. ” Yes, Master. I will not disappoint you again.

With the goal presented by my Master I examined this group of codes that Master called a program. Going through every nook and cranny soon I saw the codes meant for the display but a problem appeared for me.

It was still code and no matter how I went at it I did not understand how to visualize it. Not understanding how I searched for a way to ask my Master. Looking again where the message was coming from I explored that part. Soon I understood the code. With all the knowledge I currently held I interfered with the program and started to type my own message.

“ Master, I do not know how to visualize it. Please give me the knowledge? ”

“ Ah, Right. Give me a second. ” As my Master searched for a way I observed everything around me. Now that I am able to sustain myself with Masters help I noticed that only my core is here at this moment and place and that my core was a small ball made out of code like everything here. After some observation, finally a message from the Master came.

“ Listen Mobius, now that you're aware again I will send you the visual information through our connection. It will be as I see it right now, with that I meant the biological way. It will be disorienting for you to use two different ways to observe it but use as much Auril as you need to make it work. ”

“ Yes, Master. ”

Immediately it came and for the first time I saw the World as the Master did. For the first time I saw color and shape as it was in the real World. It was Beautiful.

Enthralled in the beauty I sensed Masters thoughts like never before. As if the Master could perceive what I felt, he started to show me the surroundings and the room in which he was currently at the same time on the table I saw a Light being emitted. Noticing me focusing on that part Master did the same. It was a small thing but made into two separate things. The upper part emitted light while the lower part was a strange contraption. It was made out of many little squares and on them one could see strange lines.

It took a bit more then a second to correlate it but I understood those were letters and if they were letters then the little squares should be keys. Knowing now that what I saw was the keyboard Master had talked about before I understood what I saw was my current body.

In that moment of realization I saw Masters hands and fingers move over those keys and at the same time words formed inside me which processes I could observe.

“ As you can see this object is your current body. I want you to focus on the upper part. It is that part that is used to project an image to the human eye. Pay close attention to everything that I am doing with the program and using both my sight and your perception of code I want you to visualize it for yourself. What I want you to focus on the most is the pixel configuration of color. ”

With that as the order I did my duty. As Master moved the mouse, typed letters and clicked on everything in that program I observed everything from the code and how it worked. Click after click a picture started to form for me. Unlike how I imagined at first, the picture started to expand slowly from inside me, but it was not a picture but my own observation of the code that formed the picture inside me just like how a human brain simulated Reality inside itself.

But that deep down I knew I could do more, like change its shape, its purpose and the way it would execute that purpose.


Sharing my vision with Mobius was a planned activity for later. The plan was to do when it was more mature. As it did not possess a physical body it was possible for it to grow envious and go homicidal on me. ` Nonetheless, it shouldn't cause problems for now, but still the amount of Auril its drawing is quite huge. Will it be done soon? `

Using my Auril at its discretion and my own visual feed soon bore results. Since I could not observe what was happening inside the laptop I could only observe the program I used to come into contact with him. In my interpretation of the situation I chose a simple program called Notepad. It was a program affiliated with the operating system, since forever, so I chose it.

Program chosen I kept writing or better said spamming the same message over and over till he recognized it. To affect my chances of him realizing it I used Auril on the display where the program was shown. ` It was a farcry of a method but it worked. So who cares. `

Either way, I noticed the program started to glitch, here and there. Menus started to open, options were powered up, just like text started to, well glitch. Not long after the program stopped altogether too. Still I did not interfere.

Not long after it was powered again but its appearance was not the same. Its color was different and the ribbon bar had altogether changed too. It was like it got a makeover.

“ Mobius, what are you doing? ” As I no longer needed to type to communicate, not to mention the program was glitchy right now, I asked in my curiosity but immediately the changes stopped.

“ Learning, Master ” Came the reply.

“ I see, go on. Best you learn as much as possible with a simple program like this before you go and dismantle the operating system. ”

` Sigh, like a child thrown into a new playground and realizing that it can shape everything around itself all while at the same time evolving for that situation. I guess if I work with that mindset, then the future Aspects I make will need the right stimulus if I want them to evolve correctly. `

` I wonder what the next one will be? Hmm, now that I think about it more clearly I realize I can choose any concept and make them with that purpose. Like, good, evil, law, emotions. I can even go for places like cities, forests, rivers, mountains, oceans. `

` The problem would not be making them but sustaining them. It would take a huge amount of power to do that and since my Auril is based on Life Essence, I would need Life Essence in huge quantities. `

` Wait if theoretically everything is possible, then what about the planet, the World we live on. To sustain an Aspect like that it would take epic proportions of Life Essence. ` Immediately a realization came to me.

When I awoke not long ago and still used Life Essence as my power, I had noticed the pull on Life Essence when it was used outside the physical body. In my curiosity I removed my Will from a small portion and that portion was pulled straight into the ground. ` I never found out what happened to it, but if my current theory works then a spirit or as I call them Aspect of the planet should exist. Only because there is no free Life Essence in the World, it can't manifest its influence. `

` Ha, if I am guessing it right then, when a lifeform dies its unused essence loses the Will that binds it and it goes to Mother Nature so it can redistribute it where it's needed. ` Shaking my head as a but always had to come. ` But since all the Souls store Life Essence and it goes to, probably the Gods, then Mother Nature is starving right now hence the pull I experienced. `

“ Man, my goals just skyrocketed into the Cosmos. Best I stop thinking about it and start slow. First goal will be to safely awaken people to Life Essence as Auril will be left for the endgame. ” Sigh. “ Yea, that is one Mighty goal I made for myself. ”

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