《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 33 v2 - Basics


Having spread Life Essence throughout the old man Moustafa`s body I started giving more precise instructions on how each organ should work and what to do. Of course the first one being his heart. After the heart I went for the kidney and liver. As his body was old its filtration system was quite weak.

After that I went for the lungs to ease the breathing more, but not much was needed there. In fact his lungs looked quite good. Done with those I gave instructions to the bones to increase the blood production a bit. Not too much as he still needed the old blood to be filtered first.

` And that was it for now. Now all that's left is to monitor him for a few days and after his body gets its strength back will the next stage begin. `

“ Ok, I am done for now. ” With curiosity the old man looked at me as I removed my hand from his chest.

“ Already? ” Said the old man with a bit of disbelief in his tone. “ You have only been at it for a few minutes. ”

“ Old man, that is the benefit of higher mental capabilities I have acquired. ” I replied. “ Right now I am in control of my brain's abilities, not it being in control. With that control I can increase the processing power whenever I want and however I want. ”

The old man looked stupefied when I said that. ` Indeed it would be hard for normal people to understand that fact or even imagine it happening. `

“ You know old man, depending on how this all goes you could achieve something similar. ” With that said I turned around and went for the door but before I exited I gave him some more advice. “ One more thing old man. As I started everything in your body and as it will need more time to finish it, you will notice your need to go to the bathroom more. Alongside rest and the bathroom you will need more food as your stomach is quite empty. I will go tell Salim to get you some food and you rest there for the next few days. After that will be the hard part for you. ”

That said I left him in there to ponder on his future and what he signed up for. Once outside I saw Salim and the newly arrived Omar. “ Omar, good to see you. How were the injured? ”

“ Luckily no deaths. ” Replied Omar. “ We were able to help them in time. Tell me how is my grandfather? Salim told me a few things but I want to hear it from you. ”

Nodding to his concern I explained. “ Well, his heart did stop once when he learned some things. ” Immediately both of their faces froze. “ Don't worry I got it back working again and right now he's got a new resolution to live. You can go inside and talk to him, but do know that now that he's under contract with me, he won't be able to tell you stuff so be careful with that. ”

Raising my hand I pointed at the door. “ Go and talk to your old man but Salim you stay we need to talk a bit about the future and how it will go from now on. ” Saying that Omar went inside and I switched my attention to Salim. “ Listen Salim, I need you to find a good physical therapist. I may have started the process of his recovery but he will need to become active with that body of his. But that can wait a bit, first you should make sure that he gets a lot of fluids and food into his body in the near future as his body will enter a higher state of metabolism to initiate the changes. ” As I said I saw the caring expression of Omar inside, an idea came to me. “ In fact, leave that to you cousin. He looks to be far more caring of others than you. ”


“ I will go back to the living room. Prepare a room for me, does not have to be fancy or anything as long as it has a bed. Oh and get me a laptop I need to research some staff online. ” With orders given I went to the living room. Not a few seconds later Salim went inside the old man's room.

Back in the living room I started to contemplate the translator I need. ` To make one I need to create a core for it. That one is easy and once I give it a bit of my Will it will gain consciousness, but if I just focus on the biological component it will be horribly inefficient if I have to scan a person's brain every time and not to mention regional differences in language and individual interpretations of them. `

` Hmm, to get rid of that aspect first I would need a database of that language. With it I would only need to scan one brain to get the general way it processes that language and everything else could be simulated by my own brain's processing power. Sooo, that leaves me with a database core for knowledge, but in what kind of format should I store that knowledge. Hmm. `

` I need more information. Lets see, they are still talking and it does not look like they will stop anytime soon. Ok, I need a computer or laptop. ` Focusing my attention on my Sphere of Perception I soon found a laptop for myself. A quick trip to it and my online search started.

` Ok, since English is the most dominant language in today's world I will stick with it but what about computer languages. ` Typing out my intention a result comes. ` Holy crap, there are a lot of them. Never knew, ok which is the best? ` Again I typed out my thirst for knowledge.

` Oh, they're categorized for their usage. Hmm, for what can they be used? ` Another search gave me results. ` Hmm, defined by type into; procedural, functional, object oriented, scripting, logic. Guess, being smart does give humans a lot of thinking power. Lets see for what each of them can be used for. ` Like that my search started. From the types used, to all of their strengths and faults. All of them did the basic things in different ways. It was interesting to see human ingenuity at its core.

Not long after the cousins came and searched for me. Once they found me they asked a few basic questions about my future plans regarding their grandfather but those were simple to answer and soon they left me on my own. So my research went on from one topic of computer languages to the naturals ones. They all had strengths and faults but as time passed a thought came to me. ` Wonder if I can make my translator work as an interface with computer language to just download the knowledge I need. `

Like that a new front appeared to me. ` Everything I have looked at so far has been outside interpretation of the biological signals and while not useless to me I can do better. Since I can directly tap into my brain's processing power I just need an interface through which I need to connect with a computer. Hmm, let's see human ingenuity and look into sci fi elements. `

Raising my eyebrow at one find gets me into thinking mode. ` What's this, Altered Carbon, set in the future, stacks, consciousness download, body expandable. Hmm, for something like this to work it would need to be compatible with Life Essence but I don't like this idea of expandable bodies. If people start thinking like that they will lose the grounding for Reality. I don't like that but if I consider how the current timeline is for Humanity it looks kind of inevitable. `


` Lets ignore it, I can deal with it in the future. Right now I want an interface to directly connect to a computer. Ok, the only way would be if I use something like a cable, so that leaves me with a USB cable? ` Immediately I used my Sphere to search around for it. It took but a few minutes to find one. ` How do I do this? Since it's gonna be an Auril construct, let's first make a copy of it. `

Like that I scanned the USB cable with precision no human instrument should be able to and make myself a construct of it. With it in my hand now all I needed was the interface. Using more Auril I created a small ping pong sized ball from it. In it I sent a small amount of my Will and it became a part of me. As I did that I looked at the little ball and the cable I constructed and deduced the ultimate way. I made a little opening in the ball with the general shape needed and stuck my USB construct into it.

` Hmm, just this wont work, probably. First let's test it. ` With that I stuck the other end into the laptop. Immediately I realized my folly, My own core had no electricity to work with and send any signals to anything. To fix that I made another construct and stuck it on my skin. It didn't matter where it was as it was non intrusive. In this case I connected it to my upper arm. Having my cells near it generate electricity I sent it to the core and had it randomly sent to the laptop and got nothing in return.

Trying a few more times the results were the same. In a hunch I took the original cable and exchanged it with the construct and it gave me results. ` It seems I would need to separate every part and make them whole again to make it work. ` Either way, results came but all I received were electrical signals back along it.

` Now that I got the connection it was time to make the translator for work. ` Like that another session online on how USB worked gave me knowledge about it but not what I had looked for. ` It wont work this way. I need to go simpler, start at the basics of the basics of computer language. Let's start with zeros and ones. `

With my goal in sight I started to learn the binary language. Thanks to my current mental capacities it was easy to commit something to memory and never forget it. The first thing I committed to memory was the Binary English alphabet. With it, it would be easier to recognize the codes sent to me.

As the binary code was stored inside my memory I compiled that knowledge as best as possible and sent it to my core. Like that I tried it again. I sent the order and my core sent electrical signals to the laptop and the laptop sent some of them back. ` Why did nothing happen?. Something should have happened. Hmm. ` With that I sent a thought into my core and wondered if it could interpret anything. When I sent it my request it replied and immediately I knew the problem. ` It may have interpreted the meaning but it did not know what to do with it. Ok, I need direct access to it it seems and let the core be just that, a translator core and nothing more for now. `

` Direct contact means with my brain. Soo. ` Just like before I made a auril construct from the core to my body this time I made another. ` But since I want direct contact that means it needs to be connected either in the brain or the spinal cord. Let's go with the base of the skull first. ` Idea came and my job was clear. I had the construct touch the base of my skull right where the spinal cord started. With its job clear I sent more instructions to the core.

This time I sent another order and the core did its job. It sent the signal, a signal came back, it translated the binary code and along the new constructed line it sent me what was translated. Though what I received was pure garbage. ` Ah, of course it would be garbage. I only gave the core the means to translate the binary into an alphabet but not the means to organize it into a language. But this should only take time to fix. `

With a new goal I compiled the English language as best as I could and the words I knew. To complement that I searched online for an English words database. Using it, every word I read I stored and compiled into the pile I intend to send to my core. It took some time as there was a huge number of words. On a hunch I did not include meanings of those words, only their shape.

` Finally done. Goodness there was so much. Never knew so many words existed. ` Done with the compilation I sent the knowledge to my core. Once it was in there I sent another order.

This time what came back was much better as what came to me were full words even if all of it was randomly scattered around and another problem became known. ` While I may have given the core the English alphabet, I didn't give it the symbols that are used in the language. `

` Sigh, more compelling it is. I think I need some mental encouragement. How did that saying go again “ The more work I do today the better the harvest tomorrow will be”. ` When mental encouragement found itself again, I spent my time looking at symbols and compiling it too. More time passed as the task was going on. It was as if I was in trance. My goal was in front of me and even with my mental capacity for processing I ignored everything around me to focus on this task of making my translator.

Many symbols later and sent to the core I noticed that it was night. ` Compiling all this knowledge really takes time. Good thing I only have to do this once. Let's continue. `

Done with the alphabet, symbols and the English words I sent another order to the core. Signal sent, signal came back, being interpreted I received it and finally true clarity came. No more weird shapes here and there. Everything looked like it was meant to but one thing still was left to do. All of it was still chaotic for me.

` I need to reorder it and for that I should follow protocols. ` Again online I looked up at the individual code lines used in the interface needed for USB to work. Like that, looking for the codes that I received, I looked for commonalities. As I was only receiving some code lines right now and had no need to respond.

With everything one needed to know online one only needed to find the right things and know what to do with it.

As I gained knowledge I grouped the needed words as they were meant to be and lines of code came into existence for me. Once they came I sent that to the core again. Another order sent and I received exactly what I sent to the core. ` Now that it knows how to group some things all I need to do is grow its database and correct it every time it's needed. Once I have done it enough it will learn on its own from then on.`

Done with that I stretched my body for a bit. ` Should I take a break or continue? ` Pondering on it I looked around the house with my Sphere and noticed all three members were sleeping. ` Well, almost. Looks like Salim is still processing what happened. Let's leave it at that and go grab a bite and continue. `

Goal in hand I made my trip to their kitchen. There I made myself a sandwich of what was available. Done with it I was back at the laptop.

` The basics of the basics are done almost. Time to learn the first programming language, BASICS. `

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