《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 22 - Epilogue - Goodbye


Done with more Love making, we put on our clothes and brother cleaned everything again.

` No matter what the future holds, even if our relationship is found out, it's best if that is delayed for later when my brother is stronger and right now it was kept hidden. `

Done with my clothes I turned to my brother. “ Are they still asleep? ” He nodded. With that we made our way to the living room.

` There we will hold one last meeting with everybody before brother leaves us. `

In the kitchen I went. Once there I made us some coffee. Brother was never that fond of it and neither was I, but right now I needed it. Not sure about brother but probably not.

At the table with jugs in hand, I asked brother for something. “ Brother, not long ago you said something about a goodbye gift. Did you get it or have you made it? ”

He only nodded when I asked and placed his hand on his chest. Once there, I noticed a second necklace there. The first one was a golden ball the size of a ping pong ball. It was his Bike that he made a few days ago. He called it Midnight.

The second one was also the same size, but this one was more black and gray. He pulled at it and the thin black chain holding it on his neck vanished and he only held the ball in his hand and put it on the table in front of me.

I glanced at it for a second. “ Brother, did you make a bike too? ” He only smirked but shook his head. “ No, little sister. A bike does not suit you at all, and you would not be able to use it anyway. No, this is something else. ” He stopped for a second there. “ Well, during that little walk around our home, I had been pondering on what to give you. No matter what I thought of, it just didn't sit right with me. Not until I saw a black cat grooming itself nearby. It then hit me, I knew what to make. ”

“ A cat? ” I looked at the little ball. “ Could it be you made something like that squirrel. ”

“ Yes, that little ball there will be a cat once you name it and I connect you to it. Using everything I learned from making the bike I made it for you to be your guardian. ”

“ Guardian? ” Why would I need that. I tilted my head in confusion. “ Sigh, Amila. In the future you will grow beautiful truly and many men will go after you. Not all of them will be ok if you reject them. Until you learn to bend them to your needs like little pets, this cat will be there for your protection. ” When I heard the reason I could only smile at him.

“ Ok, how does it work? ” Knowing he's looking after me like this, really made me happy.

“ Well, I made it so that once it is attuned to your Life Essence, only you will be able to use it. Pick it up. ” So I did. It didn't really feel like anything. “ Good, now since you still have not been able to consciously use Life Essence, I will be the one to make the connection. ”


With that he cupped my hands around the little ball and did something. Immediately I felt it connect. It was a similar feeling I got when I used the Link between brother and me but much, much weaker. I could barely feel it there.

“ You feel it right? ” I nodded. “ Good, it works. I wasn't totally sure it would work as intended as it was my first creation in this form. When I made it, I used our Link as the connection method. How good can you feel it? ”

“ Barely. It's almost like the first time I sensed our Link. ” Brother only nodded. “ Ok, try focusing on it and WILL it to take form. ” With that, focusing I did. Some more focusing and I got it. The connection grew and I WILLed it to take form. Immediately the little ball started changing. It grew and grew until it was the size of an adult domestic cat. Its fur was black with stripes of gray, similar to those of tigers I had seen on TV.

I was quite fascinated with it for a bit, but that was it. It just stood there and did nothing more.

“ Umm, brother it's just standing there and looking at me. Isn't it supposed to be more alive? ” It didn't really feel like the squirrel he had made last time.

“ Cough, a little side effect I had not foreseen. Umm, ok try this. Remember how emotions are sent through the Link. ” I confirmed it with a nod. “ This time imagine the same for the link with that cat and try to not send emotion but your WILL and leave a small part of it inside it. The best way I can describe it will be you wanting to take possession of the cat, as if you want to make it move. Go ahead it will take you some tries I hope. ”

I focused again on sending my WILL, but as brother said before, it's hard to define what WILL was and even harder to do something with it. Many tries later when nothing happened, brother snapped me back to reality. “ Looks like it will be harder then I imagined. Either way it will be a good exercise for you until you do it right. ”

Saying everything he wanted to say he went back to drinking the coffee and I focused on it again.

Some time passed and I heard our parents shuffle out of their room. When they saw us up they must have been a bit shocked as they did not expect us at all to be here, but when I looked a bit closer they only looked at brother and ignored the cat on the table.

` Can they not see it? ` I mused at that when father spoke.

“ Why are you guys up and here drinking coffee? ” Brother turned to him. “ The reason is simple. I will be leaving soon. I wanted to spend some more time with Amila and you guys. ”

This time both were truly shocked. “ What? ” but father was the first to ask for more details. “ Tell me everything. Did your plans change or something. I have not seen the bike you wanted to get. ”


“ No, everything is going according to plan. “ Said brother, but then added. “ Well, almost everything but the minor stuff is not important right now. I can do them later. ”

“ Really, Son. Then how came I never saw anything of those preparations you did. Traveling is hard, and without adequate preparations it's a fool's errand. ” Again father asked but brother just shook his hand as if it was unimportant. “ Don't worry, it's all done. ”

“ Mir, are you sure about this. You never said for how long you will be away. ” This time mother spoke with concern. “ Yes and I never said anything concrete as even I have no idea how long I will be gone. ”

With that another conversation started and I tuned out of it and I was mostly ignored. A few times I deflected some conversations. Most of my attention was on the cat still at the table.

` Hmm, let's leave this for later. ` Trying my best I sent an order for it to become a small ball again. Took a few tries but it was done. ` Ah, holding it like this is suspicious, can I make it into a necklace like brother did. `

Doing my best to not look suspicious to my parents I placed my hand on my neck along with the ball in it. Once it touched my neck I imagined it becoming a necklace. Took a few tries again but soon I had a new necklace. When I pulled my attention back on everything it looked like they were still engaged in discussions.

` Looks, they are arguing over letting him leave just like that. But brother being vague over everything didn't ease it up. Lets stop this. `

“ Brother, when will you leave? ” The moment I said that they focused on me and then back on brother again. “ Since you have mentioned it let's just leave it at that. Come with me and you'll see the reason why I was so vague about anything. ”

With that brother stood up and went outside. I followed immediately but our parents took a few seconds to react. By the time they came out brother had already picked up his shoes and was about to wear them. Done with them, he walked on to the road in front of our home.

Once all of us were there he spoke to us. In the middle of it he looked at me and gave me one of his smirks but it was gone half a second later. “ Mom, Dad, there are a lot of things I have not told you about myself and I won't bother about it now. Once I am gone you can just ask Amila. She knows the general story so I will leave that to her. Watch this. ”

His right hand went for his neck and the little golden ball there. Immediately I noticed their shocked faces as they just now noticed the ball was there at all. Once the golden little ball was in his hand, the string holding it there vanished and he threw it to the ground about one meter ahead of him. Once it was about waist high above the ground it started to emit black smoke, or something like it anyway.

There it slowly traced the outline of his bike that looked a lot like those chopper bikes on TV one can see. Soon it grew in clarity and a motor bike appeared.

No sound came for a minute of two. Both our parents were shocked to see something like this.

` I was too when it happened but at least I was told something about beforehand. Ha, brother must be doing this on purpose to shock them. `

“ Brother, did you do this on purpose? Leaving all the troublesome talks to me so you could run away? ”

“ Haha, oh, little sister you do know me best. ” Not really explaining anything, he just sat on the bike he named Midnight and turned the ignition on. Immediately sound came from it.

Brmm, Brmm, Brmm

Brother turned towards me and winked at me. “ Bye, bye ” Immediately another louder sound came from the bike and he was off. All that was heard was a lough that was left behind.

I ran after him for a bit and cried out loud for everybody to hear. “ Damn you, brother. ” Only to hear sound from behind. “ Amila? ”

Turning around I saw Mum smiling at me, but chills came to me when I looked at her.

Dad only started not saying anything. “ Yes? ”

“He left just like that? Right, I raised him all this time and he did not even bother for a goodbye kiss for his mother. ” Mother only smiled when she looked at me.

` Why am I shivering when I see her like that. This never happened before. `

“ Honey let's go inside and you prepare for work. We can have all the details when you come back. I will be taking the day off. ” Father only nodded and we went back inside the house.

Soon father was gone but mother and I were in the living room. She only stared at me, but I felt as if it was winter and I was naked outside.

Finally she opened her mouth to speak. “ When your brother said to ask you about everything I caught a smirk on his face when he looked at you for that split second it was on his face, so spit it out !!! ”

“ What? ” Finally she spoke and I shivered not quite knowing what she wanted to know. She must have noticed my confusion as she raised her voice.

“ Don't give me that WHAT? face. I know that smirk. I may not have seen it in a long time but I know he does that when he thinks he can get away with something. So spit it out. What happened between you both? ” Immediately I froze. Seeing my shocked face she narrowed her eyelids a bit and a hand came down on the table.


“ NOW ”



Driving down the road to infinite freedom to explore the World. It drove my lips upwards into a smile and soon a lough followed.

“ Hahahahahaha “ But from deep inside me came a cold feeling and it gave me the SHIVERS.

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