《BASKETBALL DREAM:After watching a basketball anime I started playing basketball》Chapter 7: Shooter


The game is in the crucial phase. It’s 7:7 but Hans has the advantage right now. He’s on offensive and he’s figured out how to defeat me. Because I’m weaker then him, he has a big advantage. To be honest, I’m in big trouble right now.

But now the game really starts! That Hans is physically superior to me is something I knew even before the game so I prepared myself!

We checked up again and Hans immediately tried to come back to the low post. I made it as hard as possible for him to get into a good position but in the end he made it anyway. When it mattered the most, I remembered my training with Jones.

[[ “ It’s unfair if you go into the low post Jones Sensei! There’s nothing I can do about it!” I moaned desperately.

“ Do you want to say the same to your opponents when they do it? Stop crying and think about what you can do about it," Jones said sternly.

“At least give me a few tips. "

“Well, listen carefully. . . . " ]]

First, I have to lower my body and put my legs in position. My butt deep and my torso turned to Hans. Then I have to put my arm sideways to his hip and generate my strength from my legs. Catch the force of his power with my chest.

Hans tried to push me away again but I held full force against it.


What happened? Why is he so strong all of a sudden?' ]

From Hans' angry facial expression, I realized that the method Jones taught me showed its effect. Still, I wasn’t safe.

Hans kept pushing me further and further away. It’s not as clear as it was before, but I was still weaker then him! Even though I used all my strength, Hans was still stronger.

He came back in scoring position and went up to the finish. I held my arms up and tried desperately to prevent his shot. Nevertheless, he managed to score.

’Fuck! Now it’s 8:7. '

“I can’t lose I can’t lose I can’t”. . . . . . Hans muttered to himself.

When does he want to stop this shit?! I can’t lose either! If I lose, I can’t join the basketball club and all the training with Jones would have been for nothing! When it comes to determination, I’m not losing to him.



Although it is risky I have to try IT. I only have one try, and if it doesn’t work, I don’t stand a chance of winning. But I don’t have a choice. It has to work!

Hans was on the attack and I defended him closely because a three could decide the game. Hans didn’t seem to want to shoot a three. He dribbled and wanted to go back to the low post. Most likely, he wants to finish the game safely.

Arriving in the low post he started to push me away again. This time he used even more power than before and I wondered how that was even possible. But I didn’t give in. I’m also using whatever strength I can muster up to stop him. It was a tough battle, and we both gave it our all. Just at the moment Hans was trying to put in even more strength, I tried IT.

Pull the chair!

What would happen if you suddenly withdrew the resistance that someone is putting all their strength against? The person would hit nothing with all his strength.

And that’s why I went back!

Hans, who now tried to push the air away with his full force, stumbled and lost the ball. But before I could get the ball, it rolled out of bounds.

’It worked!' I thought happily.

The crowd didn’t seem to have fully understood what was happening and just looked confused.

’What just happened?' was written in their faces.

“Excellent! I really didn’t think a beginner would use this technique," the captain admired aloud and broke the silence, “He must have a good coach. "

“These little tricks will only delay your defeat!” Hans stated, who now got up again and was ready to check up.

“Shut it! Now it’s my turn!”

We checked up and I didn’t dribble yet. I had to be careful because this is most likely my last chance.

I have to win the game with my next offenses!

If Hans comes back into offense, I won’t be able to stop him. I can only use ’Pull the chair' once because Hans will surely be more careful now and I can’t stop him otherwise. So I have to decide it now!

I was looking for a gap in his defense but. . . there was none! Hans defense was too good. Maybe it was because every mistake of me could cost the game but I didn't dared to make a move.


Concentrate more! I need to concentrate more. Remember all the 1v1s against Jones! Remember every move that worked! Remember every movement! Remember!!


This level of concentration... Incredible! He didn’t even start a move yet but you can see how he calculates every possible outcome in his head. What will he do?? ]]

I started dribbling.

I dribbled with my right hand and looked briefly to the left. But instead of going left, I went right. This short glance was only there to draw Hans' attention to the left.

But it didn’t work. Hans was still in front of me and I couldn’t get past. But I immediately made a crossover and hit him over left.

But that wasn’t enough to defeat him either. But I didn’t have to because I made a crossover again and crossed him hard.

I had enough space to shoot and didn’t hesitate but...I saw Hans from the corner of my eye!!!

In the last second before I held the ball, I dribbled and didn’t shoot. Hans was already in the air and I took this chance and made a layup.

’How close! If I had shot it it would have been blocked 100 percent.'

“Oh my god what a fake!!“ the crowd shouted excitedly.


That wasn’t just a fake. The kid was really about to shoot. But he changed his mind at the last second, which is why Hans fell for it. The best fakes are probably fakes that should not have been fakes at the first place. ]]

“This game is crazy! The score is 8:8 who is gonna win??"

We checked up again and I took a deep breath. It’s 8:8 and I’m on the attack. I can decide the game now! One three and I win.

But that’s easier said than done. Hans certainly expects me to shoot a three so it’s going to be hard. I could also make a fake and then drive but as Hans is right now he would probably block a layup.


He defended me tightly to prevent a shot. Still, I acted like I wanted to shoot. The fake was not as good as the one before but nevertheless Hans reacted to it. This was most likely due to the fact that a three can decide the game.

I took advantage of his little reaction and dribbled in. Hans was next to me and tried to cut me off. But that was just right for me. I made a move I’ve seen many times before, be it from NBA players or Jones. It was a difficult move that I often tried but never really could do. But I have to try it now. Now is the time to surpass my limits!


After my dribble in I made a step back and was now back behind the three point line. I created enough space to shoot. I focused on my balance and jumped into the air. Hans tried his best to contest the shot but it didn’t matter. Even though my training was focused on my ball handling shooting was still my strength. I’m gonna make this shot because...


Everything seemed slow. The shot felt good and it also had a good arc. The ball got closer and closer to the rim and almost fell in but...

It rolled out!!

I missed the shot ?!

Without hesitation Hans ran to the rebound and grabbed the ball. I realized too late what was going on and ran after him. He dribbled out to the three point line and took the shot. I tried desperately to contest the shot but didn’t make it in time.

’Please don’t!'

Everything seemed like in slow motion as we watched the ball in the air. And the only thing I can think about is ’Please don’t go in!'.

It was like torture every millisecond felt like years of wondering...

’Is it going in or not???'

The ball hit the basket and it...

Didn’t go in!

This is what I thought at first because the ball hit the rim and bounced out. But..

It bounced back in!

Hans hit the shot.








“YEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!“ he just shouted.

“Wooooooaaaaahhhh let’s goooo!!!!!” the crowd responded cheering.

“The game is over! Hans wins 10 to 8," the captain stated.

Huh what?

I lost?

Oh so it’s over...

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