《Wolf King: Love That Transcends Worlds》Volume 2 Chapter 9 Recovery


After Glaze and Sin had fought so hard for so long. Seraphim brought Glaze back to their hideout. Seraphim treated all of the wounds on Glaze that she could. Glaze was in a daze, as his eyes watched the night sky lifelessly. "I lost to him again, even with our oath he wouldn't kill me."

Seraphim yelled in anger. "Why must you die you idiot! Do you not want to see our daughter be born!?"

Glaze stared out into the vast sky, looking for answers. "I'm sorry I could never be the man you thought of me as. Sin is right compared to his fists, mine are light. Sin has always been protecting his family and loved ones, where as I have only ever been fighting for myself."

A loving smile spread upon Seraphims face. She brought Glazes hand to her stomach. "Fight to protect our precious daughter."

Glaze looked Seraphim in the eyes. "How can I protect our daughter? Humans are doomed, and the demons look at us as if we are food."

Seraphims eyes were unwavering. "Tear them out from the inside, the demon lord has high hope for you. Use it against him, dealing a fatal blow to demons in Desolate Kingdom."


Sin had spent 5 full days in the medical machine before being taken out. His body had been greedily absorbing the substance. Numerous Wolf and Phoenix scales formed.

This had Greatly shocked the Vermilion Bird Clan, the longest period one would normally spend inside to recover was 4-6 hours tops.

After Sin was brought out, Reiya bandage wrapped his body, applying a medicinal paste to the bandages. Sin was then moved to Reiyas home, the men who were ordered to bring Sin there struggled. But with Reiyas rebuttal, none dared to slack a second longer.

Reiya was full of expectation, although Sin was unconscious. Following their traditions, Sin was her husband in name. While he couldn't be given any solid foods, or many liquids for that matter.

Reiya would mix sugar into a cup of water, taking a mouthful she would feed it to Sin mouth to mouth. Stopping his body from becoming dehydrated, and also giving the body some 'life' to speed up the recovery process.

Besides that, despite knowing everything she would say fell on deaf ears. Reiya would tell many stories she knew, hoping her voice would guide Sins consciousness to reawaken.

Five days passed like this, and then Reiya said a word that resonated with Sin. "Husband." Sins finger twitched in accordance. Reiya thought she was seeing things, until she saw Sins finger twitch again upon her saying "husband."

Later that night, Sins eyes opened up. The moment he had awoken, he felt alive, but his body was screaming out in indignation. There were notifications waiting for him to read, however, he was in a unfamiliar environment. Sins memory was hazy, all he could remember was fighting the Blood Dragon Mercenary Team and commander Glaze. Everything that happened after the fight was blank.

Sin tried getting up from the bed, his wounds reopened bloodying his bandages. Biting through the pain, Sins body spasmed falling off the bed, creating a loud thud and Sin whimpering like a dog, knocking the air out of himself. "Who the fuck made the bed so low to the floor!" [Imagine the teletubbies on helium saying this.]

Sin heard the door open up, followed by an enchanting voice. "Well husband aren't you just full of piss and vinegar!"

Sin smiled "Hell yeah I am! How was your training my wi-" Sin looked up to see Merala, but was given a shock seeing a completely different women. "Who the bloody fucking hell are you!?" Sin shouted aloud.


Reiya smiled mischievously. "Someone who has taken care of you. That's who the bloody fucking hell I am."

"But you just called me husband?" Sin had a questioning tone.

Playful laughter was heard. "Of course I did. You are my husband following the tradition." Reiya said without hesitation in her voice.

"Here we go with this shit again." Sin muttered to himself while rolling his eyes. [Picture this as if Sin were Karen from Mean Girls.]

Reiya stared daggers into Sins eyes, what do you mean by "Here we go with this shit again?"

Sin being the smart man as he was saved his own ass. "Nothing at all."

Then Sin heard a mature voice of a ruler. "Reiya you may escort yourself out of here. The Wolf King and I have some matters to discuss."

Reiya was going to further argue. That was until she heard what Ariya had to say next.

"I popped you out of my body 20 years ago, don't make me put you back up there."

Reiya took exception to that and escorted herself out. Seeing as the greatest cause for headache since waking up has left, Sin sighed out in relief. Sin sat down with his back against the bed holding himself up. He stared Ariya up and down, looking for any hints of ill intention.

Ariya strode forward, placing a hand out in front of Sins reach. "There's no need for such a deep analysis, I do not mean you any harm."

Sin grabbed Ariya's hand, proving her words true to Sin, there was no hostile intent behind her actions. Sin finally let his guard down. "I will take it you're an ally?"

"No need for such conversations right now, follow me out into the dining hall. I'm sure you must be starving, it has been over 10 days since you've been receiving intensive care."

Sins eyes shot out of his eyes like in the cartoons. "10 days?" Sin checked the timer for the descent of the Rage Gods forces.

[25 days remaining. Warrior take heed, you're barely acceptable to face this oncoming enemy force.]

Sin stopped in place. "I thank you for the treatment you have provided me, I do not have time to sit and twiddle my thumbs. I will take my leave now."

Just as Sin was about to leave, an enormous pressure fell down onto him. Crushing his body frame into the ground, leaving a human silhouette indentation in the ground.

"There is no need to rush is there? Your bodily condition has only healed a quarter of your remaining injuries and problems. A dumb ass like you would be nothing but a sitting duck. Now do you want to walk to the dining hall yourself, or will I have to drag you by the neck like an abandoned dog?"

The image of Ariya became truly frightening in Sins eyes. "No ma'am I will behave myself." Sin said like a child being scolded by his parents with a slap on the wrist.

A cheerful smile appeared on Ariya's face again. "Good. Now let's go, I am starving!"

Sin followed in suit, with his head down to the ground kicking pebbles along the way. "Scary ass women." Sin muttered underneath his breath.

"Pardon, I didn't quite hear that correct. Care to run that by me once more?"

Sin zipped his mouth while whistling a tune to himself. He found a particular tile that was especially shiny and fascinating to stare at.


Seeing this Ariya shook her head all the while thinking to herself. "He is exactly like how Sirius was back in the day."

After arriving at the dining hall, Sin and Ariya sat down across from each other. Various servants began bringing in various platters of food. Sin drooled smelling the many enticing aromas, noticing his less than deserving appearance. Sin gulped controlling himself. His stomach on the other hand had other plans. It let out this loud grumble, sounding like a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Seeing as Ariya didn't begin filling her plate with food, Sin didn't dare act out of line no matter how hungry he was. This was another form of discipline drilled into his personality.

Ariya motioned her hand, giving Sin permission to go ahead. Sin politely declined. "After you ma'am. I cannot allow myself to begin before yourself."

Ariya was stunned, but didn't fret over it. After filling her plate, Sin began filling his. Both had eaten well over enough to fill 15 grown men. Ariya patted her stomach in satisfaction. "Now that we have eaten, it should be time to get onto the serious matters no?"

"How is the Wolf God Clan connected to the Phoenix Heart Clan, and the Vermilion Bird Clan?" Sin questioned first.

"All three of our clans are connected, I am sure since you've already had a 'unison' with the young phoenix matriarch. You have formed a wolf, and phoenix scale diagram correct?"

Sin nodded his head.

"Good that makes it easy. The ancestor of my clan, and the Phoenix Heart Clan had fallen in love with the ancestor of the Wolf God Clan. The Wolf God Clan ancestor loved both women dearly, their blood, mana, and qi combined creating a unique God tier body refinement method. Since you have only formed a 'union' with one of the two, your method has only reached Saint rank. You also haven't awoken the true power of that Sacred Flame of the body refinement method either."

"I feel our 3 clans can still be considered allies, I do not see our relationship being strained or broken. However, that is up to the younger generation to decide the future of our clans. Considering there are 2 alpha's who may one day end up fighting over you, best of luck young Wolf King. I do not know how the ancestor did it back in the day, but I can assure you it won't be so easy this time around."

Sin sighed to himself "Aye..... I don't even want to begin imagining it."

Ariya's eyes rose. "You don't seem so excited at 2 young matriarchs throwing themselves at you?"

"Not at all, my heart has already decided who my wife is. There is no room for anymore distractions in my heart. I've been through enough of that hell hole called depression." Sin said rather apologetically to Ariya.

"I see that you're a man of great heart. I will not delve into matters that are your own. However, I must ask of you. If my daughter is to ever go to the Wolf God Clan, or if I am ever to die one day. Can you protect her?"

Sin was thinking to himself. "What the fuck is up with all these mothers throwing their god damn daughters at me?"

This was not the answer that came out of his mouth thankfully. "I cannot make any promises outside of the Wolf God Clan, or my own presence. I hope that answer is suitable enough?"

Ariyas eye brows rised while looking Sin in the eyes.

Sins palms got sweaty, and his right cheek was already stinging. Feeling the imaginary slap mark that may, or may not become a reality.

"That is good enough, with your word I can feel at ease." Ariya went back to smiling happily.

Sin lets out a great long sigh of release, while wiping off the cold sweat that formed on his forehead.

Ariya playfully asked. "Why does it seem like you just survived a life and death situation?"

Sin answered honestly. "A smart man will have a distinct fear of when a women's eyes rise, especially so when making direct eye contact."

Ariya let out an understanding laughter. "A smart man you are, you're the exact same as Sirius. If those events never happened in the past, I truly would fall for you young Wolf King. Your young, handsome, caring for your women, and abnormally strong. What women wouldn't desire such a man as yourself?"

"I'm honoured to hear that Matriarch, I'm sorry to ask out of the blue. I feel a bloodline connection to Reiya through my body refinement method. Is she Sirius's daughter by any chance?"

Ariya was in a daze hearing this question. Seeing her emotional turmoil, Sin quickly apologized for tearing open any scars.

Ariya made her decision and answered Sins question.

"When Sirius was in his early 20's me and him had met. We were attracted to each other through emotions, and not our bloodlines calling. Sirius took my treasure, and gave me something every women yearns for sometime in their life. Being a mother."

"Reiya was born with an innate Divine Body, something that has never existed within Desolate Kingdom before. Maybe outside of our borders into the central continent. Or even from another higher world, or galaxy for that matter."

"It took Reiya well over 70 years to be born. Her Divine Body had to absorb crazy amounts of natural Mana, and richer sources of various higher energies. I never told Sirius I was pregnant with his child. He fell in love with Kirala, and our past events would never let us share what we once had, I wasn't willing to put the man I loved through the wringer. And so I gave birth to my daughter, with no one else knowing her origins besides me."

Sin wanted to say something, but he found there was nothing he could say to ease that amount of pain.

Ariya was appreciative, and handed over a vial something shocking to Sin.

"Inside this vial contains the essence of the Wolf King, Phoenix Matriarch, and Vermilion Matriarch ancestors. This will evolve your Sacred Flame, and bring your refinement method up to the God rank. This will bring many benefits, first being completely healing your bodies condition to 100% And the second your heart disease, everything else it will provide is raw power."

Sin wanted to deny the gift before he could though, Ariya cut him off raising her hand.

"There's no need, think of it as me trying to invest in my daughters future. You gave your word to protect her, this should help a great deal with it. There's no more to be said, you have 20 days remaining before destiny arrives. Make the most of it while you can."

Ariya raised from her seat, and flashed out of existence leaving Sin with multitudes of unanswered questions.

Sin returned to his chamber, opening up the vial, he took a whiff of the aroma the pills were emitting.

"Time to nut up or shut up." Sin thought to himself before popping pills. The moment the pills entered his mouth, they dissolved immediately. A Vermilion Bird diagram appeared beside the Wolf and Phoenix diagrams. Sins [Phoenix Queen] flame began rotating and growing stronger, while his cells and organs were like wind chimes excitedly singing in the wind.

Numerous Wolf, Phoenix, and Vermilion Bird scales started appearing. Over an unknown period of time, a murky liquid was being pushed out of his body. While his bones, cells, and organs were constantly being fed pure Yin and Yang energies. The old scales that had formed, were being deconstructed and reconstructed. Becoming even stronger than before.

Sins body refinement method evolved to the God grade. And his [Phoenix Queen] Sacred Flame became thrice as strong, compared to Midnight Glory when equipped with the Midnight Reaper Mask.

During the evolution, Sin was shocked to find a 4th diagram of a blood dragon. However, when he delved deeper into it. A notification had appeared in front of him. "You have yet to gain acceptance from the Dragon Diagram."

After 7 days the fast improvements slowed down, Sin managed to earn 150 scales of each of the 3 diagrams. While it was much less that would have been formed as a Saint grade method. The quality was far superior, his body and very being on a cellular level spoke the truth about it.

Sin opened his eyes feeling like a brand new man. He had finally recovered to 100% Most important of all, his heart disease was also cured.

The first thing he saw was Reiyas charming, and rather enticing smile. As any man would be happy being welcomed by such a beautiful women. It was not Merala, his wife who made him awaken from the pit he dug his heart so deep into.

Seeing Sins less than excited look in his eyes, Reiya snorted before walking away. But she didn't forget to sway her hips.

Time to delve into some notifications Sin thought to himself.

[Your Divine Dragons Tyrant Wolf King Flame Body Refinement Method had upgraded from Saint rank, to the God Rank. However, there is still room for improvement. The conditions you must unlock on your own. +25 points to all stats, +3,000 Health, +3,000 Mana +10 Physique, +10 Comprehension.]

[All previous injuries and disease have been completely healed. Your blood and genetics have undergone a deep evolution from within.

[You have been given the chance to prove yourself to the Dragon God, granting you the reward of the Dragon Diagram, and 5 drops of the Dragon God's blood . Be warned warrior, anything less than satisfactory in the Dragon God's eyes will have severe complications!!!]

[18 days remaining until foreign forces descend, your are now passable?]

[Phoenix Queen Sacred Flame has risen multiple ranks. Ice and fire Mana skills, and element techniques now deal 50% more damage]

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