《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Part Nine. Descent and Envoi. Chapter Sixty Seven.


The Palace was alive with people coming and going. The Dark Lord had returned on 20th Augar from Ti Lepus and the next day had ordered that He would, within a forty-five day period open the Hall of Hearing and receive petitions from the public.

This had come as a severe shock to Head Steward Ardent Nespot, who had turned white when he was informed by the Dark Lord.

“Sire, the hall has to be made ready, its decorations refinished. It has not been used for several centuries since the last hearing. Only standard cleaning and maintenance work has been performed. Sire, you remember how that one turned out?’

“I do, but I will hold the hearing in forty five days. That is the 30th Merecri, and you will have the Hall ready then.” He paused, then softly said. “Understand?”

“As you command, sire.” The Head Steward sighed, bowed and turned to leave. Then stopped and turned around. “Sire, do I have your permission to advise the First Councillor and the Marshal?”

“You may, and release the news at once, widest distribution.” With a bow, the Steward departed. At his office, Nespot called for Remi of Doscue, Senior Administrator and Administrative Assistant Nita De Posse.

Quickly, he informed them both of the Dark Lord’s decision. They were surprised and dismayed by the amount of work that would be necessary, along with the logistical requirements.

Remi, with her Legion background made the first suggestion. “Let’s grab the Head Carpenter, Head Painter and Head Grounds man and check out the Hall of Hearing.”

“Good idea.” Nespot replied. “Get hold of them, now. Nita, get hold of both the First Councillor’s office and the Marshal’s office and give them the Dark Lord’s decision. Also draw up a release for me to sign and get hold of the News outlets. This has to have the widest distribution. There will be previous copies in the archives. Get hold of the archivist.” Nita nodded, already on her comm to Colonel Horris.

That worthy sat up at his desk when he got the call. Immediately he went to the Marshal’s office.


Nikki Du Massi, Marshal of the Legion, nodded when she heard the news. “I expected this,” she said to her staff when she gathered them to inform them, much to their surprise. “I could tell that something was on His mind when He returned from Ti Lepus. I do not expect that we will be involved to any great degree, but review what has happened at previous hearings. We may need to supply some logistic and personal support to local authorities and the Palace. Admiral Scripus, you are operations and General Grovert, you are Legion personnel. Please have a joint appreciation with recommendations for me by midday tomorrow.”

“Yes ma’am.” Came with a pained look from both.



The First Councillor, Lonna Kittitk, was equally unsurprised. “Get a notice ready for me to distribute, immediately. We don’t have to wait for the Steward’s office. We can issue an advisory notice through the Consul’s office and the Ambassador’s secretariat.”

Her staff scattered, some to look up the form that such announcements took from their files, others to research what had happened at previous hearings. They had to search their archives to do so and were horrified at what they found there.


While the two main government organs were working on their particular problems, the Palace was working on their own. Ardent Nespot, along with Nita and Remi and the three senior members of the Palace building staff, carried out their inspection. Entering the Hall, which ran along the east side of the Palace, they walked down to the far end. It was a long walk. The hall was wide, tall and long. At the far end, there was another set of doors outside of which was a rather bare area surrounded by a low wall. No matter how busy the Palace grounds were, no one went there.

“We have forty-four days to get ready.” The Steward reminded the group.

“And we will need every one of them,” the Head Carpenter groused. He was responsible for the structure of the building.

“I agree,” said the Head Painter, who was responsible for buildings decorations and general appearance, as well as everything not strictly structural.

“Not so bad,” said the Head Grounds man. He was responsible for what was outside the building. The rest of the group gave him looks ranging from disgust to the Head Stewart’s amusement.

“You will have to do more than you think you will. Look.” The Head Steward pointed to the far end of the hall.

The far doors now stood open and a man was walking towards them. A very strangely dressed man. Behind him were two more men, both carrying long spears, one of whom made all of them goggle.

The man in front wore a helmet with side plates and a scarlet crest on top. A red cloak hung from his shoulders. Covering his chest was a gold embossed armoured breast plate of intricate design that also covered his shoulders. His brawny arms were uncovered, but he wore a kittle or apron of red silk. Underneath were short leather pants. On his lower limbs, he wore protective gold embossed metal guards. At his right side, swung a short sword. All in all, he presented a formidable picture of a fighting man of eons gone past.

His two companions wore similar clothing, but of simpler design. One was of similar height and of the same stock. It was the third man that drew the observer’s gaze. This man towered over the other two, but it was the darkness of his skin that drew the attention. This man was black. A type that was beyond rare in the Empire.


Coming to a stop as they approached the group, the leader slapped his chest and held out his hand in the form of a salute. “I am Mangus Lictus Garius, Legate of the First Cohort. I am informed by our Master that one of you is the Head Steward and thus the senior officer and responsible for the Palace.” The voice was deep, strong with a strange but not unpleasant accent.

“I am the Head Steward.” Ardent Nespot stepped forward. “If my study is correct, you are the leader of those that do the Master’s will.”

“I have that honour,” the Legate reply came in his strangely attractive accent. A powerfully built man, he was so broad that he appeared stocky.

“How may we be of assistance to you?” Ardent enquired.

“Our Master supplies our food and wine, which you are unable to do in a manner that is pleasing to our stomachs. Our needs, as regards sleeping and personal care are likewise taken care of. However, you must keep others away from us. My men are versed in warfare and lack the gentle touch that you are used to.” He gave a grim smile. The group regarded the two men with the Legate askew. Ardent Nespot made a mental note to speak to both the Black Guard and Palace security. Also the Legion, if more security became necessary.

“There are other supplies that we will, in time, need. We have a list and samples.” He turned and the group noticed that there were three more men entering the Hall.

“Tribune prodire seriem!” The Legate called. Turning back to the group Garius noted the incomprehension shown. “I just asked the Tribune to bring forward the list and the samples. The Tribune is one of the officers in the Cohort.” He explained. The three men stepped over, the man addressed as Tribune was dressed similar to the Legate, while the other two, who carried bundles with the samples, wore simple tunics.

The tribune, a younger and slimmer version of the Legate, pulled a roll of paper from a pouch which he passed over, after giving the same earlier salute to the Legate.

Mangus Lictus Garius looked at the list then gave a twisted smile. “The list is in our language, but I am the only one who can speak your language.” He raised an eyebrow. “How do you suppose we deal with this difficulty?”

Ardent Nespot was annoyed but did not show it. He felt that this stranger, who obviously had the favor of the Dark Lord, had made similar requests in the past. He signalled Nita forward.

“This is my assistant, she has the favor of our Master. If you read the list of materials to her she will record them and we will then review them and supply whatever you need.” Another motion brought the Head Grounds man forward. “This man is responsible for all matters outside of the Palace building. If you pass him the samples of what you need, he will obtain additional supplies for you.” The Head Steward smiled in return. “Will that be satisfactory?”

“Very.” The Legate nodded as he also smiled, it seemed that the test had been passed. He looked Nita over as she activated her comm unit and Nespot could see that he found her attractive but Mangus had noted the implied warning that she had the favor of the Dark Lord, so kept his thoughts to himself and his face carefully blank.

Mangus read the list off then spoke to the Tribune. The Tribune motioned over the two men who had accompanied him over and spoke to them. At his command, they opened the bundles and revealed the contents.

The translation and inspection of the samples was quickly done. Most of the contents of the parcels were a mystery to the Steward and the others of the inspection group, but with the extensive resources available to the Palace they were able to assure the Legate that the items would be obtained.

Giving proper partings, after getting assurances that the Steward and the Head Grounds man could inspect the camp to make proper arrangements for security and health, the two groups separated.

The six members of the Palace staff walked back in silence. Leaving the hall, the three department heads began to talk. All three wondered what the items requested would be used for. There was a lot of heavy timber they noted and thick leather. Why would they want that? They were especially curious about those long thick spikes, what purpose did they serve?

Both Remi and Nita were silent, as was Ardent. All three had wondered about the long delay between this and the last hearing, held several hundred years before. Unlike the other three, they had looked up the last hearing. What little they had read, horrified and frightened them. Many people had died, some slowly.

After a fraction, the Head Steward stopped and faced the group. “We all know our Master. You three perhaps not so well. However, unless you wish to tempt his wrath, you will keep your tongues silent. Unless I miss my guess, he is in a very strange and dangerous mood. We know what those solders are going to do.” He paused then spoke slowly and clearly, “They will do whatever they are commanded to do. And it won’t be nice. Look it up in the histories if you want more information.” He stopped and walked back towards his office, followed by Nita and Remi. A fraction later, the three department heads followed.

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