《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Sixty Six.


As Cami’s broadcast finished, a sigh seem to pass through the fleet. No one had slept, all had stayed awake, captivated by the unique circumstances of the event.

Onboard his flagship, the armoured planetoid Golden Sun, Admiral De Johnston, overall commander of the task force, slumped back in his chair then turned and eyed his staff. They stared back at him, not one was willing to speak the obvious question on their minds: What do we do next?

Amused, the Admiral considered asking them what they felt their next move should be but refrained, after all he was the Admiral. “Communications, get me Captain Thompson on the Maiden Constance.” He ordered.

“Yes, sir, stand by.” A pause. “You are connected, sir.”

“Captain Thompson?”

“Sir, you have orders?” The Captain replied.

“Not yet, please canvas our Master for His intentions, I am standing by to talk to Him if He deems it necessary.” De Johnston responded.

There was silence for a fraction. “I will approach Him if he is here sir, He disappeared before the broadcast began.” Captain Thompson drew a breath. “Please stand by, sir.”

“Will do, Captain. Communications, keep this link open.”

De Johnston turned to his staff. “I see no need to keep the locals here. Order them to get ready to return to their duties in this galaxy, but to wait for my order to depart.”


In the silent office, the Dark Lord quietly regarded Trem de Marcus and the men who had joined him. In approving the attack on the Dressler’s, Leves had made a critical mistake. While appearing to agree and support Leves, almost all the ministers and high officers had actually turned to Trem de Marcus. Always brutally honest with themselves, they knew that having ordered one set of murders, Leves would not be beyond ordering others. They also knew that the only way to stop Leves was to band against him.

“I think that you know what it is that you must do.” He said. “The planet cannot go on like this and you here present must be the authors of change. If you cannot usher in the necessary changes, then I will take action. This I do not want to do. You are warned.”

“What about the girl?” One asked. “She will need protection.” Looking around they realised that Cami had left with the red haired Lady.

“Cami knows that she will not be able to return and why. If she stays she will become the focus of attention and a flash point to be attacked. By leaving she will become an icon to be rallied around.” The Dark Lord replied calmly. “Some family members and certain friends have also been taken under my protection.” The ministers and officers stared at this. Marcus, somewhat used to the Dark Lord by now, held his smile inside. Unknown to the others, the Dark Lord had been working with Trem de Marcus for many years in an attempt to bring peaceful changes to Ti Lepus.

“I will give you time, such changes cannot be performed overnight. The Dark Lord continued. “Let us say a thousand years. Yes, it is now the 20th Augar 414, I shall return then.” He smiled. The smile turned dangerous. “But I will be watching even if you don’t see me.” The soft words sent a chill through all the listeners. “Do not worry about visitors from other planets, I will make certain that people believe that I destroyed you. Do not force me turn that belief into reality.” His gaze swept the room, then with a nod to de Marcus, the Dark Lord turned and walked out the door.


“Let’s get to work gentlemen.” Trem de Marcus sat back behind his desk. The men in the room nodded. The policemen left to arrest Leves, holding the arrest warrant issued by the Scrutineers. The militia ordered to assist in restoring order, a task that would keep them busy for a long time and others to start the process of change.

Checking his comm, Marcus saw with no surprise that Jean ne Pator was trying to comm him. “Yes Madam Pator.” He said, taking the call.


On the Maiden Constance, Captain Thompson rose to her feet. “Present location of our guest Ladies?”

“In the area of the Ambassador’s suites, sir.” The first officer replied.

“Thank you. First Officer, you have the bridge.”

“Yes, sir.”

The suites she needed were reasonably close, so Captain Thompson arrived faster than she really wanted. Coming to the suite that was the most likely location of the Dark Lord, she took a breath and reached for the annunciator but the door slid open before she could touch it. Shaken, she quickly recovered having been warned by General Dennus, and spoke to the Lady she recognised as Dana.

“My Lady, if he is present, may I speak with our Master?”

For a fraction, Lady Dana stood unsmiling then moved aside waving the captain in. Advancing into the room, she moved to stand before the seat now occupied by the Dark Lord with Captain Thompson following. The Captain saluted as His head slowly raised.

“Captain Thompson, I distinctly remember designating General Major Dennus as my contact with the Legion.”

The tone was mild, but Captain Thompson heard the undercurrent of rebuke. Standing stiffly before her sovereign, she met His graze squarely and replied. “You did, sire, but I am Captain of this vessel.”

A slight smile flickered on the sovereign’s lips and disappeared.

“You have a request for me from Admiral De Johnston?”

“I do, sire. He requests orders.”


“And nothing, sire. He simply needs to know what your intentions are as regards the task force.”

“I see.” There was silence for a fraction. “I will consider this. Send General Dennus to me and advise the good Admiral that orders will be forthcoming soon.”

“Yes, sire.” Again Captain Thompson saluted, turned on her heel and departed. Once outside, she removed her cap and ran her hand through her hair, taking a deep breath at the same time.

At the General’s office, she passed the message on, giving a précis of her discussion with both Admiral De Johnston and the Dark Lord. Dennus’s only comment was to the effect that it was better her then him. With a smile, he affirmed that he was not upset and, yes, this was the Captain’s ship.

On the bridge, Captain Thompson contacted Admiral De Johnston.

“Our Master is considering His options. General Dennus is now with Him and I expect that we will be getting orders soon sir.”

“Thank you Captain Thompson, we appreciate your effort. Out.” The holo disappeared.

Turning to her officers, Captain Thompson issued orders getting the ship ready for departure. Not sure where they would be going, she instructed the Navigator to prepare three possible routes. First to the Rim Station providing the most direct route to Tihab. Next to the Administrative Planet of Marker’s Star galaxy and finally one in the opposite direction, in case the Dark Lord wanted an excursion. The planning was to prove redundant.

The Maiden Constance was in excellent condition so was quickly made ready for flight with the crew stood down from defensive stations. Therefore unoccupied crew members had plenty of time to talk. As with all such events, some of the crew in their bull sessions began the usual exaggerations and embellishments, none of which were corrected.


Barely a half period after Captain Thompson’s visit, the Dark Lord along with the Ladies, General Dennus and his staff, stepped onto the bridge.

“Attention.” The Ships Master brought the bridge crew to their feet.

“Back to your tasks.” The Dark Lord quietly commanded.

“Sire.” Captain Thompson was standing at her command post.

“I have instructions for the task force, Captain.” To all appearances the Dark Lord appeared to be quite composed. Captain Thompson kept her thoughts to herself and waited for the instructions to be given. “Kindly contact both Admiral De Johnston and Vice Admiral Hojo. There are separate orders to be given to each of them.”

“At once, sire.” A nod was given to her third officer who hurried to complete the order. The connections were quickly made.

“Sire, you have orders for us?” Admiral De Johnston spoke first being the senior officer.

“I do. First, Admiral Hojo, you will escort us to Tihab. Please make ready to do so. We will depart on your ready signal.” The Admiral gave a bow and saluted. “Do not leave us just yet, Admiral, I wish for you to hear the rest of my instructions.”

“As you wish, sire.” The Admiral was not concerned, this was a commonplace measure to keep all commanders in the loop.

“Admiral De Johnston, I wish you to prepare your task force to advance to the Rim Transfer station in preparation for transit to the Triangulum group. But before you make the transit, I wish to discuss this and other matters with Marshal of the Legion Sharon Du Massi. So you will need to await further orders there.” He paused and smiled. “The Marshall will have her own ideas.”

The Triangulum group had been recently colonised in the Empire’s last expansion phase several hundred years ago. While most of the galaxies in the group had been sparsely populated, there were several small but growing political groups of various kinds. Most had happily agreed to being absorbed into the Empire seeing the advantages, however, some had resisted. Taking the long view, the empire did not use force but waited for developments. However a couple had tried to use force and had received retaliation in kind. None had fought to the death, although this had been threatened. Internal dissension, encouraged by the Empire’s agents, had been sufficient to bring down governments that opposed joining the Empire.

Promises of full citizenship in the empire, along with freedoms such as of travel, association and other benefits including election of their own representatives had been sufficient in most cases. When more alien races whose whole being were largely incompatible with the dominant hominoid character of the empire were encountered, the Empire proceeded even more carefully. Often they were brought into association with the Empire. Usually there were only a few points in which there were conflicts as, in most cases planets in which each were interested were very different, so the two tended to tolerate each other quite well.

However, piracy was rampant in the Triangulum group and posed a significant problem. So Admiral De Johnston knew that if he went there, he would be very busy.

“By your command, sire. However, I have one point that I would like to raise.” The Admiral paused.

“Please continue, Admiral.”

“Admiral Hojo’s command. It is a potent, well balanced, and well-disciplined force. Could this be returned to me? It would be of great assistance in dealing with the pirate problem should we be forwarded as you suggest.” Admiral Hojo looked pleased at the implied commendation.

The Dark Lord smiled. “An excellent point, I will raise it with the Marshal, but as force distribution is her responsibility, the final word must lie with her.”

“Thank you, my Lord.” At a nod from the Dark Lord, the connection was cut.


“Captain, I will be with the General for a while, please advise when we reach Tihab,” He turned to General Dennus. “Your office, General.”

The group left the bridge. As they did, the First officer turned to the Captain. “We are ready to jump and have received instructions from the Admiral’s ship to proceed on his mark.”


“Rim Transfer Station sir, the one we came in on.” He paused. “What did He mean sir, that remark about Tihab?”

The Captain gave her First officer the sort of look a senior officer gives a usually competent junior officer who had just made a foolish remark. “We’ll see,” was all she said.

“Jump sequence engaged.” When a number of craft were jumping to the same point, they had to go in proper order. No one wanted to arrive in the same space as another craft. That would be loud, messy and final. “Closing view shields.” The Navigator was now controlling the ship.

“Countdown commencing, automatic jump coming up … now!” The ship board announcement was for those who had a reaction to hyper jumps. The battleship gathered itself and jumped.

“Time for transit?” the Captain asked.

“Eleven point six two standard period’s sir.” The Navigator replied.

Captain Thompson keyed her desk comm to ship wide mode. “To all hands. We are now in hyper. Estimated transit time eleven point six periods. There will be an officer mandated ship-wide inspection in two standard periods. That is all.” As she closed her comm, a small smile played on her lips, such inspections were never popular. An officer mandated inspection meant that each officer inspected a different part of the ship and not one for which they were normally responsible. To keep all officers on their toes, officers had to inspect a different area of the ship each time such an inspection was ordered. This meant that the officers had to study the next area they were going to inspect as the different sections were rotated each time.

No part was exempt, so Captain Thompson took the precaution of speaking to both General Dennus and the Dark Lord.

Finding both, along with the three Ladies and the general’s staff, in Dennus’s office she explained what was to happen. General Dennus agreed immediately. The Dark Lord smiled, raised an eyebrow and slipped a glance at the three Ladies. They all were wearing a cat’s smile that caused Captain Thompsons heart to sink. Out of the corner of her eye, she noted that a smile was playing on Dennus’s lips as well.

“We will be cooperative, Captain. We understand that such inspections are necessary for the efficient running of the ship.” The Dark Lord threw another look at the Ladies.

“Thank you, sire.” Captain Thompson withdrew, thinking that it was possible for the Dark Lord to exercise control over the Ladies. At least she hoped He did.


Transit time passed normally. The inspection went off well, much to the Captain’s relief. The inspection of the quarters occupied by the Dark Lord and the Ladies was also carried out without any difficulties or games played by the Ladies.

“Coming up on hyper shutdown sir.” The First officer informed the Captain

“Acknowledged.” To Captain Thompson’s mild surprise, neither the Dark Lord nor the Ladies were present.

“Shutdown, sir. Coming out now.” The shields covering the main windows were raised and the Navigator bent over his console. “Rest of Task force also arriving.”

“Position?” There was a pause.

“Sir, we are at Tihab.” The astonishment was clear in the Navigator’s voice. “Along with the whole escort force.”

The Captain sat back in her chair. “It seems that our sovereign did not want to delay his return.”

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