《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Sixty Four.


Although she was in wonder at the size and superlative finish of the bathroom that was all hers, Cami didn’t tarry. This was a new day and she wanted to make the most of it! Arriving at Lori s room, she got a surprise. Ladies Sydney and Taryn were there ahead of her.

“We will not be meeting with you this morning, Cami. You must continue on your own for now.” Lady Taryn said after Cami sat beside Lori on the couch.

“But what if I need you?” Cami asked, her eyes round and suddenly full of tears.

“If you do, we will know” Lady Sydney assured the young woman. “Don’t worry about it.” Lady Sydney gave one of her big, mesmerizing smiles. “We’ll see that you get down to the stewards’ office and signed in. They will also tell you where to go to eat, you are not always going to get breakfast delivered to you!”

Slightly over powered by Lady Sydney’s charm, Cami just nodded, then turned to Lori. “What should we do today then?” She asked.

Lori suggested a walk in the garden. “It will give you a chance to stretch your legs and get some fresh air.”

“Oh yes,” Cami said, “I’ll like that.” A sound at the door caught their attention. Turning they saw that Heidi was waiting there.

“I was instructed to be here at this time.” She announced as she bowed.

“And you are right on time.” Sydney smiled. The Lady then told Heidi to take both Lori and Cami to the stewards’ office so that they could be properly signed into the palace. Camis sensitive antenna got the impression that, of the two Ladies, Lady Sydney was somehow the senior, if only slightly. Having heard a few stories about the Ladies she wanted to know more but was unsure how to ask. She also wondered how Heidi knew or was instructed to be there at that time.

It took shorter than feared but longer than hoped for to have the complicated process of getting the two visitors inducted into the palace security system. To Camis relief, she did not need to be presented to The Dark Lord. Having met him just the once that she remembered, she wasn’t in any hurry to meet him again!


“The garden, Cami?” Lori asked.

“Yes, lets!” Cami gave an open smile. Nurse Janist was pleased, it seemed that Cami was beginning to get over her trauma although the nurse realised that there would be relapses.

Touring the garden was magical for both Lori and Cami, however they could only see a small part as the estate was so large. Also, they had to be back for lunch. Met at the entrance to the restricted quarters by both Heidi and Jo, they were guided to the room where the members of the palace ate.


“Everyone eats here?” Cami asked, her eyes wide in surprise. She recognised the Head Steward and his assistant, Nita De Posse. Many others were there, some Cami recognised by their uniform; cleaners, carpenters, cooks as well as other office staff, security guards along with others whose uniforms were unfamiliar.

“Yes.” Jo smiled as she showed Cami where the plates and cutlery were stacked. She next walked with Cami down the table that seemed to be groaning under the weight of the repast set on it.

Watching, Lori glanced at Heidi. “I don’t know who had the idea of asking the pair of you to assist with Cami, but it seems to have done wonders.” She said. “Thank you.”

“No need to thank us Madam, we’re are just performing our duties as instructed.” The Usher replied as she guided the nurse to the table, and they collected their meal.

“If she says anything that you think I should know….” Lori left the rest of the sentence unsaid while wondering exactly what Heidi’s statement meant.

“Sorry Madam, anything said to us remains between us.”

At the firm answer, Lori stared at the usher.

“It’s the tradition of the palace. Absolute discretion.” Heidi gave the nurse a look and a shrug as she took a swig from the tumbler she was balancing.

“Even from the Ladies?” She got a nod in reply.

“What about …?” Went with raised eyebrows and a nod of the head towards the corridor.

Heidi got the message, grimaced and shrugged. “I am told that He admires courage,” she replied then shrugged, “Anyway, He seems to have His own sources.” The two nodded and drifted apart.


The nurse carefully watched Cami as she ate and when Cami seemed tired, suggested that she return to her room to rest.

This continued for a few days, Cami usually talked to Lady Taryn as needed. One day a tall and striking Lady with long dark hair held in place by a silver circlet appeared and introduced herself. Both Cami and Lori were awed, they had heard of Lady Luca and knew that she was amongst those who were said to be closest to the Dark Lord. Also she was renowned as a warrior but while Cami wondered where her sword was, she didn’t quite dare ask.

Cami and Lady Luca talked for a long time. Lori never learnt what they said to each other.


Over the course of several days, Cami came out of her shell, began to explore the palace, its grounds and started to interact with the younger staff members. Cami and Lori never learnt that the Dark Lord had spoken to the junior staff and suggested that there would be no problem to do so, but that work would have to still be completed!

It was during lunch a few days after Cami arrived that the anticipated crisis emerged.

It was lunchtime and the usual meal was being taken. Cami was talking to some of the junior staff while eating while Lori was also talking to some of the older staff including Heidi.

About to make another comment, a change in Camis attitude caught Loris attention. Where she had been smiling and talking with other young ladies and men, she was now urgently asking questions and looking unhappy at the replies. Abruptly leaving the group she had been in, a stunned look on her face, she placed her plate with other soiled plates and pivoted towards the door.

“I’ll take your plate.” Heidi said to Lori and nodded to the door that Cami was even now leaving through.

With a word of thanks Lori left, chasing Cami down the corridor. Catching up with her at the steps leading up to the second and third floors, she asked what was bothering the young woman.

Shaking her head, Cami continued without saying anything. Finally reaching the third floor, she slowed, pacing back and forwards.

“The staff, they were talking about a task force, a big one.” She stopped. “It was going to my planet. They said that there could be fighting if the Ladies He sent to speak to the Chief Councillor failed.” She started to cry and ran to her room.

Startled, Lori followed a fraction later. While she had heard about the task force, she had not considered the effect of its mission on Cami. As she walked, she shook her head with anger at herself.

“Cami,” she said as she entered the room, “it may not mean anything.”

“You don’t do something like that without it meaning something.” Cami replied. “I asked what was in the task force and they told me. One that big could destroy the planet.”

“You don’t know that Cami. Not for sure.”

“The Head Usher said there was a comm unit I could use in my room.” She pointed to it, “One night because I wanted to know more, I looked up the empire. Well, one of the links I followed led me to the empire’s forces. Just one of the big armoured ships could blow up Ti Lepus,” Cami glared at Nurse Janist, “and he sent four! As well as other big ships.” Suddenly she sat up. “Ma and Da,” She whispered.

Slowly Cami looked around the room. Getting up, she wandered around, touching some of the furniture and stopping to look out a window at the garden. Lori watched, the process of a decision in the making was obvious. Coming back to the couch Cami stood and gave one final look around. Squaring her shoulders and lifting her chin, Cami looked straight at the woman who had been designated as her guardian and spoke clearly and firmly.

“I want to see Him!”

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