《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Sixty Three.


Nurse Lori Janist, who to her surprise had been called from her position as an emergency nurse in Tihab Center Regional Hospital to the palace and given the task of nursing Cami, guided her charge to bed in one of the palaces richly decorated rooms on the third floor.


Both the bedroom and main living room were finished in a similar fashion. The walls were wood lined with a native red hued wood from about one third of the way up to the ceiling. From where the wood stopped the walls were plaster, painted a bone white, the rest of the way up, which was covered by a rich green carpet. Where the plaster and wood joined was a chair rail, painted a bright white. The ceiling was a bright blue, with white patches resembling clouds and the floors, a native dark mahogany. The well-appointed bathroom was painted a bright white with light yellow cabinets. In the bedroom, which had a large bed, the ceiling was painted a light blue while the walls were the same as the living room. The floor of the bedroom was finished with a light red carpet, while the bathroom floor was laid with gold veined light pink marble tiles and the walls all plaster except for marble tiles around the shower, the sinks and a large free standing bathtub. The bathroom had been outfitted with all items necessary for use.

All the guest rooms had furniture to suit. The bedroom had two closets and a lounge chair while the living room had a sofa, a recliner and two lounge chairs and various side and low tables. The walls of both rooms were decorated by paintings showing scenes from what Cami later decided were strange worlds.


Once in bed, Cami stayed there just resting, digesting all the turmoil she had been through, Unable to sleep, Cami laid in bed, picking at lunch and dinner delivered by polite young ushers. The nurse stayed with her until later that evening when Cami told her to go to bed. Disagreeing, she felt that the young girl should not be left alone at this time Lori insisted on staying. Provoked into stubbornness, Cami climbed out of the bed and stalked into the living room, continuing to argue. The discussion was building when there was a chime from the door. Frowning, Lori turned and looked at the ancient wooden door, caught in indecision.

Without a word, Cami went to the door and opened it. Lady Sydney entered followed by another Lady, a slim, blue eyed, lithe woman of medium height with straight black hair cut short and pale, white skin. She was wearing a short black dress that emphasized beautifully the paleness of her skin while around her neck hung a string of round lustrous objects that made a striking contrast against the dress and Cami later learnt were called pearls; She had no idea what a pearl was. Black high heeled shoes completed the Lady’s outfit. Both Lori and Cami were silenced by the appearance of the two Ladies.

“I am Taryn.” The Lady’s voice had a soft and pleasing lilt to it. “You must be Nurse Janist,” she said and then turned to Cami who had reverted to the teaching of her childhood and was standing with her hands behind her back, eyes lowered, “and you must be Cami,” she smiled.

“Yes Lady.” Cami replied in her soft voice.

“Do you want to sleep, Cami?” The Lady said with a lilt in her voice.

Slowly, Cami shook her head sending a swift glance at her nurse at the same time.


“Lets us talk then.” Lady Taryn beckoned Cami to follow her over to the well cushioned couch. Sitting with casual elegance, she waited as Cami decided what she was going to do.


Lady Sydney in the meantime had taken Lori aside and spoke with her. “Taryn will talk with Cami, but you must also be exhausted after today, I’ll show you your room where you can rest.”

Stilling the nurses’ incipient protest, Nurse Janist was efficiently escorted from the room. It was a few steps to her room and the slender yet rounded red head entered with the nurse.

“Do not worry about Cami, she is in safe hands and will only be encouraged to talk by Taryn. Nothing more.” Lady Sydney assured the nurse. Looking closely at Lori, she continued. “But you also have had a trying day and should rest.” Giving one of her charismatic smiles, which left Lori somewhat dazed, Lady Sydney left.

Gazing around the room, Lori saw that it was almost identical to Camis room. Examining the paintings, she felt that she could identify some, but others were a complete mystery. Looking at the bed, she suddenly felt tired. Dropping her clothes on the lounge chair as she changed, she pulled back the covers, climbed into bed and fell asleep.


Confused, Cami was no less immune to the charm of the Ladies than any other person, she wondered what to do. After a moment, Taryn said, “Why don’t you sit down Cami.”

Slowly Cami moved to one of the lounge chairs and sat down. For a fraction Lady Taryn watched the young woman as she sat stiffly upright. “Just relax,” Lady Taryn spoke soothingly, “all we will do is talk.”

“What will we talk about?”

“Just tell me what you remember about your home world. I have never been to Ti Lepus and I would like to hear about it.”


Lady Taryn gave a soft laugh. “A good question, but really, what else do you want to talk about?”

Cami shrugged, but slowly she was settling back into the chair, relaxing. The pale woman fascinated her. She had never seen anyone who looked quite like her or, with her lilting accent, sounded quite like her. Even the red-haired Lady Sydney was more familiar then Lady Taryn. Cami could also sense the magnetic personality that all the Ladies of the Circle were renowned for, even when deliberately subdued. She could not help but be drawn to the Lady and trust her.

“My world has strange rules, like we have to wait for the oldest or a parent to sit down at the table before we could.” Cami thought that saying this wouldn’t be too bad. “We also called the meal in the evening, ‘Evening Tide’ as well as similar names for breakfast and lunch, I don’t know why.” Cami stole a glance at Lady Taryn from her chair.

“That’s interesting,” Lady Taryn said when Cami had sat in silence for a fraction. “Tell me more.”

“Like what?’

“How about how you dress. I would like to hear from someone who knows.”


“I hear that it is a bit unusual,” Lady Taryn continued to fascinate Cami, “do you know why?”

“No.” Cami whispered, eyes wide, she was now curled in the chair.

“Why not?”

“I don’t know.” After a fraction, she continued. “We aren’t allowed to ask.”

“You are allowed to ask here.” Lady Taryn assured Cami.

Cami just looked down. After a fraction she raised her head and began to talk, describing the event when a student asked the wrong question and was dealt with harshly. The family discussion when she told them about the incident much later followed. Gathering her courage she revealed her thoughts on her world, the questions that she had asked herself and had never dared to reveal to anyone else. Finally she looked at Lady Taryn.


“Is that why those people wanted to hurt us?” Cami asked with a touch of fear in her voice.

Lady Taryn sighed. “I’m sorry but I can’t tell you why Cami. Eight are dead and gone so cannot answer. The one that survived along with the one who stabbed you are both beyond my reach, so I do not have a real answer for you.”

“Not with all your powers?” Cami was almost shaking; her eyes were wide and her voice was a whisper. “Even Him?”

“The ‘He’ that you refer to won’t interfere with planetary affairs unless absolutely necessary.” The explanation clearly did not satisfy Cami who frowned. Seeing this Lady Taryn continued. “Do you want to see your planet torn apart in violent war? You already know the effects of violence. That is what will happen if we of the Circle and the Master were to openly force change on your planet.”

The Lady stood. “Now it is late, and we have spoken over long.” With a smile she waved at the bedroom. “You should sleep.”

“Oh, I have so much to think about.” Cami protested. “I couldn’t!”

Ignoring her protests, Lady Taryn led the teenager into the bedroom. “Bed clothes are in the drawers there.” She pointed to a dresser with several drawers. “Other clothes are in other drawers or hanging up in the closets.” She explained. “There are several different styles, so you can make a choice of what you want to wear. It’s up to you and what you want to do.” With another smile the Lady turned and left, closing the main door behind her after turning out the lights with a wave of her hand. At that display of power Cami stared.

After a fraction, Cami looked around the bedroom. Turning out the bedroom lights and going to a window, she pulled back the curtain and looked out at the myriad of flickering lights in what was the imperial garden, back lit by the canyon city beyond. A few people were still wandering around so she watched them for a fraction and observed as a pair of security guards walked up and talked to them. The interaction between the two groups confused her as after a brief talk the two guards left in one direction while the people who were spoken to also left, apparently content, in a different direction. The difference between this world and the one she had left behind was clearly marked.

Stepping back from the window and allowing the curtain to drop, she turned on a bedside light, surprising herself with a yawn. Going to the dresser, she started pulling out what she believed to be the drawer with bedclothes. She was wrong, it contained light tops. Checking through each drawer and stifling more yawns, she finally found the right one, wondering at the selection as she had at each drawer she had opened.

Selecting bed clothes that she felt would be comfortable, she stifled another yawn and changed. Climbing back into her bed she marvelled at its size and softness. Laying back she closed her eyes and thought, I will rest for just a fraction, as she rolled over onto her side and started to softly snore.


A soft chime startled her awake. It repeated. Scrambling out of the luxurious bed, she ran to one of the closets where as she remembered, a housecoat was hanging. Throwing it on, she scampered to the apartment door. Arriving, she hesitated, “Who’s there?” She called.

“It is the Head Usher, Miss Nep,” A solemn voice announced, “may we enter?”

After a further slight hesitation, Cami opened the door, realising as she did so, that it wasn’t locked. In fact, there was no lock at all, something she had missed the previous day. Startled, she exclaimed, “Why is there no lock?”

The tall, rather severe looking man dressed in a strange uniform answered as if it was a question of the gravest import even as he held open the door for two young looking, female ushers, one holding a covered tray, the other a folding table.

“None of the doors have locks, except the doors which allow access to the outside, Miss Nep.” He imparted the information in the manner of a judge passing sentence. “Our Master secures the building day and night, whether he is here or not.” A brief smile suddenly softened the severe face. “You may sleep soundly knowing that you are safe. He will allow no harm to befall his honoured guest.” The Head Usher bowed then turned to the two juniors.

Taken aback by the information she had just received; she was an honoured guest? Cami timidly followed the Head Usher back into the main room where the two juniors had set up a table and placed her breakfast on it. The pair, Cami suddenly realised that they were both young women, possibly a few years older than her, both bowed to her. She was so taken aback she automatically returned the bow.

“These two juniors will attend on you today and perhaps for the duration of your stay, depending on its length.” The Head Usher informed Cami in his ponderous manner. He pointed to a side table. “There is a comm unit there that will help you find your way around.”

“I see, thank you.” Cami replied, uncertain of what to say and not understanding the full import of what she was being told.

“Our Masters instructions.” The Head Usher bowed and, with stately thread, left.

Cami watched him leave still astonished at the whole performance, then turned to the pair left with her. One smoothly pulled the chair out and gestured at Cami to sit. Slowly she complied and the second junior moved the portable table in front of her and removed the cover. Cami stared at the meal. There were two different types of meat, an egg dish and a fried vegetable that she recognised as taters. Rounding out the setting was a bowl of hot cereal and a small carafe of a juice with a cup beside it. Eating utensils were set to one side.

Cami stared at the meal, uncertain where to begin. See her hesitation, the usher who had uncovered the plate, spoke to reassure her. “Don’t be afraid Miss Nep, cook makes sure that nothing she puts before her guests will upset them.”

“Oh,” Cami replied, “I just wasn’t sure where to start.” Picking up a spoon, Cami started on the cereal. Suddenly hungry she continued and before she knew it, the tray was empty and the now satisfied girl sat back.

“All finished Miss Nep? I can fetch more if you are still hungry.” One of the ushers had stayed with her while the other had disappeared into the bedroom, but now returned.

Cami looked at the usher, suddenly embarrassed at how ravenously she had eaten and that she didn’t know either of their names.

“I am sorry.” She stammered, moving to stand up. The second usher moved quickly to take away the tray and its contents. “I didn’t mean to eat like that and I never asked you your names.” She was standing as she had been taught, eyes lowered, and hands clasped behind her back.

The two ushers exchanged startled glances. “I am Heidi, Miss,” the one who had stayed with her said. “Miss, I am Jo,” the second offered. Heidi was slightly taller with black hair, rare blue eyes and tanned skin. She was slender, but like Jo neither had any part of the subtle charm of the Ladies. Jo was shorter and compact, with brown eyes and sandy brown hair. Both were wearing the same uniform, a white shirt with black string ties and vests. Black pants and shoes with white socks completed the ensemble. Their heads were uncovered.

“You have no need to apologise to us, Miss.” Heidi said. “We were told that you had been through a great ordeal.” Cami had lifted her eyes in surprise.

“In any case Miss, nothing that you say or do here with be repeated by any of the palace staff, ever.” Jo smiled.

They both smiled, bowed and opened the door. Jo, to Camis consternation carrying her soiled clothes. “My clothes …” She whispered.

Jo caught Camis words and replied solemnly, “Don’t worry, just taking them to clean and repair. They will be returned by this evening.” On their way out they met Lori who had slept in just like Cami.

“Good morning Nurse Janist,” Heidi greeted Lori with a smile and a bow. Jo also gave a bow but remained silent. The pair vanished down the third-floor corridor.

At the door, Lori watched the two ushers as they left, then turned to Cami with a raised eyebrow. “Ready for the day Cami?”

Having recovered her composure, Cami nodded as she said yes.

“Perhaps a wash up and getting dressed might be a good idea.” Lori suggested. “But first, I would like to check where you were stabbed.” This was quickly done and the nurse reassured a subdued Cami that there wasn’t even a mark. “Now don’t stay too long in the shower, I don’t want to have to send in a rescue team in to find you!”

For the first time Lori heard Cami giggle. Must have been a good talk last night, she thought. “Half a period, I will be right next door.” Lori left, shutting the door behind her.

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