《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Sixty One.


Walking back to his suite of offices, Dennus discussed the next step with Flores.

“It would be best if I speak to Chief Minister Leves. We at least have met,” Flores wondered.

“I agree, but I will be there. Also, if we do get a meeting arranged with the Ambassadors, I think that you should go with them.”

“Indeed, yes.”

“Let’s get a call to our friend down there. I believe it is working hours.” Dennus smiled. Tapping on his comm unit, he contacted Captain Thompson to let her know the decision. Speaking to his three staff members and Major Houser, he told all four to be present to record, observe and provide advice as necessary.


Standing in the communications room, the commissioner instructed the rating, in this case a Warrant Officer, to place the call. There was a certain amount of difficulty, anticipated as Leves would not want to seem too eager to speak to the Empire, but soon they had face-to-face contact.

“Chief Minister, congratulations on your promotion and thank you for taking my link. There are important matters I need to discuss with you.” Flores, Dennus and the others noted how stressed and strained the Chief Minister looked. Power did not seem to be sitting well on him at this time.

“Thank you, Commissioner. I am very busy, so what are these important matters, you refer to.”

“I am on board the flag ship that the Empire by command of our Sovereign has sent to this system. Onboard this battleship, He has sent Ambassadors to discuss matters with you face-to-face. I would like to set up a meeting between you and them.”

“And what if I do not wish to meet with them? I really have no interest in such a meeting.” At this statement, the observers stiffened.

Flores, however was quite calm. “That would be unfortunate, Chief Minister, consider what your reaction would be if the positions were reversed. Would you be happy at being so dismissed?”

“Well, I have no interest in talking to you.” He waved his hand.

“I ask you to consider the possibility. If you wanted badly to talk to somebody and were told no flatly, would you be happy?”

“Of course not. But …”

“Then neither would our Sovereign. In fact, I believe that he would be very unhappy. Do you really want that?”

“I see no reason to meet with you,” Leves spoke after a fraction’s silence. “We want nothing to do with you.”

“What would be the harm, Chief Minister? And it could be quite good.”

“Who are these Ambassadors anyway? Cogs in the Empire’s machine?”

Flores smiled and spoke softly. “We are all cogs, Chief Minister? Some bigger; some, like myself, smaller. These ones are big, very big in fact. There are none bigger except the Dark Lord Himself and He has personally selected them. All are Ladies of the Circle, and are His personal advisors.”

Leves was silent for a fraction, then nodded jerkily. “We can meet in two days. I will send a place and time.”

“If I may, we have had time to select a place. You understand that if any harm should come to these Ladies, it would be … unpleasant for you. There is an officer. I would like to present him to you. He has been charged with the protection of the Ambassadors and must approve the location and will make all arrangements for their safety. If I may, I will introduce him.”


There was another pause, then Leves nodded again. At the Commissioner’s signal, Dennus stepped into the projection area. As he did, he wondered if Leves was getting prompts from outside the viewing area.

“Thank you, Chief Minister, I am General Major Dennus of Hosta, I also offer my congratulations.”

“So what is the place that you suggest?”

Even though Dennus was prepared by what he had seen and heard; and by his study of the records, he still found the abruptness and the discourtesy shocking. “From discussions with our representatives and scans of Ti Lepus, there is a fairground in the capital with a building that would be suitable.” He replied, “There are grounds there where we can both land an escort and the Ambassadors themselves. I understand that it is close your offices. I trust that it would be satisfactory sir.”

“This is what your Ambassadors want?”

“Actually no, they wanted to meet with you on the lake called Tia Rippa. I managed to dissuade them from that choice.” From the look on Leves face, that was to the good. He seemed horrified at the suggestion, which surprised Dennus as he knew nothing of the people’s antipathy for the seas or lakes. “Do you wish to consider any other places? While your offices would be a logical place, the security that I would have to deploy would be both obvious and involve a large number of troops. The landing of shuttles would also be disruptive to the city.” He let that just hang there. While he intended to deploy at least two battalions at the fairgrounds and have more on standby; to cover the office building, he intended to deploy at least a division, possibly a corps.

There was silence again. “I will have to consider this. I will contact you again.” With a nod to off screen personnel, the connection was broken.

Dennus went immediately to the spacers monitoring the connection. “Did you pick anything up? Was he getting prompted?”

“Couldn’t tell, sir. If he was, it was not by any means we could intercept and we can tap into anything down there”

Major Houser stepped over and Commissioner Flores also joined in.

“My men on the station were also listening in at my request,” Major Houser informed the group. “They are very experienced at tapping into the systems down there.” He looked at the battleship’s crew. “Nothing intended, of course, they didn’t get anything either.” The spacers just nodded but they still didn’t appear happy at being back checked.

“Can’t be too careful,” Dennus put in then looked at the rest of the group. “Any comments?”

Lieutenant Colonel Gunnly stirred. “To me, he looked as if he was about to face a firing squad. He did not look happy.” Slow nods came from the other two members of Dennus’ small staff.

Flores looked pleased. “Very well put Colonel, I do not disagree.”

“Anything else?” Dennus asked. He got slow shakes combined with no’s.

“I have one. It was too easy, doesn’t anyone think?” Major Dule put in. There were nods of agreement.

“I agree. I expected more resistance.” Flores looked concerned.

Dennus waited for the Commissioner to go on. After a fraction, Flores did continue, “It tells me that there is more involved than we expected. Someone or more than one are involved.”


“What do you suggest?” Dennus asked Flores.

“I fear that there is little we can do. The meeting is suggested and is in as good a place as we could get. To go back and suggest somewhere else would strengthen them and weaken us.’

“I could strengthen the landing party escort?” Dennus looked unhappy at the development. “I was going to put part of a brigade down instead I could put two with a third standing by.”

Flores frowned. “That also would inflame the population and play into Leves hand when he turns up with a few policemen.”

“I agree, but my first responsibility is to protect the Ladies. The Ambassadors come first.”

“Yes general, I understand your responsibilities.” Flores smiled. “And I do not envy you them.” This earned him a rueful look. The rest remained silent while Dule once again reflected on the ‘more dangerous’ remark made by Colonel Horris. There were twists and dangers that could not be anticipated.

“Well Commissioner, let’s go tell the Ladies.” Dennus moved off, then turned around, Commissioner Flores also. “Go to my office,” Dennis addressed his small staff. “You as well, Major Houser. The Commissioner and I will catch up with you here.” The two senior officers left.


The Ladies quarters were in suites near the bridge, but two levels down. They had a spare room in the short corridor that connected their rooms and this was being used as a lounge. It was in the lounge that Dennus and Flores found the Ladies, on querying the two Black Guards stationed at the beginning of the corridor. They had changed from their long dresses and were as usual wearing idiosyncratic clothes.

As usual, Dennus was nervous meeting the Ladies, but the reaction he got gave him a greater surprise then any he had before. Commissioner Flores set out, what they surmised was the political situation. Then Dennus spoke. He laid out all the concerns and fears he had, as well as his proposed actions. Stopping, he waited for the reactions of the Ladies.

They laughed.

Not softly, but loudly, and fully.

Flores and Dennus exchanged glances. This was not the reaction they had expected. The surprise they felt was equalled by a raising indignation. Holding their peace, they waited until the Ladies had regained control of themselves.

When the laugher had passed, Dennus spoke with an undercurrent of anger, “We are glad that you are amused, Ladies.”

Lady Dana rose and gave a look at the other Ladies, some were still showing broad smiles. They composed themselves.

“Please pardon our amusement, General, Commissioner,” Lady Dana spoke with her usual charm. “But also understand, our Master did not send us away into a possibly dangerous place all unprepared to protect ourselves should it be necessary.” There was a pause while she allowed the two men to digest this startling new information. “Do whatever you consider best. We will follow your lead. In fact, an overt display of the Empire’s power might not be altogether a bad thing.”

Returning to her seat, she continued to regard the two men with a somewhat sympathetic gaze. The rest had also composed themselves, but the two men could recognise a knowing look so they felt it best to withdraw with what remained of their dignity. Leaving with a bow, they walked to the door; however, before they could leave, Lady Andrea stopped them.

“Please wait. We wish to meet the representatives of Ti Lepus, whoever they turn out to be, as a body. We have been discussing this and our experience is pointing us in that direction. It will do no more harm and may do good.”

Dennus looked at Flores, deferring to the experienced diplomat. Flores considered the request. “As you say Lady, it may be to the good and I have no objection.” He finished with a bow, and the two men left.


The two walked down the corridor, took stairs and negotiated blast doors in silence. Approaching the suite of offices, most of the staff occupying the consoles inside had come with the battleship, Dennus pulled the Commissioner aside. “I think it best not to say anything about the Ladies being able to protect themselves. Do you agree?”

“Of course.” Flores looked surprised that the question had even arisen.

“Sorry, just a little rattled. I have been with them … Well, never mind. I think I was getting complacent around them. It was a good reminder.”

“I do agree and I will say nothing.”

With a nod, they entered the suite of offices and with expressions of appreciation to the staff working there, walked through to Dennus’s main office.

“There was a discussion with the Ladies, but they will do as we ask.” He kept silent on the Ladies’ reaction. “However, all of them will be attending together. There was a discussion, but that is the agreement.” Listening to the incipient protests forming he continued. “The agreement is made. They have all done this before and the Commissioner agrees.” The protests subsided.

“Now, let us lighten our day with tales of our travels and we will also have some refreshment!” Removing his feet and rising, General Major Dennus pulled a bottle of fermented grain from the cabinet behind his desk. The staff were both surprised and delighted. They also noted that it was in a bottle of a shape they had never seen before and that there was no label on the bottle.

“It was given to me by our Master,” Dennus explained, “He said that I would know when to produce it. We are unlikely to have much time to relax in the future.” He turned to Captain Dule. "Now I can tell you, you have been promoted to Major, effectively immediately, congratulations! Now we drink to Major Dule.” He raised his glass and the rest followed.

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