《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Sixty


The holo conference went well. Admiral De Johnston laid out his plans for the disposition of the forces and agreed that it was necessary for the Maiden Constance to remain in close proximity to Ti Lepus. Vice Admiral Hojo stated that at least two battleships were to be positioned between the command ship and the planet to make targeting of the command ship difficult for any ground based missile systems.

“They don’t have any according to my intelligence.” Dennus objected.

“My intelligence says the same, General, but it has been wrong before,” Was Admiral Hojo’s crisp reply.

Dennus nodded. “In this you have the say, Admiral. I am in your good hands. Indeed, both your good hands.”

“General, what are your intentions for escort to the planet and on the planet?” Admiral De Johnston needed to know what he had to provide.

Dennus was quick to oblige. “It will depend on where the meetings are to take place. There is a fairground in the capital and I will endeavor to arrange to have the meetings there. It has open ground for landing of forces and a building where the meeting can take place. That is my preferred area, but the Chief Minister may have different ideas. Once everything has been agreed, then we will know what to send. I am sending both of you my suggested list of forces required, broken down into various situations and locations. If you have any suggestions, I would be happy to hear them.”

Both Admiral De Johnston and Vice Admiral Hojo were impressed by the suggested array of forces to be deployed. It included close cover by light cruisers and armoured battle shuttles, with forces ranging from a battalion on the ground to a full corps, depending on the actual location of the meetings. Dennus had sat and considered all options with his staff as well as the battleships permanent staff, while in transit.

“You are not taking any chances, General.” Vice Admiral Hojo commented.

“No, none. I have no desire to find out what would happen if any of the Ladies were attacked and injured or killed. None whatsoever.”

The two admirals nodded their agreement. They weren’t eager to find out either.

“Whatever you want, we will back you up even if I have to bring our heavy artillery in close to that place.” Admiral De Johnston gestured at what would have been the planet.

“Thank you, thank both of you,” Dennus was sincere in his thanks. “Commissioner Flores, Captain Dule and Major Hunt Van Houser will be boarding as soon as we get close enough and I will keep you both advised of developments. In my absence, speak to any of my aides, they will be closely involved in all developments.”


With the usual pleasantries, they finished the conference, and the general left to the bridge with his staff in tow.


“The shuttle is arriving sir.” The navigator said on their arrival.

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Dennus acknowledged before turning to the ship’s Captain. “I would like you to join us, please Captain Thompson.” Dennus spoke.

The Captain agreed, “Let’s go meet the shuttle.” Followed, “You have the bridge, Pilot.”

From the observation point, they watched the dance between the shuttle and the battleship. As the final landing procedure was completed, they moved to the bay access door.

“Welcome aboard.” Captain Thompson, greeted the passengers who reciprocated with the usual pleasantries.

“Gentleman, let us retire to the conference room.” Dennus keyed his comm. “The Ambassadors as well?” Commissioner Flores was as calm as ever.

“They will meet with you later. Tonight, over the dinner meal, that was their expressed wish.” Dennus raised a shoulder. “When possible, I go with their wishes.”

“After meeting our Master, I am ready for anything,” Major Houser reflected. Then, with a wry look, continued, “I will probably regret saying that soon!” There was amused agreement all around.

“So the master came here, I wasn’t certain.” Dennus replied, giving the Major a look as they arrived at the conference room. Quickly they all found seats, removing their swords so they could comfortably sit.


Dennus opened the meeting, “Commissioner, Major, please fill us in on the status of the planet?” Major Houser nodded to the Commissioner.

Just as he was about to start, the door slid open and the Ambassadors moved gracefully into the room. To everyone’s astonishment, they were all dressed in almost identical long dresses, the colours of which complimented each individual Lady. The officers who had accompanied them on the voyage, knew that they had not brought any such dresses with them.

Four Black Guardsman accompanied them. Two guards stayed inside while two barracked the door on the outside. All present wondered what the crew members, who would have witnessed the procession, had thought.

“We thought we’d join you,” Lady Dana spoke to the officers who had now found their feet.

“Ladies.” Dennus spoke for the group. “My I introduce …”

“Commissioner Flores and Major Houser,” Lady Andrea interrupted. “Commissioner, I remember when you received your first Ambassadorship and were presented to the Master. That was three hundred and twenty four years ago. You look well.”

There was a fraction of profound silence, then Flores replied with a bow, “I am honoured that you remember, Lady Andrea. Thank you.” The rest stood quietly fascinated.

“Now, shall we continue?” Lady Dana smiled at Commissioner Flores. She had clearly taken charge of the meeting. Everyone, other than Commissioner Flores, sat.


“My Lady.” Flores nodded then spoke. “This is a planet in turmoil. Minister Leja Leves has become the Chief Minister and has been accepted by the majority of the Ministers, the Scrutineers and the Assembly. He also has the backing of the majority of the population and, although many are uninterested in leaving the Empire, most don’t care or see the dangers.

“The majority of the population just don’t like anyone who is not a native of Ti Lepus. They have a visceral reaction to ‘outsiders’ or ‘off-worlders’ as they refer to us. This reaction has been documented thoroughly, although its origins remain obscure. Perhaps it is related to the fact that few even think about leaving the planet. That is unimportant provided that we understand that it exists. Even people I knew well would exhibit it to my face from time to time. It is a deep fracture in the psyche of the people of the planet and it is what drives the movement on the planet, even now. It is what Chief Minister Leves has tapped into. He is using that to gain and keep the power that he has craved for many years.

Turning to the Ambassadors Flores addressed them directly. “Ladies, I wish that I could give better counsel, but I fear the worst for the long-term future of the planet. Unless you can convince Chief Minister Leves that it is in his best interest to retreat from his position, before he makes an irrevocable statement of repudiating the Empire, then I fear that your mission will result in failure. The temper of the people, the hysteria that he has whipped up, may mean that he cannot see his way to make a public retreat, but perhaps a private one will mollify our Master. That is what I hope you can achieve.

“I could talk for longer and give graphic examples to exhaustion, but I would be repeating what I say in short here and now.” Flores smiled. “I never considered myself verbose, except when it is needed.” The smile faded. “Clarity and focus is what we need now.” With a bow, he sat down.

There was silence for a fraction as the Ladies exchanged glances. Dennus, concealing it as best as he could, watched in fascination, as did the rest of the group. After a pause, Lady Dana turned and addressed Major Houser, “Major, your views please?” She gave her captivating smile. “You may speak for as long as you wish.”

“Thank you, Lady Dana,” Major Hunt Van Houser spoke as he came to his feet. He could not completely conceal his reaction to the proximity of the Ladies. All subconsciously thought of them in that manner, rather than as Ambassadors. “There is little that I can add to the situation that the Commissioner has described. However, we have been able to get a reading on some of the actions of Leves.”

“I have made a contact down there. Two actually. The first led to the second. I am not going to reveal who the contact is, but he is well placed. He has told me, in our very brief conversations that Leves is still unsure of his position. He has not been able to make himself complete master of Ti Lepus yet. This may be why there have been no demands for the return of those who left the planet with the girl, Cami, indeed he may not know about that.” All present, including the Ladies Dennus noted, stared at him. He paused then continued. “Also, Sessi Dark gen Wattar told me, before he left that he felt that there was someone else. That deeper, behind the scenes, there was another more powerful figure who was the actual power. This person was waiting for Leves to make a mistake and take over full control.” Houser finished, “I am afraid that is all I can say.” As Van Houser returned to his seat, he and the others noted that the ladies exchanged glances.

“Do you have any idea who this person is, Major?” Lieutenant Colonel Gunnly was first to ask the question that everyone wanted to know the answer to.

“No, and I dared not raise that question with my contact at this stage.”


“In case he took some action that revealed his relationship with us.”

There were nods all around the table.

“So, I am not sure that I have been able to help you, Ladies.” The major sat back in his chair.

With the wide smiles that they were renowned for the Ladies all stood, Dana spoke for them all, “We thank you for your words of wisdom. You have done well in your endeavors on behalf of the Master. It is now up to those on the planet.” We leave you with the task of arranging the meeting.” With a nod they all left.

Glances were exchanged between all the officers and the commissioner. “Let’s talk to Leves now.” General Dennus said with a grim smile.

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