《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Fifty Eight.


Following the traces that Cami had left behind her in the tunnels forming the substructure that provided vital water, plumbing, electrical and communication services and all other ones necessary for the cities functioning, Dark gen Wattar considered his position At least I am not wading through the sewers, the thought amused him. Coming to a locked door, he checked the automatic recorder. Yes, she came this way! He smiled as he checked the position on his map of the location of the door. The smile faded as he confirmed his suspicion of the direction that Cami was heading. Not Nether West! The possibilities tumbled through his mind as he opened the door and went through. No one was with him, he had the distinct feeling that he should do this alone, and felt that there was one compensation, at least I don’t have to caution anyone to be quiet.

A long corridor or tunnel stretched in front of him. As he walked, he wondered about the direction Cami was going. Why would she want to go to the underclass? He thought, maybe it’s the two people travelling with her. Wattar noted that it had taken him hours to come this far and he was already tired.

The tunnel ran straight for a long distance. Smaller tunnels ran off to the left or right but the Gray didn’t stop to check any, he felt certain that he was following the path taken by Cami and her two companions. He knew that he was right when he got to the alcove across from the stairs, it was completely clear of any evidence that people had eaten there. Indeed it was so clean it was obvious that someone had been here recently and had gone to a lot of trouble to remove any evidence of their presence. Too much trouble, a worker would not have been so careful. Dark allowed himself a rare smile, as he turned to the stairs and started on the way up.


Chief Councillor Leja Leves strode out of his office on his way back to his apartment even though it was only the sixteenth period. Not completely satisfied with the day, he had expected more visitors but most had just commed him, but while that was annoying but he didn’t want to push the issue right now. I must bide my time, he thought, let them see my pleasant side, but once I get the people I need into the places I need them, then we’ll see. The thought was enough to relax him for his ride home.



The employee who drove Leves was happy for the quiet ride, he usually experienced impatience at best.


In his office Trem de Marcus was going over the contents of the content of the package that his past mistress had sent to him. With him was the Chief of Police, the Head of the Secret Police as well as Chief Inspector Nic ra Ptocto.

After a fractions silence, Ptocto raised his eyes from his comm and surveyed the others present. “This is very interesting,” he said, “but it will need verification.”

“What do you need?” The Chief of Police asked.

“Just a couple of my men and a man we can trust from Justice, an Accuser that is honest and can verify the facts.”

“I know one,” the Head of the Secret Police put in, “one we have used in the past for sensitive issues. How soon do you need him?”

“Right now, there are only two facts that I need to establish and we’ll have enough to haul Leves before a Master Judge.” The Chief Inspector didn’t smile although Marcus could see that he was almost quivering with excitement. Rarely did a policeman get a chance to net such a large prey.

“Make the arrangements,” Marcus ordered, “I want to see this murderous plot finished and its perpetrators in jail. All of them!”

“It will be my pleasure.” Chief Inspector Ptocto replied as he left, tapping on his comm.


Marcus received the call three periods later. An examination of Li Glwen’s work station showed nothing remotely suspicious except for several flash drives. Not suspicious in themselves, many still used them but questions were raised because of their use in place of the normal crystal chips.

A quick check of the contents showed that two of these were used but had been erased. This again was not unusual but when the documents were restored by a specialist, the contents were revealed to be government information that had been leaked.

“I don’t have the full files yet sir,” the artificial intelligence specialist said, “but I will have in a couple of periods”


“Good, let me know when you do.” Ptocto looked at the patrolman who looked in the office. This officer had searched for a forgotten computer terminal in a sealed office. Part of the information passed to Markus had mentioned this terminal.

“It’s confirmed sir,” the officer said, “the genes match is confirmed, and files restored.”

“And who is the winner?” Ptocto asked softly.

“Li Glwen, sir,” the patrolman didn’t smile, “she has been all over the computer. The AI spec’ says she even used it to send a file!”

“She is dead so can we tie any of this to Chief Councillor, Leja Leves?”

“I think so sir, the Accuser wants to talk to you.”

“Good, where is he?”

“In the secretary’s office.”

A rather short and rotund man was standing and looking at the flash drives on Li Glwen’s desk when the Chief Inspector walked in.


“We have a case to take before a Master Judge.” The Accuser gave a cold smile.

Ptocto did not show the relief he felt, he needed the proof of the connection first. “Explain,” he asked.

“Simple really.” the Accuser replied. “First the specialists found fragments of skin cells of both Li Glwen and Leja Leves on both the flash drives and the terminal.”

“This will hold up in court? Remember we have to go before a master judge and then, if we get approval, The Scrutineers. They will be reluctant to act against a minister unless the case is strong.”

There are twenty one Scrutineers who are elected by vote of the High Status men and men of the Military and Science class. Their first responsibility is to approve or reject all legislation from the various ministers. They can also initiate bills and amend them. As well they review the rulings of the lower courts, either referred to them or any that they decide to review on their own initiative. In that capacity they are the only court that can hear cases brought against sitting ministers.

“What we have will get us a warrant.” The Accuser assured the Chief Inspector. “It’s old, seldom used but still valid for proof.”

“There is something else?” Ptocto prompted the Accuser.

“Indeed, Leves thumbprint.” A raised eyebrow now accompanied the Accusers cold smile. The chief inspector held a surge of emotion inside.

“Good, go with the team and tie it all up tight. I don’t want to give this one the slightest room to wriggle. Once we get him under a lie detector we will have him!” Ptocto turned away and then turned back. “How soon can we get before a Master Judge?”

“It won’t be before tomorrow at the earliest.” The Accuser replied. “As you said, it has to be tight, no doubt at all.”

The Chief Inspector nodded, he understood that putting a case like this together took time, but still he worried, if Leves learned about this, there was no telling what he would do. Ptocto knew that he needed a diversion, but from where? Absently he picked up his comm as it beeped.

“Yes, Ptocto here.” At the reply, his heart leaped.

“Dark gen Wattar here, I have news, some good and some not so good.” He explained. Next was a call from Trem de Marcus, Ptocto had his diversion.


At his home Chief Councillor Leja Leves had received a call, a legion task force had arrived. “What do they want?” he demanded.

“No communication received yet sir.” Did not satisfy him. “Do you want to send an inquiry sir?”

“No, let them call us,” Leves said after a fractions thought. That’ll show them who is important, came the thought.

“Yes sir.” The communication ended.

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