《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Fifty Seven.


The giant spaceship flashed into existence in the outer reaches of the stars system. A command ship by design, it was twice as large as any other battleship built. Its escort, six heavy battleships and twelve light cruisers followed, all in a standard arrival pattern. Scanners came online in all the ships, first passive, and then active. Readings flashed back and were consolidated to a report to the commander of the escort.

“All ships reported in sir.” The communications officer reported.

“Including the Maiden Constance?” Vice Admiral Hojo enquired.

“Yes, sir.” Commander Gallis, Hojo’s senior staff officer, along with everyone else in the task force was aware of who was aboard the large battleship, so the question was simply the Admiral being careful. While all were aware, none talked about it.

Admiral De Johnston’s escort force, was already waiting in the system, the giant planetoids spread out in a protective pattern.

“Sir, message from flagship. Requesting status,” the communications officer reported.

“Send message to flagship, all in order, proceeding in system.” Admiral Hojo ordered.

“Sent, sir.”

“Send a message to Maiden Constance requesting confirmation of intentions.”

“Yes, sir.” No one even raised an eyebrow about the message.


On the bridge of the Maiden Constance, there was tension. Captain Thompson was uncertain of what the future was going to entail, but she knew what the answer to this particular question was.

“Send to escort flag with copy to covering force flag. ‘Proceeding in system to confer with Empire’s representatives.’ Send immediately.” Turning to the First Officer she ordered him to rendezvous with the Empire space station.

At a sound behind her, she turned. Emerging onto the bridge was General Major Dennus, accompanied by his staff. There was no sign of any of the Ambassadors, the Captain noted thankfully.

“General.” As captain of the battleship, she did not rise from her command seat.

“Captain, we are here. Now the hard work begins.” Dennus smiled. “Please send the message to Commissioner Flores and Major Hunt Van Houser advising our arrival as instructed. Let me know when you get a response. Also, send a message to Admiral De Johnston and Vice Admiral Hojo, requesting a conference regarding disposition of the fleet. A holo conference will do.”

“Of course, General.” Captain Thompson turned to the communications officer. “Send messages as instructed.” She turned back to the General. “Is there anything else, sir?”

“No, thank you Captain.” Dennus left the bridge to return to his suite of offices.


While walking down the corridor to the stairs leading down to the next level, Dennus ruminated over the last twenty three days. The hardest had been before they left. It was fortunate that the Ladies had been on their best behaviour during the trip, making it much easier for their guardians. The difficulty had been before they left.

The meeting between the Dark Lord, the First Councillor and the Marshal had clarified matters so far as Dennus was concerned. While Dennus was not present, the Head Steward had been and there had, in his words, been ‘a bit of a scene’.’ As he was not sure what that meant, apart from the meeting with Vice Admiral Hojo, Dennus had kept away from all involved for a day. The next day, Lieutenant Colonel Etic Gunnly and Captain Feli Duaris arrived. Finding them suitable, he presented them both to the Dark Lord, a sobering time for both officers, their Master not being in the best of moods. The introduction to the ambassadors had not gone much better. The Ladies had been upset as well, so had been rather less than cooperative.


The next day, the meeting between Dennus, Nita and the Ambassadors and his new staff had taken place. This went smoothly, the Ladies showing that they were remarkably self-sufficient, stressing that anything they needed, they could easily carry with them, and were adamant that no one should touch any of their possessions. The ships’ supplies were sufficient to take care of any of their other needs. Dennus and Nita hid their surprise as best as they could.

Another delicate problem was solved by the Ladies themselves as they agreed to each share a room. Ladies Andrea and Dana in one, Lisa and Savanna in another, with Jasmine and Lakeisha sharing the third. They had even picked out their rooms. Much to Dennus’s surprise, they showed remarkable knowledge about the Maiden Constance. Indeed, more than they could possibly know or should have known. It underlined to Dennus the need to never underestimate the powers that they hid from view. Later, he underscored this with his staff.

Nita De Posse at least was relieved. Away from the Ladies, she made no attempt to hide her relief. Both Dennus and Horris took it well. The other two officers watched on, somewhat bemused.

After sending a message about the berthing arraignments to Captain Thompson, who also was thankful, he turned to his staff.

“Well what did you think of that?” He enquired of his new staff.

There was a pause. “They seemed very well informed.” Captain Feli Duaris was being careful after his introduction to the palace.

Lieutenant Colonel Etic Gunnly also was still processing her observations and feelings. “The Ladies seemed less, how should I say it, daunting today, than I thought they would be. I wasn’t disappointed, just curious.”

“Never ever underestimate the Ladies. Never!” Dennus spoke with emphasis. “They rarely leave the Palace, at least not openly or with anyone other than our Master knowing it. But they have powers that they seldom show, but are there. They may not be as openly dangerous or powerful as our Master, but do not underestimate them. Ever.”

The two officers sat silent as Dennus drilled the lesson into them. Used to difficult tasks with all that implied, they realised that this was a different order of danger and that they would never be likely to run into anything so unpredictable again.

“You will be on call all the time and you have to be ready. Captain Dule had been my adjutant for not even two periods when our Master walked in that door in a towering rage and disappeared somewhere and did something that I still do not know all the details of. Also, our master has sent Dule to Ti Lepus with orders to brief the staff there. He will also be looking at the overall situation and preparing a brief for me.” Dennus paused for a fraction. “You understand?”

They both nodded.

“Good. Now I want you both to sort out what you are going to need for this trip. Have the palace store what you are not going to take. Assume that we are going to go into a war zone. Remember our primary responsibility is going to be protection of the Ladies. That will come first and guide all my actions.” He paused and gave them both a hard look.

‘Very impressive,’ Horris thought.

Dennus turned to Horris. “Colonel, while I have the time, I want to put on record, and my report to the Marshal will reflect this, my appreciation and thanks for all your hard work in this matter. You have gone above and beyond the call of duty for me and my task. Effectively, you have acted as my Operations Officer, as well as carrying out many other tasks for me. I thank you.”


He stood and the two officers shook hands. Their eyes met and they nodded.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Back to business, Lieutenant Colonel Gunnly, I want you to draw up the details of our departure from the palace and transit to the ship. Including security arrangements. Talk to the Head Steward, find out what, if any, protocol is involved. Captain Duaris, get hold of Vice Admiral Hojo and find out what, if anything, he needs from me at present. Details of what to do when we arrive in system as well. I don’t want to go in blind.” He paused. “Any questions?” They shook their heads. “No, sir.”

“We will leave within four periods,” he nodded, “on your way.” The two officers departed.

“Colonel, I want you to brief the Marshal and bring her up to date. Also, find out if she has any concerns that need to be dealt with or any suggestions.”

“I will, sir. And you?” Colonel Horris asked.

“I am going to see if I can get more information from our Sovereign. There are things I need to know about what He expects of our Ambassadors.” Dennus gave a grim smile. “Wish me luck.” They both left.


The Dark Lord was not in His usual room. Neither were any of the Ladies. This was most unusual and disconcerting. It also meant that Dennus had to go in search of Him. The floor on which Dennus’s office was located could be considered the main floor. The next floor was where the Ladies were quartered. Dennus had never been up there. Searching each room, one by one, was the only option. He did not even consider paging the Dark Lord.

All the rooms on the ground floor were empty. Dennus considered that he had no choice but to proceed to the next floor. Slowly and carefully, he climbed the stairs. At the top, sitting at a window alcove he found, to his relief, The Dark Lord.

“You are courageous or foolish, to hunt me down like this, General.” Came in the Dark Lord’s soft voice, this time with an undercurrent of menace.

“If you wish me to leave, sire, I will,” Dennus replied, determined to at least try.

There was a long pause.

“No, you have questions for me, I see.” He waved at the window. “Come closer, enjoy the view.” He waved Dennus to a chair.

Moving over Dennus looked out into the palaces garden. Although it was a weekday, there were many people moving through the grounds, admiring the many different flowers, plants and trees, some from different planets. The view was spectacular.

“Beautiful, isn’t it? I occasionally come here to watch and refresh myself.” Dennus stared. This musing, almost relaxed figure, was a complete turnaround from what he had expected. “You want to know where the Ladies are.” The statement almost caught him off guard.

“I am curious, but so long as they are here in the next four periods, as I wish to leave as soon as possible that is all what matters.”

The Dark Lord smiled, a satisfied smile, but made no comment. They sat in silence for a space, then the Dark Lord stirred. He pointed to the gardens. “One of the stewards, many years ago, wanted to have a portion of the garden dedicated to plants from every planet in the Empire. I had to point out the impossibility of his dream due to the numbers concerned and the fact that some could never grow here. Also, some would become positively dangerous out of their natural habitat. He was crushed, but accepted the reality in the end.” The Dark Lord wore a reminiscent look. Dennus forbore to ask just how long ago the incident had taken place.

“I often walk at night and early in the morning.” The Dark Lord smiled. “Few are up then and none recognise me anyway. Actually some take me for the gardener. They ask questions about the various plants.” He gave a quiet laugh. “I always answer as best I can.”

Dennus nodded, he realised what the anonymity would mean to someone as legendary as the Dark Lord. He did not speak, not wanting to lose this time, almost magical to him. After a fraction, he was not disappointed.

“I find it helpful to just walk in the garden and watch people sometimes. Even when you have been doing it for as long as I have, there is always more to learn. Even with no people, I find the gardens, especially the forested parts, soothing.”

Dennus waited for more, in any case, he was as a loss as to what to say. After another fraction, the Dark Lord stirred.

“You wish to know what instructions I have given to the Ambassadors, is that not correct General.”

“If I may, my Lord. It would be a guide to me in my duties.”

The Dark Lord laughed. “Apart from telling them to try their best, I have given no detailed instructions, it would not help even if I had.” He smiled, was silent, then spoke again, “You must have noted by now how allergic to being told what to do the Ladies are, correct?” He said giving the General Major a sideways look along with a raised eyebrow.

Dennus gave a rueful look back and nodded. The Dark Lord looked away, seemly content.

“The Ladies have been my Ambassadors before. They know what the situation is, what the stakes are and what I can do. They know …” The last came in a whisper.

“If they are unsuccessful, then what, sire?” Dennus blurted the question out he could stop it.

“Hellfire and Damnation, General. Hellfire.” The Dark Lord rose, walked over and stood at the window. “Terrible things will happen. I will do terrible things. Then even more will happen.”

He turned, looked at a stunned General Major Dennus, who had also risen.

“Was there anything else, General?” The Dark Lord was now stony-faced.

Dennus took the hint. “Nothing, sire.” He bowed and left, he had a departure to organise.

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